COVID-19 Trump should have acted earlier?

So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


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Here are some of the comments to the above:

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^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

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Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Just this morning too. Just wait. The white hot spotlight for Trump is coming. But you just keep on deflecting.
The single most damning sentence in the New York Times coronavirus exposé

5 days befor Trump ended China travel Fouchi said this virus was NOTHING FOR AMERICANS TO WORRY ABOUT.

Your TDS is not an acceptable substitute for reality
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.
Old people have an excuse. But most of you Progs would die or be impoverished without massive government. You are embarrassments to humanity.

That's pretty rich coming from the other side of the fence, whose members have not only created the largest deficits in our country's history (minus the stimulus spending), screwed the tax system for most of us up in favor of the 1%, and manged through their policies to just about destroy an entire class of people (the middle class) in this country.

Me thinks we should go back to arguing who's more responsible for the virus outbreak. China, WHO, or Trump. Cause I already know which side is more embarassing to humanity.
I favor this order.

1) Trump
2) WHO
3) China
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.

You are so full of shit!

Hindsight is 20/20 and let be clear had Trump done any of the stuff you demand now back at the end of December or early January you idiots would be screaming he was overthrowing the U.S. Government!

Yes, you have to wait and find out what the WHO knows and to say " No we don't wait for anyone " is pure bullshit on your part!

China own this mess you lying troll!

Not one Leftist can comment that WHO was WRONG and WHAT WHO did was WRONG. All they can do is the usual for them:

Deflect everything onto Donald Trump.

WHO was ALSO saying that every nation should NOT ban flights and keep their borders OPEN and The UN was saying the SAME thing not to ban flights and to keep borders open. We can ONLY conclude from THIS that WHO and The UN WANTED COVID-19 to spread across the world. They are pure evil.

Let remember Travel Bans were bad until it became cool...
Dayum...I hit a nerve with one. :)

Here's the bottom line. If you think the media was tough on Trump with the Russia and Ukraine coverage. Just wait. Those will seem like a summer walk in the park compared to the scrutiny he and his administration have coming.
You Trump supporters better get ready. You will need to have everyone on your side pivoting, spinning, and deflecting right up until November. And you still may not be able to save his presidency.

Sorry. This one belongs to Trump. The United States of America doesn't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. It was well within his power to fly home from Davos and you know, pretend to be President.
Maybe Republicans should be the ones thinking about running another candidate.
They weren't tough on him. They FLAT OUT LIED CONSTANTLY. That won't change so it matters not.
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
Enough with the "Trump shut down travel" distortion and lie. Over 40.000 people continued the enter the US because of Trump's exemptions. And remember how he ordered everyone back from Europe and all those poor people ended up jammed like sardines in New York airports waiting for hours for customs to let them in.
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
Enough with the "Trump shut down travel" distortion and lie. Over 40.000 people continued the enter the US because of Trump's exemptions. And remember how he ordered everyone back from Europe and all those poor people ended up jammed like sardines in New York airports waiting for hours for customs to let them in.
It is not a lie...Biden and Pelosi and other dems called him a racist for doing what the fuck are you talking about? are a liar....
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
True, but too bad he didn't do that sooner, before the virus got into the U.S..
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
True, but too bad he didn't do that sooner, before the virus got into the U.S..
Call the WHO....and ask them why they said what they said...ask dems why they told people you can't catch the virus easily....were they wrong or were they working to protect China?....or worse?...hindsight charges by dems will not will only piss people off....we all watched them belittle this virus from the start....all while impeachment was ongoing...and the media was locked in to that...I wonder what the media are missing now....scary to think about....
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
True, but too bad he didn't do that sooner, before the virus got into the U.S..

The virus was spreading in China during November and December and first confirmed cases outside China was when?

So how do you stop flights from China when the Chinese Government was arresting doctor's, hiding evidence and lying?

Come on guys let just admit had Trump stopped flights in November all of you would have called him a racist bigot and had he ordered the U.S. to be locked down back in November or even December you and the left would have said he was overthrowing the U.S. Government because of the House Impeachment...

So cut the nonsense for once and anything Trump had done or will do is never acceptable to those like you!
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
Enough with the "Trump shut down travel" distortion and lie. Over 40.000 people continued the enter the US because of Trump's exemptions. And remember how he ordered everyone back from Europe and all those poor people ended up jammed like sardines in New York airports waiting for hours for customs to let them in.
It is not a lie...Biden and Pelosi and other dems called him a racist for doing what the fuck are you talking about? are a liar....
Why do you Trumpaholics always need deflecting and changing a subject for making a response? You're like small young children, dumb ones.
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
Enough with the "Trump shut down travel" distortion and lie. Over 40.000 people continued the enter the US because of Trump's exemptions. And remember how he ordered everyone back from Europe and all those poor people ended up jammed like sardines in New York airports waiting for hours for customs to let them in.
It is not a lie...Biden and Pelosi and other dems called him a racist for doing what the fuck are you talking about? are a liar....
Why do you Trumpaholics always need deflecting and changing a subject for making a response? You're like small young children, dumb ones.
That's what dems say when they are beaten by logic and fact.....
Nothing exonerates Trump

Not right wing foreigners posting conspiracy bullshit on sites like this one

So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

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^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Dr. Love are you Paid To Post by WHO and The Chinese Communist Government? Hopefully YOU will get COVID-19 then we can ALL laugh.

Dr. Love the Chinese Whore Troll Boi disliked the OP post, aw did it hurt Muh Feelings, was the OP content RACIST :abgg2q.jpg:

Asked about NY Times report, Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security tells Fox that delayed federal action hurt the COVID-19 response

CHRIS WALLACE (ANCHOR): Joining us now from Baltimore, Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security at John Hopkins -- Johns Hopkins University. Doctor, let's start with that New York Times report that from January on, top public health officials were warning the president about the threat from the pandemic, and that he did not take action until mid-March. One, what's your reaction to the report, and how much did those lost weeks cost us?

DR. TOM INGLESBY (DIRECTOR, JOHNS HOPKINS CENTER FOR HEALTH SECURITY): So, Chris, I can't say who in the administration knew what and when, but I would say that that article reinforces what we've heard along the way, which is that many in the administration were very worried about this as early as January and February. That seems pretty clear now. And I'd also say that if we had acted on some of those warnings earlier, we would be in a much better position in terms of diagnostics and possibly masks and personal protective equipment and getting our hospitals ready.
Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
Enough with the "Trump shut down travel" distortion and lie. Over 40.000 people continued the enter the US because of Trump's exemptions. And remember how he ordered everyone back from Europe and all those poor people ended up jammed like sardines in New York airports waiting for hours for customs to let them in.
It is not a lie...Biden and Pelosi and other dems called him a racist for doing what the fuck are you talking about? are a liar....

No one called him a racist. Biden threw the xenophobic comment out there in explaining Trump's propensity for trying to find a scapegoat. No matter how many times you right wingers parrot this lie, it still won't be true. Put down the bong and take two steps back.
Nothing exonerates Trump

Not right wing foreigners posting conspiracy bullshit on sites like this one


The OP content is not Conspiracy it's a DIRECT linked Tweet to WHO's Twitter page, fuck off you low IQ Chinese Troll.
Asked about NY Times report, Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security tells Fox that delayed federal action hurt the COVID-19 response

Of course it did...this is why the WHO and China is under fire right now...but snowflakes want to blame Trump....funny....

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