Crash on the Launch Pad

Jeb bush is a crook of the first order.

Back in the 1980s, there was a Savings and Loan scandal in south Florida. Jeb Bush made millions of dollars. Many many people lost all they had. The only reason you don't know about it nor did he get prosecuted or even investigated was because his daddy was POTUS. I don't care how conservative Jeb is or isn't, I'll never vote for him, ever.

Neil Bush and Silverado Savings. Jeb? Jeb was never accused of serious wrong doing in his business deals like Neil was

true, I mean, its not like Jebs wife miraculously bought a next door piece of property to a state senator in the same week, then skirted zoning laws to chop off a piece off for their its all goo..:eusa_whistle:

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