Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

I've been disappointed in Coulter for quite a while now. She just doesn't have that same hate-mongering mojo of old. Back when she said stuff that inspired David Podvin to write "Satan's concubine - Ann Coulter is not merely eighty pounds of toxic sewage wrapped in six feet of reptile skin - she is the vicious ghoul that remains after conservatism has been scrubbed of its camouflage". Maybe she's too worried she'll get kicked off that talking heads gravy train. I can't see Fox ever giving up her witches brew of xenophobic anti-everything tho. They know when her Adam's apple is bobbing she's inspiring their 70-something ultra conservative base. I yearn for the good old days of Coulter-esque demonic babble....

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." (what to do with 1.5 billion Muslims)

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo." (Islamophobia really brings out the best/worst of her testosterone laced hate)

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's deaths so much." (on 9/11 widows who were critical of the Bush administration)

"If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
They didnt select a clean articulate black man, engage in voter fraud, or promise shit they couldn't deliver. Yeah. What a failure.

Well, let's look at that.

Romney said it would be an accomplishment if he could get unemployment below 6% by 2016. Obama got it done by 2014.

Obama delivered on health care reform, he delivered on marriage equality, he delivered on getting us out of Iraq.

I didn't vote for him in 2008, but he did what he said he was going to do.

Naw, man, it was voter fraud. Two clowns in costume were in front of one polling place for five minutes before the cops ran them off.
I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.
Some more delightful butthurt, but lacking in fact and depth, as usual. And of course, your 2nd grader-like rant has nothing to do with the OP. Your behavior makes you look like an absolute fool.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You don't know what butthurt means, assclown.
I was responding to a post, not the OP, assclown.
If you have something to add to this conversation, don't.
I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.

Yes, you aren't suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome at all.

Congress rescinded DADT.

I didn't mention DADT, which was rescinded by executive order. Congress couldn't rescind DADT because it was never passed by Congress.

.I dont recall Romney saying that (He would get unemployment down to 6%) .

Romney vows to lower unemployment rate to 6 percent by end of first term TheHill

Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.

No, what has us back in Iraq is the incompetence of the guy Bush put in Charge. Obama had the good sense to make aid contigent on him going.

Coulter is not stupid. She knows quite well that the Left can and will point to her inane comments and say, "See?"

But who cares? She has books to sell.

The GOP needs to decide how it's going to react to stuff that she and others like her say. Pretty soon, I'd think.

I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.

Yes, you aren't suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome at all.

Congress rescinded DADT.

I didn't mention DADT, which was rescinded by executive order. Congress couldn't rescind DADT because it was never passed by Congress.

.I dont recall Romney saying that (He would get unemployment down to 6%) .

Romney vows to lower unemployment rate to 6 percent by end of first term TheHill

Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.

No, what has us back in Iraq is the incompetence of the guy Bush put in Charge. Obama had the good sense to make aid contigent on him going.

My guess is after watching Obama fail miserably, I will go out on a limb here and say MR likely could have righted the ship in the first 4 years like Obama said he would. Seeing how stupid Obama is, likely not a very hard challenge

My guess is after watching Obama fail miserably, I will go out on a limb here and say MR likely could have righted the ship in the first 4 years like Obama said he would. Seeing how stupid Obama is, likely not a very hard challenge

Um, yeah. He's only "failed miserably" in the right wing circle jerk where you chant "Benghazi" all day.
I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.

Yes, you aren't suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome at all.

Congress rescinded DADT.

I didn't mention DADT, which was rescinded by executive order. Congress couldn't rescind DADT because it was never passed by Congress.

.I dont recall Romney saying that (He would get unemployment down to 6%) .

Romney vows to lower unemployment rate to 6 percent by end of first term TheHill

Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.

No, what has us back in Iraq is the incompetence of the guy Bush put in Charge. Obama had the good sense to make aid contigent on him going.
Oh gosh Ignorant Joe makes his appearance.
Indeed, Congress rescinded DADT.
DADT Obama marks end of don t ask don t tell policy - Los Angeles Times
Yes, Obama could have but as the gutless wonder he used Congress to cover for him.
Bush didnt put anyone in charge. Maliki was elected in a free and fair election. ISIS is there and we're back solely due to Obama's incompetence in negotiating the status of forces. Even members of administration say that.
My guess is after watching Obama fail miserably, I will go out on a limb here and say MR likely could have righted the ship in the first 4 years like Obama said he would. Seeing how stupid Obama is, likely not a very hard challenge

Um, yeah. He's only "failed miserably" in the right wing circle jerk where you chant "Benghazi" all day.
Who's chanted "benghazi" all day? No need to. IRS, Fast n Furious, Bowe Bergdahl, NLRB, 2% Growth, ISIS, Ebola. The list of failures and scandals to chant is way too long here.
Gotcha moron, I'm a Republican. You mentioned that. I'm also an anarchist. When you think in black and white, you think in black AND white.

