Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

This was an Expensive Tax Payer Funded Political Stunt! Fire that PC asshole!
The problem with electing an average joe ie average joe Trump....which in itself is a that these billionaires have no concept of other people's money. The way these people are wasting tax payer dollars, the way they shrug off the immense costs to tax payers, leads one to believe that conservatives are all about waste when it pertains to the poor, when its about democrats and when Obama was in office...otherwise, its spend, then spend some more and let the tax payer pay for it.
Colon Kaepernick can't get a job with the NFL because he is dumb left wing knuttjob, so he got a job doing Summer's Eve commercials
Its okay to pick on Colon.....we all know you white fuck nuts love you some gay "ass"...get it Colon..ass....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
You're still hysterical and there is no war.

I know what war is ya lunatic.

I'm also a woman so don't pull that I"m-a-woman victim shit with me.
I'm not hysterical. Are you autistic?
Anyone who says this is a war is a hysterical and ignorant lunatic. :thup:
Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
I see you care like you're taxpayer.

Are you outraged?

Am I outraged that Pence and Trump wasted what is being reported as a quarter of a million dollars to go to an NFL game to create drama... that is tax payer money that could be spent on much more important things? Well yeah... and I am a tax payer.
Okay, but why does it cost a quarter mill to fly the VP from Nevada to Illinois and back to the West Coast? There's something wrong with that scenario, too, Lew.

A lot of it has to do with the fact they have to pay for all the security to ride back and forth too. Not to mention how many extra police officers have to be brought in for him to be able to go into the stadium.
Tell us, what "rights" do they not have?
The right to be black & unarmed & not get killed by the police?

The question is not why police shot them, but what did they do to get shot by police?
Black people fear for their lives when stopped by the police. The latest case was a guy pulled over for a broken tail light. The guy ran & he got shot in the back. The cops said he pulled a knife but when is a knife life threatening when your running away.

Police are not judge, jury & executioners in this country.

Maybe you should move to the Philippines where Ttrump's buddy believes in that type of law enforcement.
After paying for ten minute appearances at fundraisers for 8 years, democrats have no complaint at what Pence did.

Eric Reid said that he was personally oppressed by Pence leaving. That's crazy.
Lol pence won't even be in the same room as a woman unless his wife is there. He sounds like a Muslim.

Do you always have a need to lie? Why don't you seek help for that problem?

Well, she's just disagreeing with Pence on the issue. For her it is perfectly OK to be with another man, while her cuck hubby is waiting for her.

It's a progressive thing, we don't understand it...
After paying for ten minute appearances at fundraisers for 8 years, democrats have no complaint at what Pence did.

Eric Reid said that he was personally oppressed by Pence leaving. That's crazy.
And you assholes biched & bitched & bitch. " OMG Obama is golfing" OMG Obama went here"

Now you love Trump who is doping far far far worse.

Fuck you & your hypocriosy.

Trump told Pence to go to a football game as a political stunt.

And you don't care/

Oh no, some players knelt. Oh My God. Well Pence & Trump penalized the players that stood, whewre is the respect for those players?

You people are so easily duped. You voted for a man that trashed our veterans & then have this fake outrage about players kneeling.

You people make me sick & are killing this country by electing Republican assholes who can't govern.
After paying for ten minute appearances at fundraisers for 8 years, democrats have no complaint at what Pence did.

Eric Reid said that he was personally oppressed by Pence leaving. That's crazy.
And you assholes biched & bitched & bitch. " OMG Obama is golfing" OMG Obama went here"

Now you love Trump who is doping far far far worse.

Fuck you & your hypocriosy.

Trump told Pence to go to a football game as a political stunt.

And you don't care/

Oh no, some players knelt. Oh My God. Well Pence & Trump penalized the players that stood, whewre is the respect for those players?

You people are so easily duped. You voted for a man that trashed our veterans & then have this fake outrage about players kneeling.

You people make me sick & are killing this country by electing Republican assholes who can't govern.
Democrats are killing the country by existing. We need a good emetic, a purge.

Because football great Peyton Manning was to be honored and the vice president was there, the blackies could have extended themselves. But no. They proved themselves worthy of being devalued as players and human beings.
After paying for ten minute appearances at fundraisers for 8 years, democrats have no complaint at what Pence did.

Eric Reid said that he was personally oppressed by Pence leaving. That's crazy.
And you assholes biched & bitched & bitch. " OMG Obama is golfing" OMG Obama went here"

Now you love Trump who is doping far far far worse.

Fuck you & your hypocriosy.

Trump told Pence to go to a football game as a political stunt.

And you don't care/

Oh no, some players knelt. Oh My God. Well Pence & Trump penalized the players that stood, whewre is the respect for those players?

You people are so easily duped. You voted for a man that trashed our veterans & then have this fake outrage about players kneeling.

You people make me sick & are killing this country by electing Republican assholes who can't govern.
Democrats are killing the country by existing. We need a good emetic, a purge.

Because football great Peyton Manning was to be honored and the vice president was there, the blackies could have extended themselves. But no. They proved themselves worthy of being devalued as players and human beings.
And out comes the racist fuck. Again.

You would ,love an all white America like the good little duped white supremacist you are.

Fuck you & your disgusting ilk.
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
You're still hysterical and there is no war.

I know what war is ya lunatic.

I'm also a woman so don't pull that I"m-a-woman victim shit with me.
I'm not hysterical. Are you autistic?
Anyone who says this is a war is a hysterical and ignorant lunatic. :thup:
Once again, you have ignored the substance of my posts and have zeroed in on an "argument," if you can call it that, that encourages nothing but mindless arguing about what a word means. You got any remarks on ANYTHING that matters here?
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
You're still hysterical and there is no war.

I know what war is ya lunatic.

I'm also a woman so don't pull that I"m-a-woman victim shit with me.
I'm not hysterical. Are you autistic?
Anyone who says this is a war is a hysterical and ignorant lunatic. :thup:
Once again, you have ignored the substance of my posts and have zeroed in on an "argument," if you can call it that, that encourages nothing but mindless arguing about what a word means. You got any remarks on ANYTHING that matters here?

Anyone who calls this a war...that is YOU...YOUR clueless about what war is, thus is a hysterical lunatic.

Cry some more about my pointing out your hysterics. Then tell us all how you support the 1st Amendment. I'll use your words again to show you don't...except when you agree with what you think the message is.

You're an emotional basket case who can't even remember her own words. Or you could be senile. Either way, your posts are those of someone who has no grip.

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