"covfefe" explained.

Obama was mocked about it for nine years

How long do we get to mock Trump?

the orange sociopath is the gift that keeps on giving. we get to mock him eternally.
and he gets to be president. I'd say he has the win. and continues to win cause you can't stop talking about him. you're obsessed with the man.

*snip moron's meme*

meh... you morons didn't say that for eight years when we had an actual president who actually won with 52% of the vote, not by getting 3 million fewer votes than his opponent.

poor trump loons.

but thanks for yet another moronic rightwingnut meme.

rather than looking for memes, go to school. get educated. develop an actual working vocabulary that is better than a five year olds'

buh bye. :cuckoo:
The popular vote doesn't matter, go back to grade school. Plus we don't even know how many were illegal votes. BUT the joke is on you because the left is getting increasingly bizarre, unable to cope with their new reality. Trump won not so much for being Trump but as a complete rejection of Obama's proxy third term in office.

He's undoing a lot of damage and undoing libs in the process. Maybe that's the definition of covfefe.

To a normal person it would matter since he's supposed to represent "the people". Isn't that what you loons keep saying?
He's representing Americans, not commies.
The President tweeted covfefe?
The OP's hypothesis doesn't fly using a keyboard. I was a typist for years. Coverage isn't anywhere near to covfefe in reach. But is the Tweet "keyboard" set up the same way? Letters in the same place? The center row was set up to use the most frequently used letters. On a phone, where you're using your thumbs, wouldn't it make sense to put those letters on the bottom row? Just asking. Never tweeted.
Is this tongue in cheek?

There is no 'tweeting' keyboard.
the orange sociopath is the gift that keeps on giving. we get to mock him eternally.
and he gets to be president. I'd say he has the win. and continues to win cause you can't stop talking about him. you're obsessed with the man.

*snip moron's meme*

meh... you morons didn't say that for eight years when we had an actual president who actually won with 52% of the vote, not by getting 3 million fewer votes than his opponent.

poor trump loons.

but thanks for yet another moronic rightwingnut meme.

rather than looking for memes, go to school. get educated. develop an actual working vocabulary that is better than a five year olds'

buh bye. :cuckoo:
The popular vote doesn't matter, go back to grade school. Plus we don't even know how many were illegal votes. BUT the joke is on you because the left is getting increasingly bizarre, unable to cope with their new reality. Trump won not so much for being Trump but as a complete rejection of Obama's proxy third term in office.

He's undoing a lot of damage and undoing libs in the process. Maybe that's the definition of covfefe.

To a normal person it would matter since he's supposed to represent "the people". Isn't that what you loons keep saying?
He's representing Americans, not commies.
"Covfefe" Is an Eastern European word that means "wife who refuses to hold my hand". I have it from reliable sources that his wife came into the room while he was tweeting this, and he immediately signed off.
Sometimes logic must be applied to explain something apparently nonsensical. We have all gone to a keyboard and mistyped something. Most of us are not under a national microscope so when we write or speak or write incorrectly few notice it. But when a public figure does it national news is made. Let's take a look at this: Using simple logic we can deduce that the writer probably meant to type negative "coverage" not negative "covfefe". Let's look at the placement of the incorrect letters on the keyboard. The :F" is located diagonally right next to the "E". The "E is located right next to the "R". The "A" is sequestered but the "G" is diagonally right next to the "V". So someone typed too fast and sent with no proofreading. Someone likely tired late at night. Now it's a big deal to those who don't do too much analysis. Remember "Bigly"? This was actually said as "big league". The press is really big on steering little minds.

Understandable...no wait this is not just someone, this is the president of the United States of America posting statements to the whole world without even re-reading them. Does that clown even understand where he is?
he messed up. My gawd people


piss on him, he's a lost cause
He could drown saving an infant in rapid water and you guys would make fun of him for drowning. Give me a break
It would have helped had DJT not fired Comey in the middle of an FBI investigation of DJT's election committee.

I suppose that is what has people pissed off the most at him.

But at least he has reaped the poetic rewards -- Mueller is going to be a lot worse attack dog than Comey ever was.

So the law of unintended consequences has bitten DJT in the butt big time again.

Is Meuller going to manufacture evidence? That's what he will have to do if he finds nothing.
When you claim to be smarter than the average bear, yet don't proofread your statement before releasing it, it makes you look bad.
or not. why do you care exactly?
Shits and giggles for people that claim perfection but are not.
stupid fks in here daily can't do to, too, two or your, you're correctly. yet they think they know more than most humans. yep.

they're vs.their vs. there

loose vs. lose

alot (which ins't even a word) versus a lot

affect vs. effect

it's vs. its
President Warren Harding popularized the use of “normalcy” instead of the more proper “normality” with his campaign slogan "A Return To Normalcy"

A crappy president can f*** up a whole language. This was foreshadowing.

Now we’ve got Trump treating English like he’s mad at it.
“You don’t frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person! I blow my nose at you!” -President James Buchanan, Pig War of 1859
President Warren Harding popularized the use of “normalcy” instead of the more proper “normality” with his campaign slogan "A Return To Normalcy"

A crappy president can f*** up a whole language. This was foreshadowing.

Now we’ve got Trump treating English like he’s mad at it.
Harding’s Presidency was anything but normal

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