Covid-19 infections leave an impact on the heart, raising concerns about lasting damage

Don't be fooled thanks to your ego. It's real. On the snake meat thread, we've already shown some cardiac connections, not only for the virus, but for the treatment as well:

May 2020

Reinfection exacerbates cardiac sequelae.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.

There might not be a vaccine for 40 years you know, or longer. Still no aids vaccine, and aids first became population 40 years ago.
That's true.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Its hardly even "news" , much less "good news".

Just alarmism designed to scare soft-brained Americans to take the dictates of the technocrats running this pandemic "seriously". My guess is that the media sources who published this didn't bother to vet the story at all, as their goal is to keep the country shut down as much as possible for as long as possible.
Well the studies just came out so it kind of is news and I did say it isn't good news so there's that.

And if you aren't concerned with it, then just ignore it.

Fair enough?

But I am concerned, because its news that is petrifying a sector of the public and might have a negative effect on recovery. It doesn't offer any solutions, just negativity.

It would be like General Eisenhower addressing the men before the invasion of Normandy warning them about possible of disabling PTSD after the event.

This story has no redeeming social value, there is nothing that the people can do about possible bad aftereffects from Corona Virus except worry about it.
So you don't believe people should have all of the available information on the virus?

Its just irresponsible IMHO to try and scare people by putting this kind of preliminary study on the front page and emphasizing it, particularly as it unproven and there is nothing that the people can do about it anyhow.
I don't think it is preliminary. The study using autopsies of covid patients confirms that covid is a disease of the endothelium. These are real risks which needs to be communicated so that people can make informed decisions for themselves.

Here is a link which explains the science behind the disease.

You whiners are such weaklings, either get with dying or get on with your life, regardless of which, get on and stop whining about how afraid you fucking are... :rolleyes:
It's not about being afraid. It is about managing risks and making informed decisions.

Doesn't managing risks and making informed decisions sound like a smart thing to do?
Tough isn't it, making informed choices when democrats have "politicized" the whole shooting match! What did you folks think the objective was when the democrats teamed up with communist China and attacked the United states with their little glorified cold? The objective was to instill fear and terror into the general population, thus is the entire point of any bio-weapon attack, and paralyze your ability to make choices! Have you noticed the dramatic drop in fatality ratios from the democratic party/CCP bio-release, have you? Do you know why that is, is it because suddenly in just two months time medical science has turned the tide?

Nope, I doubt that very much, the odds are quite high, that the reason for the precipitous decline in fatalities is due specifically to the retreat of the worst seasonal flu season in 12 years! When everyone is lying to you, about everything, you need to pay closer attention to what it is they do, and not what it is they say! The democratic party was directly involved in this attack, it was simply stated, far to perfect in its timing, specifically right when the democratic party needed it the most, so as to defeat the single mechanism they had to have removed in order to either defeat Trump at the polls, or give impression of having done so! :wink:
I'm a Republican and I don't believe what I have been reading has been politicized.

It sounds like you are politicizing it though.

If you want to ignore the risk, be my guest.
Do you see the above retard, he was careful to insist he is republican, and that he sees no "politicization" in anything he reads of virus coverage! This is naked imbecility, total cretinism, the display of a really first class public schooled intellectual abortion up close and personal, to accept this idiot at his word, you'd have to conclude he has just removed head from ass-hole after 4.5 month anal exploration.... :auiqs.jpg:
Oh no! A hundred people who's systems were weak enough to catch the virus had after effects! Quick! Everybody run to your homes. Lock the door! Don a mask!
Actually I think what this is saying is that if your calculus was based on 98% survival rate, you might want to re-think your math because even though you survive you might have knocked off 10 to 15 years of your life.

