Covid Claims Another...

"Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented.

After careful review of the additional data, doctors have decided that there is no evidence at all that the vaccines contributed to the other patient deaths. Nonetheless, the CDC and FDA will continue to investigate every single report of death (and other adverse events) reported to VAERS.

Now it's your turn to make the claim that the CDC and FDA Doctors and Scientists are all liars, a typical of big lie of Ditto Heads, damn liars and easily led fools.

Q. Are you stupid, an anarchist or both? What motivates people like you to be fear mongering, and don't care that biddable fools believe anything you/they post and likely put fools into harms way?
The young have low death rates. Even with the addition of the Mutations that are worse than the original because we fucked around and drug this shit out.

The vaccines haven't stopped it. And there are many reporting ADVERSE EFFECTS.......Of course the Vaccine Courts are PAYING SHIT to those that die from the VACCINE. Even as they charge 75 cents per shot. That is a Fing JOKE.

Most dying are still the elderly and over 65. Doesn't mean younger are dying. But you are spitting out DATA of thousands of deaths from VACCINE. To water down the damage by vaccine.

Betcha you do a freaking 180 on the data for younger people on covid deaths. Because they are LOW AS WELL.

We are gonna keep getting mutations until we get a new strain. If that strain spreads like this and is a death rate of MERS.........We are in for HELL ON EARTH.

Vaers lol The get out of jail card for Pharma. They get 74 cents per vaccine ti compensate those with adverse effects bur havent added civid ti rhe vaccine court grouping. So they oay nothing and pocket the money.

Mickey Mouse vaccine court OWND by Pharma. 180 million ir more shots 75 cents each. Do the math.
Do you know how to spell and use proper grammar, or keyboard too fast and never check your post before you post it?
Do you know how to spell and use proper grammar, or keyboard too fast and never check your post before you post it?
I don't give a shit................never get my meanings...........The more you whine the more I'll do it.
That is the number from multiple sources. I hate to break it to ya, but YOU are the moron peddling fake news.
LOL, your shit never ends. Your multiple sources are stuck within the dark matter; thus you never explain your and their foundation built on hate, conspiracy stories and egregious lies. I coined the phrase Idiot-Gram years ago to define posts like yours.
LOL, your shit never ends. Your multiple sources are stuck within the dark matter; thus you never explain your and their foundation built on hate, conspiracy stories and egregious lies. I coined the phrase Idiot-Gram years ago to define posts like yours.
CDC agrees over 99 percent live that contact the virus you moron.
And the 1% who do die are greater in numbers than all the deaths in combat in WW II. Lies, damn lies and statistics are the fodder of people like you.
Im sure the marines fighting on Iwo Jima would have loved a 99% survival rate.

"Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. Doctors and safety monitors carefully review the details of each case to see if it might be linked to the vaccine. There are three deaths that appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after people got the J&J vaccine. Since we now know how to correctly treat people who develop these blood clots, future deaths related to this very rare side effect can be prevented.

After careful review of the additional data, doctors have decided that there is no evidence at all that the vaccines contributed to the other patient deaths. Nonetheless, the CDC and FDA will continue to investigate every single report of death (and other adverse events) reported to VAERS.

Now it's your turn to make the claim that the CDC and FDA Doctors and Scientists are all liars, a typical of big lie of Ditto Heads, damn liars and easily led fools.

Q. Are you stupid, an anarchist or both? What motivates people like you to be fear mongering, and don't care that biddable fools believe anything you/they post and likely put fools into harms way?

And yet he was vaxxed and wore his mask, are you really that stupid?

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