"Crazy white kids"

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Because idiots like you teach the white kids TO HATE BEING WHITE, teach them how there should be WHITE GUILT........ you teach the public schools to put kids on medications that cause side effects creating often the urge to KILL...........

it's assholes like you who generate this bs.


Oh Noooo.......

Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?
"The hatred of men"....oh dear. Are you INCEL?

nowadays there is collective white guilt, white privilege, male privilege, hetero-privilege and so on.

Sooner or later it's going to have an effect when you are constantly told you are evil just for being born white and male and it's mainstream, acceptable and not just on the fringe of society.
So what you are saying is that if you blanket attack a certain group for the actions of just a few - then that is wrong.

I heartily agree with you.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?
Agreed. Travel ban, border wall, more cops and prisons but I would also add more executions.
Most of the people who do these shootings are your white people.

What would you do with your people ?

Simple, death penalty for murder, why is there even a question?
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.
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Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

.I think you need to really go back and study history. You say you have been in Africa but I really don't think you understand what happened to t hat continent or the long term damage caused by he Berlin Conference. Or the Raj for that matter.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

I think it's because of the hatred of whites, and the hatred of men, being pushed by the left-wing.

Of course the other side, is that blacks are usually shooting each other outside of school. Perhaps because they get expelled long before they start shooting people?

Regardless, we would expect that more school shootings would be from whites, because there are more whites.

The problem is, proportional to race in the demographics, an massive number are caused by a tiny minority. It shouldn't be that way.

In any case, I think a more ridged enforcement of the law would fix this, regardless of race. We just need to start shooting people that commit murder, instead of feeding and clothing them for 40 years, and letting them out on paroll.

By the way Tommy, Since you enjoy commenting on the US from your snooty Britty Island, can you explain this to us?
Woman murdered after parole board released her ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing a former partner

Woman murdered after parole board released ex-boyfriend who was serving time for killing former partner

Since you apparently are curious why people here are so violent, what makes you Brits release murderers and let them kill more of your fellow Brits?

What makes the UK so violent?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises

Need some Britty Knife-control 'eh'?
"The hatred of men"....oh dear. Are you INCEL?

INCEL? What's an incel? Is that the crazy left-wing belief that sex is a 'right', and people are denied a right to sex, and then go crazy and kill people?

(I'm assuming that is what you are referring to)... no, I am not.

And I don't have a hatred of men. I'm right-wing. I like everyone. You and me could go out for lunch, and have a great time talking. I disagree with your political views, but I talk to people who despise what I stand for. But face to face, I'll be as good a friend, even to you, that I can be.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

No,it was about using industrialised might to oppress and suppress other cultures. Black folks did not conquer South America, Africa,Australia and so on. White folks did. White folks came to the US, killed all the natives and then imported black slaves to do their work. And they found a religious pretext for doing so.

It wasnt Muslims either, it was white christians.
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Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
No....school shootings used to be very rare events....now they are rare events....soon they will be occasional events....and that will lead to common events.

Personally, I'm getting tired of seeing the flag at half mast just about every month for school shootings.

I doubt you hate seeing the flags at half mast. In fact, I think you love it as you use the symbolism to move toward a political goal without caring at all about the dead kids.
I'm sure you want to pretend to believe what others like or don't like.

I hate having to see flags at half-mast over and over and over again with these mass shootings.....these continuous opportunities for gun manufacturers and the NRA to profit over fear.

NRA does not 'profit over fear'. The NRA is an organization that serves as a political voice that represents the people.

If you are against freedom of speech, then I understand your hatred of an organization that specializes in freedom of speech. Can we eliminate all other political voices to? Say... Unions? Environmental groups?

Why is it when there is an environmental issue, you don't say that Green Peace, and the Sierra Club are profiting from fear?

You and I both see the problem of people getting shot.

The difference is, you think that if you simply pass a law, that this is going to fix anything.

You think that denying people's rights, will bring about Utopia (or at least to a 'fix' to this problem).

We disagree.

Evidence shows that every country that has tried to ban objects, instead of dealing with the problem of evil intent, results in more evil.

Guns are not complicated devices. Smuggling is not a rare event.

You can make a gun, in your own home. They are not space tech, that needs a Ph.D to build. In fact, you can make gun powder at home, and bullets at home.

During the revolution, our soldiers were making their own bullets.

The MP in the UK, was killed by a guy with a hand made gun. Do you happen to know what a Luty is? A guy in the UK, wanted to demonstrate that gun laws didn't work, and did so by making reliable fully automatic machine guns, from common hardware store parts. You can buy the book on how to do this.

