CPS investigates "unsocialized" homeschoolers

None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
no, it is scary. i have absolutely no doubt that Odium would reapond to a knock on his door with a gun to the face.

he thinks that's protecting his family, which makes me pity them
Ask my wife and kids if I protect them. You act like my wife and kids are scared of ME,they are scared of jackbooted thugs with badges and guns doing the bidding of a CPS domestic terrorist at the front door. ALL parents should be given a course in how to deal with the CPS scum when they eventually come knocking,no warrant? Not coming in! etc. Oh and cops are just the CPS lapdogs I have stood there and listened as a pig LIED to what was in the home because I was there in the home when he was allowed in. Standing up to CPS terrorists pisses them off because they like cops think that title or badge gives them extra rights.I have a list of EVERY judge,CPS terrorist,cop etc name,address,car etc. Fuck with me is a BAD idea.
Oh and you don't need to commit violence against them to get your point across either :)
Couple calls to the watchdog agency watching CPS and Judges
Calls to CPS to report child abuse in their homes
All kinds of stuff to fuck with them. When the Victim turns the table the Terrorists get a taste of what its like to be afraid and look behind you every day. Its very empowering as well.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
You know what I said is the truth and you can't beat that. Sucks for you. The more dead CPS terrorist agents the better. Self defense is what its called.

View attachment 61198
What you said is not true at all.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
no, it is scary. i have absolutely no doubt that Odium would reapond to a knock on his door with a gun to the face.

he thinks that's protecting his family, which makes me pity them
To be fair, it's very scary having CPS show up at your door. It always amazed me that I didn't encounter more parents like Odium. Most people with nothing to hide (1) ask a lot of questions and then (2) allow the caseworker to complete the assessment. The ones who refuse the drug test are dirty 99% of the time. The ones who refuse the polygraph shook the baby 99% of the time. The parents who refuse to cooperate are the ones that scare CPS the most, but not for the reason Odium thinks.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
You know what I said is the truth and you can't beat that. Sucks for you. The more dead CPS terrorist agents the better. Self defense is what its called.

View attachment 61198
What you said is not true at all.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
no, it is scary. i have absolutely no doubt that Odium would reapond to a knock on his door with a gun to the face.

he thinks that's protecting his family, which makes me pity them
To be fair, it's very scary having CPS show up at your door. It always amazed me that I didn't encounter more parents like Odium. Most people with nothing to hide (1) ask a lot of questions and then (2) allow the caseworker to complete the assessment. The ones who refuse the drug test are dirty 99% of the time. The ones who refuse the polygraph shook the baby 99% of the time. The parents who refuse to cooperate are the ones that scare CPS the most, but not for the reason Odium thinks.
CPS is scum. Its NONE of CPS business what goes on at home and its EXACTLY why I said it was. I got nothing to hide I just enjoy my privacy and DESPISE CPS terrorist scum. My mother was terrorized by you bastards for no reason but fortunately I was never kidnapped so I KNEW what to expect from CPS when they showed up at my door. 1 time was all it took for those bastards to show up alone...after that it was 2 of them with a cop like I was gonna buckle to some thug with a badge LOL NOT! I know my rights and that REALLY pisses them off.
Ah..another left-attack on Christians. Many homeschoolers are Christian. Will CPS next investigate gay homes where the children aren't socialized to the missing gender in their parents? Far more damage done with no role model of one's gender growing up. You want to see some screwed up young adults *waits for LGBT posters to post links to RARE exceptions*? Find a young male raised in a lesbian home. And, get him some mental health fast. The disparaging comments lesbians make about males all the time, nevermind the living example they set to the boy day in and out "your gender really isn't relevant in an adult functioning world"...add testosterone, normal adolescent male angst, and you have a cocktail for a real issue on society's hands..
Ah..another left-attack on Christians. Many homeschoolers are Christian. Will CPS next investigate gay homes where the children aren't socialized to the missing gender in their parents? Far more damage done with no role model of one's gender growing up. You want to see some screwed up young adults *waits for LGBT posters to post links to RARE exceptions*? Find a young male raised in a lesbian home. And, get him some mental health fast. The disparaging comments lesbians make about males all the time, nevermind the living example they set to the boy day in and out "your gender really isn't relevant in an adult functioning world"...add testosterone, normal adolescent male angst, and you have a cocktail for a real issue on society's hands..

The article never so much as mentions religion. Let alone Christians. It makes no mention of gays. Let alone LGBT. Or cites any sexual orientation of anyone.

