Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

No, it was planned a long time ago. He was supposed to be there at the unveiling of a statue. Yet more fake news by the fake news media.
And Daddy made him leave. Poor Pence.

So why do you suppose Pence stayed for a series of plays, and then left?
He is our nation's second in command who also happens to have kids serving in the military, he left because a bunch of ungrateful punks and thugs decided to disrespect our country.
Nice deflection...pretending the kneeling is to disrespect our country. I guess it's too awkward for you to admit that they are protesting police brutality. Yay for Police Brutality, eh?

You forgot the word "exaggerated" before the word "police" because the problem is microscopic at best.
You know, there is zero chance that Pence didn't know that they were going to kneel. Matter of fact, I think he was betting on it so that he could bitch about missing the game because he's so "patriotic". Where he screwed the pooch though is when he let Trump know what he was doing, because Trump tweeted about it immediately, and made people curious about what was really going on. you REALLY think it is proper for the president to threaten NFL owners and players with more taxes if they don't stand for the anthem? I don't, because that is members of the government actively trying to suppress free speech.

It sure as hell doesn't show what Pence and Trump swore in their oath of inauguration..................

Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."[2]

Threatening people with increased taxes if they don't stand for the anthem is directly against the Constitution, and Trump and Pence are both guilty.

Hey, titless WAVE, the President of the United States cannot tax anyone. Now, go back and start with that assumption. Once you do that, you can delete your asinine post.
Leftists do protest without reason, and when they don't have one, they just fabricate it.
Nope,you are wrong.People would rather just get on with their lives.

Explain where am I wrong. Be specific.
You make a blanket statement about peoples motivations. Its not worth engaging because the premise is do dumb.
So, considering all the horrific things the British have done historically, as a Brit you should have no problem if soccer players start kneeling and giving the finger to the Queen's picture when the Britush national anthem is played before matches?
Just coming back to your point. Everybody stands for the Welsh Anthem and we all sing.
If somebody felt unable to do so I would want to understand why.
Surely that is the way that civilised societies operate ?

In WALES?? Understanding? You'd kick the ignorant asshole to death!!! And so would the sucker's mother!

Not standing for the Anthem in Wales? never going to happen!!!

sure Mike no Jim Crow laws and no lynching ...none at all...get screened though for CTE...took one hit to the head too many

Yeah; but that was by DemoKKKrats. They're not REAL Americans.

Do you suppose we can ever get past "stunts", or is this really the best we can do?

We're not better than this?
Guess not, Pence told the press to stay in the van. :rolleyes:
It's becoming pretty clear that this was staged. Playing to the "base". Again.

At some point, someone, on one "side" or the other, is going to have to grow up.

Or we can just continue with this destructive bullshit from both ends.
Is Trump listening to these protests ?
I can't imagine he is, no one is listening to anything right now.
But he is paid to listen. People dont protest without a reason. Best to deal with it rather than try and Nuke it.

He listened; said it was crap!!!

He is making a lot of money by being President. He should at least try and sort out the nations problems.
He is, but Communists in Britain will not like what he's doing any more than real Americans respected the Kenyan Communist ruining our country.
Well; not the ones with the swastikas. I consider them cut from the same die; scum!!
Nope. Disagree. Ive always said, if I had to make the choice between the Communists or the Nazis, I'd have to choose the Nazis, though they are both big government lefties.

MY choice is the world the Founding Fathers gave us. They were Conservatarians. They also would have opposed flooding the country with the Turd World. The Communists oppose that sane principle.
Pence left so he could rush to the White House, drop to both knees — and give trump more of the serious ass kissing this prez lives for.
Well; not the ones with the swastikas. I consider them cut from the same die; scum!!
Nope. Disagree. Ive always said, if I had to make the choice between the Communists or the Nazis, I'd have to choose the Nazis, though they are both big government lefties.

MY choice is the world the Founding Fathers gave us. They were Conservatarians. They also would have opposed flooding the country with the Turd World. The Communists oppose that sane principle.
Of course you'd choose Nazi.
Of course you'd choose Nazi.
Because your communist choice vowed to murder 25 million Americans. Funny how you guys gloss over these violent antifa rioters. The ones you call "nazis" only protest. Your guys destroy innocent businesses.
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Bullcrap. The fact is that Americans are compassionate and they do not agree with Trump. It has nothing to do with the media. People are not as stupid as you want to paint them.

So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.

