Crime expert puts out actual data on cop shootings, more facts for libs to ignore


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Those who take a good, hard look at the issue and focus on facts, can see this for what it is. There seems to be a deliberate effort to push a false narrative that blacks are under attack. Of course, it assists liberals with their gun control agenda, but also allows them to make other laws that continue to chip away at our freedoms and allows them to take more in tax dollars for "solutions" that have yet to have any effect. In fact, things continue to worsen and it would seem that is the goal rather than calming people. The rhetoric regarding racist cops on every corner has only increased. And, like many other liberal claims, it's all based on a myth. How many of the riots and cop killings happened as a result of the media treating incidents like big news and riled people because they reported rumors rather than known facts? And they keep at it with hours of coverage till the anger reaches a fever pitch.

When an incident involves a liberal, the media instantly refuses to report any details until positive proof is presented and even then they weigh the pros and cons of informing the public of certain things. They edit, omit or add speculation that puts the best possible spin on things for their fellow libs. When it's cops or anyone on the right, they rush to report every unsubstantiated rumor and the dirtier, the better. If they bother to retract, it will be in tiny print on page 15. Only the damaging stuff makes the headlines. This is a very underhanded tactic that is practiced daily.

Now, let's look at actual facts. You will see that they do not support what the race baiters are pushing. So, why do they want this chaos in our streets? Does Obama want a race war in order to push gun control, take over police departments or declare martial law? There must be a reason why he and the media are fanning the flames till the fire gets out of control. It's being done on purpose. They know what they are doing and so many useful idiots are so upset by the rumors that they are no longer willing to listen to anyone who dares to tell them that the leaders are wrong and manipulating them on purpose. People don't want to think that the politicians they support see them only as pawns in their game.

"As The New York Post reports, according to what you’re hearing from activists, "bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

"Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police," Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. "It feels like we’re in a war."

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Except it’s not true, by a long shot.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest data from the FBI and Centers for Disease Control.

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in "legal interventions." These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies".

But as black conservative, radio host, humorist and author Kevin Jackson points out in his new book, Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism, it’s not only a big lie, it’s a very, very profitable one.

Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, because there’s big money in race guilt. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.

Jackson says, "At the time I wrote this book, I had no idea that the ridiculousness of Ferguson would have occurred, and morphed into the racist and equally idiotic movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

In the book I humorously chronicle what happens every time somebody black feels "oppressed," yet how often black people are the OPPRESSORS. The latter is generally ignored, and when it’s not, a plethora of excuses are given for silly "coloreds."

So when I wrote the book, it was meant to shine the light on how much money is spent on the ignorance of liberalism in all aspects of society. Companies are extorted, education has become putrefied with liberalism, and then there is the pervasiveness of liberalism and its cost on society at large. The police are now afraid to what? POLICE!

Michael Brown is a thug who has been elevated to the level of civil rights icon. That just about says it all!"

But this is the crazy, mixed-up world in which we live, folks, where the liberal media has been able to drive false narratives. After all, as they say, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth."
It's not about black lives, it's about the agenda. If blacks truly cared about black lives they wouldn't be blowing each other away everyday
I am a PROUD registered democrat------I have worked in inner city hospitals------I have cared for lots of people----innocent people----handcuffed people----almost dead people----brain dead from bullet in the brain. LOTS OF COPS ---LOTS OF BLACK CRIMINALS----LOTS OF ENTIRELY INNOCENT BLACK PEOPLE---also with bullets in their head----mostly from other black persons. ----I do not believe that black persons are UNDER ATTACK-----but I can conceive of a logical reality-----cops are jittery in inner cities. I do not believe that an aggressively angry BLM---movement is going to improve the situation----I do believe that the movement is going to convince cops to STAY AWAY from black areas-----less arrests, less law and order and the REAL victims are the black mothers struggling to bring up ------young black boys and girls. Elvis was ON POINT with his "'IN THE GHETTO" song
That was one of the complaints I heard from some of the protesters in Baton Rouge. They said the cops are usually absent in their section of the city until they get a call like the one with Alton Sterling that resulted in his death.

