Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive

That's odd! We were discussing Pence's trip, not Trump's. The Vice President doesn't fly on Air Force One.
It's Air Force One only when the POTUS is on board.

He doesn't fly on the 747s dumbass. He has his own aircraft! It is called "Air Force Two" when he is on board.

Now, don't you feel just a little bit ignorant? Now, back to your original deflection...
No, it's you that's ignorant. There are at least 2 identical planes .. either will be Air Force One if the POTUS is onboard.

You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive

That's odd! We were discussing Pence's trip, not Trump's. The Vice President doesn't fly on Air Force One.
It's Air Force One only when the POTUS is on board.

He doesn't fly on the 747s dumbass. He has his own aircraft! It is called "Air Force Two" when he is on board.

Now, don't you feel just a little bit ignorant? Now, back to your original deflection...
No, it's you that's ignorant. There are at least 2 identical planes .. either will be Air Force One if the POTUS is onboard.

I know that dumbass! We are talking about Pence, you ignorant liberal POS!

Can you get back to your claim that Pence's trip cost millions?

Of course not! Apparently you are too stupid to follow the thread.
So, let's review:

Pence left the game because his boss told him to do so. And, his boss told him to do so in order to extract adoration from the people he is using to fellate himself.

Any questions? No? Good.


My question is why do you constantly lie?

Have a nice day!
You are delusional ... Trump has turned your brain to tapioca. What happened is exactly what I described. Let's review again:

Pence left the game because his boss told him to do so. And, his boss told him to do so in order to extract adoration from the people he is using to fellate himself.

that's right, big guy... you mean less than nothing to trump. Only Trump matters to Trump. He is using ALL of you gullible fools... as if Trump cares about the kneeling. What a joke. You've watched Trump con after Trump con fall away limp . They guy has all but told he completely fooled you. for fock's sake, what does it take?
So, let's review:

Pence left the game because his boss told him to do so. And, his boss told him to do so in order to extract adoration from the people he is using to fellate himself.

Any questions? No? Good.


My question is why do you constantly lie?

Have a nice day!
You are delusional ... Trump has turned your brain to tapioca. What happened is exactly what I described. Let's review again:

Pence left the game because his boss told him to do so. And, his boss told him to do so in order to extract adoration from the people he is using to fellate himself.

that's right, big guy... you mean less than nothing to trump. Only Trump matters to Trump. He is using ALL of you gullible fools... as if Trump cares about the kneeling. What a joke. You've watched Trump con after Trump con fall away limp . They guy has all but told he completely fooled you. for fock's sake, what does it take?
Hillary lost, buttercup. Suck it up.
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.


You really are off the chain!

In fact, President Donald Trump's travel itinerary cost US taxpayers more than $10 million during his first month in office, according to The Washington Post.

Presidential travel is a highly complex logistical operation involving hundreds of people, dozens of vehicles, and a fleet of aircraft.

It costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One — here's why it's so expensive

And the left didn't bitch one bit when Obama traveled and neither did I. But now...
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent
Get something passed? are you kidding? this house and senate is never Trump first and congressmen and senators second...both sides.
Trump can see this so his new direction in office is to try and get us to get rid of the do nothings in DC...and that is what we are going to do.
on that 1st point ,,did you hear him say he never said it???? and the 2nd point Corker on his worst day is a far better man than either of your 2 skunks in the WH
I heard him say the thought was ridiculous. The idea that he would say something like that and the liar that first said it is what he doesn't get about DC. Then.....dupe!...his head of staff came out and said he did not say it and that it is silly that once again the lie had to be addressed....
But you keep thinking he said it....I will sleep better to know how butt hurt you must be to believe such garbage and fake news. .
Anyone who calls this a war...that is YOU...YOUR clueless about what war is, thus is a hysterical lunatic.

Cry some more about my pointing out your hysterics. Then tell us all how you support the 1st Amendment. I'll use your words again to show you don't...except when you agree with what you think the message is.

You're an emotional basket case who can't even remember her own words. Or you could be senile. Either way, your posts are those of someone who has no grip.
Okay. Let's try this. No, there is no actual, physical war with soldiers shooting at each other.
Are you now ready to respond to my post about WHY I have no problem with Neo-Nazi's being ridden out of town on a rail? (Legally, of course).
I already know why. You're ok with abuse of authority when you are against those subject to the abuse.

Just so you know....No comparison to Trump as he has no power to arrest or prosecute.
How did the Charlottesville authorities "abuse" their authority? Links?
I posted above how they did. I'm on my phone snd am not going to link to something I've already posted.

