Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

Can you provide a list of rights that whites have and blacks dont?

Isn't that what Jim Crow laws proponents were saying? Same laws for everyone, how can it possibly be discriminatory?
God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game

WOW, we paid for VP and his secret service entourage to go to the game. They already paid their money, and they walked out.s More taxpayers money wasted

It is bullshit, I agree.

Elected officials should not travel on the taxpayer dime for any reason. Good call. I support you.
Did you have the same opinion for the last 8 years of Obama?

Sure, why not?

They are disgusting human beings.
"They are disgusting human beings."

As bad as females? Better? worse?
Do you need a pussy hat?

I agree neonazis are disgusting human beings. I also find it disgusting that the cville mayor is trying to use the law to punish them for gathering for ten minutes. I also find it disgusting that the police followed their bus to the cville limits to make sure they left.

They, like the players, like those of us who find the players to be pigs, all have 1st Amendment rights.

But, you seem to really need a pussy hat.
Gimme that hat, buster. Good for the Mayor and the cops. They most likely didn't have a permit. Harass the shit out of them
Why is it good when a goverment official abuses authority, especially when someone is practicing a right?
You tell me. You seem to think it's fine for Trump to start a war with the NFL over it.
No. Guess I didn't listen to the news long enough this a.m.

The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

It is their right and if we stop them because we object to their message, then who is next? We have free speech and the right to assemble. It would be far more disturbing if the government didn’t allow anyone to do this.
Nope. Not buying it. That is exactly how the Nazi's and Hitler came to power. By politely allowing their right of free speech and all. are serious.
Damned straight.
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?
if they don't care what he thinks, why should he care what they think?

the fact is they kneel because they want people to care about their cause or concerns for our country. if they didn't care what people think, why protest in front of them? there literally is no other reason to protest in front of people other than to get their attention to your cause.

i also find it funny that people get bent out of shape at people being critical of the kneelers cause they're just expressing their right to speak but those speaking against it are somehow *not* expressing their own views just as peacefully.
Further proof of the Trump Regime's dereliction of duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America for all Americans.

By attacking a successful and unique American Business they are also guilty of abuse of power.

Americans needs to say to them "You're fired!"
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent

BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.

That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.

What is, in your opinion, a controversy here?
BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.

That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?

Lot's of reasons, I suppose. I'm not as interested in rehashing the past as moving forward. Now that he's a proven disaster, how can we get rid of him?
AND the sooner the better
They are disgusting human beings.
"They are disgusting human beings."

As bad as females? Better? worse?
Do you need a pussy hat?

I agree neonazis are disgusting human beings. I also find it disgusting that the cville mayor is trying to use the law to punish them for gathering for ten minutes. I also find it disgusting that the police followed their bus to the cville limits to make sure they left.

They, like the players, like those of us who find the players to be pigs, all have 1st Amendment rights.

But, you seem to really need a pussy hat.
Gimme that hat, buster. Good for the Mayor and the cops. They most likely didn't have a permit. Harass the shit out of them
Why is it good when a goverment official abuses authority, especially when someone is practicing a right?
You tell me. You seem to think it's fine for Trump to start a war with the NFL over it.
You are hystericsl. There's no war.
The less attention we pay to that scum, the better. I don’t want to give them the time of day.

What amazes me is we live in a country that allows disgusting scum like them the right to get a permit and demonstrate. More proof that we take our freedoms to heart.
I'm not so sure I like the idea of them congregating and lurking around in the middle of the night like that. One of these days they won't be playin' with those torches. Does it seem like they're taking a page straight from the Klan's book? Spooky, letting them get up to that nonsense again.

It is their right and if we stop them because we object to their message, then who is next? We have free speech and the right to assemble. It would be far more disturbing if the government didn’t allow anyone to do this.
Nope. Not buying it. That is exactly how the Nazi's and Hitler came to power. By politely allowing their right of free speech and all. are serious.
Damned straight.
I already know you're against the 1st amendment
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony

He has a right to peacefully protest however he wants. We have the right to respond to the protest. It’s all good. It’s called America and Trump is getting his way by everyone focusing on this issue.
That's exactly the point. WHY is he refocusing all our attention on this particular issue? That's the problem.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on tweet.

Did by any chance come to you mind that as long players are kneeling during national anthem, it is an issue.
We have the right to kneel in protest here. The President is ignoring that and turning it into a flag waving exercise by his nationalist nutter base.
So what it doesn't really matter why Pence did it he has every right to just as these players can kneel during the anthem to try and make whatever point they are trying to make Pence or anyone else can walk out after they do so to make their point that they find the act disrespectful.

Not sure why you guys can't get this... Trump and Pence CREATED their own controversy and they tweeted about it to draw attention to it.

What is, in your opinion, a controversy here?
Perhaps the controversy is over Trump Pence worried about who is kneeling and who isn't when NOW they have Turkey to worry about along with Iran NK and trying to pass tax reform

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