Crash and burn:Nascar rejects ads for guns cites gradual shift

Next we'll have separated auto racing leagues for each wing.

This just gets sillier by the day.
simple , don't support 'nascar' or any other perfessional televised sport . Course that simple suggestion is probably to hard for people to do eh ??

Time for BADASSCAR. And guns..
NASCAR has rejected ads for guns in what the auto racing group says is part of a “gradual shift on guns.”

CRASH AND BURN: NASCAR Rejects Ads For Guns, Cites 'Gradual Shift'

America just said fk u NAScar lmfao now these dumb sob's are going to dare play with fire..... Buuuuh bye bitches
Guess I will stop watching the races now, slowly my viewing list is getting shorter. NFL< Nacar, Basket ball, Base Ball, the liberals are taking all the fun out of my life, soon I will be watching Bowling, and golf.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how many people actually pay any attention to commercials during a sporting event in the first place? I never did when I was still watching the races, may my favorite driver be with the Lord...the Intimidator is still very much missed.

God bless you and his family always!!!


P.S. I thank the Lord for looking after Dale Jr. when his plane went down a few weeks ago.
simple , don't support 'nascar' or any other perfessional televised sport . Course that simple suggestion is probably to hard for people to do eh ??
Good one. When they watch these on MSM they are supporting the very people who could give a shit less whether they are able to make a living or not, If advertisers realized they are not getting anywhere they may start rethinking their policies.

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