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Well my explanation would be that the fusion was caused by God.
What God? Explain your explanation please.

God caused the fusion to make sure that perverted humans did not crossbreed with apelike creatures.

Now explain how the fusion happened from your point of view ?

How would you know that two humans were not the parents that had the same fusion and passed it on ?

You do realize that it is not necessary for two different species to have the same amount of chromosomes to reproduce ?

classifying horses and donkeys as the same KIND or having a common ancestor, while at the same time classifying humans and chimps as different kinds not having a common ancestor. Most evolutionist believe this common ancestor lived between 5 to 8 million years ago.

While there may not be sufficient genetic evidence yet to answer the question, an answer does appear to be coming. Some differences are obvious. obvious chromosomal differences are easily noted. Humans and chimps differ not only in chromosome number, but also by nine pericentric chromosomal inversions and one centric fusion.Trust me in the future the DNA similarity will decrease between the chimp and human once they fully understand all the differences.
Well my explanation would be that the fusion was caused by God.
What God? Explain your explanation please.

God caused ...

What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing. Provide His testable attributes. Provide the hypothetical conditions under which you would accept the existence of God falsified. What would constitute "proof" that this God thing does not exist?
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Christ is my personal savior, and God is the Father.

No testable attributes, he's God. I'm not going to test him, don't need to.
What God? Explain your explanation please.

God caused ...

What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing. Provide His testable attributes. Provide the hypothetical conditions under which you would accept the existence of God falsified. What would constitute "proof" that this God thing does not exist?

Just as soon as you explain with the same method you expect from me how life spontaneously started.

Oh and don't ignore my question concerning chromosome #2
Christ is my personal savior, and God is the Father.

No testable attributes, he's God. I'm not going to test him, don't need to.
Then everything based upon your baseless premise is also baseless.

See? You feel better now that you have unambiguously admitted to your intellectually dishonest superstition, don't you?
God caused ...

What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing. Provide His testable attributes. Provide the hypothetical conditions under which you would accept the existence of God falsified. What would constitute "proof" that this God thing does not exist?
Just as soon as you explain with the same method you expect from me how life spontaneously started.
Already done for you multiple times ... now it's your turn.

What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.

Oh and don't ignore my question concerning chromosome #2
Since i asked first, I'll ignore your questions as long as you ignore mine.

So, what God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.
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What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing. Provide His testable attributes. Provide the hypothetical conditions under which you would accept the existence of God falsified. What would constitute "proof" that this God thing does not exist?

Already done for you multiple times ... now it's your turn.
What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.


Whatever you say, troll.
That was easy now, wasn't it?

I know your little pride stings a little now, but in the future maybe you'll think twice about presenting your baseless superstitions as verifiable facts of reality.
What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing. Provide His testable attributes. Provide the hypothetical conditions under which you would accept the existence of God falsified. What would constitute "proof" that this God thing does not exist?
Just as soon as you explain with the same method you expect from me how life spontaneously started.
Already done for you multiple times ... now it's your turn.

What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.

Oh and don't ignore my question concerning chromosome #2
Since i asked first, I'll ignore your questions as long as you ignore mine.

So, what God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.

Nitwit, no real scientist buys the theory of abiogenesis.

The miller urey experiment did not create life,let me repeat myself, The miller urey experiment did not create life. Now do you want to try in your own words explain this phenomenon that causes real scientist to admit ignorance on.
What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing. Provide His testable attributes. Provide the hypothetical conditions under which you would accept the existence of God falsified. What would constitute "proof" that this God thing does not exist?
Just as soon as you explain with the same method you expect from me how life spontaneously started.
Already done for you multiple times ... now it's your turn.

What God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.

Oh and don't ignore my question concerning chromosome #2
Since i asked first, I'll ignore your questions as long as you ignore mine.

So, what God? Explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.

I gave an answer to the question i was asked that is why you responded to my post. Now put up or shut up i am ok with either.

The bitter one claiming victory with such ignorant posts :lol::lol::lol:
Nothing at all ignorant about my posts. I have made a FAR BETTER and more honest effort to answer your questions than you have made to answer mine.

What's really getting to you now is that you're either going submit an answer, and get inescapably pinned by your sanctimonious anti-intelligence, or you're going take the route of the intellectual coward and bail; just as you have previously.
Bitter loser.

