COVID Vaccine-Injured Hold Rally in L.A., Lawsuits Mount to 5,400

CJ, I took the J&J vaccine in June 2021. In August 2021, I caught COVID at the state fair. After testing positive on a home test, I was given the monoclonal antibodies. My illness lasted less than 72 hours and I have had colds worse than that. Despite repeated exposures, I never caught it again.

Only one conclusion comes from this. The vaccines work!

Your mileage may vary. That is the reason these people had adverse reactions. They had the sensitivity to the vaccine that most people did not.

As an example, I have Stage IV liver failure. My doctors believe' since I was not a heavy drinker, that I am the victim of poisoning caused by my exposure to toxins in my military service. You will never face that possibility because you were not exposed to the same environment. It just sucks to be me!
I've had COVID twice and haven't taken the vaccine. I've had worse colds.
Were you tested or did you just think you had COVID?

Everyone who has had covid knows it. Dry upper respiratory cough, upper lung difficulty breathing, fever. Different from a normal flu. But if you have strong lungs no problem. The culling happens with the ancient elderly who are hunched with oxygen carts and can already barely breath in the first place. A Marathoner or swimmer will just shrug it off.
Everyone who has had covid knows it. Dry upper respiratory cough, upper lung difficulty breathing, fever. Different from a normal flu. But if you have strong lungs no problem. The culling happens with the ancient elderly who are hunched with oxygen carts and can already barely breath in the first place. A Marathoner or swimmer will just shrug it off.
In other words, you GUESSED that you had COVID. You have no clue as to whether you did or not. I had COVID. No fever, minimal cough, however I felt like a tractor-trailer ran over my ass!
In other words, you GUESSED that you had COVID. You have no clue as to whether you did or not. I had COVID. No fever, minimal cough, however I felt like a tractor-trailer ran over my ass!
anyone can look the signs / symptoms up

it's that obvious

anyone can look the signs / symptoms up

it's that obvious


They knew all this a year ago.

Wall Street Journal: Pfizer/Moderna COVID Shots Suspected of Heart Inflammation, Thrombosis, Death

By Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, and Professor Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD, Yale School of Public Health, June 22, 2021

"Four serious adverse events follow this arc, according to data taken directly from Vaers: low platelets (thrombocytopenia); noninfectious myocarditis, or heart inflammation, especially for those under 30; deep-vein thrombosis; and death. Vaers records 321 cases of myocarditis within five days of receiving a vaccination, falling to almost zero by 10 days. Prior research has shown that only a fraction of adverse events are reported, so the true number of cases is almost certainly higher. This tendency of underreporting is consistent with our clinical experience.

Analyses to confirm or dismiss these findings should be performed using large data sets of health-insurance companies and healthcare organizations. The CDC and FDA are surely aware of these data patterns, yet neither agency has acknowledged the trend.

The implication is that the risks of a Covid-19 vaccine may outweigh the benefits for certain low-risk populations, such as children, young adults and people who have recovered from Covid-19. This is especially true in regions with low levels of community spread, since the likelihood of illness depends on exposure risk.

And while you would never know it from listening to public-health officials, not a single published study has demonstrated that patients with a prior infection benefit from Covid-19 vaccination. That this isn’t readily acknowledged by the CDC or Anthony Fauci is an indication of how deeply entangled pandemic politics is in science.

There are, however, signs of life for scientific honesty. In May, the Norwegian Medicines Agency reviewed case files for the first 100 reported deaths of nursing-home residents who received the Pfizer vaccine. The agency concluded that the vaccine “likely” contributed to the deaths of 10 of these residents through side effects such as fever and diarrhea, and “possibly” contributed to the deaths of an additional 26. But this type of honesty is rare. And it is rare for any vaccine to be linked to deaths, so this unusual development for mRNA vaccines merits further investigation."
Wow! 5400 out of over 300 million people who were vaccinated!

