Court allows Christian baker Jack Phillips to sue Colorado for anti-religious hostility

LOL, calling me a "leftist" is fucking hilarious.

Asking someone to "just sell the cupcake" as part of PA laws is very different from making them perform a contracted service for a ceremony they don't believe in.

That you refuse to see this or acknowledge reality makes you just as bad as the BAKE OR DIE morons like JoeBlow.

Naw, what's silly is you trying to rationalize that "some" bigotry is okay if you make it sound sincere enough.

So if I can claim to be a sincere follower of Quetzalcoatl, can I cut the hearts out of my enemies if I use an authentic obsidian knife?


I mean, I agree that usually murder laws are a good thing, when they protect me, but I truly believe there should be a carve out (no pun intended) to let me do what i want.

Murder is an actual crime, that old strawman is stupid even for you, dirt-nap dick.
Yes, strawmen & ad hominem are being liberally employed to divert from these points. Back to the topic...
How does the fact that other people are gay affect your life in any way?
1. Gay is a behavior that is linked to an “epidemic” (Psychiatry Today CDC article 2005 survey of over 3,000 gay men) of homos having been molested as boys.

2. As such (#1), the behavior can be taught & learned (Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007)

3. Through illegally gaining a court-coup toehold on marriage, adult gays seek to normalize their deviance in the eyes of those most susceptible to adopting new ideals via adult modeling of “normal”. Those are impressionable children & youth. But the younger the child, the more successful an imprint is permanent.

4. Concurrent with gays using their activist judge friends in the courts to rewrite (legislate) laws normalizing sodomy via the vehicle of marriage, the cult of LGBT was pushing for the youngest kids in school to have deviant sex topics woven into their curriculum. See my signature for details.

5. Gay marriages harm society, and therefore me, by holding a contract that banishes children in their home from either a mother or father for life. Such banishment is statistically harmful to children needing the vital modeling for their own self reflection & esteem of a parent their same gender. Single parents hold hope & no contract of banishment. The states entice them to bring the missing gender to the home with marriage benefits of tax breaks etc. At least until Obergefell rendered those enticements impotent. Harmed children grow up to statistically have more mental issues, addiction, indigence & criminal behaviors. Ergo gay marriage increases those factors in any society in which they exist. It is a statistical guarantee.

6. since gay is taught & learned, (1 & 2) over time a society that promotes gay as normal through any social vehicle can be expected to devolve into a society like Sodom or Ancient Greece where it, over increments & time, became normal for #1 to happen as early as the age of 5 or 6. Even where mothers would groom their sons at that tender age to offer them up sexually to older men who had social clout. Those boys would then be sodomized by the men until they no longer looked young. Then they in turn took very young boys to sodomize. And so on they perpetuated a new “progressive” society.

Someone just being gay doesn’t harm me. Someone insisting others must help normalize his deviance in a society DOES harm me & everyone else.

** I’m still waiting for a lucid rebuttal.
Ownership is different than employment, you dusty old hack, but nice attempt.

It shouldn't be. If you have a right to refuse service based on your backward ass superstitions, you should have a right to refuse to perform certain tasks at your job if your Imaginary Friend in the Sky says so.

Sounds reasonable to me. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, we are talking about immortal souls.

Or you can just quit your job/close your business if it requires you to do something opposed to your conscience.
you can just quit your job/close your business if it requires you to do something opposed to your conscience.
You realize the Court has already said a merchant can’t be penalized for adhering to his faith in the marketplace.
Ownership is different than employment, you dusty old hack, but nice attempt.

It shouldn't be. If you have a right to refuse service based on your backward ass superstitions, you should have a right to refuse to perform certain tasks at your job if your Imaginary Friend in the Sky says so.

Sounds reasonable to me. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, we are talking about immortal souls.

Or you can just quit your job/close your business if it requires you to do something opposed to your conscience.
If you own your business you should have the right to make your own rules.
If a Muslim or jew can't be forced to serve bacon at a diner because it's against their religious beliefs then a Christian shouldn't have to bake a pink cake with blue icing representing a sex change that goes against HIS religious beliefs.
Ownership is different than employment, you dusty old hack, but nice attempt.

It shouldn't be. If you have a right to refuse service based on your backward ass superstitions, you should have a right to refuse to perform certain tasks at your job if your Imaginary Friend in the Sky says so.

Sounds reasonable to me. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, we are talking about immortal souls.

Or you can just quit your job/close your business if it requires you to do something opposed to your conscience.

Nope, that's one of the perks of owning your own business and taking the risks entailed.
This guy is not a Christian. He is just another tiresome jerk who wants his 15 minutes of fame. This bimbo is just tiresome.
Yup, the risk of being sued for breaking the law... which is what happened here.
That’s right sparky, Colorado broke the law & that’s why the Christian baker is suing State officials. And the court found that he could. So the case is going forward.

Every now & then, check the title of the thread you’re posting on. :popcorn:
That’s right sparky, Colorado broke the law & that’s why the Christian baker is suing State officials. And the court found that he could. So the case is going forward.

Sure.. until the part where they point out the law on CO's books that say you can't discriminate against LGBT people, and then he's done.
That’s right sparky, Colorado broke the law & that’s why the Christian baker is suing State officials. And the court found that he could. So the case is going forward.
Sure.. until the part where they point out the law on CO's books that say you can't discriminate against LGBT people, and then he's done.
Last court decision on this + the 1st Amendment indicates you shouldn’t bet the house on that presumption. States are required to follow the US Constitution. It doesn’t work the other way.
Last court decision on this + the 1st Amendment indicates you shouldn’t bet the house on that presumption. States are required to follow the US Constitution. It doesn’t work the other way.

Not really... you wingnuts scream about states rights all the time....

This isn't a first amendment issue. Businesses don't have religions.

When the bakery gets off it's foundation, walks to CHurch and starts praising Jesus, then you might have a point.
As you know, that’s ^^ not what the court recently ruled. You looking for them to reverse their 1st Amendment rationale before the ink has dried on the last go-around with this baker’s Constitutional rights?
As you know, that’s ^^ not what the court recently ruled. You looking for them to reverse their 1st Amendment rationale before the ink has dried on the last go-around with this baker’s Constitutional rights?

I say we keep suing this baker until he runs out of money... he eventually will.

Nobody is going to fix his bigotry or homophobia or attempts to convince himself of his sexuality.

But making an example of him will discourage the others.

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