Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.

Since when have Republicans ever "pandered" to minorities? The only minority Republicans care about are the 1%.
they do demonstrate it....when are "Americans" like you going to start treating other Americans with the same respect you think you deserve?...i noticed you said jack shit about the bigoted comments made about them.....why is that?....should they respect "Americans" who talk about them like Katz and Shootspeeders do?...

So long as they support racial/ethnic policies, they don't get any respect from me.
Rik as long as you dont treat the ones born and raised here with the same respect as you would other Americans,you know like not throwing them in the same bag as the illegals, i dont think you will get any respect from them i said before....i notice you are avoiding talking about racist comments made about the ones born here.....which is the reason a good deal of them dont and wont support the Right.....and go ahead and tell me that many whites dont support racial and ethnic policies....

The ones who are born and raised here still get affirmative action and all sorts of other benefits that poor white boys and girls don't get. I'm not going to condemn anyone for talking negatively about a people who stand apart from America. If you're an American, then speak out against hyphenated Americans who get special privileges under law and I have no problem with you, but if the person who is born here defends special privileges for themselves that other American don't get, then I'll join in the condemnation.

Why do you think that the political system is slowly sorting along racial lines - whites against minorities? Some whites who were Democrats 10 years ago are now Republicans because they've had enough with the race issues which permeate the Democratic Party - they just want an anti-racist, race-neutral, ideas focused political party and that's not the Democrats, it's the Republicans. I have no problem with Hispanics who are anti-racist and call for the elimination of race-based policies. The Republican Party didn't offer these Hispanics any bribes to join up, they offered these Hispanics exactly what they offer whites - no race based policies. If a Hispanic asks Republicans "what are you going to offer me, as a Hispanic, to join you guys?" the answer should be "Nothing. Do you still want to come over? Do you like the ideas of the Republican Party which apply equally to everyone? If you do, come on over."

As Coulter rightly notes, the Republicans don't have anything to offer Hispanics and so we're never going to be terribly popular with Hispanics. The real game is to drive home the point to whites that the Democrats are actively setting out to harm them with the racial spoils systems that they push to favor blacks, Hispanics, and Asians - it's a straight out taking from whites and giving to minorities. So long as minorities partake of racial bribes I'm not going to spare any effort from shaming them and the cost of them feeling badly about this is that they won't like Republicans, but the benefit is that Democratic whites will gradually have their eyes opening and leave the party, as they've been doing steadily now for decades.

The actual minority group who is most persuadable are Asians, already they're battling blacks and Hispanics in California (a one-party state) to keep Affirmative Action out of university admissions because any gain for blacks and Hispanics is going to come at the cost of reduced opportunity for QUALIFIED Asians. The position of Asians matches nicely with Republicans - no race based policies. just cant seem to grasp what im talking so many others on the right......thats the 2nd post you just ignored the part about the racial bigotry i mentioned....and yet you said..... I have no problem with Hispanics who are anti-racist and call for the elimination of race-based policies.....but yet they are supposed to just accept the racist in that party you want them to join.....yea good luck with that.....

I'm ignoring? OK, other than Linda Chavez why don't you link me to just one prominent Hispanic leader who is calling for the dismantlement of Affirmative Action and small business loans for minorities, deportation of all infiltrators, and the eradication of civil rights legislation in the private sector. Just one leader.

Let's see how anti-racist some Hispanics are.
yea you are ignoring it....and you still let me ask it again.....why would you expect a group of people to want to join and support your party when you have thousands of people like Katz and shootspeeders in it who have nothing but disdain for them,and say so? why dont you show me some Republican leaders who tell these "Republicans" or righties ,to shut the fuck up.....i have seen i dont know how many posts in this forum from people on the right saying how they are not the bigots.....its the other guys ....and then a few posts later you get one calling Mexicans and Blacks some nice choice Metaphors .....and no one says shit..
..Let's see how anti-racist some Hispanics are
perhaps you should be asking that among your anti-racist are they?....
The GOP is spending too much time sucking up to you, even though you are a joke. The Teabaggers are even more pathetic, because frankly, you can smell the racism.
Did you know the Democrats started the KKK and legislated Jim Crowe laws to keep the black man down after republicans freed them? TEAparty folks aren't the racists; its democrats just using different methods to keep blacks on the liberal plantation.