My interpretation was they felt like it was a damn if you do, damn if you don't kind of thing. It was sad to hear it. Gangs, the criminal element force the cops out so they have their run of the area and the good citizens are stuck suffering in the middle.
I am a PROUD registered democrat------I have worked in inner city hospitals------I have cared for lots of people----innocent people----handcuffed people----almost dead people----brain dead from bullet in the brain. LOTS OF COPS ---LOTS OF BLACK CRIMINALS----LOTS OF ENTIRELY INNOCENT BLACK PEOPLE---also with bullets in their head----mostly from other black persons. ----I do not believe that black persons are UNDER ATTACK-----but I can conceive of a logical reality-----cops are jittery in inner cities. I do not believe that an aggressively angry BLM---movement is going to improve the situation----I do believe that the movement is going to convince cops to STAY AWAY from black areas-----less arrests, less law and order and the REAL victims are the black mothers struggling to bring up ------young black boys and girls. Elvis was ON POINT with his "'IN THE GHETTO" song
Those who take a good, hard look at the issue and focus on facts, can see this for what it is. There seems to be a deliberate effort to push a false narrative that blacks are under attack. Of course, it assists liberals with their gun control agenda, but also allows them to make other laws that continue to chip away at our freedoms and allows them to take more in tax dollars for "solutions" that have yet to have any effect. In fact, things continue to worsen and it would seem that is the goal rather than calming people. The rhetoric regarding racist cops on every corner has only increased. And, like many other liberal claims, it's all based on a myth. How many of the riots and cop killings happened as a result of the media treating incidents like big news and riled people because they reported rumors rather than known facts? And they keep at it with hours of coverage till the anger reaches a fever pitch.

When an incident involves a liberal, the media instantly refuses to report any details until positive proof is presented and even then they weigh the pros and cons of informing the public of certain things. They edit, omit or add speculation that puts the best possible spin on things for their fellow libs. When it's cops or anyone on the right, they rush to report every unsubstantiated rumor and the dirtier, the better. If they bother to retract, it will be in tiny print on page 15. Only the damaging stuff makes the headlines. This is a very underhanded tactic that is practiced daily.

Now, let's look at actual facts. You will see that they do not support what the race baiters are pushing. So, why do they want this chaos in our streets? Does Obama want a race war in order to push gun control, take over police departments or declare martial law? There must be a reason why he and the media are fanning the flames till the fire gets out of control. It's being done on purpose. They know what they are doing and so many useful idiots are so upset by the rumors that they are no longer willing to listen to anyone who dares to tell them that the leaders are wrong and manipulating them on purpose. People don't want to think that the politicians they support see them only as pawns in their game.

"As The New York Post reports, according to what you’re hearing from activists, "bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

"Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police," Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. "It feels like we’re in a war."

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Except it’s not true, by a long shot.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest data from the FBI and Centers for Disease Control.

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in "legal interventions." These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies".

But as black conservative, radio host, humorist and author Kevin Jackson points out in his new book, Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism, it’s not only a big lie, it’s a very, very profitable one.

Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, because there’s big money in race guilt. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.

Jackson says, "At the time I wrote this book, I had no idea that the ridiculousness of Ferguson would have occurred, and morphed into the racist and equally idiotic movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

In the book I humorously chronicle what happens every time somebody black feels "oppressed," yet how often black people are the OPPRESSORS. The latter is generally ignored, and when it’s not, a plethora of excuses are given for silly "coloreds."

So when I wrote the book, it was meant to shine the light on how much money is spent on the ignorance of liberalism in all aspects of society. Companies are extorted, education has become putrefied with liberalism, and then there is the pervasiveness of liberalism and its cost on society at large. The police are now afraid to what? POLICE!

Michael Brown is a thug who has been elevated to the level of civil rights icon. That just about says it all!"

But this is the crazy, mixed-up world in which we live, folks, where the liberal media has been able to drive false narratives. After all, as they say, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth."
If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.
Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Everyone is having a heyday with the stats because there are not uniform stats on police killings in this country. The Washington Post has broken its neck to begin counting, since the earliest any central reporting will be done is 2017. They say in 2015 it was 986 people killed by police. Over half were white. But although black men make up 6% of the population, they account for 40% of the unarmed victims killed by cops.