But hey, anyone who wants to ignore this, please be my guest. The Darwin awards are two rooms to the left.
Math smath.
View attachment 367968
The real Russian Roulette is my every day drive during rush hour with the inattentive idiots.
Covid ranks 899 on my list of 900 things to worry about harming me.
Your call, bro.
Not according to Big Brother.
If you really wanted to get it, I'm pretty no one can stop you from getting it. You should show them and go get it. :lol:
It will find ALL of us.
It hasn't found me yet.
Nor me, and I am not hiding.
I'm not hiding either. Tomorrow I will be playing my 97th round of golf for the year. But I am being smart about it. Again... this new information has change my perception of the risk profile and I will adjust accordingly. If you want to dismiss the risks and throw caution to the wind, that's your call. My call is different. Do you have a problem with that?
No, just with those in power that feel they must make that call for me.
What exactly are they doing to you that has you upset?
Just the destruction of the economy, small businesses, mandates and an unnecessary panic, all conveniently just before an election.

But hey, no biggie, right?
This bug has nothing to do with politics.

You whiners are such weaklings, either get with dying or get on with your life, regardless of which, get on and stop whining about how afraid you fucking are... :rolleyes:
It's not about being afraid. It is about managing risks and making informed decisions.

Doesn't managing risks and making informed decisions sound like a smart thing to do?
Tough isn't it, making informed choices when democrats have "politicized" the whole shooting match! What did you folks think the objective was when the democrats teamed up with communist China and attacked the United states with their little glorified cold? The objective was to instill fear and terror into the general population, thus is the entire point of any bio-weapon attack, and paralyze your ability to make choices! Have you noticed the dramatic drop in fatality ratios from the democratic party/CCP bio-release, have you? Do you know why that is, is it because suddenly in just two months time medical science has turned the tide?

Nope, I doubt that very much, the odds are quite high, that the reason for the precipitous decline in fatalities is due specifically to the retreat of the worst seasonal flu season in 12 years! When everyone is lying to you, about everything, you need to pay closer attention to what it is they do, and not what it is they say! The democratic party was directly involved in this attack, it was simply stated, far to perfect in its timing, specifically right when the democratic party needed it the most, so as to defeat the single mechanism they had to have removed in order to either defeat Trump at the polls, or give impression of having done so! :wink:
I'm a Republican and I don't believe what I have been reading has been politicized.

It sounds like you are politicizing it though.

If you want to ignore the risk, be my guest.
Do you see the above retard, he was careful to insist he is republican, and that he sees no "politicization" in anything he reads of virus coverage! This is naked imbecility, total cretinism, the display of a really first class public schooled intellectual abortion up close and personal, to accept this idiot at his word, you'd have to conclude he has just removed head from ass-hole after 4.5 month anal exploration.... :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, that's me; the retard. :lol:

I read the science.
Oh no! A hundred people who's systems were weak enough to catch the virus had after effects! Quick! Everybody run to your homes. Lock the door! Don a mask!
Actually I think what this is saying is that if your calculus was based on 98% survival rate, you might want to re-think your math because even though you survive you might have knocked off 10 to 15 years of your life.

But hey, anyone who wants to ignore this, please be my guest. The Darwin awards are two rooms to the left.
Math smath.
View attachment 367968
The real Russian Roulette is my every day drive during rush hour with the inattentive idiots.
Covid ranks 899 on my list of 900 things to worry about harming me.
Your call, bro.
Not according to Big Brother.
If you really wanted to get it, I'm pretty no one can stop you from getting it. You should show them and go get it. :lol:
It will find ALL of us.
It hasn't found me yet.
Nor me, and I am not hiding.
I'm not hiding either. Tomorrow I will be playing my 97th round of golf for the year. But I am being smart about it. Again... this new information has change my perception of the risk profile and I will adjust accordingly. If you want to dismiss the risks and throw caution to the wind, that's your call. My call is different. Do you have a problem with that?
No, just with those in power that feel they must make that call for me.
What exactly are they doing to you that has you upset?
Just the destruction of the economy, small businesses, mandates and an unnecessary panic, all conveniently just before an election.

