Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

The NFL players are just trying to tell NFL Fans that they hate the Soldiers and Policemen who gave their lives so that dumb racist NFL Players could be rich and famous. ........and the boycott continues.
No, they just hate your white ass!
That's sending a message. Too bad the players are too ignorant to understand it.
No, the message you stupid white piece of shit, is that those hard earned tax dollars you white whore's whine about all the time being wasted on bullshit basics like food and housing, is being swallowed up by the Trump administration, day in and day out, on traveling around the country to achieve absolutely nothing to better lives of anyone save for themselves. Wake up fool, you're being used.
Good. The players likely couldn't care less. They were there to do their jobs which is to play.

To kneel in protest is their right as citizens and taxpayers.
Only because the Nitwit Felons League allows it.

They have no Constitutional right to protest on the clock.

The official statement from the NFL pybluc relations office:

"Players are encouraged, but not required, to stand during the playing of the National Anthem.”

Yes, exactly like I said, the NFL is allowing this ongoing insult to our nation, veterans and our people.

so till they put a stop to it I will not watch any NFL bullshit.

It is obviously your right not to watch.....and it is their right not to stand. That is what freedom is all about.
That's sending a message. Too bad the players are too ignorant to understand it.
No, the message you stupid white piece of shit, is that those hard earned tax dollars you white whore's whine about all the time being wasted on bullshit basics like food and housing, is being swallowed up by the Trump administration, day in and day out, on traveling around the country to achieve absolutely nothing to better lives of anyone save for themselves. Wake up fool, you're being used.

Hmmm: "white ass", "white piece of shit" got a colour problem old poot!!

Good. The players likely couldn't care less. They were there to do their jobs which is to play.

To kneel in protest is their right as citizens and taxpayers.
Only because the Nitwit Felons League allows it.

They have no Constitutional right to protest on the clock.

The official statement from the NFL pybluc relations office:

"Players are encouraged, but not required, to stand during the playing of the National Anthem.”

Yes, exactly like I said, the NFL is allowing this ongoing insult to our nation, veterans and our people.

so till they put a stop to it I will not watch any NFL bullshit.

It is obviously your right not to watch.....and it is their right not to stand. That is what freedom is all about.

Yes; and everyone's right to consider them shit!!

So all people have to do is kneel during the National anthem and Trump goon will leave? I hope the NFL players kneel at the Whitehouse so the entire Trump administration can leave.
Interesting how little respect you have for the will of the American people as expressed in our last election won by Donald J Trump.

65 million votes say otherwise. Majority of Americans didn't want Don the con.

And as an American I have a right to not like out current POTUS.

Did you respect the will of the people when Obama was in office? The right accused him of being anti christ, a Muslim and even not American.

So spare me your BS about respecting the will of the people.

Yes, but they didn't accuse him ofnot being PRESIDENT!!!


When did anyone accuse Agent Orange of not being president?

Also, claiming that Obama was a Kenyan does say that he isn't rightfully president as he isn't an American citizen.
What bullshit. The players, themselves, have said this is about unity of the players - versus Trump's remarks.

It long ago ceased having anything to do with black rights.
Unity in their support of Crapperdick's kneeling in disrespect of the Flag and the Anthem. That was their show of unity. The fans aren't buying that bullshit.
So all people have to do is kneel during the National anthem and Trump goon will leave? I hope the NFL players kneel at the Whitehouse so the entire Trump administration can leave.
Interesting how little respect you have for the will of the American people as expressed in our last election won by Donald J Trump.

65 million votes say otherwise. Majority of Americans didn't want Don the con.

And as an American I have a right to not like out current POTUS.

Did you respect the will of the people when Obama was in office? The right accused him of being anti christ, a Muslim and even not American.

So spare me your BS about respecting the will of the people.

Yes, but they didn't accuse him ofnot being PRESIDENT!!!


When did anyone accuse Agent Orange of not being president?

