Court allows Christian baker Jack Phillips to sue Colorado for anti-religious hostility

I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
Ad hominem from you too. The points are that compelling. :popcorn:

Trust me, there is nothing compelling about you pretending the two fags down the street getting married has any effect on you. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise is just another sign of your mentally ill obsessions with homos.

Guess what...gays can still marry in every state and all you have is silly legal gibberish that even the most ardent faggot haters don't use in court. Why? Because they don't feel like being laughed out of the courtroom. Yes, yes, I know it's going different this time. lol
I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
Ad hominem from you too. The points are that compelling. :popcorn:

Trust me, there is nothing compelling about you pretending the two fags down the street getting married has any effect on you. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise is just another sign of your mentally ill obsessions with homos.

Guess what...gays can still marry in every state and all you have is silly legal gibberish that even the most ardent faggot haters don't use in court. Why? Because they don't feel like being laughed out of the courtroom. Yes, yes, I know it's going different this time. lol
But they don't have a right to tell an artist what to draw on their cake.
I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
Ad hominem from you too. The points are that compelling. :popcorn:

Trust me, there is nothing compelling about you pretending the two fags down the street getting married has any effect on you. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise is just another sign of your mentally ill obsessions with homos.

Guess what...gays can still marry in every state and all you have is silly legal gibberish that even the most ardent faggot haters don't use in court. Why? Because they don't feel like being laughed out of the courtroom. Yes, yes, I know it's going different this time. lol

Trust me, it's your pretense that it's just "two fags down the street getting married" that isn't compelling. If you really think the debate is about two people doing something in private, then you're an idiot. The problem and the debate come from the fact that they insist on making it as public as possible and demand that everyone genuflect to their "normalcy" or else. Note that the topic of the thread, Jack Phillips, did NOT barge into the gay couple's house and start denouncing them. THEY came to HIM and started making demands and trying to destroy his business and his life. THAT is the main reason that conservatives object to legalized marriage: because we know damned well that it has nothing to do with their private lives, and everything to do with a public bludgeon to force cooperation.
I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
Ad hominem from you too. The points are that compelling. :popcorn:

Trust me, there is nothing compelling about you pretending the two fags down the street getting married has any effect on you. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise is just another sign of your mentally ill obsessions with homos.

Guess what...gays can still marry in every state and all you have is silly legal gibberish that even the most ardent faggot haters don't use in court. Why? Because they don't feel like being laughed out of the courtroom. Yes, yes, I know it's going different this time. lol

Trust me, it's your pretense that it's just "two fags down the street getting married" that isn't compelling. If you really think the debate is about two people doing something in private, then you're an idiot. The problem and the debate come from the fact that they insist on making it as public as possible and demand that everyone genuflect to their "normalcy" or else. Note that the topic of the thread, Jack Phillips, did NOT barge into the gay couple's house and start denouncing them. THEY came to HIM and started making demands and trying to destroy his business and his life. THAT is the main reason that conservatives object to legalized marriage: because we know damned well that it has nothing to do with their private lives, and everything to do with a public bludgeon to force cooperation.

It certainly is for the person I am addressing. And perhaps that is the reason some conservatives may oppose legalized marriage, but again, that isn’t the reason to the person I am addressing. I don’t use the word bigot very often b/c it has been used so often it has become almost rote, but Sil is the very soul of the word. This isn’t about protecting businesses or children for her, this about her obsession with being a faggot hater and nothing more.
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But they don't have a right to tell an artist what to draw on their cake.

Indeed. Nobody can force a baker to draw anything on cake in this country, in any state.

You might want to tell Colorado that, because they don't appear to be getting the message.

Which is why I support a business telling any person to fuck off for any reason. You and I are on the same page in those regards.
I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
Ad hominem from you too. The points are that compelling. :popcorn:

Trust me, there is nothing compelling about you pretending the two fags down the street getting married has any effect on you. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise is just another sign of your mentally ill obsessions with homos.