But hey, no biggie, right?
This bug has nothing to do with politics.

That's pretty much how I feel when people turn this into a political football.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Its hardly even "news" , much less "good news".

Just alarmism designed to scare soft-brained Americans to take the dictates of the technocrats running this pandemic "seriously". My guess is that the media sources who published this didn't bother to vet the story at all, as their goal is to keep the country shut down as much as possible for as long as possible.
Well the studies just came out so it kind of is news and I did say it isn't good news so there's that.

And if you aren't concerned with it, then just ignore it.

Fair enough?

But I am concerned, because its news that is petrifying a sector of the public and might have a negative effect on recovery. It doesn't offer any solutions, just negativity.

It would be like General Eisenhower addressing the men before the invasion of Normandy warning them about possible of disabling PTSD after the event.

This story has no redeeming social value, there is nothing that the people can do about possible bad aftereffects from Corona Virus except worry about it.
So you don't believe people should have all of the available information on the virus?

Its just irresponsible IMHO to try and scare people by putting this kind of preliminary study on the front page and emphasizing it, particularly as it unproven and there is nothing that the people can do about it anyhow.
I don't think it is preliminary. The study using autopsies of covid patients confirms that covid is a disease of the endothelium. These are real risks which needs to be communicated so that people can make informed decisions for themselves.

Here is a link which explains the science behind the disease.

There really is no decision, informed or uninformed, that this would have an uninfected and well person to make. Even if they lock themselves away permanently, the virus can still find them , it is that small.

It is something that medical professionals and active Covid patients should be considering in determining how hard to fight it and what their risks are.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Its hardly even "news" , much less "good news".

Just alarmism designed to scare soft-brained Americans to take the dictates of the technocrats running this pandemic "seriously". My guess is that the media sources who published this didn't bother to vet the story at all, as their goal is to keep the country shut down as much as possible for as long as possible.
Well the studies just came out so it kind of is news and I did say it isn't good news so there's that.

And if you aren't concerned with it, then just ignore it.

Fair enough?

But I am concerned, because its news that is petrifying a sector of the public and might have a negative effect on recovery. It doesn't offer any solutions, just negativity.

It would be like General Eisenhower addressing the men before the invasion of Normandy warning them about possible of disabling PTSD after the event.

This story has no redeeming social value, there is nothing that the people can do about possible bad aftereffects from Corona Virus except worry about it.
So you don't believe people should have all of the available information on the virus?

Its just irresponsible IMHO to try and scare people by putting this kind of preliminary study on the front page and emphasizing it, particularly as it unproven and there is nothing that the people can do about it anyhow.
I don't think it is preliminary. The study using autopsies of covid patients confirms that covid is a disease of the endothelium. These are real risks which needs to be communicated so that people can make informed decisions for themselves.

Here is a link which explains the science behind the disease.

There really is no decision, informed or uninformed, that this would have an uninfected and well person to make. Even if they lock themselves away permanently, the virus can still find them , it is that small.

It is something that medical professionals and active Covid patients should be considering in determining how hard to fight it and what their risks are.

The decision is how much to participate and expose one's self.

This risk is 2% likelihood of death whose consequence is severe and 70% likelihood of some damage to arteries and organs whose consequence is not well understood at this time.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Requires a heart.
You whiners are such weaklings, either get with dying or get on with your life, regardless of which, get on and stop whining about how afraid you fucking are... :rolleyes:
It's not about being afraid. It is about managing risks and making informed decisions.

Doesn't managing risks and making informed decisions sound like a smart thing to do?
Tough isn't it, making informed choices when democrats have "politicized" the whole shooting match! What did you folks think the objective was when the democrats teamed up with communist China and attacked the United states with their little glorified cold? The objective was to instill fear and terror into the general population, thus is the entire point of any bio-weapon attack, and paralyze your ability to make choices! Have you noticed the dramatic drop in fatality ratios from the democratic party/CCP bio-release, have you? Do you know why that is, is it because suddenly in just two months time medical science has turned the tide?

