COVID-19 Trump should have acted earlier?

If the left dares to claim that Donald John Trump knew back in December that the virus was dangerous then they are lying and why?

China did not inform the WHO until December 31st 2019 about the possible outbreak, so let be clear the left is full of it on their December claim...

Now let focus on January and maybe the left would like to explain if the U.S. was not active in finding out what was going on why did we offer members of the CDC back on January 6th 2020?

Ohhh, let me guess the left will ignore that while ignoring when the WHO updated their comments on Covid-19 the CDC also updated their information and restrictions in January...

Now the left will proclaim whatever China failed to do matter not and it is all Trump fault for the outbreak around the World and they will be damn with timelines and actual facts and will run with slanted political opinion pieces that will ignore dates so that simple minded fools will believe the U.S. was not monitoring with the WHO about the Kung Pow sickness...

Off Topic in my own thread for a minute. Bruce this is for you:

Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.
Funny thing.

We Conservatives agreed that with Fauci that we should have kept the goddamn Chinese and other third world assholes from contaminating the US sooner than what we did. Like decades sooner.
Meanwhile China LIED to the world in December, which slowed the response from the world on the then emerging China Virus:

PJ Media

Dr. Fauci: Coronavirus Erupted in December While China Lied About Human-to-Human Spread
By Rick Moran April 12, 2020


Easter Sunday has been "Blame Trump" Day around the world. The New York Times has 3 separate stories claiming Trump knew how bad things were going to get and blew the response. The Guardian, Der Speigel, and the Associated Press are all piling on the president for his poor and late response to the pandemic.

But odds are, there wouldn't even be a pandemic if China hadn't delayed and if China had been transparent. It is becoming horrifyingly clear, day by day, that China could have nipped this pandemic in the bud. But their paranoia and overwhelming desire not to get blamed for the virus's origination led to their hiding the facts not just from their own people, but from the entire world.

That included allowing their citizens to travel. It's believed that more than 450,000 Chinese traveled to the U.S. since January — a recipe for disaster.

As Dr. Fauci said on Fox News, it was China that blew it.

Communist China is guilty of a Crime Against Humanity and the World MSM are guilty of actively assisting China in doing this because they KNEW they have been helping China cover up since day one. IF the WORLD would have known about this thing then the WORLD could have taken the measures in December or very very early January and then we would not have all the carnage and the chaos and peoples being sick and the Western Economy being destroyed, which is going to happen, of course this WAS the plan from the Communist Chinese and The UN and WHO to assist in crashing the Western Economy.

This SHOULD be considered an Act of War by China and China needs the most EXTREME of punishments.
COVID-19 Trump should have acted earlier?'

Said NO Democrat / snowflake ... until Sleepy Joe saw 'the light - late as always - and emerged like the famous rodent Punxsutawney Phil to say, "Imposing a China Travel Bas was actually the right thing to do" before disappearing into his bunker in his mom's basement for another 6 months.

Sleepy Joe, proving again he has been wrong about every Foreign Policy decision in his life, led the Democrat / snowflake attack on Trump and his opposition to the Travel Ban when President Trump imposed it, calling Trump a Xenophobe for doing so.

Now the nostradumbasses have seized on another 'let's get Trump' idea (brain cramp) by insisting more lives would have been saved f he would have done so sooner.

They aren't intelligent enough to realize by pointing that out people remember they weren't for it when it happened, which means had they been in charge MORE Americans would be iunfected or DEAD right now.

Thank God for Trump!
So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Just this morning too. Just wait. The white hot spotlight for Trump is coming. But you just keep on deflecting.
The single most damning sentence in the New York Times coronavirus exposé

That's not damning. What the fuck was congress doing? Were they involved? Did they make recommendations? It's their responsibility as well. Over 500 representatives and no one, not one, made ANY fucking suggestions for action that Trump took upon himself to do. None of them. Fuck off. You and the NY Times have a severe case of TDS
So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Neo-Cons hate Trump because they love slave labor.
Almost every Conservative in the media is a scumbag neo-Con.

Yes and yes, I know you hate Neo-Conservatives as much as I do.

