Court allows Christian baker Jack Phillips to sue Colorado for anti-religious hostility

They do that in Scientology and most other cults too. What happens when you force another person to write something offensive to them? JoeB says you are a bigot. Unless you're a member of the cult of LGBT and you're trying to force someone else to discard how they feel about HIV, buttsex, depriving kids of a mother or father for life with a contract etc. Then you're "a protected class". Well, partial protected class because just some deviant sex addicts but not others got the benefits and privileges of the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment in Obergefell.. You know how the 14th is all about playing favorites! (Ginsburg and 4 other Justices seem to know this but nobody else does).

Okay, one more time, you seem to spend a lot of time obsessing about butt sex.

You are like the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about steak.

Sorry, Homophobes, your day is done and past.
They do that in Scientology and most other cults too. What happens when you force another person to write something offensive to them? JoeB says you are a bigot. Unless you're a member of the cult of LGBT and you're trying to force someone else to discard how they feel about HIV, buttsex, depriving kids of a mother or father for life with a contract etc. Then you're "a protected class". Well, partial protected class because just some deviant sex addicts but not others got the benefits and privileges of the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment in Obergefell.. You know how the 14th is all about playing favorites! (Ginsburg and 4 other Justices seem to know this but nobody else does).
Okay, one more time, you seem to spend a lot of time obsessing about butt sex.

You are like the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about steak.

Sorry, Homophobes, your day is done and past.
I understand you can't talk to the points I just made, especially about the 14th Amendment doing "partial lists of protected" ad hominem.

I'll take that as you agreeing you've lost the debate.
I understand you can't talk to the points I just made, especially about the 14th Amendment doing "partial lists of protected" ad hominem.

I'll take that as you agreeing you've lost the debate.

Guy, we've explained to you a dozen times why your homophobia is crazy...

The reality- gay rights are here to stay, mostly because most of us have gay friends or relatives... and you bigots are more embarrassing.
Guy, we've explained to you a dozen times why your homophobia is crazy...

The reality- gay rights are here to stay, mostly because most of us have gay friends or relatives... and you bigots are more embarrassing.
Many of us also have relatives who have broken various laws too. I guess your logic suggests that if enough people know deviants then their deviant behaviors “have to be legally normalized”.

Given your powers of reasoning & logical deduction, they should appoint you as Ginsburg’s perfect-replica replacement.
Many of us also have relatives who have broken various laws too. I guess your logic suggests that if enough people know deviants then their deviant behaviors “have to be legally normalized”.

Given your powers of reasoning & logical deduction, they should appoint you as Ginsburg’s perfect-replica replacement.

again, guy, comparing gays to Criminals? Do we take away a criminal's right to marry? No, we don't

Look, we realize that you are a latent homosexual who has reverted to homophobia, but sometimes your nuttiness is too laughable.

How does the fact that other people are gay affect your life in any way?
How does the fact that other people are gay affect your life in any way?
1. Gay is a behavior that is linked to an “epidemic” (Psychiatry Today CDC article 2005 survey of over 3,000 gay men) of homos having been molested as boys.

2. As such (#1), the behavior can be taught & learned (Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007)

3. Through illegally gaining a court-coup toehold on marriage, adult gays seek to normalize their deviance in the eyes of those most susceptible to adopting new ideals via adult modeling of “normal”. Those are impressionable children & youth. But the younger the child, the more successful an imprint is permanent.

4. Concurrent with gays using their activist judge friends in the courts to rewrite (legislate) laws normalizing sodomy via the vehicle of marriage, the cult of LGBT was pushing for the youngest kids in school to have deviant sex topics woven into their curriculum. See my signature for details.

5. Gay marriages harm society, and therefore me, by holding a contract that banishes children in their home from either a mother or father for life. Such banishment is statistically harmful to children needing the vital modeling for their own self reflection & esteem of a parent their same gender. Single parents hold hope & no contract of banishment. The states entice them to bring the missing gender to the home with marriage benefits of tax breaks etc. At least until Obergefell rendered those enticements impotent. Harmed children grow up to statistically have more mental issues, addiction, indigence & criminal behaviors. Ergo gay marriage increases those factors in any society in which they exist. It is a statistical guarantee.

6. since gay is taught & learned, (1 & 2) over time a society that promotes gay as normal through any social vehicle can be expected to devolve into a society like Sodom or Ancient Greece where it, over increments & time, became normal for #1 to happen as early as the age of 5 or 6. Even where mothers would groom their sons at that tender age to offer them up sexually to older men who had social clout. Those boys would then be sodomized by the men until they no longer looked young. Then they in turn took very young boys to sodomize. And so on they perpetuated a new “progressive” society.

