Court Documents Raise Significant Questions About Leigh Corfman’s Accusations Against Roy Moore

You’re not even a good liar. Still waiting for you to cough up one imagined lie you claimed I made..
Cmon pussy. Let’s hear it.

I provided examples in the previous thread and I just reiterated said example in this thread and am fully expecting you to go into full k*nt mode - again.
You’re a pathological liar so your only defense of your condition is to call me one. Lame, childish and plain bullshit.

Where did I lie? Cue the k*nt act.

You made numerous, idiotic claims that were outright bullshit and, when I called you out to back them up, you ran like the sniveling little twat that you are.

Hey k*nt, I'm still waiting for you to come up with that lie that I told. Where is it, k*nt?
Lying is as natural to Bripat as it is for Trump. He actually admires Trump’s Chronic lying and wants to be just like him.

You made repeated lies earlier tonight. I called you out on them and asked you to back up your dishonest statements and, instead of backing your mouth, you went full k*nt mode. That's funny. A liar calling someone else a liar.
Name one lie you imagined I told. I’m calling you out.

Post #316 in this thread. You said "Didn’t know Trump admitted grabbing pussy..."

When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

It is NOT accurate to claim that Trump "admitted grabbing pussy". That is a LIE. I asked you then, and I'll ask you again, to provide the quote and where and when it happened that Trump said what you claim he said. Don't go into k*nt mode again and post the Billy Bush statement, because nowhere in that statement did Trump state that he had actually grabbed a woman's pussy.

Cue the K*NT act.
He was quoted and the whole world heard it as being a pussygrabber. I posted the quote 4 times in my thread.
Like someone said about you. You denying Trump said it is just wasting everybody’s time.
Do you need the quote a 5th time.
I swear man there’s something seriously wrong with you..
Seek help.
Lying is as natural to Bripat as it is for Trump. He actually admires Trump’s Chronic lying and wants to be just like him.

You made repeated lies earlier tonight. I called you out on them and asked you to back up your dishonest statements and, instead of backing your mouth, you went full k*nt mode. That's funny. A liar calling someone else a liar.
Name one lie you imagined I told. I’m calling you out.

Post #316 in this thread. You said "Didn’t know Trump admitted grabbing pussy..."

When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

It is NOT accurate to claim that Trump "admitted grabbing pussy". That is a LIE. I asked you then, and I'll ask you again, to provide the quote and where and when it happened that Trump said what you claim he said. Don't go into k*nt mode again and post the Billy Bush statement, because nowhere in that statement did Trump state that he had actually grabbed a woman's pussy.

Cue the K*NT act.
He was quoted and the whole world heard it as being a pussygrabber. I posted the quote 4 times in my thread.
Like someone said about you. You denying Trump said it is just wasting everybody’s time.
Do you need the quote a 5th time.
I swear man there’s something seriously wrong with you..
Seek help.

Thanks for proving, again, that you are a fucking LIAR. Trump didn't state that he had actually grabbed a woman by the "pussy".
The nutcases you meet on this site is hard to believe.
Imagine saying Trump never said “
You can grab them by the pussy. “
Lying is as natural to Bripat as it is for Trump. He actually admires Trump’s Chronic lying and wants to be just like him.

You made repeated lies earlier tonight. I called you out on them and asked you to back up your dishonest statements and, instead of backing your mouth, you went full k*nt mode. That's funny. A liar calling someone else a liar.
Name one lie you imagined I told. I’m calling you out.

Post #316 in this thread. You said "Didn’t know Trump admitted grabbing pussy..."

When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

It is NOT accurate to claim that Trump "admitted grabbing pussy". That is a LIE. I asked you then, and I'll ask you again, to provide the quote and where and when it happened that Trump said what you claim he said. Don't go into k*nt mode again and post the Billy Bush statement, because nowhere in that statement did Trump state that he had actually grabbed a woman's pussy.

Cue the K*NT act.
He was quoted and the whole world heard it as being a pussygrabber. I posted the quote 4 times in my thread.
Like someone said about you. You denying Trump said it is just wasting everybody’s time.
Do you need the quote a 5th time.
I swear man there’s something seriously wrong with you..
Seek help.

Thanks for proving, again, that you are a fucking LIAR. Trump didn't state that he had actually grabbed a woman by the "pussy".
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha haha ha
From that day when the Hollywood Access video broke for all of eternity Trump will be known as a pussygrabber to everyone but this mental patient.
You’re way too damaged for me dude. You have some serious problems..
The little worm admits Moore touched a young teenager on the genitals over her underwear but insists he’s not a child molester.

I so love it when you kick your own ass..
I admit that's what she claimed, douchebag. That's the standard that you and Al Franken have set. If it's not the case, then why aren't you demanding that Franken resign?
Hilarious this Trump whore keeps equating the child molester and Franken in the same sentence as if what they did were equal.

For the 1000th time, Moore isn't being accused of child molestation. Both are accused of touching a woman's private parts, but you defend the piece of slime, Franken.

A 14 year old is a girl, not a woman. He had no businss touching her.

She has no credibility whatsoever. The court documents really throw a spanner in the works.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha haha ha From that day when the Hollywood Access video broke for all of eternity Trump will be known as a pussygrabber to everyone but this mental patient. You’re way too damaged for me dude. You have some serious problems..

unreasonable is in full k*nt mode. If Trump had publicly stated that he had grabbed a woman by her "pussy", it would be easy for this lying little twat to produce the quote. But, he can't. He can't back up his k*nt mouth so he goes full k*nt mode.
Dog feces has a redder ass than this baboon’s. View attachment 161913

unreasonable is angry with me because I have called him out on dishonest claims that he has made. He wants to lie and attacks anyone who calls him out on it with crap like this.

I'm still waiting for this idiot to back up his bullshit claim that I "lied". He won't because he can't.
Dog feces has a redder ass than this baboon’s. View attachment 161913

unreasonable is angry with me because I have called him out on dishonest claims that he has made. He wants to lie and attacks anyone who calls him out on it with crap like this.

I'm still waiting for this idiot to back up his bullshit claim that I "lied". He won't because he can't.
I’m not angry at you. I pity you. Trying to claim Trump didn’t say what millions of people heard him say and what I produced to you on a silver platter... well that’s just full blown Derangement.

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