Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

"They are disgusting human beings."

As bad as females? Better? worse?
Do you need a pussy hat?

I agree neonazis are disgusting human beings. I also find it disgusting that the cville mayor is trying to use the law to punish them for gathering for ten minutes. I also find it disgusting that the police followed their bus to the cville limits to make sure they left.

They, like the players, like those of us who find the players to be pigs, all have 1st Amendment rights.

But, you seem to really need a pussy hat.
Gimme that hat, buster. Good for the Mayor and the cops. They most likely didn't have a permit. Harass the shit out of them
Why is it good when a goverment official abuses authority, especially when someone is practicing a right?
You tell me. You seem to think it's fine for Trump to start a war with the NFL over it.
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
Not yet but the moron is on the path to one if his advisers don't slap him down
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
I see you care like you're taxpayer.

Are you outraged?
"They are disgusting human beings."

As bad as females? Better? worse?
Do you need a pussy hat?

I agree neonazis are disgusting human beings. I also find it disgusting that the cville mayor is trying to use the law to punish them for gathering for ten minutes. I also find it disgusting that the police followed their bus to the cville limits to make sure they left.

They, like the players, like those of us who find the players to be pigs, all have 1st Amendment rights.

But, you seem to really need a pussy hat.
Gimme that hat, buster. Good for the Mayor and the cops. They most likely didn't have a permit. Harass the shit out of them
Why is it good when a goverment official abuses authority, especially when someone is practicing a right?
You tell me. You seem to think it's fine for Trump to start a war with the NFL over it.
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.
The POTUS has constitutional rights. Now you know.

But you are ONLY in favor of those rights when you agree with whaver you think they are saying. Which makes any post of yours about those rights a joke.
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You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
You're still hysterical and there is no war.

I know what war is ya lunatic.

I'm also a woman so don't pull that I"m-a-woman victim shit with me.
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
You're still hysterical and there is no war.

I know what war is ya lunatic.

I'm also a woman so don't pull that I"m-a-woman victim shit with me.[/QUOTE]
Ever see a war with nukes being thrown around ? THEN you'll know what war is Trumps war
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
I see you care like you're taxpayer.

Are you outraged?

Am I outraged that Pence and Trump wasted what is being reported as a quarter of a million dollars to go to an NFL game to create drama... that is tax payer money that could be spent on much more important things? Well yeah... and I am a tax payer.
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.
The POTUS has constitutional rights. Now you know.

But you are ONLY in favor of those rights when you agree with whaver you think they are saying. Which makes any post of yours about those rights a joke.

And the POTUS exercises his right to free speech every day, and I have absolutely no problem if he wants to go to a football game and walk out just to make a statement, as long as he is paying for it, and it isn't being paid for by tax payer money.
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.
The POTUS has constitutional rights. Now you know.

But you are ONly in favor of those rights when you agree with whaver you think they are saying. Which makes any post of yours about those rights a joke.
No, actually that's not true Si modo. I listen to lots of opinions I don't agree with and I wouldn't want them silenced. That doesn't apply to Neo-Nazi's and the KKK type groups because of what they stand for. They cannot give respect to entire groups of people in this country due to their race or religion. They actually for some reason hate them. Their parent organizations from the last century murdered many innocent people under that flag of hate. So I am perfectly pleased that Charlottesville wants to fine them for an unpermitted rally and that the cops rode their tails as they left town. No one is cuttting out their tongues or putting them in prison. They can think what they like. I don't want to see them gathered together in public spaces spreading their poison and their threats. Is that really so awful?
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.

The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

It is their right and if we stop them because we object to their message, then who is next? We have free speech and the right to assemble. It would be far more disturbing if the government didn’t allow anyone to do this.
Nope. Not buying it. That is exactly how the Nazi's and Hitler came to power. By politely allowing their right of free speech and all.

Do you, as communist, support Antifa's free speech right?
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
That's it; reach into the bag of tricks for dismissing women who use their voice. Hysterical, bleeding from their you know where, emotional, blah blah blah. You've already demonstrated that you can't read for shit, so let's pretend you didn't just come up with another overly literate reading of the post and the situation generally.
You're still hysterical and there is no war.

I know what war is ya lunatic.

I'm also a woman so don't pull that I"m-a-woman victim shit with me.
I'm not hysterical. Are you autistic?
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.

He went there with the intention to do this... ON TAX PAYER'S DIME!
I see you care like you're taxpayer.

Are you outraged?

Am I outraged that Pence and Trump wasted what is being reported as a quarter of a million dollars to go to an NFL game to create drama... that is tax payer money that could be spent on much more important things? Well yeah... and I am a tax payer.
Okay, but why does it cost a quarter mill to fly the VP from Nevada to Illinois and back to the West Coast? There's something wrong with that scenario, too, Lew.
Bold of the man who worked tirelessly to kick trans people out of the military/deny benefits, to talk about “disrespecting our soldiers”

Would you kick someone out of the military with Type I diabetes? Of course you would.

The same logic applies. Type I diabetes and transgender are medically incompatible with military service.

Correct. Beside, type I diabetes is not self inducted.
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.

The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

It is their right and if we stop them because we object to their message, then who is next? We have free speech and the right to assemble. It would be far more disturbing if the government didn’t allow anyone to do this.
Nope. Not buying it. That is exactly how the Nazi's and Hitler came to power. By politely allowing their right of free speech and all.

Do you, as communist, support Antifa's free speech right?
Not their "By any means necessary" stance, no.
Dear dumb left wing crackpots, your NFL national anthem protests will be remembered on Election Day. YOU LOSE AGAIN LOL
/——/ Oh libtards, the tide is turning:
Jerry Jones gives Cowboys players ultimatum: Stand for anthem or sit for game

By Ryan Gaydos |
Published October 9, 2017

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Sunday any player who disrespects the flag will not play.
Is this by the same folks who said yesterday that Kap was willing to stand for the anthem if someone would hire him? Because it wasn't true, although the poster said it was from CBS News.
Vice President Pence did an excellent job of totally trolling the dumb liberal bigots who hate our country.
Tell us, what "rights" do they not have?
The right to be black & unarmed & not get killed by the police?

The question is not why police shot them, but what did they do to get shot by police?

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