You've hallucinated all of it.
Ah..another left-attack on Christians. Many homeschoolers are Christian. Will CPS next investigate gay homes where the children aren't socialized to the missing gender in their parents? Far more damage done with no role model of one's gender growing up. You want to see some screwed up young adults *waits for LGBT posters to post links to RARE exceptions*? Find a young male raised in a lesbian home. And, get him some mental health fast. The disparaging comments lesbians make about males all the time, nevermind the living example they set to the boy day in and out "your gender really isn't relevant in an adult functioning world"...add testosterone, normal adolescent male angst, and you have a cocktail for a real issue on society's hands..
Ah, Sil. Come into this century. No one worries about homeschoolers' socialization anymore, and there are gay foster/adoptive parents saving kids everyday.
Used to have homeschooling renters next door...never reported them to CPS even when the girls put their baby brother up on the 2nd story window with only a screen holding him from falling to the concrete below.......even when they would throw rocks over our fence at our dogs then complained if they barked. Even if they ran around half naked at all hours in our cul-de-sac park. They eventually were evicted for not paying rent. Buh bye!
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
You know what I said is the truth and you can't beat that. Sucks for you. The more dead CPS terrorist agents the better. Self defense is what its called.

View attachment 61198
What you said is not true at all.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
no, it is scary. i have absolutely no doubt that Odium would reapond to a knock on his door with a gun to the face.

he thinks that's protecting his family, which makes me pity them
To be fair, it's very scary having CPS show up at your door. It always amazed me that I didn't encounter more parents like Odium. Most people with nothing to hide (1) ask a lot of questions and then (2) allow the caseworker to complete the assessment. The ones who refuse the drug test are dirty 99% of the time. The ones who refuse the polygraph shook the baby 99% of the time. The parents who refuse to cooperate are the ones that scare CPS the most, but not for the reason Odium thinks.
CPS is scum. Its NONE of CPS business what goes on at home and its EXACTLY why I said it was. I got nothing to hide I just enjoy my privacy and DESPISE CPS terrorist scum. My mother was terrorized by you bastards for no reason but fortunately I was never kidnapped so I KNEW what to expect from CPS when they showed up at my door. 1 time was all it took for those bastards to show up alone...after that it was 2 of them with a cop like I was gonna buckle to some thug with a badge LOL NOT! I know my rights and that REALLY pisses them off.
the cycle continues
Used to have homeschooling renters next door...never reported them to CPS even when the girls put their baby brother up on the 2nd story window with only a screen holding him from falling to the concrete below.......even when they would throw rocks over our fence at our dogs then complained if they barked. Even if they ran around half naked at all hours in our cul-de-sac park. They eventually were evicted for not paying rent. Buh bye!
Oh, dear. My homeschooled students tend to be among the brightest of the bunch. They may have some gaps in their knowledge, but they tend to have a much more positive attitude toward learning and have a lot more curiosity/comfort with new topics than my traditionally schooled students. Don't think of your neighbors as homeschoolers--just rubes.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
You know what I said is the truth and you can't beat that. Sucks for you. The more dead CPS terrorist agents the better. Self defense is what its called.

View attachment 61198
What you said is not true at all.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
no, it is scary. i have absolutely no doubt that Odium would reapond to a knock on his door with a gun to the face.

he thinks that's protecting his family, which makes me pity them
To be fair, it's very scary having CPS show up at your door. It always amazed me that I didn't encounter more parents like Odium. Most people with nothing to hide (1) ask a lot of questions and then (2) allow the caseworker to complete the assessment. The ones who refuse the drug test are dirty 99% of the time. The ones who refuse the polygraph shook the baby 99% of the time. The parents who refuse to cooperate are the ones that scare CPS the most, but not for the reason Odium thinks.
CPS is scum. Its NONE of CPS business what goes on at home and its EXACTLY why I said it was. I got nothing to hide I just enjoy my privacy and DESPISE CPS terrorist scum. My mother was terrorized by you bastards for no reason but fortunately I was never kidnapped so I KNEW what to expect from CPS when they showed up at my door. 1 time was all it took for those bastards to show up alone...after that it was 2 of them with a cop like I was gonna buckle to some thug with a badge LOL NOT! I know my rights and that REALLY pisses them off.
Hmmm, most people never have a CPS visit...and you've had more than one? Hmmmmm.
Ah..another left-attack on Christians. Many homeschoolers are Christian. Will CPS next investigate gay homes where the children aren't socialized to the missing gender in their parents? Far more damage done with no role model of one's gender growing up. You want to see some screwed up young adults *waits for LGBT posters to post links to RARE exceptions*? Find a young male raised in a lesbian home. And, get him some mental health fast. The disparaging comments lesbians make about males all the time, nevermind the living example they set to the boy day in and out "your gender really isn't relevant in an adult functioning world"...add testosterone, normal adolescent male angst, and you have a cocktail for a real issue on society's hands..
Must. Work. Gays. In. To. Conversation.
Tell CPS to go piss up a rope.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.

