Couple has $107k stolen by cops.

You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

Post a link to that source.

Still waiting for you to verify. It's stupid people like you that don't realize what a police state looks like. The very fact that these people were told they needed to prove something that may not exist is totalitarianism
Uhm there's no judge... There is just a DA prosecutor. The owner has to /prove/ to the DA that it's not crime related in order to get it back - no judge, no jury, just the DA, who wants to keep it for ya know kegs of beer and "toys"...
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

If they 'proved' it was drug money- why was the couple never arrested- or convicted?

Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. He is pulling that out of his ass
Uhm there's no judge... There is just a DA prosecutor. The owner has to /prove/ to the DA that it's not crime related in order to get it back - no judge, no jury, just the DA, who wants to keep it for ya know kegs of beer and "toys"...

There is a judge involved and the couple has been asked to prove where the money came from. The police have not provided hard evidence of the marijuana bag or traces of drugs on the cash itself.

All this happened over a speeding violation. It is a total invasion of a citizens privacy. This couple did not realize that they could have said no to a search of their vehicle. That is just too sad. Speeding is not probable cause for search of the vehicle.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

If they 'proved' it was drug money- why was the couple never arrested- or convicted?
You need to ask them. Am I your mother?
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

Post a link to that source.
Already did.
You are still confused I see. I'm not the one claiming to know more about the case or the law.
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

Are you to stupid to read your own post- or just a liar?

Here is what you posted- nowhere did anyone 'prove it was drug money'- the judge never determined that the money was drug money. You are just making this crap up.

Weasels post:
OK, I did a little snooping since agenda driven people couldn't give a fuck less about researching the other side of the story they want cemented into our minds. First off, it's not just "the cops", there have been legal hearings and court rulings. Here's a few snippets that fill in some missing parts the internet "investigators" couldn't find. Took me two minutes.

Judge says couple must cite source of $107,000 seized in Henry County arrest

On May 8, 2013, federal prosecutors filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court in Rock Island, requesting the cash be permanently awarded to the government.

A new development in the case came Monday, when Judge Sara Darrow ruled that filings from the couple, including their claim to the funds and answer to the forfeiture complaint, would be stricken, due to the couple's failure to respond to interrogatories, a list of questions by prosecutors regarding the source of the seized funds.

The complaint says officers continued to search the vehicle and came upon a collapsible baton and a pistol, located in a removable plastic panel, in the center console.

A canine dog was called in and alerted to a smell near the rear passenger door. The complaint says the trooper found $102,000 in Ziploc bags in a suitcase. Two duffel bags -- one smelling of cannabis, according to the trooper -- plus, two vacuum sealers, two one-gallon ice cream tubs and an electronic scale were located in the bed of the truck, and approximately $5,520 was recovered from Mrs. Perry's wallet.
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Ah, but you have. You have clearly stated that they were involved in the drug trade.
I posted a link that explained why since it wasn't provided. The cops, federal prosecutors and judge determined it was drug money and I can see why. You can't but that changes nothing.

You're correct. I can't prove it was drug money and neither can they, which is why after three years this couple has still not been charged with a crime, but you're perfectly fine with their money being seized regardless because, ya know, "'Murica!!" "Jesus!" "Freedom!" Makes perfect sense.
Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

If they 'proved' it was drug money- why was the couple never arrested- or convicted?
You need to ask them. Am I your mother?

From your own post- the reason the couple were never charged is because there was no evidence of a crime- and no evidence that the money was obtained as part of a crime.
There has to be more to the story.

I have looked and found nothing. They brought a dog out and it keyed on the luggage. But it has been shown many times that cash often has traces of drugs on it.

But if you can find more, I'd love to see it.
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.

Their intentions did not matter. They committed no crime. They were not arrested. Once again you show us how stupid you are.
The mirror speaks. The cops disagreed with you. The feds disagreed with you. The judge disagreed with you after hearing all the evidence. And I'm the one too stupid to understand?

Whether somebody agrees with somebody else in positions of authority doesn't matter. They were not arrested and they were not charged with anything. Why don't you post a link showing that they were charged with a crime or else just shut up
The problem is you have no clue what the conversation even is. You hopped in and started slinging shit. It's what you do.
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.

Hahahahaha. It's so cute when you rollover and P yourself like a puppy.
You need to step away from the computer until you can grow up and prove what you post
Here is the problem with a weasel like IceWeasel

When it comes to police seizing someone's money or property without charging them with any crimes- IceWeasel is convinced that is must be okay because he supports Law Enforcement.

But when it comes to law enforcement trying to collect money owed by the Bundy's- he is suddenly an opponent of "Big Government".
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.

Of course you don't have to prove anything- and how could you since you were lying out your ass when you said

Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.