If I post condemning Liberals, the neo-Cons will cheer me.
If I post condemning neo-Cons, the Liberals will cheer me.
I have to keep reminding both extremes of my view of their ideologies.
30 January 2020

The WHO Director-General reconvened the Emergency Committee (EC). This was earlier than the 10-day period and only two days after the first reports of limited human-to-human transmission were reported outside China. This time, the EC reached consensus and advised the Director-General that the outbreak constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

^^^^ You are Off Topic, stop attempting a bad attempt at deflection. The thread is NOT about the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory Hoax. Okay so you're a Pro-China Troll Boi, but you are still Off Topic.

For your Trump Derangement Syndrome there IS now a vaccine:

So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Neo-Cons hate Trump because they love slave labor.
Almost every Conservative in the media is a scumbag neo-Con.

Yes and yes, I know you hate Neo-Conservatives as much as I do.

If I post condemning Liberals, the neo-Cons will cheer me.
If I post condemning neo-Cons, the Liberals will cheer me.
I have to keep reminding both extremes of my view of their ideologies.

The only thing the conservative side did on this was to take action. The left just sat with their thumb up their ass yelling Racism! Xenophobia! Overreaction!

None of which is helpful but full of ideology.

Give me one conservative Ideology quote from the conservative base for this COVID pandemic. Just fucking one.
Let face reality no matter what Trump or any Republican does it will be the wrong course of action...

The E.U. went nuts over Trump travel ban from Europe, and yet no one on the left will admit what Trump did was the correct thing!

The left is focus now on December with the hope no one will notice that China technically did not inform the WHO until the last day of December about the possible dangers of the virus.

Hell, in January the WHO was claiming Human to Human contact was not possible with Covid-19, so let me be clear the WHO itself was wrong!

When Trump was stopping flights from China with Chinese Nationals the left like Biden, Pelosi and Bill de Blasio were mocking Trump at the end of January and the start of February, so where is the outrage against Biden, Pelosi or de Blasio and before one of you morons on the left say de Blasio did nothing wrong let remember even Jake Tapper took him to task over his ( de Blasio ) comments, so stop lying about the Mayor stupidity!

Trump and the U.S. Government can only go off reports from the WHO give the CDC and the failure of the Chinese Government to disclose the threat of the virus to the WHO since November falls on China and no one else!
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

^^^^ This:

So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Just this morning too. Just wait. The white hot spotlight for Trump is coming. But you just keep on deflecting.
The single most damning sentence in the New York Times coronavirus exposé

You are not trusted anymore. Have not been for years. We don' believe in the New York Times. Most of the media is Pravda to us.
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

You are so full of shit!

Hindsight is 20/20 and let be clear had Trump done any of the stuff you demand now back at the end of December or early January you idiots would be screaming he was overthrowing the U.S. Government!

Yes, you have to wait and find out what the WHO knows and to say " No we don't wait for anyone " is pure bullshit on your part!

China own this mess you lying troll!
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.
Old people have an excuse. But most of you Progs would die or be impoverished without massive government. You are embarrassments to humanity.
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

You are so full of shit!

Hindsight is 20/20 and let be clear had Trump done any of the stuff you demand now back at the end of December or early January you idiots would be screaming he was overthrowing the U.S. Government!

Yes, you have to wait and find out what the WHO knows and to say " No we don't wait for anyone " is pure bullshit on your part!

China own this mess you lying troll!

Not one Leftist can comment that WHO was WRONG and WHAT WHO did was WRONG. All they can do is the usual for them:

Deflect everything onto Donald Trump.

WHO was ALSO saying that every nation should NOT ban flights and keep their borders OPEN and The UN was saying the SAME thing not to ban flights and to keep borders open. We can ONLY conclude from THIS that WHO and The UN WANTED COVID-19 to spread across the world. They are pure evil.
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

^^^^ This:

View attachment 322968

Boring. Just keep deflecting blame. Try to find another party to blame for Trump's incompetence. Or just keep posting the same lame memes.
China, WHO will all have their questions to answer when the dust settles down on this.
But that doesn't excuse the lack of action on the Trump administrations part.
So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

^^^^ This:

View attachment 322968

Boring. Just keep deflecting blame. Try to find another party to blame for Trump's incompetence. Or just keep posting the same lame memes.
China, WHO will all have their questions to answer when the dust settles down on this.
But that doesn't excuse the lack of action on the Trump administrations part.
Do you get on your knees for China while you are saying

Tell them to shut down the Wet Markets...........They got a nice looking Aircraft Carrier that would make a great reef.

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