Crazy Coincidence

Nobody is defending a single terrorist. Period.
You are.

That's ridiculous. Talking to,you is like talking to a three year old.

I've never.....not a single time in my entire life.....defended an Islamic terrorist. The idea that you think I have.....or I am on these the kind of thing that a full on retard would claim.

I despise the religion of Islam. I think there is no such entity as Allah. I believe it to be a fairy tale that has led to death and destruction for its entire history. a bag of dicks, dummy.
Why would it be more interesting this time than the other hundred times you have said essentially the same thing?

The Muslim religion is bullshit......but all Mulsims are not jihadists. When you see sane people supporting the idea that Muslims have every right to exist and practice their faith in this are not seeing support or spin for jihad.
Boiled down to its most simplistic form: the East is alarmed at the spiraling insanity of the West so that itself is becoming in reflection precisely as insane as the West is.

Like a mirror image.

Think about it. If you have "normal" now being two dudes calling themselves "mom and dad" to little boys they adopt, and Bruce Jenner types flaunting "how normal it is to amputate your own genitals to play act like a sad clown at the opposite gender", what would you really expect people who are loathe to these concepts to do in turn?

That they chose a death metal band from California, the spawn and genesis of all-things twisted about America (brought to you courtesy of GLAAD's persuasive influence over Hollywood scripts, actors, producers and sponsors) to lash out absolutely supports this common sense deduction.

Crazy pendulum swings to the West = crazy pendulum swings to the East. Nature seeks a balance. The Muslims bow down 5 times a day to the conservative concepts of man/woman/children family and faith. They eat, breathe and sleep these concepts in the marrow of their bones. Along comes Bruce Jenner. Do the math. It really isn't hard to figure out what's going on in the world today. America has lost its shit. So then have the Muslims.

Given Hollywood's far-reaching influence across the globe, I'm sure the Muslim's insane elements are fearful their way of life teeters on extinction. And indeed it probably does if the great and powerful USA keeps capitulating to the Rainbow-Gestapo. Man/woman & child, the nucleus of any true and good culture (like the one we used to have) cannot exist in the same universe as man/man/little boys. One is good and pure. The other is foul and rotten.

Forgot to ask lonelaughter, do you also think the Christian religion is also "bullshit"?
It always boils down to media spin. People aren't aware that colleges and universities have gone from open arenas for sharing opinions and ideas to a closed minded Orwellian world where certain words are forbidden and big brother is waiting to pounce if an opinion does not toe the party line.The media which exists only because of the freedom of the 1st Amendment has taken sides in favor of political correctness or has chosen not to address the issue. There is a double standard in politics also where democrats can say and do outrageous things while timid republicans like John McCain are afraid to mention Obama's middle name for fear of offending God only knows what faction of society.
It always boils down to media spin. People aren't aware that colleges and universities have gone from open arenas for sharing opinions and ideas to a closed minded Orwellian world where certain words are forbidden and big brother is waiting to pounce if an opinion does not toe the party line.The media which exists only because of the freedom of the 1st Amendment has taken sides in favor of political correctness or has chosen not to address the issue. There is a double standard in politics also where democrats can say and do outrageous things while timid republicans like John McCain are afraid to mention Obama's middle name for fear of offending God only knows what faction of society.
The correlation to the gaslighting the Nazi Party was engaged in of German society in the 1930s is so lockstep, it's eerie...that's why my signature is the way it is: You can see it. It's there..

The first thing insane cults "must" do when seeking to take over a society is to attack freedom of speech. Contrary opinions wake up those in the crowd lulled to sleep or paralyzed with fear (the cults are glad for either, either will do) to admit to themselves that their minds are being taken over. Just ask Jim Jones and his followers. Oh, wait, they're mostly dead.

Fun fact: The LGBT cult icon Harvey Milk was a former pal of Jim Jones and admired him greatly.
Why would it be more interesting this time than the other hundred times you have said essentially the same thing?

The Muslim religion is bullshit......but all Mulsims are not jihadists. When you see sane people supporting the idea that Muslims have every right to exist and practice their faith in this are not seeing support or spin for jihad.
Boiled down to its most simplistic form: the East is alarmed at the spiraling insanity of the West so that itself is becoming in reflection precisely as insane as the West is.

Like a mirror image.

Think about it. If you have "normal" now being two dudes calling themselves "mom and dad" to little boys they adopt, and Bruce Jenner types flaunting "how normal it is to amputate your own genitals to play act like a sad clown at the opposite gender", what would you really expect people who are loathe to these concepts to do in turn?

That they chose a death metal band from California, the spawn and genesis of all-things twisted about America (brought to you courtesy of GLAAD's persuasive influence over Hollywood scripts, actors, producers and sponsors) to lash out absolutely supports this common sense deduction.