Nope, I doubt that very much, the odds are quite high, that the reason for the precipitous decline in fatalities is due specifically to the retreat of the worst seasonal flu season in 12 years! When everyone is lying to you, about everything, you need to pay closer attention to what it is they do, and not what it is they say! The democratic party was directly involved in this attack, it was simply stated, far to perfect in its timing, specifically right when the democratic party needed it the most, so as to defeat the single mechanism they had to have removed in order to either defeat Trump at the polls, or give impression of having done so! :wink:
I'm a Republican and I don't believe what I have been reading has been politicized.

It sounds like you are politicizing it though.

If you want to ignore the risk, be my guest.
Do you see the above retard, he was careful to insist he is republican, and that he sees no "politicization" in anything he reads of virus coverage! This is naked imbecility, total cretinism, the display of a really first class public schooled intellectual abortion up close and personal, to accept this idiot at his word, you'd have to conclude he has just removed head from ass-hole after 4.5 month anal exploration.... :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, that's me; the retard. :lol:

I read the science.
:omg: You've read the science? Where in the "science" you idiot, does it scientifically rule out political intentions of China & DNC??? Currently mask wearing is beig mandated coast to coast by the same exact morons who stated categorically in April that such was worse for you then not! You also humiliated yourself with imbecilic assertion that nothing had been politicized, you issued that stupid comment just after asserting yourself as a republican, which I flat out don't believe, and which really makes no difference anyway, the entire thing is one giant political assault upon the American people, and you either see it, are incapable of seeing it due to intellectual deficiency, or you are actively participating in the dissemination of the propaganda! We already know where you fit in with those three possibilities, don't we! :wink:
You whiners are such weaklings, either get with dying or get on with your life, regardless of which, get on and stop whining about how afraid you fucking are... :rolleyes:
It's not about being afraid. It is about managing risks and making informed decisions.

Doesn't managing risks and making informed decisions sound like a smart thing to do?
Tough isn't it, making informed choices when democrats have "politicized" the whole shooting match! What did you folks think the objective was when the democrats teamed up with communist China and attacked the United states with their little glorified cold? The objective was to instill fear and terror into the general population, thus is the entire point of any bio-weapon attack, and paralyze your ability to make choices! Have you noticed the dramatic drop in fatality ratios from the democratic party/CCP bio-release, have you? Do you know why that is, is it because suddenly in just two months time medical science has turned the tide?

Nope, I doubt that very much, the odds are quite high, that the reason for the precipitous decline in fatalities is due specifically to the retreat of the worst seasonal flu season in 12 years! When everyone is lying to you, about everything, you need to pay closer attention to what it is they do, and not what it is they say! The democratic party was directly involved in this attack, it was simply stated, far to perfect in its timing, specifically right when the democratic party needed it the most, so as to defeat the single mechanism they had to have removed in order to either defeat Trump at the polls, or give impression of having done so! :wink:
I'm a Republican and I don't believe what I have been reading has been politicized.

It sounds like you are politicizing it though.

If you want to ignore the risk, be my guest.
Do you see the above retard, he was careful to insist he is republican, and that he sees no "politicization" in anything he reads of virus coverage! This is naked imbecility, total cretinism, the display of a really first class public schooled intellectual abortion up close and personal, to accept this idiot at his word, you'd have to conclude he has just removed head from ass-hole after 4.5 month anal exploration.... :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, that's me; the retard. :lol:

