Crazy Coincidence

umm, when you determine that an entire population of a religion needs to leave your country because of the heinous act of 6 or 8 of them, youre the retard not france.
What the hell makes you think that there are only 6 to 8 of them?

You psychic, bubba?

Typically there are about 8 support people to every terrorist, and in this case there is at least a cadre in PAris that would include a bomb maker.

Why dont you go back to playing with your Barby and Ken dolls and let the adults discuss this topic?
Oh yes, jihadism is all over the news because christian p.c. police are mad at Starbucks. News at 11.
You are an idiot. Even while people are being slaughtered by the same predictable suspects, you shit all over yourself trying to defend them

Fuck you
Why would it be more interesting this time than the other hundred times you have said essentially the same thing?

The Muslim religion is bullshit......but all Mulsims are not jihadists. When you see sane people supporting the idea that Muslims have every right to exist and practice their faith in this are not seeing support or spin for jihad.

Yeah, because not the majority of all Muslims want Sharia law....oh, wait, damnit, they do want Sharia law.

You are an ideological stupid ass, and that will never change until you hold the bleeding dying body of a loved one murdered by Muslims.

Yes, you are THAT stupid.
Whatever "breaking point" you're referring to? It might be missing a few factoids like that.

If someone unwelcome hung around your house, made a mess, spent your money, used your stuff and killed your kids - you would reach a breaking point, would you not?
umm, when you determine that an entire population of a religion needs to leave your country because of the heinous act of 6 or 8 of them, youre the retard not france.

When you refuse to recognize the global reach and the growing support for Islamist orgs in the ME and elsewhere, you're a future victim.
Whatever "breaking point" you're referring to? It might be missing a few factoids like that.

If someone unwelcome hung around your house, made a mess, spent your money, used your stuff and killed your kids - you would reach a breaking point, would you not?
umm, when you determine that an entire population of a religion needs to leave your country because of the heinous act of 6 or 8 of them, youre the retard not france.

When you refuse to recognize the global reach and the growing support for Islamist orgs in the ME and elsewhere, you're a future victim.
You aid the enemy when you attack Islam.
Yes, one of the primary strategies of the PC Police is to lie and deflect and say that Islam itself is being attacked, when the only word I use is Jihadists.

Thanks for the perfect example of my point.
Your statements are idiotic.

You aid our enemy when you condemn Islam.

When dealing with a delusional individual, such as yourself or protectionist, the truth must be repeated continually to force you into reality.
And you lie again.

I have never condemned Islam.

Why can't the PC Police just be honest?

Oh, I know why. Because otherwise you'd have to admit the damage you're doing.

Tough shit. Own it. It's yours. Enjoy.
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Come on, PC Police, step up your damn game, you're flailing today. Understandable, I guess.

Here, let me help:
  1. Squawk about how evil the "American Taliban" is.
  2. Pull a guno and make fun of those stupid, redneck, trailer park Christians.
  3. Scream "but the Crusades, the Crusades, they were bad too"
Deflect, deflect! Attack, attack!

There. Happy to help.
You are an idiot. Even while people are being slaughtered by the same predictable suspects, you shit all over yourself trying to defend them
The PC Police can't help themselves. They've chosen sides and they're committed now.

Nobody is defending a single terrorist. This is you being as dishonest as one can be.
Did I call it, or did I call it?

My post:

Come on, PC Police, step up your damn game, you're flailing today. Understandable, I guess.

Here, let me help:

  1. Squawk about how evil the "American Taliban" is.
  2. Pull a guno and make fun of those stupid, redneck, trailer park Christians.
  3. Scream "but the Crusades, the Crusades, they were bad too"
Deflect, deflect! Attack, attack!

There. Happy to help.

Guno's posts:
No surprise that some are trying to christianize this terrorist attack and cheering for another crusade
Interesting coming from a southerner whose hillybill hick ancestors actually did commit treason against the United States
The history of the Jews and the crusades became a part of the history of antisemitism for the Jews in the Middle Ages. The call for the First Crusade touched off new persecutions of the Jews that would continue on and off for centuries.

Damn I'm good. Just need him to bring up the American Taliban.
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Why would it be more interesting this time than the other hundred times you have said essentially the same thing?

The Muslim religion is bullshit......but all Mulsims are not jihadists. When you see sane people supporting the idea that Muslims have every right to exist and practice their faith in this are not seeing support or spin for jihad.
Boiled down to its most simplistic form: the East is alarmed at the spiraling insanity of the West so that itself is becoming in reflection precisely as insane as the West is.

Like a mirror image.

Think about it. If you have "normal" now being two dudes calling themselves "mom and dad" to little boys they adopt, and Bruce Jenner types flaunting "how normal it is to amputate your own genitals to play act like a sad clown at the opposite gender", what would you really expect people who are loathe to these concepts to do in turn?

That they chose a death metal band from California, the spawn and genesis of all-things twisted about America (brought to you courtesy of GLAAD's persuasive influence over Hollywood scripts, actors, producers and sponsors) to lash out absolutely supports this common sense deduction.

Crazy pendulum swings to the West = crazy pendulum swings to the East. Nature seeks a balance. The Muslims bow down 5 times a day to the conservative concepts of man/woman/children family and faith. They eat, breathe and sleep these concepts in the marrow of their bones. Along comes Bruce Jenner. Do the math. It really isn't hard to figure out what's going on in the world today. America has lost its shit. So then have the Muslims.

Given Hollywood's far-reaching influence across the globe, I'm sure the Muslim's insane elements are fearful their way of life teeters on extinction. And indeed it probably does if the great and powerful USA keeps capitulating to the Rainbow-Gestapo. Man/woman & child, the nucleus of any true and good culture (like the one we used to have) cannot exist in the same universe as man/man/little boys. One is good and pure. The other is foul and rotten.
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Nobody is defending a single terrorist. Period.
You are.

That's ridiculous. Talking to,you is like talking to a three year old.

I've never.....not a single time in my entire life.....defended an Islamic terrorist. The idea that you think I have.....or I am on these the kind of thing that a full on retard would claim.

I despise the religion of Islam. I think there is no such entity as Allah. I believe it to be a fairy tale that has led to death and destruction for its entire history. a bag of dicks, dummy.

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