I know a family CPS got involved with, the little girl had a birthmark and a teachers aide called CPS and reported it as a burn. The parents had doctor reports stating it was a birthmark, a strawberry melanoma, CPS refused to let it go and the family finally hired a law firm to make them let it go. CPS can go piss up a rope
Okay. Something's missing from that family's story, mark my words. Unless they panicked the CPS worker by refusing to let the child be seen by a doctor to confirm it was a birthmark? CPS actually does try to protect kids, and sometimes they actually manage. It's not all about the parents all the time.
its a sassy story. has about as much chance of being true as i do of becoming pope

GFY ya god damn troll, you are constantly trying to stir shit up and it's past old. Grow the fuck up already old phucker
There's that typical RW greeting again.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.

He's the type who reports.
Yeah...silly people those who care about kids after they are born.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
You are FULL OF SHIT. Dealt with the CPS criminals enough to know how they operate. Poor? Got Kids? DING DING DING! Perfect candidate for harassment and kidnapping by the CPS domestic terrorist agents! Want to stop them? Shotgun works. So does leaving the area,they have to close case then within 30 days,DO NOT let them in your home without a warrant no matter what empty threats they make,CPS is SCARED of lawyers they don't own already and the ones "working" for you are nothing more than patsies that do as CPS tells them to do and BARELY if at all put up a fight. We hired a lawyer and I ain't never seen CPS scatter like the fly's on shit that they are so fast! Very next hearing BAM hit them with new lawyer and all of a sudden they wanted to drop the asinine case. Now I keep a lawyer on retainer :)
And it's all about YOU and your fancy LAWYERS and nothing to do with kids' safety or any understanding that some kids might need protection. Not so impressive a response; certainly not scary. But carry on with your half-baked hatred of anyone who dares question your superiority.
no, it is scary. i have absolutely no doubt that Odium would reapond to a knock on his door with a gun to the face.

he thinks that's protecting his family, which makes me pity them

Sounds like you wouldn't protect your family which makes me pity them.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.
and i never will be. i don't abuse kids and i don't give reason for anyone to think otherwise
And they didn't abuse kids either NO ONE needs a REASON to call CPS simply piss someone off and they can and will call...its easy and CPS is FORCED to check ALL calls made.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.

He's the type who reports.
you bet your ass I'd report suspected child abuse
There was no abuse clown dick. You would know that if you read the link. You would LOVE living in a dictatorship..guilty until proven innoncent....
harassed? i don't see it
Course you don't. You are a statist boot licker.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.
My backyard is "messy" as well...god kids toys everywhere and tree limbs thrown in a pile! OH MY! Come knock on my door you will get kindly tossed off the steps and told to fuck off. I know my rights and you ain't speaking to my kids or coming in my home without a warrant.
someone complained, said that there was possible abuse.
good on them for reporting their concerns.
cps responded to the concerns.
good on them.
the family.met rationally with cps and allayed their concerns.
good on them.
cps closed the case.
good on them.

what was not good about the story?
The fact they were harassed to begin with because someone didn't like them homeschooling....course you miss that entire POINT....like I said nothing more than a statist boot licker. Socialization or the lack thereof is NOT abuse as stated in the story under the law. My kids can socialize or not socialize as much or little as they choose. Come to my home you will get a ROUGH welcome CPS is nothing but domestic terrorists who think they are above the law and above parents.
so parents should be free to abuse their children?
I said that? Where? I said CPS are domestic terrorists which they are. Simple as that.
so if cps can't respond to a call without what you call harassment how would you have the system work?

should parents just be left to abuse their kids?
There was no abuse in this situation. PERIOD. I don't know how CPS can respond to calls nor do I give a shit. They can investigate all they want when I know their tactics of harassing kids at school,threatening to kidnap kids unless allowed in the home etc they can't scare me...I fought the POS and WON! They are scared of me now...I know where they live,I know what they drive,I know what their kids names are and their schools and teachers names....fuck with me I will fuck with you right back :) Its fun for them until the Hunters ( cps) become the HUNTED. Just like that piece of shit in New Hampshire I believe it was that got shot for kidnapping a child its a risk of kidnapping kids....Find a better line of work. :)
^ I can certainly see why CPS was called and the authorities know about you now. As someone else said earlier....the cycle continues.
CPS doesn't make the complaints, they just investigate them. And if nothing's wrong, as in this case, they go away. Sounds like the neighbor's real concern was 10 kids and a messy backyard next door.