It is a tiny percentage of cops involved in "racist" shootings, but as another poster here points out, the stats don't count the ongoing abuse of authority by cops toward the black community at large. The day to day stuff they have to cope with. Is crime higher in the black community? Yup. No one argues that. It's not a reason to dismiss BLM's concerns, however.
Those who take a good, hard look at the issue and focus on facts, can see this for what it is. There seems to be a deliberate effort to push a false narrative that blacks are under attack. Of course, it assists liberals with their gun control agenda, but also allows them to make other laws that continue to chip away at our freedoms and allows them to take more in tax dollars for "solutions" that have yet to have any effect. In fact, things continue to worsen and it would seem that is the goal rather than calming people. The rhetoric regarding racist cops on every corner has only increased. And, like many other liberal claims, it's all based on a myth. How many of the riots and cop killings happened as a result of the media treating incidents like big news and riled people because they reported rumors rather than known facts? And they keep at it with hours of coverage till the anger reaches a fever pitch.

When an incident involves a liberal, the media instantly refuses to report any details until positive proof is presented and even then they weigh the pros and cons of informing the public of certain things. They edit, omit or add speculation that puts the best possible spin on things for their fellow libs. When it's cops or anyone on the right, they rush to report every unsubstantiated rumor and the dirtier, the better. If they bother to retract, it will be in tiny print on page 15. Only the damaging stuff makes the headlines. This is a very underhanded tactic that is practiced daily.

Now, let's look at actual facts. You will see that they do not support what the race baiters are pushing. So, why do they want this chaos in our streets? Does Obama want a race war in order to push gun control, take over police departments or declare martial law? There must be a reason why he and the media are fanning the flames till the fire gets out of control. It's being done on purpose. They know what they are doing and so many useful idiots are so upset by the rumors that they are no longer willing to listen to anyone who dares to tell them that the leaders are wrong and manipulating them on purpose. People don't want to think that the politicians they support see them only as pawns in their game.

"As The New York Post reports, according to what you’re hearing from activists, "bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

"Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police," Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. "It feels like we’re in a war."

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Except it’s not true, by a long shot.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest data from the FBI and Centers for Disease Control.

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in "legal interventions." These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies".

But as black conservative, radio host, humorist and author Kevin Jackson points out in his new book, Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism, it’s not only a big lie, it’s a very, very profitable one.

Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, because there’s big money in race guilt. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.

Jackson says, "At the time I wrote this book, I had no idea that the ridiculousness of Ferguson would have occurred, and morphed into the racist and equally idiotic movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

In the book I humorously chronicle what happens every time somebody black feels "oppressed," yet how often black people are the OPPRESSORS. The latter is generally ignored, and when it’s not, a plethora of excuses are given for silly "coloreds."

So when I wrote the book, it was meant to shine the light on how much money is spent on the ignorance of liberalism in all aspects of society. Companies are extorted, education has become putrefied with liberalism, and then there is the pervasiveness of liberalism and its cost on society at large. The police are now afraid to what? POLICE!

Michael Brown is a thug who has been elevated to the level of civil rights icon. That just about says it all!"

But this is the crazy, mixed-up world in which we live, folks, where the liberal media has been able to drive false narratives. After all, as they say, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth."

Allen West is a thug who's been elevated to RWnut icon.
Obama could have reduced the problem by pushing for legal marijuana, since so many in trouble for marijuana are black.

But to believe Obama is interested in anything but race baiting and inflaming would be inaccurate...
Those who take a good, hard look at the issue and focus on facts, can see this for what it is. There seems to be a deliberate effort to push a false narrative that blacks are under attack. Of course, it assists liberals with their gun control agenda, but also allows them to make other laws that continue to chip away at our freedoms and allows them to take more in tax dollars for "solutions" that have yet to have any effect. In fact, things continue to worsen and it would seem that is the goal rather than calming people. The rhetoric regarding racist cops on every corner has only increased. And, like many other liberal claims, it's all based on a myth. How many of the riots and cop killings happened as a result of the media treating incidents like big news and riled people because they reported rumors rather than known facts? And they keep at it with hours of coverage till the anger reaches a fever pitch.