I read the science.
:omg: You've read the science? Where in the "science" you idiot, does it scientifically rule out political intentions of China & DNC??? Currently mask wearing is beig mandated coast to coast by the same exact morons who stated categorically in April that such was worse for you then not! You also humiliated yourself with imbecilic assertion that nothing had been politicized, you issued that stupid comment just after asserting yourself as a republican, which I flat out don't believe, and which really makes no difference anyway, the entire thing is one giant political assault upon the American people, and you either see it, are incapable of seeing it due to intellectual deficiency, or you are actively participating in the dissemination of the propaganda! We already know where you fit in with those three possibilities, don't we! :wink:
Calm down, bro. Everything is going to work itself out. There will be plenty of time to launch the nukes later. :lol:
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
I believe this is more about managing personal risk.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
YES! our species survived, even with a lot of deaths....

and in today's world of medicine and science, they would be unnecessary deaths... deaths OF MANY, that can be prevented, with small small small sacrifices, like wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping at least 6 ft apart..... so to buy time, with fewer deaths, until we can achieve herd immunity, with a vaccine....

Now is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their country!

Even with the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, churches were closed, bars/saloons, theaters, also all large gatherings shut down, and schools were even closed...

and wearing masks while out in the city were mandatory! And the Boy Scouts were used to rat on people to the city authorities, who were not wearing face coverings...

THEY did what they did, based on the science that they knew, in their day, to mitigate it....

Last edited:
your liberty to swing your arms with hands every which way ya want is yours, until your hand impacts another person's nose ....

Not wearing a mask during this pandemic, IS HITTING another person's nose, so to say....

BASED on the best scientific evidence we have at this point, with this new corona virus....
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
YES! our species survived, even with a lot of deaths....

and in today's world of medicine and science, they would be unnecessary deaths... deaths OF MANY, that can be prevented, with small small small sacrifices, like wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping at least 6 ft apart..... so to buy time, with fewer deaths, until we can achieve herd immunity, with a vaccine....

Now is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their country!

Even with the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, churches were closed, bars/saloons, theaters, also all large gatherings shut down, and schools were even closed...

and wearing masks while out in the city were mandatory! And the Boy Scouts were used to rat on people to the city authorities, who were not wearing face coverings...

THEY did what they did, based on the science that they knew, in their day, to mitigate it....

And they didn’t lockdown, causing way more deaths than necessary.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
YES! our species survived, even with a lot of deaths....

and in today's world of medicine and science, they would be unnecessary deaths... deaths OF MANY, that can be prevented, with small small small sacrifices, like wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping at least 6 ft apart..... so to buy time, with fewer deaths, until we can achieve herd immunity, with a vaccine....

Now is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their country!

Even with the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, churches were closed, bars/saloons, theaters, also all large gatherings shut down, and schools were even closed...

and wearing masks while out in the city were mandatory! And the Boy Scouts were used to rat on people to the city authorities, who were not wearing face coverings...

THEY did what they did, based on the science that they knew, in their day, to mitigate it....

And they didn’t lockdown, causing way more deaths than necessary.
Flu's are seasonal. This virus isn't a flu. It's a disease of the endothelial. The strain of 1918 died out in one season. Covid-19 won't die out in one season. It doesn't have a season. So this has a different risk profile. In fact, the point of this thread is to inform people what the latest risk profile looks like. It isn't just about people who die anymore. A high percentage of people who get this will have years taken off of their lives because this is a disease of the endothelial. Covid 19 just uses the lungs as an entry point.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
YES! our species survived, even with a lot of deaths....

and in today's world of medicine and science, they would be unnecessary deaths... deaths OF MANY, that can be prevented, with small small small sacrifices, like wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping at least 6 ft apart..... so to buy time, with fewer deaths, until we can achieve herd immunity, with a vaccine....

Now is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their country!

Even with the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, churches were closed, bars/saloons, theaters, also all large gatherings shut down, and schools were even closed...

and wearing masks while out in the city were mandatory! And the Boy Scouts were used to rat on people to the city authorities, who were not wearing face coverings...

THEY did what they did, based on the science that they knew, in their day, to mitigate it....

