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Why are these traditions so ingrained in Easter Sunday? And what do they have to do with the resurrection of Jesus?

Well, to be frank, nothing.

Bunnies, eggs, Easter gifts and fluffy, yellow chicks in gardening hats all stem from pagan roots. These tropes were incorporated into the celebration of Easter separately from the Christian tradition of honoring the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

You are right about that.

The celebration of Christmas also had similar beginnings.

It is possible that early Christians "usurped" the pagan holidays by incorporating the elements of Christianity into them as a means of drawing them away from their paganism.

It's also possible that Pagans who were converted by the Gospel decided to alter their old holidays to accommodate their new found beliefs.

However these transitions occurred, few people are aware of the pagan vestiges which may remain in them.
The fact remains that these celebrations came to be associated in the popular mindset with the birth of Christ and His resurrection.

It is for these reasons that the Jewish factions are so determined to either malign them or do away with them all together. It is associations of these holidays to Christ they abhor, NOT the pagan history behind them.

Observing the Lord's Supper
(Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:14-23)
23 For I received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed took bread; 24 and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, This is my body, which is for you: this do in remembrance of me. 25 In like manner also the cup, after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood: this do, as often as ye drink it , in remembrance of me. 26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink the cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till he come.

That is what communion is about. It does not require the slaughter of chickens or their blood. The blood of chickens can not take away sins. Neither can goats or any other animal you can think of.

The "for so often" that you do this part, means whenever you assemble together for worship service. The ceremony is to facilitate the remembrance. The ceremony should be performed every assembly. I can't think of a time when it would be good to forget about it.

As things are, once a year is about as often that most people get reminded of the birth or the resurrection of Christ. The Jews are doing all they can to remove even those reminders.

There was a time when people considered "the meaning of" Christmas and Easter.

Now days one can see Christmas decorations on display before the Halloween decorations are removed.
Not only does this increase someones profit margins, it creates an association of Halloween with Christmas to such an extent that the lines between them are blurred.

Whereas Halloween was once a celebration of Autumn that was supposed to be a time of Jack O lanterns, candy and harmless spooky fun for kids, now days you have lunatics that use it as an occasion to seriously worship the devil, thanks in part to the work of Hollywood.

Top 10 Devil Themed Movies |

Rosemary's Baby is a 1968 American psychological horror film written and directed by *Roman Polanski, based on the bestselling 1967 novel Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin.

*the child rapist



Merry Xmas

Pleasant dreams, kiddies.
Christian wackjob anti-Semites Jesus would just love you asshats..
that assumption like all your other assumption is false.
being gay is not abnormal or not natural.
you did prove one thing , you're a bigot a homophobe..
where the egg and sperm come from is not the point, anyone can have sex.
the gift as you call it is in the raising and nurture of the child.
GAY couples do have one huge advantage over "straight couples they do not fill group homes and mortuaries with their creations.
did I tell you what a ignorant and hateful person you are today?

This is the playbook of an Ideologue on display when someone disagrees with their view.
no these are facts and any rebuttal to them is willful ignorance...

Wrong,name calling is what you resort to when someone disagrees with your views. The terms bigot and homophobe are nothing more than silly attacks and does not bother me in the least.

We all sin but some are forgiven for their sins where others are to arrogant to ask for that forgiveness.
Yeah he hit the nail on the head the only B.S. being spewed is the side trying to suggest exactly what UR stated.

DNA similarity does not prove common ancestry got it ?
so not debating me any more was a lie? god will appreciate that.

When you and I have an exchange it's not debating I am merely correcting you.
only in your mind, in reality you're showcasing you're tenuous grip on reality in a highly humorous way..
This is the playbook of an Ideologue on display when someone disagrees with their view.
no these are facts and any rebuttal to them is willful ignorance...

Wrong,name calling is what you resort to when someone disagrees with your views. The terms bigot and homophobe are nothing more than silly attacks and does not bother me in the least.

We all sin but some are forgiven for their sins where others are to arrogant to ask for that forgiveness.
your point ? :cuckoo:
Yeah he hit the nail on the head the only B.S. being spewed is the side trying to suggest exactly what UR stated.

DNA similarity does not prove common ancestry got it ?
so not debating me any more was a lie? god will appreciate that.

I thought he wasn't debating you anymore... anymore like the last half-dozen times he wasn't debating you anymore.

He went wee wee wee all the way home.

I have not come across anyone here worthy of a scientific debate from your side. You can't debate common sense.
So why did god make ugly people?
Answer me this question... If EVERYONE was beautiful, how would anyone know they were beautiful?

Ugly-beautiful, Light-Dark, Hot-Cold, Good-Evil...

You really should get some formal education starting with a basic philosophy class.

I have to admit I have viewed a few very ugly people without even laying eyes on them.
"The theory that man is an ape is actively promoted in the Judeo Zionist academic world".

I think someone is suffering from IJHS (Irrational Jew Hatred Syndrome)

Anyone believing that humans are related or have evolved from apes do not believe in the words of God. There I said it !
so not debating me any more was a lie? god will appreciate that.

I thought he wasn't debating you anymore... anymore like the last half-dozen times he wasn't debating you anymore.

He went wee wee wee all the way home.

I have not come across anyone here worthy of a scientific debate from your side. You can't debate common sense.
off your meds this fine morning?
answering posts not directed at you, with out of context nonsense is a waste of time.
I guess the creationist club is gearing of for Easter a truly pagan holiday.
didn't ur just say he's was not going to debate you or I ANY MORE?

Does it bear any resemblance to Seder or Hannakah or junk like that?
are you this incredibly stupid all the time?
Judaism is not pagan, slapdick, they believe in the same god as Christians and Muslims.
using your lack of logic, logic would mean all Christian celebrations would be junk too.

Are you saying pagans didn't become Christians and brought some of their traditions with them slap weenie ?
Does it bear any resemblance to Seder or Hannakah or junk like that?
are you this incredibly stupid all the time?
Judaism is not pagan, slapdick, they believe in the same god as Christians and Muslims.
using your lack of logic, logic would mean all Christian celebrations would be junk too.

Are you saying pagans didn't become Christians and brought some of their traditions with them slap weenie ?
they believe in the same god as Christians and Muslims.
using your lack of logic, logic would mean all Christian celebrations would be junk too.[/QUOTE]
learn to read.
I thought he wasn't debating you anymore... anymore like the last half-dozen times he wasn't debating you anymore.

He went wee wee wee all the way home.

I have not come across anyone here worthy of a scientific debate from your side. You can't debate common sense.
off your meds this fine morning?
answering posts not directed at you, with out of context nonsense is a waste of time.

Please don't waste my time.
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