Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

Huge win for Trump.He is lucky that there isnt much going on in the world or he would be pushed for time on this big issue.
So people disrespecting our troops on national tv isn't an issue to you? Go to hell you stupid fuck! Luckily Trump is our president and we aren't worried the way we were under Obama.

The military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They don't swear an oath to the flag or the anthem, but to the Constitution.

I swore that oath six times over the 20 years that I was in the U.S. Navy, and served in 4 war zones. If I support and defend the Constitution, I also have to support the parts where it says free speech and peaceful protest are allowed.

I don't feel disrespected if a player takes a knee. Why? Because they are exercising their Constitutional rights, which I spent over 20 years of my life defending, and I will also defend it against those who would stop others from exercising their free speech.

Quick question many years did YOU serve in the military?
millionaires disrespecting the flag, our nation and our vets doesn't bother you, whow I wonder what it would take. If constitutional right to do what they did, you folks are playing that card way too much. the owners could stop them in a minute, or they would be out of work.

The biggest thing is that the protest is based on BS and has been from the start.

they can knee all they want, but I ain't watching. Screw the NFL and their millionaires.
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent

BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.
Yeah, and the majority didn't want Obamacare or Obama bombing Syria or Obama sending millions of paper money to Iran. Elections have consequences.
there's a vast difference from how obama treated congress and his own people and how trump does Trump has made may enemies ,,,Just look at what McCain did ,for example
Millions of Americans kneel in church every week - are they disrespecting God?
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent

BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.

That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game

Freewill, you're rewriting history on that one!

It is Trump and now he's got Pence involved in the costly to tax payer stunt pushing his opinion which is the politically correct stance,

Trump and Pence are trying to force the political correctness of 'standing for the anthem//flag', ON TO THE NFL and all NFL players.

How are they trying to force anything?
Through their Bully Pulpit of holding the two highest positions in the land, and encouraging their followers in to boycotting the NFL and NFL!

Encouraging is not the same as force, Every President has tried to sway public opinion through their office. It isn’t force, we are not forced to boycott the NFL, just as we were not forced to stop watching FOXNews.

You can’t force people to do something against their will, we all make choices.

Again you used the word encouraging, not the word force in your response. They don’t mean the same, not even close.
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent

BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.

That is because your liberal media is feeding them a steady diet of lies. Juts look at the lies made up by liberals in these threads on thus message board. There are too many to count!

Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?

Lot's of reasons, I suppose. I'm not as interested in rehashing the past as moving forward. Now that he's a proven disaster, how can we get rid of him?
Oh this is rich

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Mindless Mike was ordered to pull this stunt.

Vice-Presidency in not worth a bucket of warm piss
As I said, Divisive. There's more behind this. Now we know.
Definitely smells like a stunt.

No way in hell they thought no one would kneel.
Yes, it apparently was a stunt cooked up by our President who seems to have nothing better to do than stir the pot on a daily basis. He is really beginning to get on my nerves, you know it?

He got on your nerves the moment he announced to run.

Pence is exercising his right to free speech. I didn't see any NFL players trying to stop him.

Don’t kid yourself, Pence is plundering public money on politico stunts...probably at request of the Orange One.

BOOM, called it:

Trump says he directed Pence to walk out of game if 49ers protested during national anthem

Every other person figured this out as it happened yesterday and you are proud you figured it out today? Lol! Very funny.
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?
Do you realize how absolutely draft you sound? You're white for Christ sake!
You mean daft?
Pence under the direction of our Divider in Chief just threw his hat in the ring on an issue that had actually shown some signs of subsiding. But no, we can't have that.
I don't know what my being white has to do with anything, but yes, good observation.

For you lefties, disrespecting our national anthem and flag is OK, but not giving shit about those who does it is somehow wrong.

Some weird shit you're smoking...

And if he did, would that change what left think of him?

Actually yes.

It's one thing to disagree with a guy on ideological and policy basis, but it's a whole different story when you think of him as a lying piece of shit putting on a show.

At one point I had an impression of Mike as someone with a shred of dignity, but he since got caught red-handed multiple times lying his fake ass off for Trump.
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent

BUT, President Trump has millions of VOTERS on his side and pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to do what they said they would do or hit the road.

He has millions more against him. A majority do not support building a wall, oppose repealing Obamacare and deportation.
Yeah, and the majority didn't want Obamacare or Obama bombing Syria or Obama sending millions of paper money to Iran. Elections have consequences.
there's a vast difference from how obama treated congress and his own people and how trump does Trump has made may enemies ,,,Just look at what McCain did ,for example

Yeah, back of the bus comments, we’re in charge comments, clinging g to gun and religion comments, sorry, Obama was an arrogant SOB.
VP Pence did a great job and insured his Presidency in 2024!
He'll never get the stink of Trump off him. Pence may finish out this term, though, once Trump finishes losing his mind. That's moving along quite quickly.

The only people I see losing their mind are Crying Chuckie Schumer, Nasty Pelousy, and a host of other liberals that will soon be found sitting cross-legged on the floor, rocking back and forth, and muttering to themselves.

You might be next!
Nope. I'm not a Democrat.

That's not how you spell "communist".
Pence is exercising his right to free speech. I didn't see any NFL players trying to stop him.

Don’t kid yourself, Pence is plundering public money on politico stunts...probably at request of the Orange One.

BOOM, called it:

Trump says he directed Pence to walk out of game if 49ers protested during national anthem

Every other person figured this out as it happened yesterday and you are proud you figured it out today? Lol! Very funny.

what the f? my original post is from yesterday.

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