Creepy Uncle Joe Can’t Help It: Yet Another Little Girl Sniffed

If we ever started going after pedophiles, DC and Hollywood would be ghost towns.
If we ever started going after pedophiles, DC and Hollywood would be ghost towns.
In The Meantime
Supporting All Manner Of Degeneracy
Is Just A Given In Their Party Platform

"I’m 78. I plead guilty. But there is an advantage—you can check my record going back a long way. And I have stood up and fought for working families my entire life." - Creepy Sleepy Joe
But it is ok because he is not only the past vp of a semi black president but he is a front runner in the democratic clown show.

Now if it was a Republican.

Then he would only be allowed to grab them by the pussy. Biden nor Trump are fit for the job.
Problem is you need to prove that it happened. Did it happen in public after his wife promised that it would not happen again?

Like how you forgot to say in my opinion. And that matters how?

Trump is the one who claimed it.
No no he was talking privately with a few fellows doing what every guy does when with others. Bragging about women.
You claimed he grabbed women like Biden acts with women and girls. Prove it with at least one picture.
There is a difference between men's sexual bravado and actually doing it.
Reposted here since your other timely thread from today was quickly locked by Mods...

Joe Nibbles on Back of Terrified Girl, Sniffs Her​

Backup video:

Who in their right mind would go up to a complete stranger, particularly a child, and start nibbling on them while they are obviously terrified? Our creepy president, that's who. And some perverts, of course.


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