CPS investigates "unsocialized" homeschoolers

good on them.
Good "on" who? From your statist loving tendencies I am assuming you are praising CPS harassing a family for merely homeschooling.
harassed? i don't see it
Course you don't. You are a statist boot licker.
Tell CPS to go piss up a rope.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.
My backyard is "messy" as well...god kids toys everywhere and tree limbs thrown in a pile! OH MY! Come knock on my door you will get kindly tossed off the steps and told to fuck off. I know my rights and you ain't speaking to my kids or coming in my home without a warrant.
good on them.

In what way is it "good,"

Fucking Nazi thug..
someone complained, said that there was possible abuse.
good on them for reporting their concerns.
cps responded to the concerns.
good on them.
the family.met rationally with cps and allayed their concerns.
good on them.
cps closed the case.
good on them.

what was not good about the story?
The fact they were harassed to begin with because someone didn't like them homeschooling....course you miss that entire POINT....like I said nothing more than a statist boot licker. Socialization or the lack thereof is NOT abuse as stated in the story under the law. My kids can socialize or not socialize as much or little as they choose. Come to my home you will get a ROUGH welcome CPS is nothing but domestic terrorists who think they are above the law and above parents.
so parents should be free to abuse their children?
You obviously can't take direction or a hint. See and here you thought you were all important and shit....bye
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.
and i never will be. i don't abuse kids and i don't give reason for anyone to think otherwise
And they didn't abuse kids either NO ONE needs a REASON to call CPS simply piss someone off and they can and will call...its easy and CPS is FORCED to check ALL calls made.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.

He's the type who reports.
you bet your ass I'd report suspected child abuse
There was no abuse clown dick. You would know that if you read the link. You would LOVE living in a dictatorship..guilty until proven innoncent....
good on them.
Good "on" who? From your statist loving tendencies I am assuming you are praising CPS harassing a family for merely homeschooling.
harassed? i don't see it
Course you don't. You are a statist boot licker.
Tell CPS to go piss up a rope.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.
My backyard is "messy" as well...god kids toys everywhere and tree limbs thrown in a pile! OH MY! Come knock on my door you will get kindly tossed off the steps and told to fuck off. I know my rights and you ain't speaking to my kids or coming in my home without a warrant.
good on them.

In what way is it "good,"

Fucking Nazi thug..
someone complained, said that there was possible abuse.
good on them for reporting their concerns.
cps responded to the concerns.
good on them.
the family.met rationally with cps and allayed their concerns.
good on them.
cps closed the case.
good on them.

what was not good about the story?
The fact they were harassed to begin with because someone didn't like them homeschooling....course you miss that entire POINT....like I said nothing more than a statist boot licker. Socialization or the lack thereof is NOT abuse as stated in the story under the law. My kids can socialize or not socialize as much or little as they choose. Come to my home you will get a ROUGH welcome CPS is nothing but domestic terrorists who think they are above the law and above parents.
so parents should be free to abuse their children?
I said that? Where? I said CPS are domestic terrorists which they are. Simple as that.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.
and i never will be. i don't abuse kids and i don't give reason for anyone to think otherwise
And they didn't abuse kids either NO ONE needs a REASON to call CPS simply piss someone off and they can and will call...its easy and CPS is FORCED to check ALL calls made.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.

He's the type who reports.
you bet your ass I'd report suspected child abuse
There was no abuse clown dick. You would know that if you read the link. You would LOVE living in a dictatorship..guilty until proven innoncent....
good on them.
Good "on" who? From your statist loving tendencies I am assuming you are praising CPS harassing a family for merely homeschooling.
harassed? i don't see it
Course you don't. You are a statist boot licker.
Tell CPS to go piss up a rope.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.
My backyard is "messy" as well...god kids toys everywhere and tree limbs thrown in a pile! OH MY! Come knock on my door you will get kindly tossed off the steps and told to fuck off. I know my rights and you ain't speaking to my kids or coming in my home without a warrant.
good on them.