I know a family CPS got involved with, the little girl had a birthmark and a teachers aide called CPS and reported it as a burn. The parents had doctor reports stating it was a birthmark, a strawberry melanoma, CPS refused to let it go and the family finally hired a law firm to make them let it go. CPS can go piss up a rope
Okay. Something's missing from that family's story, mark my words. Unless they panicked the CPS worker by refusing to let the child be seen by a doctor to confirm it was a birthmark? CPS actually does try to protect kids, and sometimes they actually manage. It's not all about the parents all the time.
its a sassy story. has about as much chance of being true as i do of becoming pope

GFY ya god damn troll, you are constantly trying to stir shit up and it's past old. Grow the fuck up already old phucker
There's that typical RW greeting again.

It is? I got that greeting from a typical lefty just yesterday. Funny how that works.
Ogibill there OBVIOUSLY has never been harassed and/or stalked by CPS. They LOVE LARGE families or families with kids they can sell quick,blonde or green eyes prefer blonde hair but brown works as well....its nothing but a criminal racket.
and i never will be. i don't abuse kids and i don't give reason for anyone to think otherwise
And they didn't abuse kids either NO ONE needs a REASON to call CPS simply piss someone off and they can and will call...its easy and CPS is FORCED to check ALL calls made.
He's the type who reports.
you bet your ass I'd report suspected child abuse
There was no abuse clown dick. You would know that if you read the link. You would LOVE living in a dictatorship..guilty until proven innoncent....
Course you don't. You are a statist boot licker.
My backyard is "messy" as well...god kids toys everywhere and tree limbs thrown in a pile! OH MY! Come knock on my door you will get kindly tossed off the steps and told to fuck off. I know my rights and you ain't speaking to my kids or coming in my home without a warrant.
The fact they were harassed to begin with because someone didn't like them homeschooling....course you miss that entire POINT....like I said nothing more than a statist boot licker. Socialization or the lack thereof is NOT abuse as stated in the story under the law. My kids can socialize or not socialize as much or little as they choose. Come to my home you will get a ROUGH welcome CPS is nothing but domestic terrorists who think they are above the law and above parents.
so parents should be free to abuse their children?
I said that? Where? I said CPS are domestic terrorists which they are. Simple as that.
so if cps can't respond to a call without what you call harassment how would you have the system work?

should parents just be left to abuse their kids?
There was no abuse in this situation. PERIOD. I don't know how CPS can respond to calls nor do I give a shit. They can investigate all they want when I know their tactics of harassing kids at school,threatening to kidnap kids unless allowed in the home etc they can't scare me...I fought the POS and WON! They are scared of me now...I know where they live,I know what they drive,I know what their kids names are and their schools and teachers names....fuck with me I will fuck with you right back :) Its fun for them until the Hunters ( cps) become the HUNTED. Just like that piece of shit in New Hampshire I believe it was that got shot for kidnapping a child its a risk of kidnapping kids....Find a better line of work. :)
^ I can certainly see why CPS was called and the authorities know about you now. As someone else said earlier....the cycle continues.

I can certainly see why you couldn't have ever been homeschooled. No one able to teach you past the 1st grade.
Sounds like good old fashioned Duggar socializing. A big family only breeds wholesomeness. Well, breeds is the wrong word, let's say gropes.

Or they could take the Palin's lead. Let's see just how big your brawls are.
I'm sure some posters here are thanking their god that CPS didn't interrupt Josh Duggar's "special" relationship with his sisters.
None of you who are criticizing CPS know what you're talking about. I'm glad, actually, you don't know what some kids go through. You sure as hell don't know how CPS works; there is actually a judge and a court process involved there, as well, so don't talk about Nazi's again. I did it for 9 years, and I'm not ashamed of it. But I DO know how it works and I know that if the children are fine, CPS goes away. I don't know what was up in Sassy's story. I had only one actual cigarette-burns case in 9 years. But several reports. The majority were impetigo or scrapes called in by well meaning school staff, usually. A very simple trip to the doctor's office was all it took to clear it up. I've seen babies and toddlers shaken and beaten within an inch of their lives, toddlers who can't toddle because their drug addicted mother can't be bothered to ever take them out of the crib, I could go on and on. Lucky kids have extended family who take over when parents go off the rails. For the kids who aren't that lucky, CPS is all they got.
If I'm not mistaken, doctors and nurses and teachers are required by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect to CPS.

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