The bitter one claiming victory with such ignorant posts :lol::lol::lol:
Nothing at all ignorant about my posts. I have made a FAR BETTER and more honest effort to answer your questions than you have made to answer mine.

What's really getting to you now is that you're either going submit an answer, and get inescapably pinned by your sanctimonious anti-intelligence, or you're going take the route of the intellectual coward and bail; just as you have previously.

Why are you avoiding answering the question concerning chromosome 2 ?

Bailing ? i just ignore ignorant posts.
The bitter one claiming victory with such ignorant posts :lol::lol::lol:
Nothing at all ignorant about my posts. I have made a FAR BETTER and more honest effort to answer your questions than you have made to answer mine.

What's really getting to you now is that you're either going submit an answer, and get inescapably pinned by your sanctimonious anti-intelligence, or you're going take the route of the intellectual coward and bail; just as you have previously.

Why are you avoiding answering the question concerning chromosome 2 ?
It's as if you have no idea that your posts on the internet can be referenced at will.

And no, you have not answered my question; neither here nor especially here.

So, what God? I ask again that you please explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.

Bailing ? i just ignore ignorant posts.
Well i guess the Troll bailed.
You at least have the courage to voice your most desperate wish.

Sorry about your superstitious luck.

So again, what God? I ask again that you please explain this "God" thing you keep referencing.
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Just to hammer down the correlation causality thing one more time.

Correlation does not imply causation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what your doing.

Statement 1: An animal with something other than 46 chromosomes is not a human.

Statement 2: An animal with 46 chromosomes is a human.

Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is false.

Similar to....

Statement 1: The more firemen fighting a fire, the bigger the fire is observed to be.

Statement 2: Therefore firemen cause fire.

Statement one is true; more firefighters are sent to fight a bigger fire. But statement two is false; firemen certainly dont cause the fire.

Get it yet?

Wrong,i showed animals with the same amount of chromosomes that were vastly different.

And i pointed out it was not the number of chromosomes but it was the information contained in the chromosomes that mattered.


"animals with the same amount of chromosomes that were vastly different."

Statement 2: An animal with 46 chromosomes is a human. <---thats false! there are plenty of animals with 46 chromsomes

Statement 1: An animal with something other than 46 chromosomes is not a human. <----thats true, all humans must have 46 chromosomes
chromosomes equal 46, then human

chromosomes not equal 46, then not necessarily human.
The point is that if human ancestors had 48 chromosomes they werent human.

No one is claiming that means all animals with 46 chromosomes are human.

but all humans have 46 chromosomes.
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1. Tobacco
2. potato
3. orangutan
4. hare
5. gorilla
6. deer mouse
7. beaver

These all have the same chromosome count as the chimpanzee,can they all crossbreed ?

It's really not the chromosome count that is important,it's the information in the chromosomes is what really matters.

Humans 46 chromosomes two other species i know of have the same amount as humans.

1. Reeve's Muntjac
2. Sable Antelope

It's the information contained in the chromosomes that shows we are vastly different with the same amount of chromosomes.

Bad argument.

That isnt even a correct description of the argument!

You just agreed that human ancestors had 24 pairs of chromosomes.

...what it shows is the humans we all descended from had 24 pairs of chromosomes.


Thats the entire point. That is the very definition of human.

Ever heard of correlation-causality? Because your fucking it up.

If an animal doesnt have 46 chromosomes, then its not a human. However, if an organism does have 46 chromosomes, than that does not necessarily mean it is a human

Similar to:

If its raining it must be wet outside, but just because its wet outside doesnt mean its raining. (maybe the sprinkler is on...)

Get it??

Ill say it again:

If an animal doesnt have 46 chromosomes, then its not a human. However, if an organism does have 46 chromosomes, than that does not necessarily mean it is a human

So if you admit that human ancestors had 24 pairs of chromosomes, which you do, then you MUST admit that human ancestors were a different species.

Well my explanation would be that the fusion was caused by God. God knowing how perverted man could be he made sure there would be no crossing of ape and human or any animal. God said he created man in his image and he meant for man to remain in his image.

God also commanded that man should not lie with an animal.

Exodus 22:19 (ESV)
19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death

Leviticus 18:23 (ESV)
23 And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.

Leviticus 20:15–16 (ESV)
15 If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. 16 If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely

Deuteronomy 27:21 (ESV)
21 “ ‘Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of animal.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

So i would say god defitnitely made sure man and animal could not produce offspring.

So your explanation is that speciation exists, but its just that god drives it?
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