Guess what...gays can still marry in every state and all you have is silly legal gibberish that even the most ardent faggot haters don't use in court. Why? Because they don't feel like being laughed out of the courtroom. Yes, yes, I know it's going different this time. lol
Can you just picture her peeking in bedroom windows, looking looking looking for any gays just RUINING her life?
I think Sil is just upset that gay men can land a husband and she can't. :lol:
Ad hominem from you too. The points are that compelling. :popcorn:

Trust me, there is nothing compelling about you pretending the two fags down the street getting married has any effect on you. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise is just another sign of your mentally ill obsessions with homos.

Guess what...gays can still marry in every state and all you have is silly legal gibberish that even the most ardent faggot haters don't use in court. Why? Because they don't feel like being laughed out of the courtroom. Yes, yes, I know it's going different this time. lol
Can you just picture her peeking in bedroom windows, looking looking looking for any gays just RUINING her life?

She’s a crazy person. This isn’t about some noble ideals or principles, it’s about hating gays. That’s why she crafts these odd stories about Dylan Roof being gay and killing all those people in church over gay marriage, or claiming Chris Mercer was gay and killed all those people at his community college over gay marriage. My personal favorite is her claiming Justice Scalia was so distraught over Obergefell that he committed suicide over it. Sil is a bigot, plain and simple.
More ad hominem. Those points 1-6 got you too eh? :popcorn:
Everyone knows your not for Christian values or rights but are simply anti-gay wherever, whenever. It doesn't change my arguments any, but makes it tough when you sometimes through it way off into extremesville.
Here’s the reason for the ad hominem directed at me. I answered a question...
How does the fact that other people are gay affect your life in any way?
1. Gay is a behavior that is linked to an “epidemic” (Psychiatry Today CDC article 2005 survey of over 3,000 gay men) of homos having been molested as boys.

2. As such (#1), the behavior can be taught & learned (Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007)

3. Through illegally gaining a court-coup toehold on marriage, adult gays seek to normalize their deviance in the eyes of those most susceptible to adopting new ideals via adult modeling of “normal”. Those are impressionable children & youth. But the younger the child, the more successful an imprint is permanent.

4. Concurrent with gays using their activist judge friends in the courts to rewrite (legislate) laws normalizing sodomy via the vehicle of marriage, the cult of LGBT was pushing for the youngest kids in school to have deviant sex topics woven into their curriculum. See my signature for details.

5. Gay marriages harm society, and therefore me, by holding a contract that banishes children in their home from either a mother or father for life. Such banishment is statistically harmful to children needing the vital modeling for their own self reflection & esteem of a parent their same gender. Single parents hold hope & no contract of banishment. The states entice them to bring the missing gender to the home with marriage benefits of tax breaks etc. At least until Obergefell rendered those enticements impotent. Harmed children grow up to statistically have more mental issues, addiction, indigence & criminal behaviors. Ergo gay marriage increases those factors in any society in which they exist. It is a statistical guarantee.

6. since gay is taught & learned, (1 & 2) over time a society that promotes gay as normal through any social vehicle can be expected to devolve into a society like Sodom or Ancient Greece where it, over increments & time, became normal for #1 to happen as early as the age of 5 or 6. Even where mothers would groom their sons at that tender age to offer them up sexually to older men who had social clout. Those boys would then be sodomized by the men until they no longer looked young. Then they in turn took very young boys to sodomize. And so on they perpetuated a new “progressive” society.

Someone just being gay doesn’t harm me. Someone insisting others must help normalize his deviance in a society DOES harm me & everyone else.

** I’m ignoring your ad hominem last post & asking you to speak to these points other than saying they are imaginary.

Remember, the topic isnt ad hominem. It’s gay marriage & how far that can be forced on others to cooperate with.
So, absent ad hominem, all you guys have nothing to reply to my points 1-6. Just take them one by one then. But they demonstrate a comprehensive problem.
Here’s the reason for the ad hominem directed at me. I answered a question...