Yes, the idea that small government is racist is actually racist. Why would blacks, Latinos or other groups need government help and handouts more than whites do? That's the question Joe can't address. It's always funny when bigots "smell" bigotry. That the Mormon and Jew hater thinks tea partiers are racist is just amusing.

Ah, so at least one RWnut concedes that more whites than blacks receive benefits from the government.

the Welfare Queen is White!!! lolol
At least you admit that Democrats are the real racists and want to enslave blacks on their own plantation.
so are many on the right....and it was a nice little "non racist" thing you said a while back about Mexicans not having a job or a tax return...
yea you are ignoring it....and you still let me ask it again.....why would you expect a group of people to want to join and support your party when you have thousands of people like Katz and shootspeeders in it who have nothing but disdain for them,and say so? why dont you show me some Republican leaders who tell these "Republicans" or righties ,to shut the fuck up.

Are you blind to the news? Jorge Bush, McCain, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove and EVERY mainstream Republican is trying to create a love-in with Hispanics. They want to Amnesty 20 million infiltrators for Christ's sakes.

.....i have seen i dont know how many posts in this forum from people on the right saying how they are not the bigots.....its the other guys ....and then a few posts later you get one calling Mexicans and Blacks some nice choice Metaphors .....and no one says shit..
..Let's see how anti-racist some Hispanics are
perhaps you should be asking that among your anti-racist are they?....

Perhaps I haven't made my position clear. I think that the Bush-Rove Hispanic outreach strategy is born to fail. Democrats have put society on the train of racialized parties so Republicans should acknowledge this and try to capture as many white votes as possible. The best way to do this is to highlight the moral depravity of what the Democrats are doing with their race-based policies which are a direct attack on whites.

A legal Hispanic immigrant immediately gets all sorts of benefits that a young white man born in this country is excluded from receiving. An illegal infiltrator going to university gets a tuition benefit that an out-of-state student doesn't get. Drive these point homes and make very clear to whites that the Democrats are actively working to harm them. That's where the votes are.

You keep harping on insults in this thread. I'm not bothered by them because almost every Hispanic I've met doesn't want to give up small business loans intended only for Hispanics, doesn't want to deprive his children of the prospect of getting favored admission to university because of their heritage, and certainly doesn't want to fight for the right to free association. When I look at that, I don't see anything to admire and I definitely see why people are angry.
Well, we can't all be dumb. White, working class funditards who keep voting Republican and then wonder why the Rich have sent their jobs to China.

True, only you have put a period in the middle of a sentence and capitalized an adjective and improper noun.

LOL... that's fucking awesome.

And no doubt he'd be the first to tell us just how much smarter he is than everyone else.
yea you are ignoring it....and you still let me ask it again.....why would you expect a group of people to want to join and support your party when you have thousands of people like Katz and shootspeeders in it who have nothing but disdain for them,and say so? why dont you show me some Republican leaders who tell these "Republicans" or righties ,to shut the fuck up.

Are you blind to the news? Jorge Bush, McCain, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove and EVERY mainstream Republican is trying to create a love-in with Hispanics. They want to Amnesty 20 million infiltrators for Christ's sakes.

.....i have seen i dont know how many posts in this forum from people on the right saying how they are not the bigots.....its the other guys ....and then a few posts later you get one calling Mexicans and Blacks some nice choice Metaphors .....and no one says shit..
..Let's see how anti-racist some Hispanics are
perhaps you should be asking that among your anti-racist are they?....

Perhaps I haven't made my position clear. I think that the Bush-Rove Hispanic outreach strategy is born to fail. Democrats have put society on the train of racialized parties so Republicans should acknowledge this and try to capture as many white votes as possible. The best way to do this is to highlight the moral depravity of what the Democrats are doing with their race-based policies which are a direct attack on whites.

A legal Hispanic immigrant immediately gets all sorts of benefits that a young white man born in this country is excluded from receiving. An illegal infiltrator going to university gets a tuition benefit that an out-of-state student doesn't get. Drive these point homes and make very clear to whites that the Democrats are actively working to harm them. That's where the votes are.