And right, people go to Walmart because they have fewer choices, drive further and they don't save money anyway. Quite the debater you are, I should have known better than to cross swords with you.

Yes, you do end up outing yourself as a selfish douchebag when you do.

You keep repeating that accusation, yet you can't name a single position to back it up. You can't name a single thing I want from government I don't want to pay for, and you can't name a single law I favor that benefits me at anyone else's expense.
LOL, that's just sad. My real life is a fantasy to you. I've done nothing anyone else can't do. Women, blacks or Latinos.

People who are really successful don't need to brag about it on the internet to total strangers.

I'm telling you what I am saying is based on. I also keep saying anyone can do it. I'm not bragging, you're just seeing yourself for the loser that you are. The women, blacks ... Latinos ... and the rest of you voting for Democrats to solve your problems for you just need to see you don't need government's help and in fact they are harming us all by manipulating markets. Government should be a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. And it should be the last resort, not the first.
Romney lost it in the second debate when after blowing Obama out of the water in the first one, he decided to agree with everything Obama said in the second. That is where so many of us us who really, really wanted Obama gone just lost interest in bothering to vote or we voted third party. WTF? You agree with Obama? On everything? He told us his administration would have zero zeal to change course. If Romney got the same # of votes as McCain, he would have won.
First of all, I didn't vote for Obama, and I do not agree with him on everything.

You misread what I wrote. I was saying that was Romney's position in the second debate, I was not referring to you.

2. Righties didn't like Romney, so they just didn't vote. BS!, even if the ones that didn't vote, did vote, Romney would have still lost.

I didn't say the other points, I said this one. And check your math. If Romney got the same votes McCain did, he would have won. I did not say conservatives did not like Romney because of the third debate. They already didn't like him. I said rubbing Obama's tummy in the last debate was just demotivating to anyone who has going through two decades of of government loving Republican candidates..
The GOP is spending too much time sucking up to you, even though you are a joke. The Teabaggers are even more pathetic, because frankly, you can smell the racism.
Did you know the Democrats started the KKK and legislated Jim Crowe laws to keep the black man down after republicans freed them? TEAparty folks aren't the racists; its democrats just using different methods to keep blacks on the liberal plantation.

Yes, the idea that small government is racist is actually racist. Why would blacks, Latinos or other groups need government help and handouts more than whites do? That's the question Joe can't address. It's always funny when bigots "smell" bigotry. That the Mormon and Jew hater thinks tea partiers are racist is just amusing.
They didnt select a clean articulate black man, engage in voter fraud, or promise shit they couldn't deliver. Yeah. What a failure.

Well, let's look at that.

Romney said it would be an accomplishment if he could get unemployment below 6% by 2016. Obama got it done by 2014.

Obama delivered on health care reform, he delivered on marriage equality, he delivered on getting us out of Iraq.

I didn't vote for him in 2008, but he did what he said he was going to do.

Naw, man, it was voter fraud. Two clowns in costume were in front of one polling place for five minutes before the cops ran them off.
I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.
Some more delightful butthurt, but lacking in fact and depth, as usual. And of course, your 2nd grader-like rant has nothing to do with the OP. Your behavior makes you look like an absolute fool.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You don't know what butthurt means, assclown.
I was responding to a post, not the OP, assclown.
If you have something to add to this conversation, don't.

You don't control what I say, you stupid fuck.

In contrast to you, I can stay focused on a OP. You just froth at the mouth and scream loud.

Fuck you, you son of a bitch.

Now, back to the OP:

Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

The OP is about a very outspoken, crazy-assed person who holds sway among Conservatives. She has been a noted speaker at CPAC for a number of years, so trying to downplay her now only makes you look more fucking stupid than you already are, you worthless piece of human excrement.

In the OP, Coulter is quoted (and on video) as essentially telling the Right to give up on Latinos and not "suck-up" to them, whatever in the fuck that is supposed to mean.

Oh, and did I already mention "fuck you" to you.

Here, just in case I forgot: fuck you.
I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.

Yes, you aren't suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome at all.

Congress rescinded DADT.

I didn't mention DADT, which was rescinded by executive order. Congress couldn't rescind DADT because it was never passed by Congress.

.I dont recall Romney saying that (He would get unemployment down to 6%) .

Romney vows to lower unemployment rate to 6 percent by end of first term TheHill

Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.

No, what has us back in Iraq is the incompetence of the guy Bush put in Charge. Obama had the good sense to make aid contigent on him going.

Fake Rabbi is known to lie quite frequently, and when caught, he whines like a school-child.

Coulter is not stupid. She knows quite well that the Left can and will point to her inane comments and say, "See?"

But who cares? She has books to sell.

The GOP needs to decide how it's going to react to stuff that she and others like her say. Pretty soon, I'd think.


