Covid cases six times higher this summer than last summer. Seems masks mandates might have been working. Possibly.

Remember, mitigation manifests through exponential infection rates. So if COVID as an R0 of 3, if masks are 10% effective, they cut cases by 30%

As long as R0 is greater than 1, then you are losing ground every day.
You are not gaining a single thing by mitigating.
It still is not going to end ever if the R0 is greater than 1, until herd immunity is reached.
And the quickest way to reach herd immunity is to stop all mitigation, and instead deliberately infect those most likely to be unharmed by it.

You do NOT cut cases at all when you "mitigate".
All you do is delay cases when you "mitigate", which means it has more time to spread physically wider and kill the most number of people.
The right wing is insane. Hopefully most of that million are Qanoners and christian nationalists.

I am far left of anyone else here, and anyone who knows anything about epidemiology knows that once you decide against full quarantine, then you want to accelerate infection so you achieve herd immunity and end it as quickly as possible.
For example, in 1777, General Washington ordered the deliberate infection of the Continental Army with smallpox.

The evidence is pointing to mitigation policies might have held these cases lower last summer.

We will have to investigate more to find out though.

Highly vaccinated places have more infections. That's what is going on.

So good luck with that.
I was sounding the alarm on ADE on here since these vaccines were first announced. Every prior attempt to create a vaccine for respiratory coronaviruses (SARS, MERS, etc) was tabled during trials due to ADE. So this is the most unsurprising surprise ever.
They knew this was the case & pushed out an experimental gene therapy for a coronavirus in record time anyway.
There were no coronavirus vaccines ever before these & they never came close because of ADE & other factors.
So they took an experimental MRNA gene editing therapy, combined it with an unproven corona "vax" based on computer models, made it so your body produced the harmful & toxic rona spike proteins causing the problems & then told everybody they were completely "safe & effective" despite their own trials proving nothing could be further from the truth.

And people still think we are the ignorant ones for refusing to touch their poisoned clot shot gene therapies.
No, you moron. Washington ordered the VACCINATION of the army.

No, he ordered INOCULATION.

Smallpox, Inoculation, and the Revolutionary War​

Boston National Historical Park

During the 1700s, smallpox raged through the American colonies and the Continental Army. Smallpox impacted the Continental Army severely during the Revolutionary War, so much so that George Washington mandated inoculation for all Continental soldiers in 1777. Just fifty-six years earlier, in 1721, Bostonian doctors and clergy introduced the procedure to the American colonies. Without the vision and determination of these early Bostonians in normalizing inoculation, Washington may not have made the decision to mandate inoculation for the Continental Army. Though it was a controversial action, many historians credit the medical mandate with the colonists’ victory in the Revolutionary War and the creation of the United States of America.



Vaccine was not available until 1796.
No, he ordered INOCULATION.

Smallpox, Inoculation, and the Revolutionary War​

Boston National Historical Park

During the 1700s, smallpox raged through the American colonies and the Continental Army. Smallpox impacted the Continental Army severely during the Revolutionary War, so much so that George Washington mandated inoculation for all Continental soldiers in 1777. Just fifty-six years earlier, in 1721, Bostonian doctors and clergy introduced the procedure to the American colonies. Without the vision and determination of these early Bostonians in normalizing inoculation, Washington may not have made the decision to mandate inoculation for the Continental Army. Though it was a controversial action, many historians credit the medical mandate with the colonists’ victory in the Revolutionary War and the creation of the United States of America.



Vaccine was not available until 1796.

This is correct, but trying to explain the difference seems like a lost cause around here.

The evidence is pointing to mitigation policies might have held these cases lower last summer.

We will have to investigate more to find out though.

Just in time for the election! Sorry, it's not going to help you...


Covid cases six times higher this summer than last summer

Are deaths 6 times higher also?

Cite your source

The evidence is pointing to mitigation policies might have held these cases lower last summer.

We will have to investigate more to find out though.
Uh probably not

And another million people will die and the right wing will still call themselves the pro life party.
Only a million? You want to lay that at the feet of the Republicans when it is well known that democrat gubernatorial decisions and Biden are responsible for the vast majority of those? Figures. Now will you take responsibility for the 63 million murdered souls that democrats are responsible for since Roe V Wade. Yep, I'd say Republicans are definitely the Pro life party. TRUTH

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