You keep harping on insults in this thread. I'm not bothered by them because almost every Hispanic I've met doesn't want to give up small business loans intended only for Hispanics, doesn't want to deprive his children of the prospect of getting favored admission to university because of their heritage, and certainly doesn't want to fight for the right to free association. When I look at that, I don't see anything to admire and I definitely see why people are angry.
You keep harping on insults in this thread. I'm not bothered by them
but yet you feel that the Mexicans should not be bothered by them either...why is that Rik?....

because almost every Hispanic I've met doesn't want to give up small business loans intended only for Hispanics,
and of course you talked to almost "every Hispanic" you ever met about their loans ....right Rik?..gotcha....
i have known many Mexicans Rik, i live among them,i look like like them,i understand what they are saying......i dont know any who have ever admitted what you are saying.....everyone i know who was born here would never take aide like that because that would mean the White man was right...AND they sure hell would not tell you if they did....most of the men are to proud to admit something like that....every Mexican male i know works.....and some of them make good money or run their own businesses and dont need aide from anyone....and im talking American born citizens.....if you want to talk about "race based policies" Rik look at what your saying....thats kinda raced based.....but then being racial dont bother why bother.....
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i dont know any who have ever admitted what you are saying.....everyone i know who was born here would never take aide like that because that would mean the White man was right...AND they sure hell would not tell you if they did....most of the men are to proud to admit it something like that....every Mexican male i know works.....and some of them make good money or run their own businesses and dont need aide from anyone....and im talking American born citizens.....if you want to talk about "race based policies" Rik look at what your saying....thats kinda raced based.....but then being racial dont bother why bother.....


Nearly 20 years after California became the first state to ban the use of race and ethnicity in college admissions, a proposal to reinstate affirmative action has sparked a backlash that is forging a new divide in the state's powerful Democratic Party and creating opportunity for conservatives. . . .

California voters were the first in the nation to ban the use of affirmative action in university admissions in 1996. Hernandez's proposal was his fourth attempt to undo that action, which he says harms black and Latino students.


The women, blacks ... Latinos ... and the rest of you voting for Democrats to solve your problems for you just need to see you don't need government's help and in fact they are harming us all by manipulating markets

Guy, I don't worship "the market' like it's a god.

If the Market isn't getting health care to poor children, fuck it.
Writing books is her strength. Have you read any of them? She's one of the best political writers of our day. Wow, she can destroy a liberal argument. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on social and military. But she can write.

If you think Coulter is a good writer, it explains much.

Coulter is what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like.
i dont know any who have ever admitted what you are saying.....everyone i know who was born here would never take aide like that because that would mean the White man was right...AND they sure hell would not tell you if they did....most of the men are to proud to admit it something like that....every Mexican male i know works.....and some of them make good money or run their own businesses and dont need aide from anyone....and im talking American born citizens.....if you want to talk about "race based policies" Rik look at what your saying....thats kinda raced based.....but then being racial dont bother why bother.....


Nearly 20 years after California became the first state to ban the use of race and ethnicity in college admissions, a proposal to reinstate affirmative action has sparked a backlash that is forging a new divide in the state's powerful Democratic Party and creating opportunity for conservatives. . . .

California voters were the first in the nation to ban the use of affirmative action in university admissions in 1996. Hernandez's proposal was his fourth attempt to undo that action, which he says harms black and Latino students.


whatever Rik....pretty graphs....but keep dancing around that question i have asked you a few times now....
i dont know any who have ever admitted what you are saying.....everyone i know who was born here would never take aide like that because that would mean the White man was right...AND they sure hell would not tell you if they did....most of the men are to proud to admit it something like that....every Mexican male i know works.....and some of them make good money or run their own businesses and dont need aide from anyone....and im talking American born citizens.....if you want to talk about "race based policies" Rik look at what your saying....thats kinda raced based.....but then being racial dont bother why bother.....


Nearly 20 years after California became the first state to ban the use of race and ethnicity in college admissions, a proposal to reinstate affirmative action has sparked a backlash that is forging a new divide in the state's powerful Democratic Party and creating opportunity for conservatives. . . .

California voters were the first in the nation to ban the use of affirmative action in university admissions in 1996. Hernandez's proposal was his fourth attempt to undo that action, which he says harms black and Latino students.


whatever Rik....pretty graphs....but keep dancing around that question i have asked you a few times now....

