Crazy Al Sharpton upset that Trump said "paddy wagon", claims it's racist against Irish Americans

My wife is half Irish and she's not offended.
That's because she is proud of her ethnicity and so long as someone isn't directing an intended insult at her there is no reason to be offended.

As regards the term, "paddy wagon," there was a time when the New York City Police Department was about 90% Irish. The immigrant Irish made good cops because they modeled their behavior after the extremely upright British-trained Irish constables back in Ireland -- who were called "paddys" in the same loose manner as American police officers are called "cops." The word can be insulting if intended to be, but it's not necessarily used insultingly.
Don't racist think their race is superior to another race? From what I've seen and heard from Al it seems he is only defending his race against white supremacy....I've never heard him pushing the notion that Blacks are superior to Whites. Therefore...he can't be racist.
Ask a dozen people to define racism without the aid of a dictionary and the replies will vary, sometimes substantially. I once heard a young Black caller to a radio program say she couldn't have a cat because her father is, ". . . racist against them."

Some will say racism includes a genocidal objective, while others believe it simply means preferring the company of one's own kind. Still others believe racism is the notion that one's race is superior to all others.

And on and on.
Don't racist think their race is superior to another race?
Not necessarily.

From what I've seen and heard from Al it seems he is only defending his race against white supremacy....I've never heard him pushing the notion that Blacks are superior to Whites. Therefore...he can't be racist.
I believe Al Sharpton is best described as a racial opportunist who has managed to carve out a comfortable niche in White-dominated society by correctly sensing which way the wind is blowing.
Paddy Wagon once was a derogatory slur to the Irish. So, it's ironic that Irish-Americans went on to become a major constituent of police departments in most major American cities.

Irish were once reviled in this country but, through their contributions, became highly respected American citizens.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.

He invented the basis of WiFi.

John O'Sullivan (engineer) - Wikipedia

Having a lot of accomplished people doesn't necessarily make a people more intelligent.

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.

I think it might have something to do with genetic diversity, and hierarchy.

Societies with a higher genetic diversity, and a stronger class system, will presumably have a longer intelligence curve.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?
Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say
The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say
The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say

I said China hasn't really accomplished much for it's massive population size.

Nothing inaccurate about that.

China has a population just beyond 4 X higher than the U.S.A, it's about time China's closed the innovation / science gap between the U.S, and China.
How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Are you genuinely unaware that America has borrowed a Trillion dollars from China?

China was poorer than Africa in the 1970's, when Nixon - Kissinger opened up Free Trade with China.

China wouldn't have progressed this fast, without American jobs flowing in.
Paddy Wagon once was a derogatory slur to the Irish. So, it's ironic that Irish-Americans went on to become a major constituent of police departments in most major American cities.

Irish were once reviled in this country but, through their contributions, became highly respected American citizens.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

JFK, RFK and Ted Kennedy...
How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Are you genuinely unaware that America has borrowed a Trillion dollars from China?

China was poorer than Africa in the 1970's, when Nixon - Kissinger opened up Free Trade with China.

China wouldn't have progressed this fast, without American jobs flowing in.

Africa is a continent, not a nation thank you.
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.


Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say

I said China hasn't really accomplished much for it's massive population size.......

And you were proven completely wrong.
What were those contributions? Just curious!

Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.

He invented the basis of WiFi.

John O'Sullivan (engineer) - Wikipedia

Having a lot of accomplished people doesn't necessarily make a people more intelligent.

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.

I think it might have something to do with genetic diversity, and hierarchy.

Societies with a higher genetic diversity, and a stronger class system, will presumably have a longer intelligence curve.
/----/ Or it could have something to do with Communism that suppresses individuality, creativity and freedom of expression. Why innovate if the state will just confiscate your work? Look at the difference in north and South Korea. Poverty vs prosperity.
Are you suggesting that Irish have no contributions?

That sounds pretty prejudiced to me.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.

He invented the basis of WiFi.