Expedient Homemade Firearms BSP 9mm SMG P.A Luty : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

You can download the book for free actually.

Even if you don't want to make the gun, if you actually tried to enforce a ban, or enough controls to prevent someone from getting the gun legally, the result would simply be that either they would be smuggled in, like they are in Europe and Australia, or you have backyard machine shops making them, just like we had backyard stills making moonshine during prohibition.

The solution is dealing with crime. Not trying to somehow tie down every single object in your entire house in hopes that when your toddler runs out of things to hit people with, hoping he'll give up.

When I acted up at home, my parents didn't try and remove every rock from the yard. They tanned by butt, until I understood that wrong action, had bad consequences, and then it didn't matter if I was playing on a gravel road, or isolated on a patio.

That's the solution. We start dealing with crime.

After the UK passed their massive gun bans, gun crime, and all crime, increased everywhere.

What did they do to solve this? Ridged enforcement of the law. Cameras everywhere in London. Police numbers were increased. More patrols.

Crime went down.

Well yeah, crime went down, because enforce of the law went up. Had nothing to do with gun laws, and we know that because crime went up after the gun laws.

Australia had an even worse time, because a few localities, under the belief that guns laws would reduce crime, actually reduced the police force.

Not only did crime go up, but they had a rampant explosion of "home invasion".

Home invasion is different from what we typically see in the US, in that, if you go into someone's home while they are there, you could end up shot, because people in the US can defend themselves.

Oklahoma home invasion: 3 killed by resident, authorities say - CNN

Even a tiny Asian women, can fend off 3 armed men, in the US... if she is allowed to defend herself.

In Australia, they had home invasions, where people didn't even bother to case the place. Why does it matter if they are home or not, when by law, they are not allowed to defend themselves?

The amount of policing required in Australia dramatically increased, in order to reduce crime back down to pre-gun control levels.

That's where the difference between you an me is. We both want to stop shootings. You think that taking away guns from law abiding citizens is the answer. I think more policing, and more armed people like the ones in the stories above, is the answer.

If every single time a criminal tried to engage in crime, more people like that Asian girl, ran out and started shooting them... crime and innocent people being shot, would drop.
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Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

.I think you need to really go back and study history. You say you have been in Africa but I really don't think you understand what happened to t hat continent or the long term damage caused by he Berlin Conference. Or the Raj for that matter.

Really? I didnt deny that. My contention with Tommy is that he says the shootings are based on something genetic. There are other reasons why people can be violent besides genetics. That was all i was saying.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

.I think you need to really go back and study history. You say you have been in Africa but I really don't think you understand what happened to t hat continent or the long term damage caused by he Berlin Conference. Or the Raj for that matter.

Really? I didnt deny that. My contention with Tommy is that he says the shootings are based on something genetic. There are other reasons why people can be violent besides genetics. That was all i was saying.

Say that to the whites here who make all kids of racist statements claiming genetics..
Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

.I think you need to really go back and study history. You say you have been in Africa but I really don't think you understand what happened to t hat continent or the long term damage caused by he Berlin Conference. Or the Raj for that matter.

Really? I didnt deny that. My contention with Tommy is that he says the shootings are based on something genetic. There are other reasons why people can be violent besides genetics. That was all i was saying.

Say that to the whites here who make all kids of racist statements claiming genetics..
"chicago" !!!!!
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

No,it was about using industrialised might to oppress and suppress other cultures. Black folks did not conquer South America, Africa,Australia and so on. White folks did. White folks came to the US, killed all the natives and then imported black slaves to do their work. And they found a religious pretext for doing so.

It wasnt Muslims either, it was white christians.

Which is unique, how? All people's of the Earth practiced slavery. All people's of the Earth, had justifications for doing so, whether religious or not.

Having slaves was as common around the world, as having sex.

The idea that 'white' people should be singled out, as if they were different, is ridiculous. Just because the white races ended up being economic and technological leaders, does not mean that their history was somehow more evil, than any other.

There seems to be this implication that somehow the success of western culture... in and of itself, means they were somehow more evil.

The Mayans has slaves all over the place, and they didn't rise above European cultures. So the idea that slavery is the only reason for the success of western culture is equally ridiculous.

During the time of Saladin, the leader of Muslims against the Crusaders in Jerusalem, it was common for the Muslim military to cure their swords by sticking the hot sword into slaves doomed to die, and letting the sword cool inside their bodies.

