'CRIME OF THE CENTURY!' Trump issues furious statements lashing out at Pence and Mitch McConnell for his election loss

While an affidavit is a written or sworn statement, in and of itself, it is not evidence of fraud. For example, if I sign an affidavit claiming that I witnessed what I believed to be a fraud in an election, they're not to reverse the results on my word only. They're gong to want to see supporting evidence, and if none is produced, my affidavit won't be enough,...
You glossed over the part of " if I sign an affidavit claiming that I witnessed what I believed to be a fraud in an election,"

Most of the affidavits were just like you posted. People talking about suspicious behavior, or an anomaly that they "believed" to be voter fraud. Only a couple of affidavits stated an actual fraud like a election official making a mark on a ballot.
And zero investigations
Millions of votes counted that should have been tossed out
Don't just make pronouncements. Provide evidence.
I am not going to post thousands of affidavits
You won by fraud and you killed America
I don't even believe that there were thousands of affidavits.
In other words, the legislature chooses the manner in which the Electors are appointed. That is not the same as choosing how the elections are conducted.

Legislatures write the election laws, with the laws often deferring details of the election to the secretary of state, election boards and election officials.

As far as only the legislature can change the rules, that's also false, as courts can and have made changes to election laws, from invalidating parts of them, to interpreting them differently than the resulting regulations.
It was a giant fraud
I have excellent common sense and I can connect the dots
And the constitution and federal law gives making both that determination, and the remedy to the congress of the US, to be carried out on January 6th, and for however long it takes them to certify or substitute their judgement. And once done, the constitution makes that result final and non-reviewable.
It was a giant fraud
I have excellent common sense and I can connect the dots
And the constitution and federal law gives making both that determination, and the remedy to the congress of the US, to be carried out on January 6th, and for however long it takes them to certify or substitute their judgement. And once done, the constitution makes that result final and non-reviewable.
No article 2 , section 1 clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes
I am not going to post thousands of affidavits
You won by fraud and you killed America
You just have to post an affidavit that actually shows voter/election fraud. Not from the thousands that alleged they saw, or heard something "suspicious", or swearing to hearsay.
Xiden is president and you dummies will be erased from history as will I
He doesn't seem to have mentioned his most ardent supporters. You know those now on charges that will see them doing prison terms for years probably. Proud Boys leader & 'guy with the horns' think he let them down, not to mention all the others, yet not a word of even sympathy for their plight. And all because they actually tried to stop Pence & McConnell. Something he encouraged them to do but didn't have the balls to do himself.
So if it were the crime of the century why no mention of their martyrdom?
This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
They cheer it on. They love it.

A true group pathology.
Irrationality has become the new common sense, for RWers only, that is. The rest of us live in the real world.
The real world had a fraudulent election. Repeating it wasn't and that is reality is not working. The guilt shown by everyone involved is glaring. More states are going to do audits.
It was a giant fraud
I have excellent common sense and I can connect the dots
And the constitution and federal law gives making both that determination, and the remedy to the congress of the US, to be carried out on January 6th, and for however long it takes them to certify or substitute their judgement. And once done, the constitution makes that result final and non-reviewable.
No article 2 , section 1 clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes
No, it does NOT!

I see you conveniently overlooked my post which shows me that you do not care about what is true. You just want a talking point to continue to mislead people who may not bother to check up on what claims you make. So, I'll post it again. But it's for others, not you.

No, it does not. Here's what Article 2 Sec 1 states:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

In other words, the legislature chooses the manner in which the Electors are appointed. That is not the same as choosing how the elections are conducted.
This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
They cheer it on. They love it.

A true group pathology.
Irrationality has become the new common sense, for RWers only, that is. The rest of us live in the real world.
The real world had a fraudulent election. Repeating it wasn't and that is realty is not working. The guilt shown by everyone involved is glaring.
Still no evidence, I see. And there never will be.
This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
They cheer it on. They love it.

A true group pathology.
Irrationality has become the new common sense, for RWers only, that is. The rest of us live in the real world.
The real world had a fraudulent election. Repeating it wasn't and that is realty is not working. The guilt shown by everyone involved is glaring.
Still no evidence, I see. And there never will be.
How would you know that? Do you know what an illegal ballot is? You are going to find out.
I don't even believe that there were thousands of affidavits.

Trumps lawyers had websites where people could fill out an affidavit online. So many of the affidavits they had were made by bots and trolls.
And maybe by real people who weren't even there.

LOL! It looks like we finally found the fraud!
Can you blame T
He won by a landslide and the election was stolen
Mitch is a puppet of China and pence is a jar head
What does "winning by a landslide" mean to you?
He won the 6 contested states
A very big win
So you actually counted the votes, each and every one in 6 different states did you?
It was a giant fraud
I have excellent common sense and I can connect the dots
So did the ancients and came up with crabs, lions, fish & hunting men in the stars. Unfortunately the Courts demand facts.
I don't even believe that there were thousands of affidavits.

Trumps lawyers had websites where people could fill out an affidavit online. So many of the affidavits they had were made by bots and trolls.
Read my signature, those people are real. Aren't you sick of lying yet? Admit the election was stolen. It is going to be proven.
This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
They cheer it on. They love it.

A true group pathology.
Irrationality has become the new common sense, for RWers only, that is. The rest of us live in the real world.
The real world had a fraudulent election. Repeating it wasn't and that is realty is not working. The guilt shown by everyone involved is glaring.
Still no evidence, I see. And there never will be.
How would you know that? Do you know what an illegal ballot is? You are going to find out.
Show me the definition of an illegal ballot.
Can you blame T
He won by a landslide and the election was stolen
Mitch is a puppet of China and pence is a jar head
What does "winning by a landslide" mean to you?
He won the 6 contested states
A very big win
So you actually counted the votes, each and every one in 6 different states did you?
It was a giant fraud
I have excellent common sense and I can connect the dots
So did the ancients and came up with crabs, lions, fish & hunting men in the stars. Unfortunately the Courts demand facts.
Plenty of facts in the TX lawsuit. They refused to hear it.
This is Trump's impotent tantrum... You can all see what a loser he is.
They cheer it on. They love it.

A true group pathology.
Irrationality has become the new common sense, for RWers only, that is. The rest of us live in the real world.
The real world had a fraudulent election. Repeating it wasn't and that is realty is not working. The guilt shown by everyone involved is glaring.
Still no evidence, I see. And there never will be.
How would you know that? Do you know what an illegal ballot is? You are going to find out.
Show me the definition of an illegal ballot.
They are going to show you the ballot. And illegal is illegal.
No article 2 , section 1 clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes
And 3 USC 5,15 and Amendment 12 say that congress alone determines the consequences of any election changes.

And when they make that decision on January 6th, or for however long it takes to certify or determine, that certification is final and non-reviewable.
No article 2 , section 1 clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes
And 3 USC 5,15 and Amendment 12 say that congress alone determines the consequences of any election changes.

And when they make that decision on January 6th, or for however long it takes to certify or determine, that certification is final and non-reviewable.
Bullshit. Everything is reviewable.

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