Of course you don't have to prove anything- and how could you since you were lying out your ass when you said

Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
Yes, they proved it to the judge. Retard.
Here is the problem with a weasel like IceWeasel

When it comes to police seizing someone's money or property without charging them with any crimes- IceWeasel is convinced that is must be okay because he supports Law Enforcement.

But when it comes to law enforcement trying to collect money owed by the Bundy's- he is suddenly an opponent of "Big Government".

Very high five!
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.

Of course you don't have to prove anything- and how could you since you were lying out your ass when you said

Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
Yes, they proved it to the judge. Retard.

No, they didn't. You need to either quit while you are way behind or learn how to read and research and post responsibly
Of course you don't have to prove anything- and how could you since you were lying out your ass when you said

Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.

In civil forfeiture cases, the property is 'put on trial' as ill gotten gains. The property owner is not tried. And since property has no civil rights, it can literally be rail-roaded into systematic 'guilt', I kid you not.

So, 'proving' that it was drug money is a mere formality that really doesnt prove anything at all.

The fight against asset forfeiture laws goes all the way back to senator Proxmire who got symbolic legislation passed, but as anyone can see, the laws were ineffective at stopping the abuse.
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.

Of course you don't have to prove anything- and how could you since you were lying out your ass when you said

Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
Yes, they proved it to the judge. Retard.

Not according to your own post and citation- here is what you posted before- not one word about proving anything to a judge- you just pulled that crap out of your ass.

Weasels post:
OK, I did a little snooping since agenda driven people couldn't give a fuck less about researching the other side of the story they want cemented into our minds. First off, it's not just "the cops", there have been legal hearings and court rulings. Here's a few snippets that fill in some missing parts the internet "investigators" couldn't find. Took me two minutes.

Judge says couple must cite source of $107,000 seized in Henry County arrest

On May 8, 2013, federal prosecutors filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court in Rock Island, requesting the cash be permanently awarded to the government.

A new development in the case came Monday, when Judge Sara Darrow ruled that filings from the couple, including their claim to the funds and answer to the forfeiture complaint, would be stricken, due to the couple's failure to respond to interrogatories, a list of questions by prosecutors regarding the source of the seized funds.

The complaint says officers continued to search the vehicle and came upon a collapsible baton and a pistol, located in a removable plastic panel, in the center console.

A canine dog was called in and alerted to a smell near the rear passenger door. The complaint says the trooper found $102,000 in Ziploc bags in a suitcase. Two duffel bags -- one smelling of cannabis, according to the trooper -- plus, two vacuum sealers, two one-gallon ice cream tubs and an electronic scale were located in the bed of the truck, and approximately $5,520 was recovered from Mrs. Perry's wallet.
Still waiting for weasel to show where it has been verified that this was drug money. No surprise that he has disappeared
Your head disappeared up your ass long ago. I don't have to prove anything, you retarded asshole! You say it was not legal, the onus is on you to prove it wasn't legal. I'm not the one saying they were wrong.

Of course you don't have to prove anything- and how could you since you were lying out your ass when you said

Wrong. They did prove it was drug money, that's why it was transferred into federal hands.
Yes, they proved it to the judge. Retard.

Not according to your own post and citation- here is what you posted before- not one word about proving anything to a judge- you just pulled that crap out of your ass.

Weasels post:
OK, I did a little snooping since agenda driven people couldn't give a fuck less about researching the other side of the story they want cemented into our minds. First off, it's not just "the cops", there have been legal hearings and court rulings. Here's a few snippets that fill in some missing parts the internet "investigators" couldn't find. Took me two minutes.

Judge says couple must cite source of $107,000 seized in Henry County arrest

On May 8, 2013, federal prosecutors filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court in Rock Island, requesting the cash be permanently awarded to the government.

A new development in the case came Monday, when Judge Sara Darrow ruled that filings from the couple, including their claim to the funds and answer to the forfeiture complaint, would be stricken, due to the couple's failure to respond to interrogatories, a list of questions by prosecutors regarding the source of the seized funds.

The complaint says officers continued to search the vehicle and came upon a collapsible baton and a pistol, located in a removable plastic panel, in the center console.

A canine dog was called in and alerted to a smell near the rear passenger door. The complaint says the trooper found $102,000 in Ziploc bags in a suitcase. Two duffel bags -- one smelling of cannabis, according to the trooper -- plus, two vacuum sealers, two one-gallon ice cream tubs and an electronic scale were located in the bed of the truck, and approximately $5,520 was recovered from Mrs. Perry's wallet.

In civil forfeiture cases the property is charged, not the couple. In this case the money being hidden and smelling of drugs was used to convince the judge to allow the seizure. Judges still have to sign off on asset forfeitures, it isnt like the cops can just take your property without any due process at all. In this case the property gets the 'due process' which is minimal for property.

So in all likelihood Ice Weazel is right, the judge signed off on it in regard to charges against the property while the couple were not charged.

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