In what way is it "good,"

Fucking Nazi thug..
someone complained, said that there was possible abuse.
good on them for reporting their concerns.
cps responded to the concerns.
good on them.
the family.met rationally with cps and allayed their concerns.
good on them.
cps closed the case.
good on them.

what was not good about the story?
The fact they were harassed to begin with because someone didn't like them homeschooling....course you miss that entire POINT....like I said nothing more than a statist boot licker. Socialization or the lack thereof is NOT abuse as stated in the story under the law. My kids can socialize or not socialize as much or little as they choose. Come to my home you will get a ROUGH welcome CPS is nothing but domestic terrorists who think they are above the law and above parents.
so parents should be free to abuse their children?
I said that? Where? I said CPS are domestic terrorists which they are. Simple as that.
so if cps can't respond to a call without what you call harassment how would you have the system work?

should parents just be left to abuse their kids?
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.
and i never will be. i don't abuse kids and i don't give reason for anyone to think otherwise
And they didn't abuse kids either NO ONE needs a REASON to call CPS simply piss someone off and they can and will call...its easy and CPS is FORCED to check ALL calls made.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.

He's the type who reports.
you bet your ass I'd report suspected child abuse
There was no abuse clown dick. You would know that if you read the link. You would LOVE living in a dictatorship..guilty until proven innoncent....
Good "on" who? From your statist loving tendencies I am assuming you are praising CPS harassing a family for merely homeschooling.
harassed? i don't see it
Course you don't. You are a statist boot licker.
Tell CPS to go piss up a rope.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.
My backyard is "messy" as well...god kids toys everywhere and tree limbs thrown in a pile! OH MY! Come knock on my door you will get kindly tossed off the steps and told to fuck off. I know my rights and you ain't speaking to my kids or coming in my home without a warrant.
In what way is it "good,"

Fucking Nazi thug..
someone complained, said that there was possible abuse.
good on them for reporting their concerns.
cps responded to the concerns.
good on them.
the family.met rationally with cps and allayed their concerns.
good on them.
cps closed the case.
good on them.

what was not good about the story?
The fact they were harassed to begin with because someone didn't like them homeschooling....course you miss that entire POINT....like I said nothing more than a statist boot licker. Socialization or the lack thereof is NOT abuse as stated in the story under the law. My kids can socialize or not socialize as much or little as they choose. Come to my home you will get a ROUGH welcome CPS is nothing but domestic terrorists who think they are above the law and above parents.
so parents should be free to abuse their children?
I said that? Where? I said CPS are domestic terrorists which they are. Simple as that.
so if cps can't respond to a call without what you call harassment how would you have the system work?

should parents just be left to abuse their kids?
There was no abuse in this situation. PERIOD. I don't know how CPS can respond to calls nor do I give a shit. They can investigate all they want when I know their tactics of harassing kids at school,threatening to kidnap kids unless allowed in the home etc they can't scare me...I fought the POS and WON! They are scared of me now...I know where they live,I know what they drive,I know what their kids names are and their schools and teachers names....fuck with me I will fuck with you right back :) Its fun for them until the Hunters ( cps) become the HUNTED. Just like that piece of shit in New Hampshire I believe it was that got shot for kidnapping a child its a risk of kidnapping kids....Find a better line of work. :)

Free people seek liberty for themselves and their progeny.

As an authoritarian statist, you sincerely view all people as the rightful property of the state, To you, CPS infringing on the private lives of others is good and proper because the children in question are property of the king, as are the parents. The concept that the welfare and raising of the children is the sovereign responsibility of the parents is one you cannot grasp, as all are merely assets of rulers who reign above us. Liberty is the domain of those who view themselves as the neither the property or the wards of any other person.

Free people seek liberty for themselves and their progeny.