I concur with you. A great deal of what she says is designed to create as much umbrage on the one side as possible, whilst awakening scary apocalyptic dreams on the other side. Reason:


But, she does hold sway among Conservatives.
In the OP, Coulter is quoted (and on video) as essentially telling the Right to give up on Latinos and not "suck-up" to them, whatever in the fuck that is supposed to mean.

LOL, being a liberal, you wouldn't know what that means, would you? I'll explain it.

Liberalism engages in an endless attempt to pit groups against each other, then you offer each group perks. Lower bar, handouts, validation, that sort of thing.

The idea of conservatism is that everyone benefits from the same policies. Everyone is a person first and a black, woman, gay, Latino, whatever after that. What she is saying is Latinos are people. Sell them on that message, don't suck up to them like liberals do and try to offer them perks. Coulter is clearly conservative, but she's no extreme than Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Olberman, Sharpton, Matthews, Maddow, Ed or all the liberal moonbats who drive the left.
They didnt select a clean articulate black man, engage in voter fraud, or promise shit they couldn't deliver. Yeah. What a failure.

Well, let's look at that.

Romney said it would be an accomplishment if he could get unemployment below 6% by 2016. Obama got it done by 2014.

Obama delivered on health care reform, he delivered on marriage equality, he delivered on getting us out of Iraq.

I didn't vote for him in 2008, but he did what he said he was going to do.

Naw, man, it was voter fraud. Two clowns in costume were in front of one polling place for five minutes before the cops ran them off.
I dont recall Romney saying that.
Obama didnt deliver jackshit on healthcare reform, punting to Congressional Democrats, He couldn't even say whether he was for public option or not. The result was a bill so flawed it has yet to be implemented.
Obama had nothing to do with marriage equality. Congress rescinded DADT. The courts struck down state referenda passed by overwhelming majortiies, circumventing the will of the people.
Obama got us out of Iraq with a hasty ill-conceived withdrawal that now has us back in Iraq.
Obama delivered nothing but poverty, dependence, misery and death.
Some more delightful butthurt, but lacking in fact and depth, as usual. And of course, your 2nd grader-like rant has nothing to do with the OP. Your behavior makes you look like an absolute fool.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You don't know what butthurt means, assclown.
I was responding to a post, not the OP, assclown.
If you have something to add to this conversation, don't.

You don't control what I say, you stupid fuck.

In contrast to you, I can stay focused on a OP. You just froth at the mouth and scream loud.

Fuck you, you son of a bitch.

Now, back to the OP:

Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

The OP is about a very outspoken, crazy-assed person who holds sway among Conservatives. She has been a noted speaker at CPAC for a number of years, so trying to downplay her now only makes you look more fucking stupid than you already are, you worthless piece of human excrement.

In the OP, Coulter is quoted (and on video) as essentially telling the Right to give up on Latinos and not "suck-up" to them, whatever in the fuck that is supposed to mean.

Oh, and did I already mention "fuck you" to you.

Here, just in case I forgot: fuck you.
Aww, how cute. A temper tantrum.
Eat it, sucker.

Coulter has no official position in the GOP. Own it.
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In the OP, Coulter is quoted (and on video) as essentially telling the Right to give up on Latinos and not "suck-up" to them, whatever in the fuck that is supposed to mean.

LOL, being a liberal, you wouldn't know what that means, would you? I'll explain it.

Liberalism engages in an endless attempt to pit groups against each other, then you offer each group perks. Lower bar, handouts, validation, that sort of thing.

The idea of conservatism is that everyone benefits from the same policies. Everyone is a person first and a black, woman, gay, Latino, whatever after that. What she is saying is Latinos are people. Sell them on that message, don't suck up to them like liberals do and try to offer them perks. Coulter is clearly conservative, but she's no extreme than Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Olberman, Sharpton, Matthews, Maddow, Ed or all the liberal moonbats who drive the left.
That's way too complex for Statisheilhitler to grasp. You'll need something more easily undertstood. Try "Coulter says no to special perks for Hispanics." He might get that.
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Coulter is not stupid. She knows quite well that the Left can and will point to her inane comments and say, "See?"

Writing books is her strength. Have you read any of them? She's one of the best political writers of our day. Wow, she can destroy a liberal argument. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on social and military. But she can write.

It's her speaking I agree with you. She acts too much like liberals. I do see some humorous irony in that, but I personally want to be bigger than the liberals, not do to them what they do to everyone else like she does.

Coulter is not stupid. She knows quite well that the Left can and will point to her inane comments and say, "See?"

Writing books is her strength. Have you read any of them? She's one of the best political writers of our day. Wow, she can destroy a liberal argument. As a libertarian, I tend to agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on social and military. But she can write.

It's her speaking I agree with you. She acts too much like liberals. I do see some humorous irony in that, but I personally want to be bigger than the liberals, not do to them what they do to everyone else like she does.
She says outrageous things that attract attention. Which is sort of par for the course. Some pundit declares her career is over and then she writes another book and goes on talk shows.
And the libs fall for it every time.

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