Covid death numbers.... two ways at looking at the same data.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Another way of looking at the same data - and how you are so easily duped and made to be a stooge of the Big Pharma.





Both charts show the same data.

That's right the SAME data.
The top chart is what the government and the media show you.
The bottom chart is ACTUAL NUMBERS. Which they won't show you, because you will then realize something - reality.


Out of 200,000 people. 100,000 vaccinated, 100,000 unvacinated.
299 people died. 84 were vaccinated. 215 were unvaccinated. ALL were over the age of 65.

Both charts are accurate. But one is made to create an illusion, that OMG!!! LOOK AT HOW MANY DIE THAT ARE UNVACCINATED!!!!!!!

The other is raw data with no tricks to make the difference look more substantial.
Oh... almost forgot - yuo have to look REEEAAAAL close. There is a blue line to the left of the bright orange. Sorry... but the numbers are so small you can't really see that it is there.
Another way of looking at the same data - and how you are so easily duped and made to be a stooge of the Big Pharma.





Both charts show the same data.

That's right the SAME data.
The top chart is what the government and the media show you.
The bottom chart is ACTUAL NUMBERS. Which they won't show you, because you will then realize something - reality.


Out of 200,000 people. 100,000 vaccinated, 100,000 unvacinated.
299 people died. 84 were vaccinated. 215 were unvaccinated. ALL were over the age of 65.

Both charts are accurate. But one is made to create an illusion, that OMG!!! LOOK AT HOW MANY DIE THAT ARE UNVACCINATED!!!!!!!

The other is raw data with no tricks to make the difference look more substantial.
Oh... almost forgot - yuo have to look REEEAAAAL close. There is a blue line to the left of the bright orange. Sorry... but the numbers are so small you can't really see that it is there.

It is not the same data. One is hospitalization rates and one is deaths.

Those are not the same thing.
Playing games with statistics is one of the primary means the Democrats use to gaslight the American public. Globalists do the same thing with Climate Change data. I watched Governor Newsome's Hannity interview. He just spewed one bogus statistic after another trying to say California should the MODEL for America to follow. LOL Yeah that's what he was saying. He is a classic Democrat/Liberal scumbag.
It is not the same data. One is hospitalization rates and one is deaths.

Those are not the same thing.
Haha... it is actually even a smaller number for deaths.

So thanks it even shows it more accurately....

Deaths from 100,000 vaccinated people...... 21
Deaths from 100,000 unvaccinated people.... 36.
Another way of looking at the same data - and how you are so easily duped and made to be a stooge of the Big Pharma.





Haha... it is actually even a smaller number for deaths.

So thanks it even shows it more accurately....

Deaths from 100,000 vaccinated people...... 21
Deaths from 100,000 unvaccinated people.... 36.
Correlating the two charts, VACCINATED people who were hospitalized were 50% more likely to die (21/100,000) than UNVACCINATED people who were hospitalized (36/250,000).
Correlating the two charts, VACCINATED people who were hospitalized were 50% more likely to die (21/100,000) than UNVACCINATED people who were hospitalized (36/250,000).
Math much?
Right here folks.
This is how simple minded most people are, and how easy it is dupe them.
This poster doesn't even see that there is a giant forest surrounding the one small limb he is upset about.
Thanks, everybody click that link to read how stupid anti-vaxxers are :thup:
And another one.
Once again so easily duped.
Not understanding the insignificance between 21/100,000 and 36 out of 100,000.
There is less than 1% difference.
And they think it is 50%
Not understanding the insignificance between 21/100,000 and 36 out of 100,000.
There is less than 1% difference.
And they think it is 50%
To make it easier for you to understand, let's compare 21/100 (21%) with 36/250 (14.4%). 21% is 1.46 times greater than 14.4%. I'm sorry if rounding off the difference of 46% to 50% was too taxing for you to grasp.
To make it easier for you to understand, let's compare 21/100 (21%) with 36/250 (14.4%). 21% is 1.46 times greater than 14.4%. I'm sorry if rounding off the difference of 46% to 50% was too taxing for you to grasp.
I will try to help you so maybe you understand...
Why is it true if you buy two lottery tickets, it does not double your odds over just one.
If you understand that, then you should just slink away now.
I will try to help you so maybe you understand...
Why is it true if you buy two lottery tickets, it does not double your odds over just one.
If you understand that, then you should just slink away now.
I understand the law of diminishing returns, but what does that have to do with your OP? You seem to be long on insults but short on content.
I understand the law of diminishing returns, but what does that have to do with your OP? You seem to be long on insults but short on content.
Holy Cow.
The stat.
Out of 200,000 people. 100,000 vaccinated, 100,000 unvaccinated.
Out of vacc folks - 21 died. 999,979 lived.
Out of un vacc folks - 36 died. 999,964 lived.
You are trying to say you have a 50% higher chance of dying. -
Correlating the two charts, VACCINATED people who were hospitalized were 50% more likely to die
Completely false.
Vaccinated, your chance of dying IF you are older than 65 is .021%
Unvaxxed - .036%
Less than 1%. Because to start with, your chance of dying either way is LESS THAN 1%.
Are you doing is playing the same game as they are.
Concentrating on a meaningless percentage difference, and trying to make it sound significant.
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