It seems people are bitching about him having the right to say something. I would prefer that the NFL players would stand, that the President wouldn't comment and the VP would just stay and watch the game. None of that will happen and it will be another few more weeks before I watch a game instead of a political event.

I think the NFL, the President, the VP and the rest of the country would move on however that won't happen. Here we all are discussing it, even while some watched the games.

I am beginning to think we need to rethink the sport, the concussions and the long term effects are more troubling to me than kneeling or standing.
Not bitching about the right to say something, even though in this situation it is not a right to say something. We are bitching not about them saying it we are bitching about WHAT the are doing and saying. Which, I am sure you will agree, is our right.
It's becoming pretty clear that this was staged. Playing to the "base". Again.

At some point, someone, on one "side" or the other, is going to have to grow up.

Or we can just continue with this destructive bullshit from both ends.
Is Trump listening to these protests ?
I can't imagine he is, no one is listening to anything right now.
But he is paid to listen. People dont protest without a reason. Best to deal with it rather than try and Nuke it.
What is their reason since two weeks ago?

What would you have anyone do about those reasons?
Sort out the problem.
What problem? Just name one or two.
I think the next ploy of the NFL players will be to stand for the national anthem and then whine about how their owner overlords forced them to stand. They will compare it to slavery. More victimhood more pity.
Well folks it didn't take long for my prediction to become true. Do these players and pundits know that they are not slaves, they can leave the game, and the money, at anytime? No, I don't think they are that smart.

Michael Wilbon compares Jerry Jones to a slave owner
Well; not the ones with the swastikas. I consider them cut from the same die; scum!!
Nope. Disagree. Ive always said, if I had to make the choice between the Communists or the Nazis, I'd have to choose the Nazis, though they are both big government lefties.

MY choice is the world the Founding Fathers gave us. They were Conservatarians. They also would have opposed flooding the country with the Turd World. The Communists oppose that sane principle.
you have made the choice to be stupid on principle
So the people that voted for Trump aren’t stupid. Thank you, that is what I have been saying. The Democrats have said other wise. So why did they vote for Trump?
Pap do you really think trump voters are satisfied with his unpresidential performance so far ?

I don't think he has done a good job, but I didn't think Obama did a good job. The left has been crying about how stupid those that voted for Trump are and now I see a shift in what they are saying.

I don't care for Trump giving us his opinion on the NFL however, I didn't like Obama dealing with the beer summit or his comments on Trayvon Martin. To me there are bigger issues for a President to handle, however the President has the same rights as you and I to comment.
That has got to be the 50th time you have said that. Yet, nowhere in this thread have i seen a single person say they don't "have the right" to comment or protest. I have not seen anyone, anywhere say this. To whom, exactly, are you responding? It's becoming like a tic, or something.

It seems people are bitching about him having the right to say something. I would prefer that the NFL players would stand, that the President wouldn't comment and the VP would just stay and watch the game. None of that will happen and it will be another few more weeks before I watch a game instead of a political event.

I think the NFL, the President, the VP and the rest of the country would move on however that won't happen. Here we all are discussing it, even while some watched the games.

I am beginning to think we need to rethink the sport, the concussions and the long term effects are more troubling to me than kneeling or standing.
Not bitching about the right to say something, even though in this situation it is not a right to say something. We are bitching not about them saying it we are bitching about WHAT the are doing and saying. Which, I am sure you will agree, is our right.
FREE ,,you make over 240,000 a year?
If so, you might be cool with Pence’s Liddle’ anti-protest stunt. But most Americans don’t make in a year what Pence wasted by flying, with his security detail, from Vegas to Indy then all the way back to California.

Mike Pence's Flagrant Waste of Taxpayer Money
I think the next ploy of the NFL players will be to stand for the national anthem and then whine about how their owner overlords forced them to stand. They will compare it to slavery. More victimhood more pity.
Well folks it didn't take long for my prediction to become true. Do these players and pundits know that they are not slaves, they can leave the game, and the money, at anytime? No, I don't think they are that smart.

Michael Wilbon compares Jerry Jones to a slave owner

That’s laughable. ESPN suspended Hill for her tweet suggesting a boycott of advertisers to Jerry Jones, so that must mean Wilbon works for a slave owner. If I went against my companies policies I’d be suspended or possibly terminated, it seems I work for a slave owner.

This whole thing has gone beyond ridiculous, had the NFL stepped up last year and enforced its policy, had the owners come out early on and headed this off, this would all be over. Now, this will drag out for a long time and it will hurt the NFL’s bottom line.

This is just all insanity.

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