Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

Can you provide a list of rights that whites have and blacks dont?

Isn't that what Jim Crow laws proponents were saying? Same laws for everyone, how can it possibly be discriminatory?

It took long time to get rid of Democrat's Jim Crow laws. Are you saying we still have them?

You totally missed the point.

And if he did, would that change what left think of him?

Actually yes.

It's one thing to disagree with a guy on ideological and policy basis, but it's a whole different story when you think of him as a lying piece of shit putting on a show.

At one point I had an impression of Mike as someone with a shred of dignity, but he since got caught red-handed multiple times lying his fake ass off for Trump.

The meaning of dignity is not what you think it means.

You are right, perhaps blatantly lying your ass off for the whole world to see is dignified after all :rolleyes:
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it was a planned protest by Pence and Trump on the tax payer's back...

Suddenly you care about taxpayers.

By the way, there is a VP budget...
All of a sudden you don't care about tax payers, eh? ;)
What I don't understand is that for 8 long turbulent years, the fiscal conscious conservatives nickled dimed the Obama administration on everything right down to school lunch costs.....and yet, the billionaires boys club is allowed to literally bankrupt the country...on jet travels alone and its not even a fuckin year yet...unfuckin-believable!!
Once again, you have ignored the substance of my posts and have zeroed in on an "argument," if you can call it that, that encourages nothing but mindless arguing about what a word means. You got any remarks on ANYTHING that matters here?

Anyone who calls this a war...that is YOU...YOUR clueless about what war is, thus is a hysterical lunatic.

Cry some more about my pointing out your hysterics. Then tell us all how you support the 1st Amendment. I'll use your words again to show you don't...except when you agree with what you think the message is.

You're an emotional basket case who can't even remember her own words. Or you could be senile. Either way, your posts are those of someone who has no grip.
Okay. Let's try this. No, there is no actual, physical war with soldiers shooting at each other.
Are you now ready to respond to my post about WHY I have no problem with Neo-Nazi's being ridden out of town on a rail? (Legally, of course).
I already know why. You're ok with abuse of authority when you are against those subject to the abuse.

Just so you know....No comparison to Trump as he has no power to arrest or prosecute.
How did the Charlottesville authorities "abuse" their authority? Links?
I posted above how they did. I'm on my phone snd am not going to link to something I've already posted.

Here is the best I can ...or am willing on the phone.
Charlottesville mayor slams alt-right protest after another torch rally is held
Thank you. As I expected, though, the mayor said they are looking into their LEGAL options. These are not local folks; their presence last time caused a murder. Why would they not be concerned, especially when the group says they're coming back and folks better get used to it? Bussed in trouble? I don't think any mayor would welcome that with open arms. They'd better get that statue down quick.
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.

Nope, they're working for private companies and they don't have that "right".

Of course they do. You don't lose your rights because you're at work.
Black people fear for their lives when stopped by the police.

True. Now let's discuss why are they being stopped by police.

The latest case was a guy pulled over for a broken tail light. The guy ran & he got shot in the back. The cops said he pulled a knife but when is a knife life threatening when your running away.

He got pulled for broken tail light.

I got pulled over for not working tail light. I didn't run.

By the way, nobody got shot for "just" broken tail light.

Police are not judge, jury & executioners in this country.

They're not.

Neither is angry mob.

Maybe you should move to the Philippines where Ttrump's buddy believes in that type of law enforcement.

I don't give a shit what's going on in Philippines. I'm fine where I am.

Speaking of drug laws, I wouldn't mind if drug dealers are executed, or at least locked for life.
Black people fear for their lives when stopped by the police.

True. Now let's discuss why are they being stopped by police.

The latest case was a guy pulled over for a broken tail light. The guy ran & he got shot in the back. The cops said he pulled a knife but when is a knife life threatening when your running away.

He got pulled for broken tail light.

I got pulled over for not working tail light. I didn't run.

By the way, nobody got shot for "just" broken tail light.

Police are not judge, jury & executioners in this country.

They're not.

Neither is angry mob.

Maybe you should move to the Philippines where Ttrump's buddy believes in that type of law enforcement.

I don't give a shit what's going on in Philippines. I'm fine where I am.

Speaking of drug laws, I wouldn't mind if drug dealers are executed, or at least locked for life.
Guess what shit for brains, nobody would mind if their executed, surprised
it was a planned protest by Pence and Trump on the tax payer's back...

Suddenly you care about taxpayers.

By the way, there is a VP budget...
All of a sudden you don't care about tax payers, eh? ;)
What I don't understand is that for 8 long turbulent years, the fiscal conscious conservatives nickled dimed the Obama administration on everything right down to school lunch costs.....and yet, the billionaires boys club is allowed to literally bankrupt the country...on jet travels alone and its not even a fuckin year yet...unfuckin-believable!!

"literally bankrupt the country"

$10 trillion s0n,


And you're crying over the flight that every VP is entitled too.
He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.

Nope, they're working for private companies and they don't have that "right".

Of course they do. You don't lose your rights because you're at work.

I didn't say they got no constitutional rights. What they're doing is not a right.

Are you saying that they can't be fired for exercising that "right"?
it was a planned protest by Pence and Trump on the tax payer's back...

Suddenly you care about taxpayers.

By the way, there is a VP budget...
All of a sudden you don't care about tax payers, eh? ;)
What I don't understand is that for 8 long turbulent years, the fiscal conscious conservatives nickled dimed the Obama administration on everything right down to school lunch costs.....and yet, the billionaires boys club is allowed to literally bankrupt the country...on jet travels alone and its not even a fuckin year yet...unfuckin-believable!!


Wherefore art thou??

Can you provide a list of rights that whites have and blacks dont?

Isn't that what Jim Crow laws proponents were saying? Same laws for everyone, how can it possibly be discriminatory?

It took long time to get rid of Democrat's Jim Crow laws. Are you saying we still have them?

You totally missed the point.

You didn't make one.
Republicans protest blacks for kneeling during the National Anthem.

Shame on blacks for wanting the same rights as white Republicans. They should know better.

Can you provide a list of rights that whites have and blacks dont?

Isn't that what Jim Crow laws proponents were saying? Same laws for everyone, how can it possibly be discriminatory?

It took long time to get rid of Democrat's Jim Crow laws. Are you saying we still have them?

You totally missed the point.

You didn't make one.

...except I obviously did.
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.
Pence is exercising his right to free speech. I didn't see any NFL players trying to stop him.

Don’t kid yourself, Pence is plundering public money on politico stunts...probably at request of the Orange One.

BOOM, called it:

Trump says he directed Pence to walk out of game if 49ers protested during national anthem

Every other person figured this out as it happened yesterday and you are proud you figured it out today? Lol! Very funny.

what the f? my original post is from yesterday.

It was figured out with in five minutes of it happening, anyone with half a brain knew that.
Why would anyone object to easy access to birth control?
Millions of Americans kneel in church every week - are they disrespecting God?
Gosh you have it nailed, what a great observation, I hope you didn't miss your MENSA meeting posting it.

Never mine that it has already been said by the "protestors" that it was about not respecting the country.

But you keep on with the intellectual observations.
BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.

That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.

That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.

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