As an authoritarian statist, you sincerely view all people as the rightful property of the state, To you, CPS infringing on the private lives of others is good and proper because the children in question are property of the king, as are the parents. The concept that the welfare and raising of the children is the sovereign responsibility of the parents is one you cannot grasp, as all are merely assets of rulers who reign above us. Liberty is the domain of those who view themselves as the neither the property or the wards of any other person.
so you think parents should be free to abuse their kids?
Old Ogy thinks he can waltz onto a thread and be taken serious, his word as gold...wrong, :LOL
youre the one passing off an obviously false anecdote as proof of cps wrongdoing


WESTMINSTER, Colo. -- A Colorado mother is angry because daycare workers suspected her child was being abused after they found what was later identified as a birth mark.
She claims the little girl ended up getting strip-searched, and the mother felt embarrassed about being falsely accused of such a thing.
"I was asked about my parenting, how I discipline my daughter," said Laura Morales in an exclusive interview with FOX31 Denver. Records obtained by KDVR confirm investigators with Westminster Police questioned Morales about her child's health after workers found marks on the child's back.
Those marks would later be determined to be a birth mark known as Mongolian Spots. It's a skin condition, found often in young children, that can result in dark pigmented areas on a child's buttocks.}

Mom cleared in child abuse investigation; "bruises" are birth marks

This is the kind of shit you STASI scum do all the time.
Old Ogy thinks he can waltz onto a thread and be taken serious, his word as gold...wrong, :LOL
youre the one passing off an obviously false anecdote as proof of cps wrongdoing


WESTMINSTER, Colo. -- A Colorado mother is angry because daycare workers suspected her child was being abused after they found what was later identified as a birth mark.
She claims the little girl ended up getting strip-searched, and the mother felt embarrassed about being falsely accused of such a thing.
"I was asked about my parenting, how I discipline my daughter," said Laura Morales in an exclusive interview with FOX31 Denver. Records obtained by KDVR confirm investigators with Westminster Police questioned Morales about her child's health after workers found marks on the child's back.
Those marks would later be determined to be a birth mark known as Mongolian Spots. It's a skin condition, found often in young children, that can result in dark pigmented areas on a child's buttocks.}

Mom cleared in child abuse investigation; "bruises" are birth marks

This is the kind of shit you STASI scum do all the time.

Well damn,that sure throws a wrench in ogy's BS. LMAO Poor old fool can't win
Old Ogy thinks he can waltz onto a thread and be taken serious, his word as gold...wrong, :LOL
youre the one passing off an obviously false anecdote as proof of cps wrongdoing


WESTMINSTER, Colo. -- A Colorado mother is angry because daycare workers suspected her child was being abused after they found what was later identified as a birth mark.
She claims the little girl ended up getting strip-searched, and the mother felt embarrassed about being falsely accused of such a thing.
"I was asked about my parenting, how I discipline my daughter," said Laura Morales in an exclusive interview with FOX31 Denver. Records obtained by KDVR confirm investigators with Westminster Police questioned Morales about her child's health after workers found marks on the child's back.
Those marks would later be determined to be a birth mark known as Mongolian Spots. It's a skin condition, found often in young children, that can result in dark pigmented areas on a child's buttocks.}

Mom cleared in child abuse investigation; "bruises" are birth marks

This is the kind of shit you STASI scum do all the time.
so not at all what sassy's story said
Old Ogy thinks he can waltz onto a thread and be taken serious, his word as gold...wrong, :LOL
youre the one passing off an obviously false anecdote as proof of cps wrongdoing


WESTMINSTER, Colo. -- A Colorado mother is angry because daycare workers suspected her child was being abused after they found what was later identified as a birth mark.
She claims the little girl ended up getting strip-searched, and the mother felt embarrassed about being falsely accused of such a thing.
"I was asked about my parenting, how I discipline my daughter," said Laura Morales in an exclusive interview with FOX31 Denver. Records obtained by KDVR confirm investigators with Westminster Police questioned Morales about her child's health after workers found marks on the child's back.
Those marks would later be determined to be a birth mark known as Mongolian Spots. It's a skin condition, found often in young children, that can result in dark pigmented areas on a child's buttocks.}

Mom cleared in child abuse investigation; "bruises" are birth marks

This is the kind of shit you STASI scum do all the time.

Well damn,that sure throws a wrench in ogy's BS. LMAO Poor old fool can't win
it doesnt match your story at all.

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