When an incident involves a liberal, the media instantly refuses to report any details until positive proof is presented and even then they weigh the pros and cons of informing the public of certain things. They edit, omit or add speculation that puts the best possible spin on things for their fellow libs. When it's cops or anyone on the right, they rush to report every unsubstantiated rumor and the dirtier, the better. If they bother to retract, it will be in tiny print on page 15. Only the damaging stuff makes the headlines. This is a very underhanded tactic that is practiced daily.

Now, let's look at actual facts. You will see that they do not support what the race baiters are pushing. So, why do they want this chaos in our streets? Does Obama want a race war in order to push gun control, take over police departments or declare martial law? There must be a reason why he and the media are fanning the flames till the fire gets out of control. It's being done on purpose. They know what they are doing and so many useful idiots are so upset by the rumors that they are no longer willing to listen to anyone who dares to tell them that the leaders are wrong and manipulating them on purpose. People don't want to think that the politicians they support see them only as pawns in their game.

"As The New York Post reports, according to what you’re hearing from activists, "bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

"Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police," Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. "It feels like we’re in a war."

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Except it’s not true, by a long shot.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest data from the FBI and Centers for Disease Control.

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in "legal interventions." These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies".

But as black conservative, radio host, humorist and author Kevin Jackson points out in his new book, Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism, it’s not only a big lie, it’s a very, very profitable one.

Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, because there’s big money in race guilt. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.

Jackson says, "At the time I wrote this book, I had no idea that the ridiculousness of Ferguson would have occurred, and morphed into the racist and equally idiotic movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

In the book I humorously chronicle what happens every time somebody black feels "oppressed," yet how often black people are the OPPRESSORS. The latter is generally ignored, and when it’s not, a plethora of excuses are given for silly "coloreds."

So when I wrote the book, it was meant to shine the light on how much money is spent on the ignorance of liberalism in all aspects of society. Companies are extorted, education has become putrefied with liberalism, and then there is the pervasiveness of liberalism and its cost on society at large. The police are now afraid to what? POLICE!

Michael Brown is a thug who has been elevated to the level of civil rights icon. That just about says it all!"

But this is the crazy, mixed-up world in which we live, folks, where the liberal media has been able to drive false narratives. After all, as they say, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth."
The story is trying to inflect a rigid idea of thinking that figures on death of blacks by cops is somehow related to non-cops committing murder..
Obama could have reduced the problem by pushing for legal marijuana, since so many in trouble for marijuana are black.

But to believe Obama is interested in anything but race baiting and inflaming would be inaccurate...
Obama did get Congress to legalize at the federal level medical marijuana, but, it is up to states to legislate or a plebiscite to make use legal......
It's not about black lives, it's about the agenda. If blacks truly cared about black lives they wouldn't be blowing each other away everyday

Nice how you measure police behavior along side that of gang members .

The police are just another gang? But nicer ?
Obama did get Congress to legalize at the federal level medical marijuana, but, it is up to states to legislate or a plebiscite to make use legal......

You are spinning and lying here, Moon.

This is the issue...

Obama's pot promise a pipe dream?

"Back when he was running in 2008, Obama said he supported the “basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs” and that he was “not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws.” He didn’t go farther. But he also didn’t do anything to dissuade speculation among medical marijuana proponents who took this as a sign that the man headed to the Oval Office was on their side.
But the hopes that Obama would be a kinder, gentler, more tolerant drug warrior have gone up in smoke.

“I’m very disappointed,” Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), a longtime supporter of marijuana legalization and medical marijuana, told POLITICO. “They look more like the Bush administration than the Clinton administration.”
“I believed in him,” Montana-based activist and medical cannabis user Sarah Combs said about the president. “I don’t believe a word he says now.”

Combs, a native South Carolinian who uses medical marijuana to treat her epilepsy, packed up her life and moved to Montana, where medical marijuana has been legal since 2004.

According to Combs, a sizable Montana community of patients and growers felt empowered by the DOJ memo and the administration’s supportive statements to open up shop, register patients and begin paying taxes on what they thought was now a legitimate business. Then in 2011, federal forces from several agencies raided 26 dispensaries across 13 Montana cities. Other dispensaries have been raided in states like California, Washington, Michigan, and Colorado.

