Covid is a contrived crisis


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
How many of you know someone that died from Covid19? I'm curious, I've know old people that had co-morbidities, and after being vaccinated, still got covid19! And they said it was like the flu...hardly noticed it. Really? This is Why Joe Biden & the Demonazis wants to destroy the constitution?
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100% total fraud

Covid had not been here since May 2020

The same crowd behind 911, media and Zionist pols, are doing all the lying.

What is the vax?

Fascist mass murder, targeted (why there are 2 shots, so they can check to see what your second shot will be, water or your life)
I've known many people to get COVID and ALL of them say it was like a bad cold. They got over it quickly and nobody died from it.

From the medical information I've read online, and from what my doctor has said about this scamdemic, is that the "vaccine" cannot kill you. These people that are dying, are dying from other problems they have.

From what I have read so far about all this, and heard from people who've had IS a scamdemic.

It's also still an issue of being an experimental drug, because it hasn't been fully ran through all of the testing that needs to be done on it. it interacts with other drugs, how it interacts with previous medical conditions. And it will take YEARS for those tests to be administered and proven!!!
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We all had bad colds. we all had the flu. Most of us got vaccinated for the flu, but still got the flu. It's not a big deal. So...Most of us got vaccinated for the flu or measles or tetanus mumps or polio, ONCE.
But the government never locked down businesses or demanded multiple vaccinations and booster shots in less than a 6 months ever! So doesn't this prove how ineffective the covid19 vaccines are? This is truly proof of how needless this goofy "lockdown" is , what is?
How many of you know someone that died from Covid19? I'm curious, I've know old people that had co-morbidities, and after being vaccinated, still got covid19! And they said it was like the flu...hardly noticed it. Really? This is Why Joe Biden & the Demonazis wants to destroy the constitution?
I knew two people who died of the COVIDS. Neither had comorbidities.
One was 40 - The other 55.
Mask up and get your shot - Stop spreading this BS.
Thank you
I almost hate to bring this up because someone is going to dismiss it but resveratrol in a nasal spray form kills covid.

I have taken resveratrol on and off for years. It is found in red grapes.
I know a handful of people who have said they have had it. No one directly related. None were hospitalized. None died.
So basicaly, does anyone here actually KNOW someone that ACTUALY that died of covid? I don't. Do you? I know people that had Covid, they said it was like having the flu. People die all the time of the flu...or traffic accidents or from eating bad food, we aren't locking down over any of that. Why Covid? Funny, it aligns with Democrats progressive's need to control. Prove to me that Covid is health care crisis. Prove it.
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I almost hate to bring this up because someone is going to dismiss it but resveratrol in a nasal spray form kills covid.

I have taken resveratrol on and off for years. It is found in red grapes.'re snorting wine??
I don't know anybody who had Covid or let alone died of Covid.
Science: Um or even anecdotal reportage; Anyone here KNOW of someone that ACTUALY that died from JUST Covid? I don't know of anyone personally. Statistics aside. I know of people that got vaccinated after various surgeries and had multiple "health care issues" and skated through covid as if it was yesterdays trash. After they where vaccinated. And they still got covid, but they said it was like a weak case of the flu. So what does that tell you?
Remind me again; We don't get ANY other vaccines, like tetanus or polio vaccinations maybe perhaps once every decade? Or boosters every 5 years or so? But this new improved Covid vaccine needs one every week and booster every other? Because it works THAT well? Excuse me? FDA testing isn't very re-assuring now. It takes them years to approve anything. Hemoroidal creams or migraine remedies, years. This took less than 8 months.
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How many of you know someone that died from Covid19? I'm curious, I've know old people that had co-morbidities, and after being vaccinated, still got covid19! And they said it was like the flu...hardly noticed it. Really? This is Why Joe Biden & the Demonazis wants to destroy the constitution?

I know two people who've had COVID within our inner sphere. My sister was diagnosed with COVID and pneumonia. She pulled through after a week or so in the hospital. They wanted to put her on a ventilator, she said no. The husband of a close friend, a sixty-five year old fellow, was diagnosed with COVID and placed on a ventilator the same day. He died shortly thereafter. The thing about his situation? He had recently been diagnosed with COPD and was a heavy smoker. You ask me people are dying of ailments and causes they always die of. The only difference? The so-called medical professionals have renamed all causes of death as COVID deaths. That's it.
Remind me again; We don't get ANY other vaccines, like tetanus or polio vaccinations maybe perhaps once every decade? Or boosters every 5 years or so? But this new improved Covid vaccine needs one every week and booster every other? Because it works THAT well? Excuse me? FDA testing isn't very re-assuring now. It takes them years to approve anything. Hemoroidal creams or migraine remedies, years. This took less than 8 months.

Some sources are saying the vaccines have existed for twenty years and more, developed by DARPA and NIAID as delivery systems for various biological weapons. However, I won't be quoting those sources because none of it matters beyond knowing the powers that be want to kill lots and lots and lots of us.
The proof of the pudding here is: No other vaccine in the history of the world ever needed multiple vaccinations and booster shots in less than a year. And then to boot, those that where vaccinated STILL got the virus and yet still could spread the illness... and to top it off, NO other regime in history was ever this stupid as the democrats as to think NOBODY would notice something this obvious.
I knew 5 people that died of it including a fit healthy 26 year old and a healthy 44 year old. No co morbidity. I'm ashamed of America's utter lack of pandemic preparedness. It's embarrassing that the wealthiest nation on earth couldn't have been totally ready for this. Shame shame shame

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