Creator of Infamous Hockey Stick Graph Refuses to Turn Over Data to Court

AGW, it wasn't lies, it was bullshit. they took the liberty of bullshitting us

TMI Chernobyl Japan....

What is your plan for the waste?

Store it in hardened facilities until a way to treat it is figured out, or at least until someone finally figures out fusion.

And TMI and Fukishima were not even close to as bad as Chernobyl.
4th generation molten salt reactors will be able to use so-called nuclear waste.

Molten Salt Reactors - World Nuclear Association

Sent from my iPhone 25S GT Turbo
bring 'em on.
They are coming, Bill Gates' company is testing a prototype in China.

TWR TerraPower

Sent from my iPhone 25S GT Turbo
Yep that's it. Warmers are all stupid & only you deniers are smart. The researchers just aren't doing it correctly.

More logical fallacy...more meaningless twaddle. Either you can produce that single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the claim that mankind is altering the global climate or you can't...which is it? Can you or can't you. Yes or no question...even you should be able to handle such an easy question.
I said CO2 will make your kids lives more difficult.

Got a single shred of observed, measured, quantified data to support that claim?...anything?

I am sure if you hate your children so much as condemn them to that life, you won't care if they have deformed children because a nuclear reactor failed during an earthquake out west or a train carrying the waste you love derails down the street.

More logical fallacy...appeals to of the weakest of the logical fallacies. You are pitiful realdave....a pitiful dupe who isn't even able to question why you can't just step out to the WWW and grab a single shred of actual evidence with which to support your belief.
So, there is no science behind MMGW? And you are so naive & call me duped.

You keep saying that...while at the same time, you aren't coming up with that single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. I keep asking and you keep not delivering and making meaningless arguments rather than simply slapping me down with just one piece of all that data that you seem to think is out there....and you call me naive and duped? You are laughable...

This has been going on for how many posts now? I'm still asking for that single piece of data and you aren't delivering and are apparently not bright enough to even wonder why you aren't able to simply post it.

I'll put my education up against yours any day.

You will lose, but aside from that, what sort of even reasonably educated person believes in a scientific hypothesis without the first piece of actual evidence in support of it?...What sort of reasonably educated person doesn't wonder why he is unable to even provide a single scrap of observed, measured, quantified evidence to support a hypothesis that is about an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity like the atmosphere?

But hey, keep standing on the sidelines & throwing stones. According to you, you can call MMGW false with absolutely no proof. Where the fuck is your data, Mr PhD in Dumbassology? Where is your scientific method?

Sorry realdave, but it is you who is on the is you who is throwing impotent little pebbles rather than bitch slapping me with that single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

It has become very evident over the past page or two of talking with you that logic isn't your best thing...and perhaps not your thing at all since you seem to engage in at least one logical fallacy per post....pretty pathetic but I am going to try and help you out with a bit of logic regarding your request for evidence that we are not altering the global climate.

Evidence of absence is evidence of any kind that suggests something is missing or that it does not exist.

Per the traditional aphorism, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", positive evidence of this kind is distinct from a lack of evidence or ignorance[1] of that which should have been found already, had it existed.[2] In this regard Irving Copi writes:

In some circumstances it can be safely assumed that if a certain event had occurred, evidence of it could be discovered by qualified investigators. In such circumstances it is perfectly reasonable to take the absence of proof of its occurrence as positive proof of its non-occurrence.

— Copi, Introduction to Logic (1953), p. 95
My data is your abject lack of it. If the hypothesis had any merit at all, you could provide at least one piece of real data to support can't. I can and have provided actual data demonstrating that there is nothing unusual going on in our climate...I have provided real data that shows that the present is actually considerably cooler than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years...I can provide data to support my claims, and at this point, I can provide post after post after post of data from our conversation demonstrating that you can't even provide a single piece of data that supports your hypothesis over natural variability.

Aren't you at least a little embarrassed that you align with Rush Limbaugh, Infowars & The Dumpster?

Again with the impotent logical fallacy. I haven't listened to limbaugh in nearly 2 decades...But I have been asking you for a single piece of data now for quite a few posts and you can't deliver...why is it that you can't proud to simply admit that you can't find it?

We have a theory at there. You stomp your feet, whine & writhe on the floor in a tantrum screaming " NO NO NO". WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PROOF. don't have a theory. According to the scientific method, you only have a hypothesis and a piss poor one at that. In real science, the first time a hypothesis fails to make an accurate prediction, or predicts something that doesn't come to pass, it is scrapped and work begins on a new hypothesis that is able to make accurate predictions about reality. The AGW hypothesis has a string of failed predictions going back don't have a have a failed hypothesis...nothing more.

And now you are just lying...I haven't asked you for proof...I wouldn't ask for proof since science really isn't about is about data...amassing enough observed, measured, quantified data on a topic so that you can at least feel like you are zeroing in on proof...I have never asked for proof...I have only asked for a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability and you can't even provide that...and why can't you? Because climate science, for all the billions of dollars they have wasted, can't provide it to you so that you can provide it to me
Welcome to climate "science" Data?We don't need no stinking data! we have consensus!

Yeah...97% of scientists....oh wait 97 of scientists surveyed (unscientifically....the irony is incredible) say that !

75/77......very serious!
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
Welcome to climate "science" Data?We don't need no stinking data! we have consensus!

Yeah...97% of scientists....oh wait 97 of scientists surveyed (unscientifically....the irony is incredible) say that !

