"Crazy white kids"

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There is a school shooting every week and I have read that there have been more school kid casualties than military casualties this year. When does it become a problem ?
For purposes of this forum >> When you post some source/links to confirm what you proclaim to be a fact, for starters.

You said you "read" about this. Where ?

By “read”, what Tainted Tommy means is “made up out of nothing”.
The usual whites who can't admit whites have huge issues with violence. One even cried about the title. Maybe it should have been titled white on white crime, because that's what it was.

Props to the OP as he is white and took the bull by the horns while these other miserable fools want to cry because he did so. Perhaps if whites didn't spend so much time looking for black crime, they might be able to recognize the signs when a white kid is running around every day in a black trench when the weather is 90 degrees.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?

I think we do. These things come and go. The current spate of assaults seems to be centred on London and the rise in offences seems to be linked to the decline in Police numbers and other austerity measures. Things like youth clubs and other programmes have had funding cut and the devil finds work........................

Why are crazy white kids shooting up schools ? Why hasnt something been done about it ?

What measures did this school put in place after the Florida crazy white kid massacre ?

In the UK when there is a national tragedy there is usually a public enquiry to find out how and why it happened. The enquiry,which is Judge led, comes back with a report and a list of recommendations that the sitting government pretty much accepts in full.

There is currently the Grenfell enquiry which will end with our housing becoming safer.

America doesnt seem to have a similar process so it is not shocking to find these events repeating.
  • Thanks
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Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?
Agreed. Travel ban, border wall, more cops and prisons but I would also add more executions.
Most of the people who do these shootings are your white people.

What would you do with your people ?
Its hard to find them because there are so few of them. If we do find them, i wouldnt suggest putting a bullet in their head. I suggest we do the same with the millions of criminal hood rats too. Lets clean up ALL communities. How does that sound?
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?
Agreed. Travel ban, border wall, more cops and prisons but I would also add more executions.
Most of the people who do these shootings are your white people.

What would you do with your people ?
Its hard to find them because there are so few of them. If we do find them, i wouldnt suggest putting a bullet in their head. I suggest we do the same with the millions of criminal hood rats too. Lets clean up ALL communities. How does that sound?

It's not that hard to find such whites. You just refuse to accept that whites are the ones with the bigger problem.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?
Agreed. Travel ban, border wall, more cops and prisons but I would also add more executions.
Most of the people who do these shootings are your white people.

What would you do with your people ?
Its hard to find them because there are so few of them. If we do find them, i wouldnt suggest putting a bullet in their head. I suggest we do the same with the millions of criminal hood rats too. Lets clean up ALL communities. How does that sound?

It's not that hard to find such whites. You just refuse to accept that whites are the ones with the bigger problem.
The numbers arent even close. Despite the fact that there are 4 times as many white kids, these are the actual numbers of murders. You black people have a massive problem, and you are so fucking stupid and uneducated that you dont even know it.

Number of white murderers under the age of 18: 254
Number of black murderers under the age of 18: 452

Expanded Homicide Data Table 2
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Agreed. Travel ban, border wall, more cops and prisons but I would also add more executions.
Most of the people who do these shootings are your white people.

What would you do with your people ?
Its hard to find them because there are so few of them. If we do find them, i wouldnt suggest putting a bullet in their head. I suggest we do the same with the millions of criminal hood rats too. Lets clean up ALL communities. How does that sound?

It's not that hard to find such whites. You just refuse to accept that whites are the ones with the bigger problem.
The numbers arent even close. Despite the fact that there are 4 times as many white kids, these are the actual numbers of murders. You black people have a massive problem, and you are so fucking stupid and uneducated that you dont even know it.

Number of white murderers under the age of 18: 254
Number of black murderers under the age of 18: 452

Expanded Homicide Data Table 2

Our problem with crime is much smaller than yours. Crime, meaning all crime.
Agreed. Travel ban, border wall, more cops and prisons but I would also add more executions.
Most of the people who do these shootings are your white people.

What would you do with your people ?
Its hard to find them because there are so few of them. If we do find them, i wouldnt suggest putting a bullet in their head. I suggest we do the same with the millions of criminal hood rats too. Lets clean up ALL communities. How does that sound?

