Covid Antivaxxers are not a suicide cult. It is worse.

I have seen little evidence that the black and hispanic population is making the noise about the vaccines like the Trump supporters.
people are aggainst mandated vaccinations ...they are for the choice to be vaccinated . republicans in power are not telling people to not get vaccinated ! as far as i know people that live in republican led cities towns and states can get a free vaccine shot if they choose too !
Can someone please explain the rationale of using a “leftover vaccine” which is not effective for the Delta variant, nor likely effective against the Delta Plus variant, nor the known Lambda variant? More variants will come. They intentionally skipped an entire tier (Tier 2) of acceptable medical standards regarding effective response to a pandemic. The rush for a vaccine production soon followed the secret meeting behind closed doors with governmental heads and drug company heads. Natural herd immunity was intentionally delayed to “save the hospitals” for not having enough ventilators and masks in stock which was another surprising factor.

Are you under the impression that what we’re being told, that having the outdated vaccine will reduce symptoms for variants? Personally, I’m going to await scientific proof about that outside of any politically drenched and/or economically motivated drug companies.
I just saw a crawler on OANN that WHO and CDC has reported a Delta Plus variant has broken out. I'll wait until the variants stop mutating and I still won't get a shot until all the side effects are honestly listed.
I made the mistake of flying without mask before we knew it was in more than coastal cities and being transferred across the country by commercial airlines. It was that new. Now I know. I have not flown since. I would not fly now, with the number of cases multiplying at the daily rate they are, presently, as I do not have to. Last time I flew, I caught it. I will be looking at transmission and infection rates in December before planning our next ski trip. I am kind of hoping they offer a Moderna booster in December. It is unlikely I will give up skiing. Driving is not outside the possibility, but I would rather land and pick up a large 4-wheel drive SUV, leaving my vehicle home, but I have through December to decide. If we fly, we will definitely mask, as 3 in our party caught it (all of us on that same flight) and know Covid will completely Fk up a ski trip at mountain altitudes, no matter what kind of shape you are in before leaving.

My point was on an airplane, unless you are wearing a true, fitted, 99%+ effective mask, or the plane uses 99.99+% filters or chlorinates or UV's the air, you are exposed no matter if people are wearing the surgical masks, the KN95's or the clothies.

Velocity reduction and partial entrapment is simply no compensation for recycled air and low total air volume per unit person breathing.
This is why the FDA didn't approve them...., they are not proven to be effective and safe
The vaccine components met all safety standards with testing and trials, that's why they were able to get FDA emergency use approved.

You can't just be issued emergency use because you ask for it...

The full approval is to determine how long they are effective..... The first 5 months they were extremely effective against the covid variations we had in our country in both preventing infections and death....

The delta variant with the vaccinated is breaking through and infecting a few of the vaccinated, but is still staving off deaths....there are very few deaths of the vaccinated, compared to the unvaccinated that are dying from covid now. How many are in your state hospitals that are unvaccinated, how many of those have died, vs the vaccinated numbers you posted???

The next mutation, the vaccines may not be as lucky with....and a? new variant, is already here in the USA, trying to be the dominant strain that squashes the delta variant, I heard on the news....
I'm convinced that many people here are personally afraid of Covid and so are very happy to take it out on those they feel jeopardize their health.

Welcome to the world of the anaphylactic food allergic. Now, so you don't become a hollow, shelled out husk of a human being, pull up your big boy britches and move on.

I still haven't heard from any one why a person who has had Covid, recovered and won't get vaccinated is a danger to anybody. Even the genius scientists and holy doctors won't give a straight answer.
covid is a lab created bio attack ... it is mutating faster than vaccines can keep up ! China has unleashed a virus that is impossible to stop ! when will democrats demand China answer for its crimes against humanity ?
I still haven't heard from any one why a person who has had Covid, recovered and won't get vaccinated is a danger to anybody. Even the genius scientists and holy doctors won't give a straight answer.
They can still get Delta
Who is saying they shouldn’t be vaccinated?
No one as far as I know. The point is many on the left keep claiming it’s Trump supporters who won’t get the vaccine well for the most part blacks and Hispanics are not Trump supporters so maybe it’s time to retire that talking point.
I just saw a crawler on OANN that WHO and CDC has reported a Delta Plus variant has broken out. I'll wait until the variants stop mutating and I still won't get a shot until all the side effects are honestly listed.
Yes Hoss-I read a similar report today about the Delta Plus variant, over 200 reported cases in South Korea and also in UK. Like you, I’m waiting for full transparency and a safer option.
No one as far as I know. The point is many on the left keep claiming it’s Trump supporters who won’t get the vaccine well for the most part blacks and Hispanics are not Trump supporters so maybe it’s time to retire that talking point.

They are confusing not wanting to force vaccination for saying don't get it.
What about that plane load of smiling maskless democrats who fled Texas rather than do their duty of representing the people? They were apparently fully vaccinated but came back carrying the disease and infected the Vice President. Who is the suicide cult here? It seems that people who have had the disease and have a natural immunity are better off than the vaccinated hypocrites who call everyone else suicidal while they go around infecting people.
The people on that plane are of an entirely different species from you and me. They have the magical ability to float above all law. Pretty slick, huh?

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