When Saladin conquered Jerusalem, everyone in the city that could not purchase their own freedom, was auctioned off as slaves. Children for almost nothing. Women for sex, valued only by how attractive they were. And men as nothing more than cattle, to be used until they were broken, and then killed.

When you single out western slavery, as being somehow worse, than the most brutal forms of slavery practiced around the world, you come across as either uninformed, or crazy.

I support a charity that does amount other things, targets people still in slavery today. Slavery has never ceased to exist, contrary to the left-wing ideology that says the laws say it doesn't, so it doesn't.

They have video, and pictures of women they found, trapped in places, being used for sex and housework. One picture showed several 20-something women, denied clothes walking around bare-chest, because their owners specifically wanted to humiliate them, and remind them of their status as nothing more than slaves.

That was just in the last 5 years.

Contrary to the media in this country, that wants to only portray western slavery in the worst possible light, the reality is most of the world treat slaves far worse.

Does that mean, they lived in luxury here? Of course not. Does that mean it wasn't wrong? Of course not.

But dump this nonsense that somehow our history of slavery was magically far worse than any other in history. That's garbage, and wrong.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

No,it was about using industrialised might to oppress and suppress other cultures. Black folks did not conquer South America, Africa,Australia and so on. White folks did. White folks came to the US, killed all the natives and then imported black slaves to do their work. And they found a religious pretext for doing so.

It wasnt Muslims either, it was white christians.

Yes, so what does that have to do with DNA?
Being forced to wear bad sweaters for years? no, probably the fact that the one common link in most of them is that they were on psych drugs. Mind you that in teen agers the frontal lobe has not yet fully developed this is the part of the brain that determines right and wrong as well as the areas for pleasure sensation, which is why addictive drugs are so much worse for kids whos brains are still developing.
But if you as a white person feel violent because of your DNA, maybe this is a good place for you to let it all out.
White folks have consistently been the most violent and aggressive people on the planet since the dawn of time.

Wrong, because for one thing, white people haven't existed from the dawn of time, they've only really been around for maybe 20,000 years or so since current humans left Africa. Then, you have this assumption that it has something to do with DNA but if that was the case then every white enclave should be extremely violent. Places like Iceland and Norway should be hell holes.
Now if you want to talk about the voracity of White civilization as it came into conflict with the rest of the world, history supports how they asserted it's dominance but again, your just guessing when you blame white DNA for this. I would make the case it had more to do with a cultural history of developing societies where resources were more scarce and competition was fierce, and that same culture did continue onward along with technical advancements

.I think you need to really go back and study history. You say you have been in Africa but I really don't think you understand what happened to t hat continent or the long term damage caused by he Berlin Conference. Or the Raj for that matter.

Really? I didnt deny that. My contention with Tommy is that he says the shootings are based on something genetic. There are other reasons why people can be violent besides genetics. That was all i was saying.

Say that to the whites here who make all kids of racist statements claiming genetics..

Right and I have said that, but sorry, Tommy's OP is just dumb and he's talking from emotion. He totally ignores the fact that those kids doing the school shootings are on mood altering meds.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
There is a school shooting every week and I have read that there have been more school kid casualties than military casualties this year. When does it become a problem ?

You heard wrong. Bunch of folks pushing damaged statistics that call a BB gun hit on a school bus as a "school shooting. They count drug deals in school parkings at 2AM "a school shooting". We don't talk much about military casualties anymore. Because all the political shit-slinging has moved that to the back pages.

There are 10 times more school students than active military personel. It's all in the way you phrase it.
Chris Rock was on to something.

Why are these school shooters generally white kids ?

What is it in the Caucasian dna that makes them so violent ?

The majority of people in this country are white. All other factors being equal, it is to be expected that the majority who engage in any particular behavior will be white.

For all the hype, these school shootings are very rare events. The sample size is too small to make any rational assumption about whether any ethnic group is more or less prone to commit this sort of crime.
There is a school shooting every week and I have read that there have been more school kid casualties than military casualties this year. When does it become a problem ?

You heard wrong. Bunch of folks pushing damaged statistics that call a BB gun hit on a school bus as a "school shooting. They count drug deals in school parkings at 2AM "a school shooting". We don't talk much about military casualties anymore. Because all the political shit-slinging has moved that to the back pages.

There are 10 times more school students than active military personel. It's all in the way you phrase it.

Personal and off topic.

Being angry about being discriminated against by hypocrite liberals, in Affirmative Action programs ? Just speculating a bit.
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