Crazy pendulum swings to the West = crazy pendulum swings to the East. Nature seeks a balance. The Muslims bow down 5 times a day to the conservative concepts of man/woman/children family and faith. They eat, breathe and sleep these concepts in the marrow of their bones. Along comes Bruce Jenner. Do the math. It really isn't hard to figure out what's going on in the world today. America has lost its shit. So then have the Muslims.

Given Hollywood's far-reaching influence across the globe, I'm sure the Muslim's insane elements are fearful their way of life teeters on extinction. And indeed it probably does if the great and powerful USA keeps capitulating to the Rainbow-Gestapo. Man/woman & child, the nucleus of any true and good culture (like the one we used to have) cannot exist in the same universe as man/man/little boys. One is good and pure. The other is foul and rotten.

Forgot to ask lonelaughter, do you also think the Christian religion is also "bullshit"?

I read the last sentence only. The answer is yes. All religions are bullshit.

Now....why are you spending time on my posts? You must know that I think you are an unstable crackpot by now. I don't read your shit. Never have.
No one condones or defends jihadists.

No one is advocating for the mass importation of jihadists. The conservatives do on the other hand advocate for banning any Muslims from entering or in some cases even being a part of our country at all. (see the multiple threads on the subject)

The liberal minded don't see a need for such drastic measures. The entirety of Islam is not responsible for the actions of some.
Hey gang, here's a crazy coincidence for you:

At the same time more and more people are finally deciding they've had enough of Political Correctness, more and more people are finally deciding they've had enough of the spin for, and actions of, Jihadism.

Turns out that hearing deflection like "American Taliban" is beginning to wear a little thin.

Interesting, huh?

If your only tool is a hammer then everything looks like a nail. And if it is you wielding the hammer, then most of the times you will only hit your thumb. Interesting, eh?
The title of this thread "crazy coincidence" is only half-right. Crazy yes. Coincidence, no... There was a reason they specifically targeted a hedonistic venue from the US, California in Paris that day.

"Why are they attacking us!?" Well, true, it seems a bit muddy since they also attacked the Boston Marathon, so in doing that their "message" got lost. But it seems like they are expressing the real venue of what pisses them off with what they did in France. They don't realize though that the equal measure of violence and insanity on the opposite pole just shuts people down and deafens them to their "voice".

Like I said, there is no greater recruiting poster for jihad than the one below

The title of this thread "crazy coincidence" is only half-right. Crazy yes. Coincidence, no... There was a reason they specifically targeted a hedonistic venue from the US, California in Paris that day.

"Why are they attacking us!?" Well, true, it seems a bit muddy since they also attacked the Boston Marathon, so in doing that their "message" got lost. But it seems like they are expressing the real venue of what pisses them off with what they did in France. They don't realize though that the equal measure of violence and insanity on the opposite pole just shuts people down and deafens them to their "voice".

Like I said, there is no greater recruiting poster for jihad than the one below


I saw that idea bandied about on Fox as well.
Sounds retarded.
Muslims are attacking us because of Jenner. I've officially seen everything. lol
Hey gang, here's a crazy coincidence for you:

At the same time more and more people are finally deciding they've had enough of Political Correctness, more and more people are finally deciding they've had enough of the spin for, and actions of, Jihadism.

Turns out that hearing deflection like "American Taliban" is beginning to wear a little thin.

Interesting, huh?

Interesting is how when ever someone disagrees with someone else, absent any evidence of it they'll label them their political opposition, religious opposition, or whatever else. "You're against me, so you must be with Them."

That's the thinking of a retarded 6 year-old.
Spin for the PC-Protected religion and you'll get the response you deserve.

Nice personal insult, though, that's always a good sign.
Nope, the point is valid.

You aid the enemy when you attack Islam.

And moderate Muslims (thus far remarkably absent) do the bidding of terrorists by NOT speaking up against them.
Hey gang, here's a crazy coincidence for you:

At the same time more and more people are finally deciding they've had enough of Political Correctness, more and more people are finally deciding they've had enough of the spin for, and actions of, Jihadism.

Turns out that hearing deflection like "American Taliban" is beginning to wear a little thin.

Interesting, huh?

Interesting is how when ever someone disagrees with someone else, absent any evidence of it they'll label them their political opposition, religious opposition, or whatever else. "You're against me, so you must be with Them."

That's the thinking of a retarded 6 year-old.
Spin for the PC-Protected religion and you'll get the response you deserve.

Nice personal insult, though, that's always a good sign.
Nope, the point is valid.

You aid the enemy when you attack Islam.

And moderate Muslims (thus far remarkably absent) do the bidding of terrorists by NOT speaking up against them.

And moderate Muslims (thus far remarkably absent) do the bidding of terrorists by NOT speaking up against them.

They do but Fox doesn't tell you that so you don't know. A simple search shows you the truth. I guess you just like being in the dark and looking a fool.

Muslims speak out over Paris attack - Google Search
Muslims are attacking us because of Jenner. I've officially seen everything. lol
Yep, that's even more ridiculous than the claim that they attacked Paris because of Israel and that they attacked Paris because of the PC police.

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