John O'Sullivan (engineer) - Wikipedia

Having a lot of accomplished people doesn't necessarily make a people more intelligent.

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.

I think it might have something to do with genetic diversity, and hierarchy.

Societies with a higher genetic diversity, and a stronger class system, will presumably have a longer intelligence curve.
/----/ Or it could have something to do with Communism that suppresses individuality, creativity and freedom of expression. Why innovate if the state will just confiscate your work? Look at the difference in north and South Korea. Poverty vs prosperity.

As true as that maybe about Communism suppressing creativity.

Even before Communism China wasn't a big innovator for it's size.

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.



Why do people feel compelled to make statements based on such appalling ignorance?

Over the past 40+ years, China has moved more people out of poverty than in the entire history of the rest of the world combined.

"Haven't accomplished much"? Wtf?

How much of that was from foreign jobs, and money coming in, particularly American jobs, and money coming in to China?

Besides, I don't think that is what is being discussed, but rather more along the lines of science, invention, and the arts.

It's ok sometimes to simply admit you were ridiculously wrong and move on.

Science stars of China

"Chinese science has been moving at breakneck speed for the past few decades, fuelled by vast infusions of cash and a rapidly growing technical workforce. It now boasts more researchers than the United States, outspends the European Union in research and development and is on track to best all other nations in its yearly production of scientific papers."

"Six years ago, China became the global leader in DNA sequencing"

Chinese Arts, Chinese Performing Arts and Physical Arts

"China is an artistic country that started developing the unique artwork thousands of years ago. "

"Chinese art has a unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. With the long history of harmonizing old techniques and themes with newer styles, the country has transformed art."

MODERN ART IN CHINA | Facts and Details

Why China is beating the U.S. at innovation

10 Innovative Chinese Products At CES 2017 - pg.1

China is rapidly closing the innovation gap, European firms say

I said China hasn't really accomplished much for it's massive population size.......

And you were proven completely wrong.

Compare Switzerland to China's patents per capita or per person.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.

He invented the basis of WiFi.

John O'Sullivan (engineer) - Wikipedia

Having a lot of accomplished people doesn't necessarily make a people more intelligent.

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.

I think it might have something to do with genetic diversity, and hierarchy.

Societies with a higher genetic diversity, and a stronger class system, will presumably have a longer intelligence curve.
/----/ Or it could have something to do with Communism that suppresses individuality, creativity and freedom of expression. Why innovate if the state will just confiscate your work? Look at the difference in north and South Korea. Poverty vs prosperity.

As true as that maybe about Communism suppressing creativity.

No maybe about it.
And why does the genius of several gifted Irishmen lift the entire Irish population above all Blacks when there are just as many or more Black geniuses that have made as many or more contributions? Just curious.

The Irish American IQ, and PISA scores must be high.

The heavily Irish Catholic state of Massachusetts are high in such intelligence factors.


Actually the White PISA scores of Massachusetts, and Connecticut rival that of East Asia.
(Both states have a lot of Irish Americans)

Steve Sailer: iSteve: PISA by state by race: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida
I'm still waiting for you to post Irish contributions. Statistics showing white people patting themselves on the back are meaningless to me.

He invented the basis of WiFi.

John O'Sullivan (engineer) - Wikipedia

Having a lot of accomplished people doesn't necessarily make a people more intelligent.

Look at Chinese, while the average Chinese person is smarter, they too haven't really accomplished much for their massive population.

I think it might have something to do with genetic diversity, and hierarchy.

Societies with a higher genetic diversity, and a stronger class system, will presumably have a longer intelligence curve.
/----/ Or it could have something to do with Communism that suppresses individuality, creativity and freedom of expression. Why innovate if the state will just confiscate your work? Look at the difference in north and South Korea. Poverty vs prosperity.

As true as that maybe about Communism suppressing creativity.

Even before Communism China wasn't a big innovator for it's size.

Ridiculously wrong again.

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