Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game

WOW, we paid for VP and his secret service entourage to go to the game. They already paid their money, and they walked out.s More taxpayers money wasted

It is bullshit, I agree.

Elected officials should not travel on the taxpayer dime for any reason. Good call. I support you.
Did you have the same opinion for the last 8 years of Obama?

Sure, why not?
You'll have to tell me why you didn't.
So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.

And the President has a right to his opinion, whether we like it or not. I think he would have better things to do than to express his opinion is such a trivial issue, however he has the same right as you and I to voice his opinion.
That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.
Here, they don't have a right to protest at the game. It is not a first amendment issue. Period.

NFL Players Have No First Amendment Right to Protest During the Game

They do have the ability to quit the team as do the owners have the ability to fire them.
That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.

It seems people are bitching about him having the right to say something. I would prefer that the NFL players would stand, that the President wouldn't comment and the VP would just stay and watch the game. None of that will happen and it will be another few more weeks before I watch a game instead of a political event.

I think the NFL, the President, the VP and the rest of the country would move on however that won't happen. Here we all are discussing it, even while some watched the games.

I am beginning to think we need to rethink the sport, the concussions and the long term effects are more troubling to me than kneeling or standing.
He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.

Nope, they're working for private companies and they don't have that "right".

Of course they do. You don't lose your rights because you're at work.

You have rights, however the employer can also terminate someone for not following company policy. Sometimes it comes down to rights or work.
Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.
Here, they don't have a right to protest at the game. It is not a first amendment issue. Period.

NFL Players Have No First Amendment Right to Protest During the Game

They do have the ability to quit the team as do the owners have the ability to fire them.
They, of course, do have the right (idiotic opeds notwithstanding), and the owners have a right to fire them. That is not going to happen, though. Oh well, I guess that seals the "big Sunday decision" that boycotting fans will have to make: "Beer and football, or beer and corn hole?" In a way, they have been saved from the hard brain work of puzzling out that choice. They should be thankful, really.
Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.

It seems people are bitching about him having the right to say something. I would prefer that the NFL players would stand, that the President wouldn't comment and the VP would just stay and watch the game. None of that will happen and it will be another few more weeks before I watch a game instead of a political event.

I think the NFL, the President, the VP and the rest of the country would move on however that won't happen. Here we all are discussing it, even while some watched the games.

I am beginning to think we need to rethink the sport, the concussions and the long term effects are more troubling to me than kneeling or standing.
Agreed, well said.
Do you need a pussy hat?

I agree neonazis are disgusting human beings. I also find it disgusting that the cville mayor is trying to use the law to punish them for gathering for ten minutes. I also find it disgusting that the police followed their bus to the cville limits to make sure they left.

They, like the players, like those of us who find the players to be pigs, all have 1st Amendment rights.

But, you seem to really need a pussy hat.
Gimme that hat, buster. Good for the Mayor and the cops. They most likely didn't have a permit. Harass the shit out of them
Why is it good when a goverment official abuses authority, especially when someone is practicing a right?
You tell me. You seem to think it's fine for Trump to start a war with the NFL over it.
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
Not yet but the moron is on the path to one if his advisers don't slap him down

Ask Jerry Jones of Dallas about the "war".
Black people fear for their lives when stopped by the police.

True. Now let's discuss why are they being stopped by police.

The latest case was a guy pulled over for a broken tail light. The guy ran & he got shot in the back. The cops said he pulled a knife but when is a knife life threatening when your running away.

He got pulled for broken tail light.

I got pulled over for not working tail light. I didn't run.

By the way, nobody got shot for "just" broken tail light.

Police are not judge, jury & executioners in this country.

They're not.

Neither is angry mob.

Maybe you should move to the Philippines where Ttrump's buddy believes in that type of law enforcement.

I don't give a shit what's going on in Philippines. I'm fine where I am.

Speaking of drug laws, I wouldn't mind if drug dealers are executed, or at least locked for life.

Read up the Phillipines because that is the law enforcement you want here in the US. No trial, just accusations & police kill you.
Lol pence won't even be in the same room as a woman unless his wife is there. He sounds like a Muslim.

Do you always have a need to lie? Why don't you seek help for that problem?

Well, she's just disagreeing with Pence on the issue. For her it is perfectly OK to be with another man, while her cuck hubby is waiting for her.

It's a progressive thing, we don't understand it...

Nope. That is a straight-up lie. He will not go to dinner alone with another woman. I can't recall if I ever did in my life either!
He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.

Nope, they're working for private companies and they don't have that "right".

Of course they do. You don't lose your rights because you're at work.

You must work for yourself! No one else could be that stupid!
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive

That's odd! We were discussing Pence's trip, not Trump's. The Vice President doesn't fly on Air Force One.
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive

That's odd! We were discussing Pence's trip, not Trump's. The Vice President doesn't fly on Air Force One.
It's Air Force One only when the POTUS is on board.
The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive

That's odd! We were discussing Pence's trip, not Trump's. The Vice President doesn't fly on Air Force One.
It's Air Force One only when the POTUS is on board.

He doesn't fly on the 747s dumbass. He has his own aircraft! It is called "Air Force Two" when he is on board.

Now, don't you feel just a little bit ignorant? Now, back to your original deflection...

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