Also, claiming that Obama was a Kenyan does say that he isn't rightfully president as he isn't an American citizen.

Between 1961 and 1963.( rule changed in 1963)...he was a Citizen of British East African Protectorate, which became the crown colony of Kenya. He was a Citizen by descent. So how does that affect your view?

So all people have to do is kneel during the National anthem and Trump goon will leave? I hope the NFL players kneel at the Whitehouse so the entire Trump administration can leave.
Interesting how little respect you have for the will of the American people as expressed in our last election won by Donald J Trump.

65 million votes say otherwise. Majority of Americans didn't want Don the con.

And as an American I have a right to not like out current POTUS.

Did you respect the will of the people when Obama was in office? The right accused him of being anti christ, a Muslim and even not American.

So spare me your BS about respecting the will of the people.

Yes, but they didn't accuse him ofnot being PRESIDENT!!!


When did anyone accuse Agent Orange of not being president?

Also, claiming that Obama was a Kenyan does say that he isn't rightfully president as he isn't an American citizen.

Wrong; the issue is now whether one can be both a Natural Born US Citizen AND a Subject of the Crown Colony of Kenya simultaneously. It is merely a question; NOT an accusation!!

So all people have to do is kneel during the National anthem and Trump goon will leave? I hope the NFL players kneel at the Whitehouse so the entire Trump administration can leave.
Interesting how little respect you have for the will of the American people as expressed in our last election won by Donald J Trump.

65 million votes say otherwise. Majority of Americans didn't want Don the con.

And as an American I have a right to not like out current POTUS.

Did you respect the will of the people when Obama was in office? The right accused him of being anti christ, a Muslim and even not American.

So spare me your BS about respecting the will of the people.

Yes, but they didn't accuse him ofnot being PRESIDENT!!!


When did anyone accuse Agent Orange of not being president?

Also, claiming that Obama was a Kenyan does say that he isn't rightfully president as he isn't an American citizen.
Cases in point: about to be dealt with by our own High Court.

High Court tests citizenship of MPs

Oh this is rich

View attachment 153289

Mindless Mike was ordered to pull this stunt.

Vice-Presidency in not worth a bucket of warm piss
As I said, Divisive. There's more behind this. Now we know.
Definitely smells like a stunt.

No way in hell they thought no one would kneel.
Yes, it apparently was a stunt cooked up by our President who seems to have nothing better to do than stir the pot on a daily basis. He is really beginning to get on my nerves, you know it?
This trip to Indianapolis was planned for weeks.
Them kneelers at the Anthem have sure earned the contempt of those who love their country...even a little bit. Still; I suppose those kneelers have OJ on their side.

They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?
"white bread?" Racist much?
God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game
It’s so pathetic the way you douche bags butt fuck these two Neanderthals.
I am sorry if they don't do as you would like, Obama style. Instead of caving to the utter BS of the rich millionaires protesting they stand for the country. We know what Obama would have done, fuel racial divide even more. Apparently that is what you like, that and anal sex.
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.
Nope no matter the reason you shouldn't kneel for our anthem. I didn't agree with a lot of what Obama did, but it never crossed my mind to kneel for the anthem. This poor woman will never stand by her husband again.View attachment 153291
Democtats are laughing at that woman standing over her husband's casket.
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent

BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.
Yeah, and the majority didn't want Obamacare or Obama bombing Syria or Obama sending millions of paper money to Iran. Elections have consequences.
God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game

WOW, we paid for VP and his secret service entourage to go to the game. They already paid their money, and they walked out.s More taxpayers money wasted

It is bullshit, I agree.

Elected officials should not travel on the taxpayer dime for any reason. Good call. I support you.
Did you have the same opinion for the last 8 years of Obama?
Pence said he would walk out of any event where they disrespect our soldiers, our flag or our anthem.

How about when Trump called John McCain a non-hero. Or Trump disrespected the gold star family. Why didn't pence walk out?
If McCain starts a football game without standing for the Pledge, Pence will walk out.

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