Someone just being gay doesn’t harm me. Someone insisting others must help normalize his deviance in a society DOES harm me & everyone else.
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That ^^ is in fact the exact complaint of Jude 1. The Sinner isn't harming anyone else as long as his sin is private. It's him insisting his sin be taken "as normal" in a society that is forbidden for any Christian to promote under threat of eternal damnation to the Pit of Fire.

The gay customers want to legally be able to say to the Christian baker "either give up your business or be sent to the Pit of Fire for eternity for promoting out behavior as normal." And that's essentially what the Court held can't happen the last go around with this baker thing.
1. Gay is a behavior that is linked to an “epidemic” (Psychiatry Today CDC article 2005 survey of over 3,000 gay men) of homos having been molested as boys.

2. As such (#1), the behavior can be taught & learned (Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007)

Unless you were molested as a kid, I'm not sure how this affects your life. A lot of molesters are straight.

3. Through illegally gaining a court-coup toehold on marriage, adult gays seek to normalize their deviance in the eyes of those most susceptible to adopting new ideals via adult modeling of “normal”. Those are impressionable children & youth. But the younger the child, the more successful an imprint is permanent.

Again, not seeing how this effects your life, which was my original question. I've known kids raised by gay couples, they turn out just fine.

4. Concurrent with gays using their activist judge friends in the courts to rewrite (legislate) laws normalizing sodomy via the vehicle of marriage, the cult of LGBT was pushing for the youngest kids in school to have deviant sex topics woven into their curriculum. See my signature for details.

Again, not seeing how that really effects your lifestyle, but I know what "sodomy" was when I was in a Catholic Grade school. Seems to me that you either tell kids how the naughty bits work, or you wait for them to figure it out on their own.

5. Gay marriages harm society, and therefore me, by holding a contract that banishes children in their home from either a mother or father for life. Such banishment is statistically harmful to children needing the vital modeling for their own self reflection & esteem of a parent their same gender. Single parents hold hope & no contract of banishment. The states entice them to bring the missing gender to the home with marriage benefits of tax breaks etc. At least until Obergefell rendered those enticements impotent. Harmed children grow up to statistically have more mental issues, addiction, indigence & criminal behaviors. Ergo gay marriage increases those factors in any society in which they exist. It is a statistical guarantee.

Again, by your logic, we should force women to stay in bad marriages or make them get married at gunpoint...By that same logic, men should be able to compel their wives/girlfriends to get abortions.

After all, it's for the children.

6. since gay is taught & learned, (1 & 2) over time a society that promotes gay as normal through any social vehicle can be expected to devolve into a society like Sodom or Ancient Greece where it, over increments & time, became normal for #1 to happen as early as the age of 5 or 6. Even where mothers would groom their sons at that tender age to offer them up sexually to older men who had social clout. Those boys would then be sodomized by the men until they no longer looked young. Then they in turn took very young boys to sodomize. And so on they perpetuated a new “progressive” society.

These would be the Greeks who invented democracy, law, literature... THOSE fucking Greeks. You know how they separate the men from the boys in the Greek Navy? With a crowbar!!!! :19::19::19:

Oh, Sodom never existed.... SO there's that.

That ^^ is in fact the exact complaint of Jude 1. The Sinner isn't harming anyone else as long as his sin is private. It's him insisting his sin be taken "as normal" in a society that is forbidden for any Christian to promote under threat of eternal damnation to the Pit of Fire.

Again, if you really think your imaginary sky friend is going to condemn you for not being hateful enough, that's kind of your hangup. There's a whole bunch of shit we don't do that's in the bible. It's why no one is going to take you out and stone you for posting on the Sabbath.
You did a good job pretending to not understand the logical progression of facts in 1-6. Intellectual dishonesty is your strong suit.
How does the fact that other people are gay affect your life in any way?
1. Gay is a behavior that is linked to an “epidemic” (Psychiatry Today CDC article 2005 survey of over 3,000 gay men) of homos having been molested as boys.

2. As such (#1), the behavior can be taught & learned (Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007)

3. Through illegally gaining a court-coup toehold on marriage, adult gays seek to normalize their deviance in the eyes of those most susceptible to adopting new ideals via adult modeling of “normal”. Those are impressionable children & youth. But the younger the child, the more successful an imprint is permanent.

4. Concurrent with gays using their activist judge friends in the courts to rewrite (legislate) laws normalizing sodomy via the vehicle of marriage, the cult of LGBT was pushing for the youngest kids in school to have deviant sex topics woven into their curriculum. See my signature for details.

