Crazy Al Sharpton upset that Trump said "paddy wagon", claims it's racist against Irish Americans

It would be real nice if people quit trying to make Irish what they really never were.

The descendants of Celts?

No, people who were enslaved and oppressed in America. It is a fact they are descendants of the Celtic tribe.

Who used the word 'enslaved'? I said, oppressed, which is quite true.

However, now that you mention it, many Irish did come to America as indentured servants -- which is certainly slavery.
It would be real nice if people quit trying to make Irish what they really never were.

The descendants of Celts?

No, people who were enslaved and oppressed in America. It is a fact they are descendants of the Celtic tribe.

Who used the word 'enslaved'? I said, oppressed, which is quite true.

However, now that you mention it, many Irish did come to America as indentured servants -- which is certainly slavery.

No. Indentured servitude was an agreement made by two parties where one paid for the passage of another to America and in return the other person agreed to work for a specified period to pay off the debt. The Irish participated in the oppression of people of color just like every other white ethnic group.
Indentured servitude was an agreement made by two parties

Not precisely. Indentured servitude was enforced for debts, vagrancy, and political crimes, in addition to a method of obtaining passage.
Indentured servitude was an agreement made by two parties

Not precisely. Indentured servitude was enforced for debts, vagrancy, and political crimes, in addition to a method of obtaining passage.

They agreed to the contractual obligations. Australia was the penal colony. So was Georgia,
Indentured servitude was an agreement made by two parties

Not precisely. Indentured servitude was enforced for debts, vagrancy, and political crimes, in addition to a method of obtaining passage.

They agreed to the contractual obligations. Australia was the penal colony. So was Georgia,

I'm not sure what contractual obligations a political prisoner might incur that justified transportation and indentured servitude. But, the bigger question lies, why do you feel obligated to compete with the Irish (or Jews, or Hispanics, or Asians) for the title of most oppressed? Are you seeking validation?
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks

Who was saying that? All races and ethnicities have made substantial contributions to the American tapestry. I was saying Irish were once an oppressed minority group and they currently are not.
If no one is saying that it needed to be said. No matter what Blacks do on the whole, they can never be fully assimilated like the Irish or Italians finally did.
While slavery left an indelible stain of Black inferiority in the collective minds of white folks, there is a deeper component based on fear. Fear that Blacks will do to whites what they did to them if they ever get the upper hand.
Indentured servitude was an agreement made by two parties

Not precisely. Indentured servitude was enforced for debts, vagrancy, and political crimes, in addition to a method of obtaining passage.

They agreed to the contractual obligations. Australia was the penal colony. So was Georgia,

I'm not sure what contractual obligations a political prisoner might incur that justified transportation and indentured servitude. But, the bigger question lies, why do you feel obligated to compete with the Irish (or Jews, or Hispanics, or Asians) for the title of most oppressed? Are you seeking validation?

This is not about me competing with anyone. This is always where whites fail in these discussions. When blacks begin talking about what blacks have endured it is whites who bring up the Irish or others trying the make claims of equal oppression in order to tell us how what we went through was nothing or how much we have failed. These examples you post are not the entirety of indentured servitude.It probably was very little of it. Most indentured servants willingly signed contracts with those who could pay their passage here in return for labor. Even what you say is true, you are trying to ignore that indentured servants were not servants for life but for a specified number of years. It was not slavery. They got freedom.
When blacks begin talking about what blacks have endured it is whites who bring up the Irish or others trying the make claims of equal oppression

But, I never made a single comparison between American Blacks and Irish ... that was your doing. You introduced the subject of Blacks vs Irish.
No matter what Blacks do on the whole, they can never be fully assimilated like the Irish or Italians finally did.

The same thing has been said of Jews, of Asians, and Hispanics. It was untrue of them and it's untrue of Blacks in America, most of whom are fully assimilated into American Society. I am not personally acquainted with a single individual who considers American Blacks to be any less American than anyone one else.

There are those who, for political gain, would seek to create an artificial divide. Those vile individuals are not worth my time.
No matter what Blacks do on the whole, they can never be fully assimilated like the Irish or Italians finally did.

The same thing has been said of Jews, of Asians, and Hispanics. It was untrue of them and it's untrue of Blacks in America, most of whom are fully assimilated into American Society. I am not personally acquainted with a single individual who considers American Blacks to be any less American than anyone one else.

There are those who, for political gain, would seek to create an artificial divide. Those vile individuals are not worth my time.
You are not personally acquainted with a single individual who considers American Blacks to be any less American than anyone one else?
The key phrase there is "personally acquainted." You know they are out there but you aren't "personally acquainted" with any of them...OK, I gotcha.

The social symptoms? here ya go: White flight, anti-Civil rights, voter suppression, judicial disparity, biased selective policing including transfer of wealth via fines and fees. And that is just for starters. There is nothing artificial about any of those things,
You know they are out there

Of course they're out there. People who hate Blacks, hate Jews, hate Catholics, hate the Dutch. Those people have always existed and always will. The difference is that in times past these people were free to espouse their hate in public. They were leaders of government and industry and had the power to turn their hate into policy.