No you didn't. You did not say how gays are making your life any worse.

You stated how you odn't like living in a society where gays are accepted. Probably makes you think you wasted your life suppressing your urges..
But they don't have a right to tell an artist what to draw on their cake.

They do if an artist said they will draw something on a cake for money.

Can you just picture her peeking in bedroom windows, looking looking looking for any gays just RUINING her life?

Is Sil a him or a her? I've always assumed he was a guy, because he talked about how he enjoyed beating up a gay person who tried to put the moves on him. (Not that I think this ever happened anywhere but his fever fantasies, but never mind.)

She’s a crazy person. This isn’t about some noble ideals or principles, it’s about hating gays. That’s why she crafts these odd stories about Dylan Roof being gay and killing all those people in church over gay marriage, or claiming Chris Mercer was gay and killed all those people at his community college over gay marriage. My personal favorite is her claiming Justice Scalia was so distraught over Obergefell that he committed suicide over it. Sil is a bigot, plain and simple.

Holy Shit, really? I generally scroll past most of his threads, because it's all more of the same, but this is the kind of crazy he engages in when I'm not around.
Everyone knows your not for Christian values or rights but are simply anti-gay wherever, whenever. It doesn't change my arguments any, but makes it tough when you sometimes through it way off into extremesville.

Wow... that was actually... kind of insightful. Got to give you some good rep for that.
So is homosexuality. Ever see one male dog humping another? I have.
So you have seen a dog in the process of cross wiring his natural drive to produce pups. The deviant sex training/imprinting isn’t limited to just humans. Horses & bulls can be cross wired to orient towards stuffed dummy mounts & other steers for semen collection. Just takes enough conditioning and the kink takes on a life of its own.

Primates learn more than other species by watching each other’s behaviors. This is why 1-6 is so important to consider in a social context.
So then why did Colorado allow gays to refuse printing offensive messages to their buttsex ideology?

Because being a bigot isn't a protected class. Some day soon, we'll send you all to nice deprogramming camps to get your heads straight.

So if Muslims sell custom wedding cakes, the have to make gay ones?

Sure. Why not.

The gays didn’t succeed in driving Chic Fil-a into bankruptcy.

They didn't have to. The Board told Dan Cathy to knock it the fuck off with the political stuff, they were there to sell Chicken.

Same shit, different day.

Your opinion on this matter is worthless because you are a bigoted old crank.

And you still don't have a point. Tell you what, if I told my boss I didn't want to work with someone because he was a Mormon, my ass would be so fired.

Christian Bakers need to do their damned jobs, or find something else to do for a living.

Ownership is different than employment, you dusty old hack, but nice attempt.
If you own a restaurant that allows people in to sit and eat you are a PA and have to follow PA laws. I don't see the issue with this. The same restaurant, however could refuse to host an event it didn't like without issue, because that is a contracted event, and not a PA.

Or you just live up to the services you offered, period.

This really isn't complicated.

Here's my solution.

"God says that I shouldn't do this event.'

"Okay, we'll beat you with this baseball bat until God Stops us. Deal?"

"Um, maybe I'll just do the event."

I am letting PEOPLE I WANT TO TRANSACT BUSINESS WITH onto my property. That does not mean I have given up the right to refuse to transact business with people of my choosing, no matter how much you want to believe that I have done so. If I sell a hamburger to every frigging person in the city, YOU still do not have any right or entitlement to a hamburger from me, if I don't want to sell you one.

Okay. Tell you what, try that out if you even own a business. Let me know how that goes for you.

Now, funny thing. I'm happy to just take people's money. I don't care if you are a right wing asshole who comes to me wearing a MAGA hat and an NRA Tee-shirt. If you have my money, you get the documents I offered to make for you. I will happily take your money and I will enjoy spending it.

Sorry, but your desire to use government to fuel your own hatreds is the same concept Bull Connor advocated.

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