Read more: Obama's pot promise a pipe dream?
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Those who take a good, hard look at the issue and focus on facts, can see this for what it is. There seems to be a deliberate effort to push a false narrative that blacks are under attack. Of course, it assists liberals with their gun control agenda, but also allows them to make other laws that continue to chip away at our freedoms and allows them to take more in tax dollars for "solutions" that have yet to have any effect. In fact, things continue to worsen and it would seem that is the goal rather than calming people. The rhetoric regarding racist cops on every corner has only increased. And, like many other liberal claims, it's all based on a myth. How many of the riots and cop killings happened as a result of the media treating incidents like big news and riled people because they reported rumors rather than known facts? And they keep at it with hours of coverage till the anger reaches a fever pitch.

When an incident involves a liberal, the media instantly refuses to report any details until positive proof is presented and even then they weigh the pros and cons of informing the public of certain things. They edit, omit or add speculation that puts the best possible spin on things for their fellow libs. When it's cops or anyone on the right, they rush to report every unsubstantiated rumor and the dirtier, the better. If they bother to retract, it will be in tiny print on page 15. Only the damaging stuff makes the headlines. This is a very underhanded tactic that is practiced daily.

Now, let's look at actual facts. You will see that they do not support what the race baiters are pushing. So, why do they want this chaos in our streets? Does Obama want a race war in order to push gun control, take over police departments or declare martial law? There must be a reason why he and the media are fanning the flames till the fire gets out of control. It's being done on purpose. They know what they are doing and so many useful idiots are so upset by the rumors that they are no longer willing to listen to anyone who dares to tell them that the leaders are wrong and manipulating them on purpose. People don't want to think that the politicians they support see them only as pawns in their game.

"As The New York Post reports, according to what you’re hearing from activists, "bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

"Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police," Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. "It feels like we’re in a war."

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Except it’s not true, by a long shot.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest data from the FBI and Centers for Disease Control.

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in "legal interventions." These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies".

But as black conservative, radio host, humorist and author Kevin Jackson points out in his new book, Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism, it’s not only a big lie, it’s a very, very profitable one.

Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, because there’s big money in race guilt. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.

Jackson says, "At the time I wrote this book, I had no idea that the ridiculousness of Ferguson would have occurred, and morphed into the racist and equally idiotic movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

In the book I humorously chronicle what happens every time somebody black feels "oppressed," yet how often black people are the OPPRESSORS. The latter is generally ignored, and when it’s not, a plethora of excuses are given for silly "coloreds."

So when I wrote the book, it was meant to shine the light on how much money is spent on the ignorance of liberalism in all aspects of society. Companies are extorted, education has become putrefied with liberalism, and then there is the pervasiveness of liberalism and its cost on society at large. The police are now afraid to what? POLICE!

Michael Brown is a thug who has been elevated to the level of civil rights icon. That just about says it all!"

But this is the crazy, mixed-up world in which we live, folks, where the liberal media has been able to drive false narratives. After all, as they say, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth."

Allen West is a fraud.
Obama did get Congress to legalize at the federal level medical marijuana, but, it is up to states to legislate or a plebiscite to make use legal......

You are spinning and lying here, Moon.

This is the issue...

Obama's pot promise a pipe dream?

"Back when he was running in 2008, Obama said he supported the “basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs” and that he was “not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws.” He didn’t go farther. But he also didn’t do anything to dissuade speculation among medical marijuana proponents who took this as a sign that the man headed to the Oval Office was on their side.
But the hopes that Obama would be a kinder, gentler, more tolerant drug warrior have gone up in smoke.

“I’m very disappointed,” Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), a longtime supporter of marijuana legalization and medical marijuana, told POLITICO. “They look more like the Bush administration than the Clinton administration.”
“I believed in him,” Montana-based activist and medical cannabis user Sarah Combs said about the president. “I don’t believe a word he says now.”

Combs, a native South Carolinian who uses medical marijuana to treat her epilepsy, packed up her life and moved to Montana, where medical marijuana has been legal since 2004.

