COVID Stimulus has passed......Thank a Democrat

When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

Still busy thanking a Republican for when the Unemployment was 3.5 percent and gas prices were well under $3.00. With that, how long will $1,400 go? A month? Sounds like the Democrats said “Go Fuck Yourselves and suck on this.”

Nice attempt at diversion
This thread is about COVID relief Republicans voted against

9 percent is gong to Covid Relief. Where is the rest going? For starters, the speaker is getting a $148M subway tunnel. I am happy the Republicans voted against that. You people think that is good for COVID????

You, along with other's commenting here apparently haven't read the final version. Oh, well keep commenting and making fools out of yourself.
Well you seem to have an inside track to the correct information, so tell us wise one are we still sending millions to Pakistan for Gender Studies?

WTH are you talking about? Nothing like that in this bill.

View attachment 465065
Fake news

I am sorry you have the attention span of a spoon since you cannot take the time time to read the entire bill.
Trump was fixing the economy and the military and correcting the covid issues-------Biden--what 15% goes to covid and the rest goes to pay back his puppet masters.
Trump was burning nearly $1 trillion in debt and couldn’t even get the GDP growth over 3%.

Sounds like he’s completely inept.
/—-/ The president can’t spend any money, only Congress can. When will you libtards get that through your thick skulls?
They should have eliminated all pork, sent out a 1 time payment of 10 grand, and watch the economy go nuts. Jobs and $ all over.
They should have eliminated all pork, sent out a 1 time payment of 10 grand, and watch the economy go nuts. Jobs and $ all over.
And watch cops and fire fighters get laid taxes go through the roof...vaccine delivering get stalled...

Yea..brilliant. You gotta be a Trumper
When you "flatten the curve", you do NOT reduce the area under the curve, (deaths), you increase it greatly.
Explain how flattening the curve increases area under the curve?

There would be a lot more deaths if 70% of the country had gotten COVID. As it stands now, it’s going to be far less given the rate of vaccination.
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

When you get your COVID Vaccine.

Already got mine, as have my brothers and sister.

and children, and grandchildren.

and 'democrats' had nothing to do with it.
Selfish as ever, I see

I got my vaccine so fuk funding to help millions of others get theirs

If that were what its about everyone would cheer.

Its the rest of that Chinese virus bill that's the killer.

The Chinese virus bill is very small. The rest is big fat pork.

Helping struggling families and unemployed is pork?
Helping small business is pork?
Helping schools reopen is pork?
Helping local communities is pork?

It is a Democratic wishlist, most of which has NOTHING to do with COVID stimulus.

Bailing out imbecile liberal states from erroneous spending is pork.

270 million in Arts and Humanties Endowments is pork

200 million for museums and libraries is pork.

50 million in family planning funding is pork.

Expansion of Medicaid and Obamacare is pork.

Multiemployer pension plans bailouts is pork(payoffs)

Loan forgiveness for students is pork.

I continue to say it, but Democrats LOVE the ignorant masses. They could pass ANY bill that gave away other people’s money as one of the line items.
They should have eliminated all pork, sent out a 1 time payment of 10 grand, and watch the economy go nuts. Jobs and $ all over.
And watch cops and fire fighters get laid taxes go through the roof...vaccine delivering get stalled...

Yea..brilliant. You gotta be a Trumper

This bill was a joke. The Republicans had 5 COVID stimulus bills all of which were focused on COVID relief. Trump even said he wanted a COVID stimulus bill ONLY with no other line items and Democrats wouldn’t have it. You should be able to see what the Democrats are attempting to do.
The Republicans had 5 COVID stimulus bills all of which were focused on COVID relief.
A. Covid isn't over. worse than 6% unemployment and 2,000 dying daily

B. 99% of this bill mirrors those bills
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

When you get your COVID Vaccine.

Already got mine, as have my brothers and sister.

and children, and grandchildren.

and 'democrats' had nothing to do with it.
Selfish as ever, I see

I got my vaccine so fuk funding to help millions of others get theirs

If that were what its about everyone would cheer.

Its the rest of that Chinese virus bill that's the killer.

The Chinese virus bill is very small. The rest is big fat pork.

Helping struggling families and unemployed is pork?
Helping small business is pork?
Helping schools reopen is pork?
Helping local communities is pork?

It is a Democratic wishlist, most of which has NOTHING to do with COVID stimulus.

Bailing out imbecile liberal states from erroneous spending is pork.

270 million in Arts and Humanties Endowments is pork

200 million for museums and libraries is pork.

50 million in family planning funding is pork.

Expansion of Medicaid and Obamacare is pork.

Multiemployer pension plans bailouts is pork(payoffs)

Loan forgiveness for students is pork.

