Courageous Man of God

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
[ame=]Islam-Ex Muslim., Allah is a Gangster,watch this you will leave Islam - YouTube[/ame]
I don't really think it's that courageous to call God a gangster.

He is couragous because Christ lives in him, not because of any ability of his own. Fearlessness is one of the immediate results of the born again experience. Unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. This muslim heard the call to salvation and came to Christ.

Now the bible says the fearlessness of the christian is the evidence of their salvation whereas the fearfulness of those who oppose Christ is evidence of their perdition. ( they are perishing ) Which is why you see so many Muslims fearing for their lives - remember the Falujah bridge story with Muslims running for their lives in fear of a bomb? They live with that fear on a daily basis because they are perishing. For many of them fear is what keeps them from leaving Islam. 1 in 7 verses in the Koran is a threat about hell. These people are bound in fear by their religious leaders and their book. Truly the only thing that delivers them is prayer for their salvations. It is the responsibility of every christian to continue to pray for these people until they are delivered from this darkness.

The man is a hero, he even said that muslims can kill his body but not his soul, and his ideas are already out there. He deserves a postumous medal when crazy muslims kill him, as they almost certainly will.

He is couragous because Christ lives in him, not because of any ability of his own. Fearlessness is one of the immediate results of the born again experience. Unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. This muslim heard the call to salvation and came to Christ.

Now the bible says the fearlessness of the christian is the evidence of their salvation whereas the fearfulness of those who oppose Christ is evidence of their perdition. ( they are perishing ) Which is why you see so many Muslims fearing for their lives - remember the Falujah bridge story with Muslims running for their lives in fear of a bomb? They live with that fear on a daily basis because they are perishing. For many of them fear is what keeps them from leaving Islam. 1 in 7 verses in the Koran is a threat about hell. These people are bound in fear by their religious leaders and their book. Truly the only thing that delivers them is prayer for their salvations. It is the responsibility of every christian to continue to pray for these people until they are delivered from this darkness.


So fearing his own eternal damnation he enslaved himself to God and that makes him "fearless"?
A lot of them convert when they come to the US. But most are women. The only thing that makes this guy very unique is that he is a GUY who converted.
A lot of them convert when they come to the US. But most are women. The only thing that makes this guy very unique is that he is a GUY who converted.

I think what makes him unique is that he is the son of the leader of Hamas, and he did not just quietly convert to Christianity, he spoke out on the Internet condemning Allah.

That takes some stones.
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A lot of them convert when they come to the US. But most are women. The only thing that makes this guy very unique is that he is a GUY who converted.

I think what makes him unique is that he is the son of the leader of Hamas, and he did not just quitely convert to christianity, he spoke out on the Internet condemning Allah.

That takes some stones.

Yes, I agree. He is remarkable, to say the least. I hope what he says is right, that muslims are realizing that islam is not making the lives of the people better.

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