Couple has $107k stolen by cops.

Why someone would be carrying 500 rounds of ammunition seems less fishy?

Yeah! Nobody carries around 500 rounds of ammunition!!!

View attachment 58361

Please, stick to topics you have at least a crumb of knowledge about.

Never said that. I did say nobody has a good reason to. Please stick to languages you can read.

Then you were wrong twice. And you would have understood that right off, had you an iota of knowledge on the subject.

View attachment 58362

Whatever fuckstick.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Yes- I still do not understand how the government is getting away of seizing property without due process of law-- and taking private property for public use- without just compensation.
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!

Isn't it odd that in this issue you are all for Big Government taking property without any due process.

But you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy?

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Bundy - Flee from him | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

We don't confiscate people's property based on your "guess" now do we? No, we actually have an innocent until proven guilty justice system.

Aren't you one of those conservatives who claims to be all about "small" government and freedom?
Yes, they did confiscate the money, you're confused. It's right there in the story.

Yes, that's the problem, dipshit.

Small government isn't no government.

Translation: " I'm a hypocrite waving a flag around pretending to be an American."

We have a government to protect us from people like this that prey on society.

Who was preying on society when this incident occurred?

You paint with a mighty broad brush.

Wow, now if that isn't the most ironic statement of the day
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law. I'm pretending to be an American because I don't agree the cops and government are thieves in this case? It's hypocritical to want a smaller government but support law enforcement? That's a special kind of stupid.

You weren't supportive of law enforcement when it came to the Bundys.

Matter of fact- you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Bundy - Flee from him | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

We don't confiscate people's property based on your "guess" now do we? No, we actually have an innocent until proven guilty justice system.

Aren't you one of those conservatives who claims to be all about "small" government and freedom?
Yes, they did confiscate the money, you're confused. It's right there in the story.

Yes, that's the problem, dipshit.

Small government isn't no government.

Translation: " I'm a hypocrite waving a flag around pretending to be an American."

We have a government to protect us from people like this that prey on society.

Who was preying on society when this incident occurred?

You paint with a mighty broad brush.

Wow, now if that isn't the most ironic statement of the day
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law. I'm pretending to be an American because I don't agree the cops and government are thieves in this case? It's hypocritical to want a smaller government but support law enforcement? That's a special kind of stupid.

You weren't supportive of law enforcement when it came to the Bundys.

Matter of fact- you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Bundy - Flee from him | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You can say that again!
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

We don't confiscate people's property based on your "guess" now do we? No, we actually have an innocent until proven guilty justice system.

Aren't you one of those conservatives who claims to be all about "small" government and freedom?
Yes, they did confiscate the money, you're confused. It's right there in the story.

Yes, that's the problem, dipshit.

Small government isn't no government.

Translation: " I'm a hypocrite waving a flag around pretending to be an American."

We have a government to protect us from people like this that prey on society.

Who was preying on society when this incident occurred?

You paint with a mighty broad brush.

Wow, now if that isn't the most ironic statement of the day
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law. I'm pretending to be an American because I don't agree the cops and government are thieves in this case? It's hypocritical to want a smaller government but support law enforcement? That's a special kind of stupid.

You weren't supportive of law enforcement when it came to the Bundys.

Matter of fact- you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Bundy - Flee from him | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yep, exactly what I said. Big Brother is only a problem for conservatives when it gets in the way of their own agenda. Otherwise, they have no qualms abusing it whatsoever
We don't confiscate people's property based on your "guess" now do we? No, we actually have an innocent until proven guilty justice system.

Aren't you one of those conservatives who claims to be all about "small" government and freedom?
Yes, they did confiscate the money, you're confused. It's right there in the story.

Yes, that's the problem, dipshit.

Small government isn't no government.

Translation: " I'm a hypocrite waving a flag around pretending to be an American."

We have a government to protect us from people like this that prey on society.

Who was preying on society when this incident occurred?

You paint with a mighty broad brush.

Wow, now if that isn't the most ironic statement of the day
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law. I'm pretending to be an American because I don't agree the cops and government are thieves in this case? It's hypocritical to want a smaller government but support law enforcement? That's a special kind of stupid.

You weren't supportive of law enforcement when it came to the Bundys.

