Crazy Al Sharpton upset that Trump said "paddy wagon", claims it's racist against Irish Americans

the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

A single example, please.

C'mon man. Why is it that someone always has to show you white dudes some kind of mother fucking example after you state how racism doesn't exist or is inconsequential without your asses producing one fucking example of it? I'm black and live with it. I'm not making this shit up. The reality is that what you say is not how it is. I gave your ass an example with a fucking name attached to it.

One single example of racist laws being passed by this administration. You claimed they were being passed, just name one.

I'm sure your live is sooooo difficult, but you made an accusation of institutional racism by the current administration. Surely you can be specific.
Well actually he didn't specifically say the Trump Administration was turning racism into law & policy; but since Trump has signaled his " take back our country" agenda, that code phrase is resonating in various state legislatures. I would also venture to say that some of Trump's initiatives may also qualify.
You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step to issue a travel advisory to Blacks traveling to or through Missouri. ...because of toxic legislation that encourages police abuse.
NAACP issues official statewide travel warning for 'racist' Missouri
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You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step

I know that political fortunes are made on inciting racial tensions. We've been seeing this for a decade now.

Identity politics is big business in America today.
Paddy Wagon once was a derogatory slur to the Irish. So, it's ironic that Irish-Americans went on to become a major constituent of police departments in most major American cities.

Irish were once reviled in this country but, through their contributions, became highly respected American citizens.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
I am not saying that at all. I was just wondering why any Irish contributions would stand out in the larger number of contributions made by Whites in general.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

Irish contributions are largely in literature like Yeats, and Joyce.

Although induction coils, and the first American submarine, were also by Irish people.
ominous clouds are forming on the horizon

Ewwww ... scary ....

Those aren't ominous clouds.

Looks like Trump , don't it?
You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step

I know that political fortunes are made on inciting racial tensions. We've been seeing this for a decade now.

Identity politics is big business in America today.
Its been going on since 1776. But industry gave it a tremendous boost.
The uber rich are behind it.
Paddy Wagon once was a derogatory slur to the Irish. So, it's ironic that Irish-Americans went on to become a major constituent of police departments in most major American cities.

Irish were once reviled in this country but, through their contributions, became highly respected American citizens.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step

I know that political fortunes are made on inciting racial tensions. We've been seeing this for a decade now.

Identity politics is big business in America today.

Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776. Political fortunes the same thing. Lets stop the delusional crap that goes on in places like this by whites who think what they did was normal and standard while everyone else is using race for some kind of advantage.
You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step

I know that political fortunes are made on inciting racial tensions. We've been seeing this for a decade now.

Identity politics is big business in America today.

Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776. Political fortunes the same thing. Lets stop the delusional crap that goes on in places like this by whites who think what they did was normal and standard while everyone else is using race for some kind of advantage.

What Whites did was normal, and standard?

Well, African Americans in Liberia sure thought so.
Why don't you show me when racism ended first?.

I specifically said racism among people will never end. It exists among every group of people and towards every group of people. I said racism is no longer socially acceptable in our society and I stand by that.

YOU said this administration is passing institutionally racist laws. Will you give a specific example or will you withdraw that statement?

I'm not going to withdraw a damned thing. This is what I said.

That's not exactly the way things are. The president we have is the example of this. And really the majority party is as well. Our Secretary of State in Kansas is named Kobach, he's one and he's not limited to the internet. The governor of Maine. I can go on if need be. Most of these people interact outside of the internet, they aren't limited. And if you haven't noticed, the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

I did NOT say this administration is passing institutionally racist laws although the president has given orders and signed executive orders that are based on racism. You said racism is no longer socially acceptable. Well it hasn't ended so what does that say to you? Racism is so shunned that a president endorsed by the KKK is running the fucking country.
You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step

I know that political fortunes are made on inciting racial tensions. We've been seeing this for a decade now.

Identity politics is big business in America today.

Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776. Political fortunes the same thing. Lets stop the delusional crap that goes on in places like this by whites who think what they did was normal and standard while everyone else is using race for some kind of advantage.

What Whites did was normal, and standard?

Well, African Americans in Liberia sure thought so.

Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776.

With a difference. Since the founding of Americans, many groups who wanted nothing more than to indentify as Americans were wrongfully excluded from fully participating in that identity.

Today, people who should be embracing their American identity eschew in favour of a hyphenated identity, Black-American, Gay-American, Trans-American, etc... in an effort to gain privileges that they believe are historically due them.
And if you haven't noticed, the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

That is precisely what you said. What laws and policies are being instituted by this administration based on racism? Any such laws would be, by definition, institutional racism.
Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776.

With a difference. Since the founding of Americans, many groups who wanted nothing more than to indentify as Americans were wrongfully excluded from fully participating in that identity.

Today, people who should be embracing their American identity eschew in favour of a hyphenated identity, Black-American, Gay-American, Trans-American, etc... in an effort to gain privileges that they believe are historically due them.

There has been no difference. Like I have said whites like yourself consistently deny what YOU do to make bogus claims about others. Irish-Americans Swedish-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, I can keep going with all the hyphenated white American designations. The truth is that we as blacks are historically owed a lot of money. That is not what we think, it is what history of the treatment we have received shows. Until whites lie you can grow up and face what you have done, it makes little sense for you to male these kinds of statements. They are ignorant and shows us a willful denial of what has actually gone on.
And if you haven't noticed, the racism is still being turned into law and policy.

That is precisely what you said. What laws and policies are being instituted by this administration based on racism? Any such laws would be, by definition, institutional racism.

I know what I said and the words this administration are not located in that sentence anywhere. Yet they are racists.
face what you have done,

What, specifically, have I done and what, precisely is the dollar amount I owe? Does that apply to anyone in this country (or globally) who has had an ancestor 'wronged' by America?

We have courts in this country from the redress of wrongs. Get a lawyer and plead your case.
face what you have done,

What, specifically, have I done and what, precisely is the dollar amount I owe? Does that apply to anyone in this country (or globally) who has had an ancestor 'wronged' by America?

We have courts in this country from the redress of wrongs. Get a lawyer and plead your case.

Strap in tight, you're about to go in circles.
Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776.

With a difference. Since the founding of Americans, many groups who wanted nothing more than to indentify as Americans were wrongfully excluded from fully participating in that identity.

Today, people who should be embracing their American identity eschew in favour of a hyphenated identity, Black-American, Gay-American, Trans-American, etc... in an effort to gain privileges that they believe are historically due them.

There has been no difference. Like I have said whites like yourself consistently deny what YOU do to make bogus claims about others. Irish-Americans Swedish-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, I can keep going with all the hyphenated white American designations. The truth is that we as blacks are historically owed a lot of money. That is not what we think, it is what history of the treatment we have received shows. Until whites lie you can grow up and face what you have done, it makes little sense for you to male these kinds of statements. They are ignorant and shows us a willful denial of what has actually gone on.

I thought he was a Jew?

Eternal victim #1 meet eternal victim #2.
You know things are coming to a head
when the NAACP takes an unprecedented step

I know that political fortunes are made on inciting racial tensions. We've been seeing this for a decade now.

Identity politics is big business in America today.

Identity politics have been played here since at least 1776. Political fortunes the same thing. Lets stop the delusional crap that goes on in places like this by whites who think what they did was normal and standard while everyone else is using race for some kind of advantage.

What Whites did was normal, and standard?

Well, African Americans in Liberia sure thought so.
Just how did that work out?
Paddy Wagon once was a derogatory slur to the Irish. So, it's ironic that Irish-Americans went on to become a major constituent of police departments in most major American cities.

Irish were once reviled in this country but, through their contributions, became highly respected American citizens.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.

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