It's not that hard to find such whites. You just refuse to accept that whites are the ones with the bigger problem.
The numbers arent even close. Despite the fact that there are 4 times as many white kids, these are the actual numbers of murders. You black people have a massive problem, and you are so fucking stupid and uneducated that you dont even know it.

Number of white murderers under the age of 18: 254
Number of black murderers under the age of 18: 452

Expanded Homicide Data Table 2

Our problem with crime is much smaller than yours. Crime, meaning all crime.
Well we all know thats not true, so what else do got?
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Caucasian youth are prescribed SSRI class antidepressants at a much higher rate than African American youth. This class of drug has been linked to the school shootings by a number of top researchers, so It makes sense that the demographic group prescribed this class of antidepressant would have far greater representation.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
No....school shootings used to be very rare events....now they are rare events....soon they will be occasional events....and that will lead to common events.

Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing the flag at half mast just about every month for school shootings.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?
"The hatred of men"....oh dear. Are you INCEL?
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?
"The hatred of men"....oh dear. Are you INCEL?

nowadays there is collective white guilt, white privilege, male privilege, hetero-privilege and so on.

Sooner or later it's going to have an effect when you are constantly told you are evil just for being born white and male and it's mainstream, acceptable and not just on the fringe of society.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
No....school shootings used to be very rare events....now they are rare events....soon they will be occasional events....and that will lead to common events.

Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing the flag at half mast just about every month for school shootings.

I doubt you hate seeing the flags at half mast. In fact, I think you love it as you use the symbolism to move toward a political goal without caring at all about the dead kids.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?

I think we do. These things come and go. The current spate of assaults seems to be centred on London and the rise in offences seems to be linked to the decline in Police numbers and other austerity measures. Things like youth clubs and other programmes have had funding cut and the devil finds work........................

Why are crazy white kids shooting up schools ? Why hasnt something been done about it ?

What measures did this school put in place after the Florida crazy white kid massacre ?

In the UK when there is a national tragedy there is usually a public enquiry to find out how and why it happened. The enquiry,which is Judge led, comes back with a report and a list of recommendations that the sitting government pretty much accepts in full.

There is currently the Grenfell enquiry which will end with our housing becoming safer.

America doesnt seem to have a similar process so it is not shocking to find these events repeating.

Great Briton severely limits the use of SSRI antidepressants with their youth, over here they are given out like candy.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
No....school shootings used to be very rare events....now they are rare events....soon they will be occasional events....and that will lead to common events.

Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing the flag at half mast just about every month for school shootings.

I doubt you hate seeing the flags at half mast. In fact, I think you love it as you use the symbolism to move toward a political goal without caring at all about the dead kids.
I'm sure you want to pretend to believe what others like or don't like.

I hate having to see flags at half-mast over and over and over again with these mass shootings.....these continuous opportunities for gun manufacturers and the NRA to profit over fear.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
No....school shootings used to be very rare events....now they are rare events....soon they will be occasional events....and that will lead to common events.

Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing the flag at half mast just about every month for school shootings.

I doubt you hate seeing the flags at half mast. In fact, I think you love it as you use the symbolism to move toward a political goal without caring at all about the dead kids.
I'm sure you want to pretend to believe what others like or don't like.

I hate having to see flags at half-mast over and over and over again with these mass shootings.....these continuous opportunities for gun manufacturers and the NRA to profit over fear.

No you don't and, by posting that you showed why! And that tells me all I need to know. You would allow the continuing murder of our children to rid the world of, get this, THREE LETTERS.

The profits for these murders are being realized by big Pharma and the media. With every shooting, caused by the use of a single class of highly profitable prescription meds, sometimes in combination with other highly profitable meds, the Pharma companies get TON'S more clients and the media reaps the profits from ratings AND EVEN MORE pharma advertising.

Good Lord, you people suck
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
No....school shootings used to be very rare events....now they are rare events....soon they will be occasional events....and that will lead to common events.

Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing the flag at half mast just about every month for school shootings.

I doubt you hate seeing the flags at half mast. In fact, I think you love it as you use the symbolism to move toward a political goal without caring at all about the dead kids.
I'm sure you want to pretend to believe what others like or don't like.

I hate having to see flags at half-mast over and over and over again with these mass shootings.....these continuous opportunities for gun manufacturers and the NRA to profit over fear.

more like anti-gun lobby to profit over fear
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