I don't see what is confusing you. I'm not trying to win the support of Hispanics. I reject the moocher politics of the Democrats and those who support them. I'm 100% in favor of stigmatizing Democrats and peeling people away from them when they don't see themselves as moochers.

As I said, the Democrats bribe blacks and Hispanics and Asians too, but there are no white-focused bribes so it simply doesn't make sense for whites to help Democrats victimize them, better for them to head on over to the Republicans and help to put a stop to the racial bribery racket. Hispanics who have pride can show it by proclaiming allegiance to nation before allegiance to ethnicity.

Is that clear now?
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.
Their numbers are growing...ignore them @ your peril
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.
Their numbers are growing...ignore them @ your peril
Thanks for warning us. Keep it up as we poach the white voters away from you.
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.
Their numbers are growing...ignore them @ your peril
Thanks for warning us. Keep it up as we poach the white voters away from you.


Your math doesn't add up short stack.
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.
Their numbers are growing...ignore them @ your peril
Thanks for warning us. Keep it up as we poach the white voters away from you.


Your math doesn't add up short stack.

Isn't your husband calling you to open up a can and feed him his dinner?

i dont know any who have ever admitted what you are saying.....everyone i know who was born here would never take aide like that because that would mean the White man was right...AND they sure hell would not tell you if they did....most of the men are to proud to admit it something like that....every Mexican male i know works.....and some of them make good money or run their own businesses and dont need aide from anyone....and im talking American born citizens.....if you want to talk about "race based policies" Rik look at what your saying....thats kinda raced based.....but then being racial dont bother why bother.....


Nearly 20 years after California became the first state to ban the use of race and ethnicity in college admissions, a proposal to reinstate affirmative action has sparked a backlash that is forging a new divide in the state's powerful Democratic Party and creating opportunity for conservatives. . . .

California voters were the first in the nation to ban the use of affirmative action in university admissions in 1996. Hernandez's proposal was his fourth attempt to undo that action, which he says harms black and Latino students.


whatever Rik....pretty graphs....but keep dancing around that question i have asked you a few times now....

I don't see what is confusing you. I'm not trying to win the support of Hispanics. I reject the moocher politics of the Democrats and those who support them. I'm 100% in favor of stigmatizing Democrats and peeling people away from them when they don't see themselves as moochers.

As I said, the Democrats bribe blacks and Hispanics and Asians too, but there are no white-focused bribes so it simply doesn't make sense for whites to help Democrats victimize them, better for them to head on over to the Republicans and help to put a stop to the racial bribery racket. Hispanics who have pride can show it by proclaiming allegiance to nation before allegiance to ethnicity.

Is that clear now?
no.....when you answer the question i have been asking then maybe it will be said in this post....."its better for them to head on over to the Republicans and help to put a stop to the racial bribery racket" i will ask this question again.....why would Mexicans born and raised here side with the Republicans when they are treated with disdain by many in the party and very few "moderates" say anything about it?.....i mean take you for said you can care less,but yet you feel they should all come over and just take the abuse......why should they join a party that many members think anyone who looks Hispanic must be an illegal,what else can they be?...and RACIAL BRIBERY RACKET? about the Republicans racial bigotry racket?.......does that count?....
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.
Their numbers are growing...ignore them @ your peril
Thanks for warning us. Keep it up as we poach the white voters away from you.


Your math doesn't add up short stack.

Isn't your husband calling you to open up a can and feed him his dinner?


Must suck for you...having to only be able to date micro surgeons. The good news is that you're able to save money on condoms since you're able to use a straw from aptly named In & Out Burger
The women, blacks ... Latinos ... and the rest of you voting for Democrats to solve your problems for you just need to see you don't need government's help and in fact they are harming us all by manipulating markets

Guy, I don't worship "the market' like it's a god.

If the Market isn't getting health care to poor children, fuck it.

So you want government to control markets, but you aren't worshiping government. When you want government to step in and use force to make other people's decisions for them. That isn't worshiping government. But when I just want government to leave us alone, let us make our own decisions and let us take the consequences for our own actions, don't force me to do what politicians want me to for their benefit, then I am worshiping '"the market" like it's a god.' What a dumb ass. You are a useless excuse for a human being you are so stupid. If I were a liberal, I would tell you to STFU and stop embarrassing me. But since I'm not, you go girl...

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