I continue to say it, but Democrats LOVE the ignorant masses. They could pass ANY bill that gave away other people’s money as one of the line items.
You really think most of it is pork when your examples amount yo less than one tenth of one percent of the bill?

You’re off by orders of magnitude. Don’t tell me about ignorant masses when you’re lead to believe that most of the bill is pork by pointing out programs that are minuscule compared to the entirety of the bill.
270 million in Arts and Humanties Endowments is pork

200 million for museums and libraries is pork.

50 million in family planning funding is pork.
That doesn't even add up to a billion stupid. In a 1.9 Trillion dollar bill that's not even a A ROUNDING error (IF you're even accurate)
270 million in Arts and Humanties Endowments is pork

200 million for museums and libraries is pork.

50 million in family planning funding is pork.
That doesn't even add up to a billion stupid. In a 1.9 Trillion dollar bill that's not even a A ROUNDING error (IF you're even accurate)
Unemployment benefits and stimulus checks to people are COVID relief when Republicans do it and it’s pork when Democrats do it.

In case that wasn’t obvious to literally everyone, it needs to be stated yet again.
When you get a $1400 Check.......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for it

When you get your COVID Vaccine.....Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted for funding to help communities run vaccine programs

When a local business stays open because of funding......Thank a Democrat, not a single Republican voted to provide struggling businesses with funding

When you get your COVID Vaccine.

Already got mine, as have my brothers and sister.

and children, and grandchildren.

and 'democrats' had nothing to do with it.
Selfish as ever, I see

I got my vaccine so fuk funding to help millions of others get theirs

If that were what its about everyone would cheer.

Its the rest of that Chinese virus bill that's the killer.

The Chinese virus bill is very small. The rest is big fat pork.

Helping struggling families and unemployed is pork?
Helping small business is pork?
Helping schools reopen is pork?
Helping local communities is pork?

LOL Take a look at that bill. Loads of pork in it like making pension funds in blue cities solvent. Oh yeah our tax money need to prop that shit up.

The rest of what you listed should be up to the States to assist. Not the Fed.

Very little of that bill is Chines virus relief. Most of it is big fat pork.
99% of this bill mirrors what was in the CARES Act from last year that EVERYONE supported. Stop lying dope

That bill is nothing but pork. Very little of it addresses the Chinese virus. Dope.
270 million in Arts and Humanties Endowments is pork

200 million for museums and libraries is pork.

50 million in family planning funding is pork.
That doesn't even add up to a billion stupid. In a 1.9 Trillion dollar bill that's not even a A ROUNDING error (IF you're even accurate)

I didn’t list them all moron. The point is, why are these items in a COVID relief bill anyway?
That bill is nothing but pork. Very little of it addresses the Chinese virus. Dope.
OK. Enough of your lies. Who told you that? You obviously didn't read the Bill.

Who's bullshit are you mindlessly repeating?
I didn’t list them all moron. The point is, why are these items in a COVID relief bill anyway?
Why not? "moron"

Why hold up a Bill as popular as necessary as this...over a rounding error?
270 million in Arts and Humanties Endowments is pork

200 million for museums and libraries is pork.

50 million in family planning funding is pork.
That doesn't even add up to a billion stupid. In a 1.9 Trillion dollar bill that's not even a A ROUNDING error (IF you're even accurate)
Unemployment benefits and stimulus checks to people are COVID relief when Republicans do it and it’s pork when Democrats do it.

In case that wasn’t obvious to literally everyone, it needs to be stated yet again.

Once again, Trump proposed a stimulus bill only. Democrats didn’t want to have anything to do with it. First because they don’t care about the people at all. Secondly they didn’t want to give Trump any momentum before the election and lastly, because they wanted to sneak in some pork into any “stimulus” bill to trick the masses. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Once again, Trump proposed a stimulus bill only. Democrats didn’t want to have anything to do with it. First because they don’t care about the people at all. Secondly they didn’t want to give Trump any momentum before the election and lastly, because they wanted to sneak in some pork into any “stimulus” bill to trick the masses. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Trump didn’t do shit. The lazy asshole could have been heading negotiations with Pelosi and McConnell but the snowflake can’t even talk to Pelosi.

Now, want to keep avoiding your double standard on what is and isn’t pork?
Once again, Trump proposed a stimulus bill only. Democrats didn’t want to have anything to do with it. First because they don’t care about the people at all. Secondly they didn’t want to give Trump any momentum before the election and lastly, because they wanted to sneak in some pork into any “stimulus” bill to trick the masses. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Trump didn’t do shit. The lazy asshole could have been heading negotiations with Pelosi and McConnell but the snowflake can’t even talk to Pelosi.

Now, want to keep avoiding your double standard on what is and isn’t pork?

The bill is 5500 pages long. Cut everything except stimulus checks and see how much pork there is.

You are simply making excuses for the idiot Democrats.

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