Here is the best I can ...or am willing on the phone.
Charlottesville mayor slams alt-right protest after another torch rally is held
Thank you. As I expected, though, the mayor said they are looking into their LEGAL options. These are not local folks; their presence last time caused a murder. Why would they not be concerned, especially when the group says they're coming back and folks better get used to it? Bussed in trouble? I don't think any mayor would welcome that with open arms. They'd better get that statue down quick.
Lol...abuse of power...looking...gritting his lame ass teeth to find something in the law to punish them.... when they followed the law to a tee. And cops harassing them on a right of way. It's called a "right" of way for a reason..... abuse of power there.

Denial is your happy place.
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?

Kaepernick started last season with a stunt to attract attention. He wasn't getting what he wanted so, like a spoiled child he acted out. Now that he's now being ignored, sitting at home NOT collecting a million dollars a year has gotten his attention. Now he's whining...wait...wait...forget that other stuff, I'll stand and respect our country. Sorry Colin, now you'll have to get a REAL job.

NO ONE CARES what the players think. The players proudly pulled their stunt in front of Vice President Pence, only to have the Vice President say, fine, you pull your stunt, I will too and walk out on you. In effect, just like fans are doing.

Meltdown for the disrespectful players.

Too bad, so sad!
Can you provide a list of rights that whites have and blacks dont?

Isn't that what Jim Crow laws proponents were saying? Same laws for everyone, how can it possibly be discriminatory?

It took long time to get rid of Democrat's Jim Crow laws. Are you saying we still have them?

You totally missed the point.

You didn't make one.

...except I obviously did.

In your own mind.

And if your point is that proponents of Jim Crow laws, or to name them - Democrats, were saying that those laws were the same for everyone, you're delusional.

As I said, there is no point, just blabbering.
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.

Where did you get that number?

Millions... millions... OMG, millions.
Pence looks like a total fool now.

Pence also now hates trump for cutting his legs out from under him with trump's stupid tweet

Talk about the gang who could not shoot straight
Black people fear for their lives when stopped by the police.

True. Now let's discuss why are they being stopped by police.

The latest case was a guy pulled over for a broken tail light. The guy ran & he got shot in the back. The cops said he pulled a knife but when is a knife life threatening when your running away.

He got pulled for broken tail light.

I got pulled over for not working tail light. I didn't run.

By the way, nobody got shot for "just" broken tail light.

Police are not judge, jury & executioners in this country.

They're not.

Neither is angry mob.

Maybe you should move to the Philippines where Ttrump's buddy believes in that type of law enforcement.

I don't give a shit what's going on in Philippines. I'm fine where I am.

Speaking of drug laws, I wouldn't mind if drug dealers are executed, or at least locked for life.

Read up the Phillipines because that is the law enforcement you want here in the US. No trial, just accusations & police kill you.

Where have I said I want it here? Quote it.

What I said is, "I wouldn't mind if..."

Grow up, snowflake.
The whole thing was set up to impress Trump's handful of supporters.

The whole thing is about making leftist heads explode.

I couldn't care less if Pence went to the game or walk out after kneeling to national anthem, but I wouldn't mind if pence follows the SanFran Cupcakes to every game and do the same just to enjoy leftist meltdown.
Waste of $millions for each of those trips .. you're so pitiful.

Where did you get that number?

Millions... millions... OMG, millions.
"A trip to Mar-a-Lago costs taxpayers approximately $3.6 million, according to a Government Accountability Office report," the website says.

How much do Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago cost?
as a president ,,,one doesn't get anything passed when he bashes most of his congress , trump is incompetent
Get something passed? are you kidding? this house and senate is never Trump first and congressmen and senators second...both sides.
Trump can see this so his new direction in office is to try and get us to get rid of the do nothings in DC...and that is what we are going to do.
OK, let's go with this

You claim trump will get er done (whatever the hell that is on any given day which will flop-flop the next day) and he is so clever, he has made enemies of his own posse the GOP ON PURPOSE?

Lol pence won't even be in the same room as a woman unless his wife is there. He sounds like a Muslim.

Do you always have a need to lie? Why don't you seek help for that problem?

Well, she's just disagreeing with Pence on the issue. For her it is perfectly OK to be with another man, while her cuck hubby is waiting for her.

It's a progressive thing, we don't understand it...

Nope. That is a straight-up lie. He will not go to dinner alone with another woman. I can't recall if I ever did in my life either!

Maybe you should read the reply before you post.

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