Matter of fact- you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Bundy - Flee from him | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yep, exactly what I said. Big Brother is only a problem for conservatives when it gets in the way of their own agenda. Otherwise, they have no qualms abusing it whatsoever
You're wrong no matter how many times you repeat it. Smaller more responsible government does not equate to no law enforcement. The law is there so the cops enforced it. And I don't have an "agenda".
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.
Yep, exactly what I said. Big Brother is only a problem for conservatives when it gets in the way of their own agenda. Otherwise, they have no qualms abusing it whatsoever
You're wrong no matter how many times you repeat it. Smaller more responsible government does not equate to no law enforcement.

I never said that it did, but there is a difference between reasonable law enforcement and an abusive police state and conservatives have no issue whatsoever with the latter if it pushes their agenda. Furthermore, as pointed out by Syriusly, you have no credibility on this subject anyway. You're a hypocrite proven by your own words.
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!

Isn't it odd that in this issue you are all for Big Government taking property without any due process.

But you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy?

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.
Huh? You are confusing issues thinking I don't want any government. If you can't think, that fine. But that's no reason to put your stupidity on display.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Yep, exactly what I said. Big Brother is only a problem for conservatives when it gets in the way of their own agenda. Otherwise, they have no qualms abusing it whatsoever
You're wrong no matter how many times you repeat it. Smaller more responsible government does not equate to no law enforcement.

I never said that it did, but there is a difference between reasonable law enforcement and an abusive police state and conservatives have no issue whatsoever with the latter if it pushes their agenda. Furthermore, as pointed out by Syriusly, you have no credibility on this subject anyway. You're a hypocrite proven by your own words.
There isn't a full 100 IQ points between the two of you then. How have I been hypocritical and what exactly is my agenda, since I haven't posited one.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
We don't confiscate people's property based on your "guess" now do we? No, we actually have an innocent until proven guilty justice system.

Aren't you one of those conservatives who claims to be all about "small" government and freedom?
Yes, they did confiscate the money, you're confused. It's right there in the story.

Yes, that's the problem, dipshit.

Small government isn't no government.

Translation: " I'm a hypocrite waving a flag around pretending to be an American."

We have a government to protect us from people like this that prey on society.

Who was preying on society when this incident occurred?

You paint with a mighty broad brush.

Wow, now if that isn't the most ironic statement of the day
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law. I'm pretending to be an American because I don't agree the cops and government are thieves in this case? It's hypocritical to want a smaller government but support law enforcement? That's a special kind of stupid.

You weren't supportive of law enforcement when it came to the Bundys.

Matter of fact- you had a real problem with Big Government when it went to enforce the law against Bundy

Did you have a sudden change of heart- where you embrace Big Government flexing their muscles? Or does your concern only apply to Conservative Poster boys who we know are disobeying the law?

For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Bundy - Flee from him | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yep, exactly what I said. Big Brother is only a problem for conservatives when it gets in the way of their own agenda. Otherwise, they have no qualms abusing it whatsoever

Whoa, hold the phone. At least 50% of the folks arguing your side are at a minimum conservative leaning...and myself Tea Party let's put the broad brush away, and try something with a little less coverage.
There has to be more to the story.

I have looked and found nothing. They brought a dog out and it keyed on the luggage. But it has been shown many times that cash often has traces of drugs on it.

But if you can find more, I'd love to see it.
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

Their intentions did not matter. They committed no crime. They were not arrested. Once again you show us how stupid you are.
There has to be more to the story.

I have looked and found nothing. They brought a dog out and it keyed on the luggage. But it has been shown many times that cash often has traces of drugs on it.

But if you can find more, I'd love to see it.
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

Their intentions did not matter. They committed no crime. They were not arrested. Once again you show us how stupid you are.
The mirror speaks. The cops disagreed with you. The feds disagreed with you. The judge disagreed with you after hearing all the evidence. And I'm the one too stupid to understand?
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

Post a link to that source.
There has to be more to the story.

I have looked and found nothing. They brought a dog out and it keyed on the luggage. But it has been shown many times that cash often has traces of drugs on it.

But if you can find more, I'd love to see it.
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

Their intentions did not matter. They committed no crime. They were not arrested. Once again you show us how stupid you are.
The mirror speaks. The cops disagreed with you. The feds disagreed with you. The judge disagreed with you after hearing all the evidence. And I'm the one too stupid to understand?

Whether somebody agrees with somebody else in positions of authority doesn't matter. They were not arrested and they were not charged with anything. Why don't you post a link showing that they were charged with a crime or else just shut up
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

If they 'proved' it was drug money- why was the couple never arrested- or convicted?

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