5. Gay marriages harm society, and therefore me, by holding a contract that banishes children in their home from either a mother or father for life. Such banishment is statistically harmful to children needing the vital modeling for their own self reflection & esteem of a parent their same gender. Single parents hold hope & no contract of banishment. The states entice them to bring the missing gender to the home with marriage benefits of tax breaks etc. At least until Obergefell rendered those enticements impotent. Harmed children grow up to statistically have more mental issues, addiction, indigence & criminal behaviors. Ergo gay marriage increases those factors in any society in which they exist. It is a statistical guarantee.

6. since gay is taught & learned, (1 & 2) over time a society that promotes gay as normal through any social vehicle can be expected to devolve into a society like Sodom or Ancient Greece where it, over increments & time, became normal for #1 to happen as early as the age of 5 or 6. Even where mothers would groom their sons at that tender age to offer them up sexually to older men who had social clout. Those boys would then be sodomized by the men until they no longer looked young. Then they in turn took very young boys to sodomize. And so on they perpetuated a new “progressive” society.

Someone just being gay doesn’t harm me. Someone insisting others must help normalize his deviance in a society DOES harm me & everyone else.

** I’m ignoring your ad hominem last post & asking you to speak to these points other than saying they are imaginary.

Do you think you can restrain yourself to the topic Joe/Sparky? Or is breaking forum rules your second favorite penchant next to intellectual dishonesty?
1. Gay is a behavior that is linked to an “epidemic” (Psychiatry Today CDC article 2005 survey of over 3,000 gay men) of homos having been molested as boys.

Doesn't affect your life. NEXT!

2. As such (#1), the behavior can be taught & learned (Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007)

Still Doesn't affect your life. NEXT!

3. Through illegally gaining a court-coup toehold on marriage, adult gays seek to normalize their deviance in the eyes of those most susceptible to adopting new ideals via adult modeling of “normal”. Those are impressionable children & youth. But the younger the child, the more successful an imprint is permanent.

Still no effect on your life. I Don't think you are going to be adopted.


4. Concurrent with gays using their activist judge friends in the courts to rewrite (legislate) laws normalizing sodomy via the vehicle of marriage, the cult of LGBT was pushing for the youngest kids in school to have deviant sex topics woven into their curriculum. See my signature for details.

I think you are a bit too old for school. STill no effect on YOUR life. NEXT!

5. Gay marriages harm society, and therefore me, by holding a contract that banishes children in their home from either a mother or father for life. Such banishment is statistically harmful to children needing the vital modeling for their own self reflection & esteem of a parent their same gender.

Again, since we aren't going to force people to stay in unhappy marriages or make shotgun weddings the law, I think you are worried about the wrong problem that doesn't affect your life...


6. since gay is taught & learned, (1 & 2) over time a society that promotes gay as normal through any social vehicle can be expected to devolve into a society like Sodom or Ancient Greece where it, over increments & time, became normal for #1

Conflating unrelated things, STILL no effect on your life.

I'm really sorry there is a confusion between your latent homosexuality and your religious upbringing..

But you still have yet to demonstrate to me how Gay People are ruining your life.

Someone just being gay doesn’t harm me.

THANK YOU. You finally admitted that. It's a healthy first step to getting the help you need.

Someone insisting others must help normalize his deviance in a society DOES harm me & everyone else.

And it would be nice if you could demonstrate that beyond "I think it's icky" and "GOd says it's bad". You haven't yet.
But I explained exactly how it not only affects my life but everybody else’s too. So, intellectual dishonesty then is your fallback? Sparky?
But I explained exactly how it not only affects my life but everybody else’s too. So, intellectual dishonesty then is your fallback? Sparky?

Nope, you really didn't... You told me why it gets you SOOOOO upset when you are wanking off to your gay porn stash, but you really didn't give me a good reason why it effects your life in any way.
Ok. So you understand how gays pushing for normalcy affects everyone & you are deflecting the corner you are backed into with ad hominem.
Ok. So you understand how gays pushing for normalcy affects everyone & you are deflecting the corner you are backed into with ad hominem.

Um, no, you got nowhere near there. Look, man, I'm sorry that your religion conflicts with your natural sexual urges. But whipping yourself like this isn't going to help you.

Ok. So you understand how gays pushing for normalcy affects everyone & you are deflecting the corner you are backed into with ad hominem.

Um, no, you got nowhere near there. Look, man, I'm sorry that your religion conflicts with your natural sexual urges. -
Hetero is natural.

Lots of ad hominem. Post at the top have you tongue-tied for anything but a diversion? :popcorn:
I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
I understand you can't talk to the points I just made, especially about the 14th Amendment doing "partial lists of protected" ad hominem.

I'll take that as you agreeing you've lost the debate.

Guy, we've explained to you a dozen times why your homophobia is crazy...

The reality- gay rights are here to stay, mostly because most of us have gay friends or relatives... and you bigots are more embarrassing.
Gay rights do not trump Religious rights.

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