According to Combs, a sizable Montana community of patients and growers felt empowered by the DOJ memo and the administration’s supportive statements to open up shop, register patients and begin paying taxes on what they thought was now a legitimate business. Then in 2011, federal forces from several agencies raided 26 dispensaries across 13 Montana cities. Other dispensaries have been raided in states like California, Washington, Michigan, and Colorado.

Read more: Obama's pot promise a pipe dream?
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The measure for federal level MJ medical approval was passed in the 2016 omnibus bill. It s already is Congress and the state legislatures which are delaying and playing games with MJ legalization and medical research...
That is AFTER Obama proved his campaign promise was a LIE used to put WHITES in prison for that which Obama said during the 2008 campaign he would not do - prosecute those in compliance with state pot laws.
That is AFTER Obama proved his campaign promise was a LIE used to put WHITES in prison for that which Obama said during the 2008 campaign he would not do - prosecute those in compliance with state pot laws.
Obama does not prosecute anyone...
Those who take a good, hard look at the issue and focus on facts, can see this for what it is. There seems to be a deliberate effort to push a false narrative that blacks are under attack. Of course, it assists liberals with their gun control agenda, but also allows them to make other laws that continue to chip away at our freedoms and allows them to take more in tax dollars for "solutions" that have yet to have any effect. In fact, things continue to worsen and it would seem that is the goal rather than calming people. The rhetoric regarding racist cops on every corner has only increased. And, like many other liberal claims, it's all based on a myth. How many of the riots and cop killings happened as a result of the media treating incidents like big news and riled people because they reported rumors rather than known facts? And they keep at it with hours of coverage till the anger reaches a fever pitch.

When an incident involves a liberal, the media instantly refuses to report any details until positive proof is presented and even then they weigh the pros and cons of informing the public of certain things. They edit, omit or add speculation that puts the best possible spin on things for their fellow libs. When it's cops or anyone on the right, they rush to report every unsubstantiated rumor and the dirtier, the better. If they bother to retract, it will be in tiny print on page 15. Only the damaging stuff makes the headlines. This is a very underhanded tactic that is practiced daily.

Now, let's look at actual facts. You will see that they do not support what the race baiters are pushing. So, why do they want this chaos in our streets? Does Obama want a race war in order to push gun control, take over police departments or declare martial law? There must be a reason why he and the media are fanning the flames till the fire gets out of control. It's being done on purpose. They know what they are doing and so many useful idiots are so upset by the rumors that they are no longer willing to listen to anyone who dares to tell them that the leaders are wrong and manipulating them on purpose. People don't want to think that the politicians they support see them only as pawns in their game.

"As The New York Post reports, according to what you’re hearing from activists, "bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

"Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police," Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. "It feels like we’re in a war."

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are "over 1,000 people a year killed by police."

Except it’s not true, by a long shot.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest data from the FBI and Centers for Disease Control.

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in "legal interventions." These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

But the biggest problem black men face is that their black lives don’t matter to other black men.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies".

But as black conservative, radio host, humorist and author Kevin Jackson points out in his new book, Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism, it’s not only a big lie, it’s a very, very profitable one.

Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, because there’s big money in race guilt. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.

Jackson says, "At the time I wrote this book, I had no idea that the ridiculousness of Ferguson would have occurred, and morphed into the racist and equally idiotic movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

In the book I humorously chronicle what happens every time somebody black feels "oppressed," yet how often black people are the OPPRESSORS. The latter is generally ignored, and when it’s not, a plethora of excuses are given for silly "coloreds."

So when I wrote the book, it was meant to shine the light on how much money is spent on the ignorance of liberalism in all aspects of society. Companies are extorted, education has become putrefied with liberalism, and then there is the pervasiveness of liberalism and its cost on society at large. The police are now afraid to what? POLICE!

Michael Brown is a thug who has been elevated to the level of civil rights icon. That just about says it all!"

But this is the crazy, mixed-up world in which we live, folks, where the liberal media has been able to drive false narratives. After all, as they say, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth."

Allen West is a thug who's been elevated to RWnut icon.
arent you one of those that uses these same news outlets that like to brag how good the obama economy is doing
Obama put uber left wing meritless affirmative action BIGOTS Eric Holder and Lynch in the AG seat. Obama certainly does control the prosecutions through controlling the chief of the US Justice Dept.

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