And they didn’t lockdown, causing way more deaths than necessary.
Flu's are seasonal. This virus isn't a flu. It's a disease of the endothelial. The strain of 1918 died out in one season. Covid-19 won't die out in one season. It doesn't have a season. So this has a different risk profile. In fact, the point of this thread is to inform people what the latest risk profile looks like. It isn't just about people who die anymore. A high percentage of people who get this will have years taken off of their lives because this is a disease of the endothelial. Covid 19 just uses the lungs as an entry point.
Flus are seasonal because they die on the vine and can’t sustain in hot weather. Just like this one. But if you lock people indoors, the virus can’t die on the vine. When you eventually release people, the virus then gets to spread again. Lockdowns are what made this virus ultimately re-emerge.
THIS isn't good news at all. So much for the argument of go ahead and get it over with.

A recent study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. 78 of the 100 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 of the 100 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 of the 100 had signs of inflammation.

Give them Hydroxy early and you’ll probably stave off those alleged heart side effects.
Maybe but they aren't side effects. Covid 19 is a disease of the endothelium. It just uses the lungs as it's entry point.
And if hydroxy does its job then the virus can’t attack as acutely.
Sorry to burst your negative bubble.
There's no negative bubble. There's just reality. The reality is this virus is a disease of the endothelium. If you think it is an acceptable risk to get the virus and then treat it, that's your call. But from a risk perspective it is a higher risk than never getting it. That is reality.
Were all gonna get it. Unless herd immunity is allowed to take its course. Lockdowns stagger that process.
Herd immunity is achieved safely, through vaccination....thus the rush for a vaccine.

To do it the natural way as you prescribe, is 70% more deaths and long term damage and would take 10 years of misery, before we'd see relief....

I think Sweden, with little restrictions.... has only achieved 7% of their population having been infected and double the deaths of their neighboring Countries....

We need 70% of the population to have immunity in order to eradicate the virus....

A vaccine, With a controlled and limited amount of the virus in it to give immunity, will cause less deaths and less heart and neurological damage,

And can get our population to the 50 - 70% herd immunity level can be achieved in 2 - 3 years.

And, natural herd immunity through self made antibodies, have been shown to only last a few weeks on a portion of the people.... So getting the disease naturally, does not make one immune from getting it again... which is a shocker.... No natural herd immunity.....on many with the milder cases....And their second infection of the virus, has been shown, to be worse.
Gee, I don’t see how the species survived considering we didn’t have flu vaccines until the 1940’s.
YES! our species survived, even with a lot of deaths....

and in today's world of medicine and science, they would be unnecessary deaths... deaths OF MANY, that can be prevented, with small small small sacrifices, like wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping at least 6 ft apart..... so to buy time, with fewer deaths, until we can achieve herd immunity, with a vaccine....

Now is the time for all good men, to come to the aid of their country!

Even with the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, churches were closed, bars/saloons, theaters, also all large gatherings shut down, and schools were even closed...

and wearing masks while out in the city were mandatory! And the Boy Scouts were used to rat on people to the city authorities, who were not wearing face coverings...

THEY did what they did, based on the science that they knew, in their day, to mitigate it....

And they didn’t lockdown, causing way more deaths than necessary.
Flu's are seasonal. This virus isn't a flu. It's a disease of the endothelial. The strain of 1918 died out in one season. Covid-19 won't die out in one season. It doesn't have a season. So this has a different risk profile. In fact, the point of this thread is to inform people what the latest risk profile looks like. It isn't just about people who die anymore. A high percentage of people who get this will have years taken off of their lives because this is a disease of the endothelial. Covid 19 just uses the lungs as an entry point.
Flus are seasonal because they die on the vine and can’t sustain in hot weather. Just like this one. But if you lock people indoors, the virus can’t die on the vine. When you eventually release people, the virus then gets to spread again. Lockdowns are what made this virus ultimately re-emerge.
Everyone would have to stay locked in until it ran its course in the entire household. Could be two weeks or 1 month. But sure technically it could be done. Good luck with that. People are bitching about having to wear a mask.

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