COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Hearing of the Austrian lockdown yesterday, we have set the stage for porcine coronavirus comparisons on this thread, though the most interesting report has to be from the University of Minnesota, because they know as much as Ralph Baric in North Carolina about viruses from wild boars imported from Germany to North Carolina in 1913, as well as the details of the origin of the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2:

15 Nov 2021 U. Minnesota / Austria Orders Lockdown

There is no doubt that certain individuals at the University of Minnesota are watching intently as the scenario plays itself out, a similar scenario to 1913 North Carolina and subsequent U.S. outbreaks of PRRSV:

16 Nov 2021 African Swine Fever / Wild Boars / Germany

Already mentioned on this thread, was the University of Minnesota for porcine PRRSV, which virus some consider to be the most ancient ancestor of SARS-CoV-2. Rhinolophus germaniqus (=R. Ferrumequinum) has also been mentioned for Germany, linking R. affinis, the bat that harbors SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative.
We’ll now extend the sequences in post # 839 to include porcine sequences, all the while bearing in mind the asparagine links to both breast cancer and mRNA vaccine development.
Three sequences in comparison, to first link German bats to German wild boar, before comparing the porcine coronavirus sequences. Rf1 is Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (= R. germaniqus) which is well represented in Germany.

SARS-CoV-2 spike (positions 400-440)

Rf1 spike (positions 400-440)

RsSHC014 spike (this is the Kunming virus manipulated in the lab and used as a vaccine construct; positions 399-440)

We have already mentioned in this thread that the virus manipulates variations and/or duplications of the three branched-chain amino acids (valine, isoleucine, leucine). Thus, the QIAP vs QVAP in the above three sequences.
Domestic pigs are enclosed in a double fence to protect them from porcine viral outbreaks in wild boars in Germany and Pomerania, comparable with lockdowns and mandates of the recent spike in Austria (15,145 cases within 24 hours) as the flu season gets underway:

20 Nov 2021 Austria: Vaccine For All

We’ll be linking these events to a virus found in Canadian pigs in 1962.
badger2 Thank you for your very in-depth posts on COVID-19 and the associated vaccines. I have a question. Since the Johnson and Johnson vaccine utilizes a disabled adenovirus and is not mRNA based, would it be safer in your opinion LONG TERM than the mRNA injections?
badger2 Thank you for your very in-depth posts on COVID-19 and the associated vaccines. I have a question. Since the Johnson and Johnson vaccine utilizes a disabled adenovirus and is not mRNA based, would it be safer in your opinion LONG TERM than the mRNA injections?
That’s precisely what we are arguing about on the English vaccinations thread. They argue for age and for unvaxxed- vs. vaxxed, though throw the baby out with the bathwater by forgetting the different vaccines Brits are getting hit with. One is chimp-based, one is human-based, one is a fragment of the virus. This latter may prove to be most damaging for immune systems that have not yet matured, those under 5 years of age, even up to 12 years of age. In this argument, you can’t even eliminate the elderly immune system uncapable of having its cells forced to produce virus (parts [italics]). MRNA would now be badger’s last choice, hands down. AstraZeneca, the chimp vaccine, would be second-to-last. J & J is human-based, correct?
badger2 That's my understanding but I'm not nearly on your level of knowledge. I'm just looking for the least risk long term, I have family members facing vaccine ultimatums.

What’s the Difference Between Viral Vector Vaccines & mRNA Vaccines?​

You’ll remember, the first two COVID-19 vaccines given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA are the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. They were developed using mRNA technology. The Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine is the first COVID-19 viral vector vaccine to be given Emergency Use Authorization. Despite the different processes used, these vaccines are actually very similar.

“Both the mRNA and viral vector vaccines instruct our cells to make the spike protein, which basically tricks our body’s immune system into thinking it was just infected with the COVID-19 virus. The big difference is that mRNA vaccines use a lipid particle (basically, a very tiny, fat bubble) made in the lab to deliver the genetic material. Viral vector vaccines use an altered, harmless virus to do the same thing,” Dr. Rinderknecht says.

Additionally, the virus that carries the genetic material in viral vector vaccines is much more stable, so storage temperatures aren’t so extreme. Viral vector vaccines are fast and inexpensive to make, but they aren’t as fast as the mRNA vaccines.
badger2 That's my understanding but I'm not nearly on your level of knowledge. I'm just looking for the least risk long term, I have family members facing vaccine ultimatums.
If there’s a vaccine ultimatum, Pfizer’s pill looks extremely dangerous to the virus, but contains three atoms of fluorine. Badger would stay away from The molnupiravir pill due to its carcinogenic potential. For a vaccine choice ultimatum, it would be a tie between J & J one-time human adenovirus-based vaccine or India’s Covaxin, which uses an entire deactivated SARS-CoV-2. There’s just not enough history between the two to compare them intelligently.

What’s the Difference Between Viral Vector Vaccines & mRNA Vaccines?​

You’ll remember, the first two COVID-19 vaccines given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA are the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. They were developed using mRNA technology. The Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine is the first COVID-19 viral vector vaccine to be given Emergency Use Authorization. Despite the different processes used, these vaccines are actually very similar.

“Both the mRNA and viral vector vaccines instruct our cells to make the spike protein, which basically tricks our body’s immune system into thinking it was just infected with the COVID-19 virus. The big difference is that mRNA vaccines use a lipid particle (basically, a very tiny, fat bubble) made in the lab to deliver the genetic material. Viral vector vaccines use an altered, harmless virus to do the same thing,” Dr. Rinderknecht says.

Additionally, the virus that carries the genetic material in viral vector vaccines is much more stable, so storage temperatures aren’t so extreme. Viral vector vaccines are fast and inexpensive to make, but they aren’t as fast as the mRNA vaccines.
Yep, this is the stuff to talk about.
Yep, this is the stuff to talk about.
Given India results seems covaxin would be best but it isn't offered in the U.S. Yet the studies I saw from India was only about 40% there were fully vaccinated. They used cheap drugs to beat Covid with great results.

In the U.S if forced vector seems better if NO CHOICE at all. I'm not taking any of them BTW.
Given India results seems covaxin would be best but it isn't offered in the U.S. Yet the studies I saw from India was only about 40% there were fully vaccinated. They used cheap drugs to beat Covid with great results.

In the U.S if forced vector seems better if NO CHOICE at all. I'm not taking any of them BTW.
If one can get away with it, complete boycott. If not, Covaxin being unavailable (which is absurd because it’s the actual complete virus)J & J human-vectored seems the best bet..
Bingo! Too bad The CDC, The Democrats and Fauci all smeared the cheap effective drugs and MOCKED anyone including Trump who promoted their use. We are so fukked.
There are other phytochemistries to consider if one can dodge the mandate gestapo. Like ivermectin, quercitin physically attaches to the communist virus, though is likely not available in concentrated form. Delivery to where it’s needed is problematic, so like anit-influenza alt gargles, mouth, throat and nasal could be considered. South African physicians were advocating salt gargles in the 1918 JAMA journal. The FDA included quercitin in their smear campaign. Acorns, etc.
In other words, during the 1918 influenza pandemic, The Journal of the American Medical Association was recommending salt gargles as a potent means of prophylaxis. Once the virus gets past mouth, nose and throat, problems will increase.

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