75/77......very serious!
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
You really don't understand why cooler matter can not warm a warmer object..
Welcome to climate "science" Data?We don't need no stinking data! we have consensus!

Yeah...97% of scientists....oh wait 97 of scientists surveyed (unscientifically....the irony is incredible) say that !

75/77......very serious!
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
You really don't understand why cooler matter can not warm a warmer object..

Toddster believes in the magic as well...and believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics...Guess he also thinks that rocks must be intelligent enough to know which way to fall when dropped.
Welcome to climate "science" Data?We don't need no stinking data! we have consensus!

Yeah...97% of scientists....oh wait 97 of scientists surveyed (unscientifically....the irony is incredible) say that !

75/77......very serious!
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
You really don't understand why cooler matter can not warm a warmer object..

Before we discuss warming, are you saying the photon can hit the warmer matter?
Yeah...97% of scientists....oh wait 97 of scientists surveyed (unscientifically....the irony is incredible) say that !

75/77......very serious!
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
You really don't understand why cooler matter can not warm a warmer object..

Toddster believes in the magic as well...and believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics...Guess he also thinks that rocks must be intelligent enough to know which way to fall when dropped.

believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics

And you believe the laws of physics requires photons that can sense the temperature of matter across both space and time.
TMI Chernobyl Japan....

What is your plan for the waste?

Store it in hardened facilities until a way to treat it is figured out, or at least until someone finally figures out fusion.

And TMI and Fukishima were not even close to as bad as Chernobyl.
4th generation molten salt reactors will be able to use so-called nuclear waste.

Molten Salt Reactors - World Nuclear Association

Sent from my iPhone 25S GT Turbo
bring 'em on.
They are coming, Bill Gates' company is testing a prototype in China.

TWR TerraPower

Sent from my iPhone 25S GT Turbo
"They are coming, Bill Gates' company is testing a prototype in China. "
Is testing? "Is" means he is doing it...but he is not...he is hoping to...actually it's even more tentative than hoping, he said China might:.( not him )...
Bill Gates says China is the best place to pursue next-generation nuclear power

The whole thing is nothing more than a clever tax evasion scheme that's why in China where it is beyond scrutiny...and if it turns out as a nothing burger it was China....and not Gates.
He is a slick lawyer and nothing else
This reactor is as bogus as the cold fusion fake news, all of them turned out to be a scam.
Terra power claims to use depleted U238 as a fuel but if you look at their "reactor" which so far is only a Bill Gates Microsoft Windows paintbrush jpeg it turns out that they need U235 to as they say "kickstart" the reaction.
If you knew anything about physics then you would also know that U238 is not a fuel because it takes over 1 MeV to split it and there are not enough Neutrons produced by that fission to continue a chain reaction.
The only thing spent Uranium is good for is for armor penetrating ammo, trim weights or sailboat keels.
It can also be used to make Plutonium in breeder reactors that in turn can produce power which has been done for quite some time...and has nothing to do with this so called TWReaction.
It's just another scam riding piggyback on the main scam and neither one has any proof of concept, not just that but the mother of all scams outright refuses to disclose the data and prefers to face contempt of court charges. The only difference between Bill Gates and Michael Mann are 84 billion dollars he ripped off , but in the scam&swindle category it's too close to call it, Fck you people are gullible fools !!!!
Last edited:
75/77......very serious!
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
You really don't understand why cooler matter can not warm a warmer object..

Toddster believes in the magic as well...and believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics...Guess he also thinks that rocks must be intelligent enough to know which way to fall when dropped.

believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics

And you believe the laws of physics requires photons that can sense the temperature of matter across both space and time.

Didn't Einstein discover that time stops at the speed of light? How then does a photon experience time?
What happened to the other 16,944 papers?

Probably destroyed.
Something to do with the force field preventing photons emitted by cooler matter from striking warmer matter.
You really don't understand why cooler matter can not warm a warmer object..

Toddster believes in the magic as well...and believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics...Guess he also thinks that rocks must be intelligent enough to know which way to fall when dropped.

believes that objects such as photons (assuming there is any such thing as a photon) must be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics

And you believe the laws of physics requires photons that can sense the temperature of matter across both space and time.

Didn't Einstein discover that time stops at the speed of light? How then does a photon experience time?

It is also said that photons exist simultaneously at every point along their to a photon, the distance to anywhere is zero, and the time to get there is zero....that being the case, they are already at the cooler area before they leave the warmer area....
The experiment had two containers. One got more CO2.

Man has changed the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Interesting reading!

Is the Airborne Fraction of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Increasing?
ScienceDaily (Dec. 31, 2009) — Most of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity does not remain in the atmosphere, but is instead absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. In fact, only about 45 percent of emitted carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere.


To assess whether the airborne fraction is indeed increasing, Wolfgang Knorr of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol reanalyzed available atmospheric carbon dioxide and emissions data since 1850 and considers the uncertainties in the data.

In contradiction to some recent studies, he finds that the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide has not increased either during the past 150 years or during the most recent five decades.

The research is published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Is the airborne fraction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide increasing?
What is your plan for the waste?

As you should know it was petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who halted work on the Yucca Repository after billions of dollars had already been spent.

It is now eight years behind where it was when President Obama took office and he halted construction. About a month ago, the Republic Congress voted to begin work on it again so all the nuclear waste piling up at dozens of locations in our country can be transported to a safe storage facility.

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