Today, those people are relegated to spewing their hate anonymously on the Internet. They have to hide their hate for fear of being beaten or censured. They are impotent and inconsequential and if anyone pays any attention to them it's a indication of their foolishness.
You know they are out there

Of course they're out there. People who hate Blacks, hate Jews, hate Catholics, hate the Dutch. Those people have always existed and always will. The difference is that in times past these people were free to espouse their hate in public. They were leaders of government and industry and had the power to turn their hate into policy.

Today, those people are relegated to spewing their hate anonymously on the Internet. They have to hide their hate for fear of being beaten or censured. They are impotent and inconsequential and if anyone pays any attention to them it's a indication of their foolishness.

That's not exactly the way things are. The president we have is the example pf this. And really the majority party is as well. Our Secretary of State is named Kovach, he's one and he's not limited to the internet. The governor of Maine. I can go on if need be. Most f these people interact outside of the internet, they aren't limited. And if you haven't noticed, the racism is still being turned into law and policy.
When blacks begin talking about what blacks have endured it is whites who bring up the Irish or others trying the make claims of equal oppression

But, I never made a single comparison between American Blacks and Irish ... that was your doing. You introduced the subject of Blacks vs Irish.

Yes I did because the Irish participated in the racial oppression of non whites.
the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

A single example, please.

C'mon man. Why is it that someone always has to show you white dudes some kind of mother fucking example after you state how racism doesn't exist or is inconsequential without your asses producing one fucking example of it? I'm black and live with it. I'm not making this shit up. The reality is that what you say is not how it is. I gave your ass an example with a fucking name attached to it.
the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

A single example, please.

C'mon man. Why is it that someone always has to show you white dudes some kind of mother fucking example after you state how racism doesn't exist or is inconsequential without your asses producing one fucking example of it? I'm black and live with it. I'm not making this shit up. The reality is that what you say is not how it is. I gave your ass an example with a fucking name attached to it.

One single example of racist laws being passed by this administration. You claimed they were being passed, just name one.

I'm sure your live is sooooo difficult, but you made an accusation of institutional racism by the current administration. Surely you can be specific.
the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

A single example, please.

C'mon man. Why is it that someone always has to show you white dudes some kind of mother fucking example after you state how racism doesn't exist or is inconsequential without your asses producing one fucking example of it? I'm black and live with it. I'm not making this shit up. The reality is that what you say is not how it is. I gave your ass an example with a fucking name attached to it.

One single example of racist laws being passed by this administration. You claimed they were being passed, just name one.

I'm sure your live is sooooo difficult, but you made an accusation of institutional racism by the current administration. Surely you can be specific.

Why don't you show me when racism ended first?. Because you made a claim that all this has ended and those who used to do it are only relegated to the Internet. Look I get tired of whites like you calling yourselves making light of racism we face. You wouldn't make it a week black. You'd be dumbfounded as to why you keep getting stopped for driving 29 in a 30 mile per hour zone. And then you'd be wondering why your ass got handcuffed and taken tp jail after the 5th time it happened to you and you tried arguing like you used to when you were white. You would really be lost if you drove after dark doing nothing with your wife and kids then get stopped and surrounded by 3-4 police cars sirens blazing, lights flashing, your children crying loudly and as you got shot, you would have that puzzled look on your face as you died for driving your family home from the theater at 25 miles per hour.
Why don't you show me when racism ended first?.

I specifically said racism among people will never end. It exists among every group of people and towards every group of people. I said racism is no longer socially acceptable in our society and I stand by that.

YOU said this administration is passing institutionally racist laws. Will you give a specific example or will you withdraw that statement?
You know they are out there

Of course they're out there. People who hate Blacks, hate Jews, hate Catholics, hate the Dutch. Those people have always existed and always will. The difference is that in times past these people were free to espouse their hate in public. They were leaders of government and industry and had the power to turn their hate into policy.

Today, those people are relegated to spewing their hate anonymously on the Internet. They have to hide their hate for fear of being beaten or censured. They are impotent and inconsequential and if anyone pays any attention to them it's a indication of their foolishness.
Now that one of them is the President of the United States, how do you explain that? There is nothing anonymous about Donald Trump except his tax returns. .Decidedly, populist ultra right-wing white males own most of the hatred in this country. Their chosen leader, Donald Trump, set up the Justice Department to carry out their hateful agenda. He has, in effect, encouraged the already despotic use of force by police officers. Noting that, ominous clouds are forming on the horizon as Trump begins to show African Americans what they had to lose by voting for him. His war on Blacks has begun in earnest, driven by his populist constituencies. When I read the frivolous notion that he was going after colleges that discriminate against whites, I realized just how much of a demagogue Trump is. And as the leader of hate filled RW white males makes his agenda clearer, the worst is yet to come
ominous clouds are forming on the horizon

Ewwww ... scary ....


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