Who exactly are they suing?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, 5400 KNOWN who happened to take part in this group. This figure doesn't account for those not known or even dead or chose not to be part of the group. The left tried to tell us the vaccines were safe. Now we know there are at least 5400 we know of who say that is not the case. If there were any other vaccines that did this to more than 5400 people the trials would have been stopped. Instead, the left fired people from their jobs and discriminated against those who were afraid to get vaccinated.
Hey fucktardo! I am not a liberal or on the left. How many of that 5400 have definitive proof that the vaccine caused their illness? I would wait for you to honestly tell me none has been proven, but you won't do that!

5400/300,000,000= .000018 so 18 millionths of a chance of getting an adverse reaction.

Chances of getting severely injured in a car crash = 1 in 103.
Chances of drowning= 1 in 1024
Chances of getting hit by lightning = 1 in 15,300
Chances of winning the lottery = 1 in 176,000,000

I had a friend who walked out after getting his COVID shot and got run over by a dump truck. I guess he could have claimed and adverse reaction caused by the vaccine. (Just kidding, but you see how stupid your argument is!)

And you can't prove they didn't. I haven't seen you attempt to prove anything you've said.

Between your argumentative attitude, insults, cursing at people and poor attitude I can see why your message to reaction is what it is. All I've seen you do in here is attack people for some reason.

It's a shame you chose John Wayne as your avatar because you're a disgrace to the man in how you behave.

I guess the ignore list grows even bigger for me.
And you can't prove they didn't. I haven't seen you attempt to prove anything you've said.

Between your argumentative attitude, insults, cursing at people and poor attitude I can see why your message to reaction is what it is. All I've seen you do in here is attack people for some reason.

It's a shame you chose John Wayne as your avatar because you're a disgrace to the man in how you behave.

I guess the ignore list grows even bigger for me.

Didn't you hear? They found Rockwell Tory.

That is just another of your typical irrelevant stupid posts. When are you going to grow up?

Ok let's talk. Do you honestly believe none of these deaths and injuries are ever related to the vaccines? If so, how many is too many? Or is getting COVID, with a 99.8% recovery rate, simply too awful and justifies any number of vaccine deaths? Regular flu is 99.9%.

Ok let's talk. Do you honestly believe none of these deaths and injuries are ever related to the vaccines? If so, how many is too many? Or is getting COVID, with a 99.8% recovery rate, simply too awful and justifies any number of vaccine deaths? Regular flu is 99.9%.

The 99.8% recovery rate is suspect to me. I know lots of people who had COVID that still have not returned to normal. My daughter took about 3 months to recover from the breathing issues. She is an EMT studying to be a paramedic and it impacted her ability to work. Her husband caught it from her and missed about a week of work, and had long term residual effects. He is a firefighter/EMT at our local Army post and a member of the Air National Guard. They almost didn't allow him to deploy, even though he had been vaccinated and boosted after having COVID, The Air Force finally decided he was not at risk..

I have stated before that deaths and injuries are related to the vaccine, but you are too ignorant to relate to that statement. The human body is strange and reacts to foreign substances in bizarre ways. For example, you never have to worry about me using codeine because it will kill me, but morphine works just fine, with no adverse reaction. My son and granddaughter both have the same type of reaction.

My endocrinologist had me on two different types of insulin for my diabetes, one short-acting for day-time and the other long acting for night-time use. While taking the long-acting insulin, I could not get out of bed without assistance, could not walk because I was so dizzy, and puked my guts out every time no matter what I ate.

In addition to the normal vaccines, I have to take the COVID vaccine, influenza vaccine and pneumonia vaccine by my doctors, or I will not be able to have a liver transplant. I had three friends and family who died with COVID despite being in relatively good health and their deaths occurred in the days before the vaccine in the spring of 2020. I do not support vaccinating any children because the number of children dying of COVID is so small you need a microscope to see it.

I am sure there are people out there who have adverse reactions to the meds, but you exaggerate them to the point of being ludicrous. The death rate for COVID at 99.8% recovery is still 660,000. When your adverse reactions causing death or disability get closer to that number, you might have a point. I do not support vaccinating any children because the number of children dying of COVID is so small you need a microscope to see it.

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