Crime rates, Today vs the Early 20th Century

My post is the reality regarding Donald Trumps "Make America Great Again"....
So you went back to the post industrial revolution to the WW2 era to make your case?

Before the Industrial Revolution it was even worse.
We had the wild west, a Civil War, and a lack of Modern Medicine.
The USA wasn't as modern as any country in Europe at the time before the Industrial Revolution, in fact the USA was reliant on Imports.
Somehow I think the big picture is beyond your scope.

I am looking at the big picture...
And the past never was as good as it is today.
What Donald Trump wants, is for people to look at propagandized photographs to create nostalgia for the past, thinking that things were somehow or other better than today.
That simply isn't true.
Never was, never will be.
Better is always forwards, not back.
So lets try the late 20th century, from January 1st 1950 until December 31st 1999.

The Cold War
The Civil Rights Movement, and all the violence and oppression that went with it.
The loss of a few regionally stabilizing superpowers like Japan in world war 2, the Soviet Union in 1989... and an economically reeling Britain.
The Black Monday, and the AIDS epidemic.
A Crossroads between what is a working woman, and a "house wife", creating inadequate access to childcare in many cases.

We had the knowledge about how bad teen pregnancies are, however the USA was largely in the grips of the Boomers right wing politicians, through and through, blocking that part of education from reaching school students.
Ineffective government programs too.

And largely unfinished cultural business with the early 20th century as far as crime and street violence, we had our leftovers from it.

While racism was going down, bigotry against the gays was just as rampant as the racism was before.

And again, we didn't know in the late 20th century, as much as we know today.
My post is the reality regarding Donald Trumps "Make America Great Again"....
So you went back to the post industrial revolution to the WW2 era to make your case?

Before the Industrial Revolution it was even worse.
We had the wild west, a Civil War, and a lack of Modern Medicine.
The USA wasn't as modern as any country in Europe at the time before the Industrial Revolution, in fact the USA was reliant on Imports.
Somehow I think the big picture is beyond your scope.

I am looking at the big picture...
And the past never was as good as it is today.
What Donald Trump wants, is for people to look at propagandized photographs to create nostalgia for the past, thinking that things were somehow or other better than today.
That simply isn't true.
Never was, never will be.
Better is always forwards, not back.
The economy sucks donkey balls, still, after 8 long years. Many many manufacturing jobs have left. Steel industry in the tank. coal soon to be if these power freaks aren't stopped. People used to not bother locking their cars or homes. Just today I was talking with a customer, 20 years ago we left our tools in the bed of our trucks.

You are either very young, on drugs, or both.
My post is the reality regarding Donald Trumps "Make America Great Again"....
So you went back to the post industrial revolution to the WW2 era to make your case?

Before the Industrial Revolution it was even worse.
We had the wild west, a Civil War, and a lack of Modern Medicine.
The USA wasn't as modern as any country in Europe at the time before the Industrial Revolution, in fact the USA was reliant on Imports.
Somehow I think the big picture is beyond your scope.

I am looking at the big picture...
And the past never was as good as it is today.
What Donald Trump wants, is for people to look at propagandized photographs to create nostalgia for the past, thinking that things were somehow or other better than today.
That simply isn't true.
Never was, never will be.
Better is always forwards, not back.
The economy sucks donkey balls, still, after 8 long years. Many many manufacturing jobs have left. Steel industry in the tank. coal soon to be if these power freaks aren't stopped. People used to not bother locking their cars or homes. Just today I was talking with a customer, 20 years ago we left our tools in the bed of our trucks.

You are either very young, on drugs, or both.

The economy is something that fluctuates, compared to any time in the significant past, the USA's economy right now is far better.
We don't need coal, or anywhere near as much of a steel industry.
And The fact of the matter is, is that theft and burglary was more common in the past too.
Cars and Trucks 40 or 50 years from now will not be using gasoline or diesel either.
They will be running on electricity, generated by renewable sources, made available to you at the pumps.
And smart oil companies of today, will become automotive electricity companies.
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Must admit, things got a bit better.
Agreed. Med tech, a more sophisticated society and, in general, better science, all have contributed to longer lives.

Example, Madame Marie Curie both a pioneer double Nobel-winning scientist and a woman (unusual at the time) died from her main focus of research: radiation. We, as a race, do often learn from our mistakes to make life better for our fellow human beings.

Marie Curie - Biographical
Final Days and Legacy
All of her years of working with radioactive materials took a toll on Curie's health. She was known to carry test tubes of radium around in the pocket of her lab coat. In 1934, Curie went to the Sancellemoz Sanatorium in Passy, France, to try to rest and regain her strength. She died there on July 4, 1934, of aplastic anemia, which can be caused by prolonged exposure to radiation.

Marie Curie made many breakthroughs in her lifetime. She is the most famous female scientist of all time, and has received numerous posthumous honors. In 1995, her and her husband's remains were interred in the Panthéon in Paris, the final resting place of France's greatest minds. Curie became the first and only woman to be laid to rest there.
...7. Any time that children are allowed to drive an automobile as freely as adults, that makes the children more likely to run away from home, and makes it easier to exploit children for child labor purposes, and gives children greater means to organize to commit crimes....
All interesting points, but disagreed on several too. Rather than write a text wall, I'll just comment on the above quote.

While it appears to be common sense, let's not forget that automobiles were expensive. It wasn't until the late 60s and later that average families owned two or more cars.

Child labor laws were a point of contention since the turn of the century. After the Keating-Owen Act of 1916 was overturned by SCOTUS in 1918, the next big step was the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act. Nothing to do with automobiles.
Cars and Trucks 40 or 50 years from now will not be using gasoline or diesel either.
They will be running on electricity, generated by renewable sources, made available to you at the pumps.
And smart oil companies of today, will become automotive electricity companies.
I'm still waiting for my jet backpack, so pardon me if I don't hold my breath. ;)
Cars and Trucks 40 or 50 years from now will not be using gasoline or diesel either.
They will be running on electricity, generated by renewable sources, made available to you at the pumps.
And smart oil companies of today, will become automotive electricity companies.
I'm still waiting for my jet backpack, so pardon me if I don't hold my breath. ;)

The Jet Backpack will never materialize because of how stupidly dangerous that it is to put on the market.
There are lots of things that have happened, that people had ideas for, that could never realistically materialize.

Being a common street person, AND a pilot is one of them.
Electric power isn't one of them.
...While racism was going down, bigotry against the gays was just as rampant as the racism was before.....
Disagreed. Are you gay? I could understand why you'd feel that way if you were.

If you have data proving your POV, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Are Opponents Of Same-Sex Marriage Bigots?

Just sixteen years ago, nearly 70% of Americans opposed same sex marriage and only 27% said that they supported it. In a very quick period of time we’ve gotten to the point where same-sex marriage is, quite literally, a 50-50 issue....

Link Between Islam And Violence Rejected By Many Americans After Boston Bombings: Pew Survey | Huffington Post
The Jet Backpack will never materialize because of how stupidly dangerous that it is to put on the market.
There are lots of things that have happened, that people had ideas for, that could never realistically materialize.

Being a common street person, AND a pilot is one of them.
Electric power isn't one of them.
Nanny Staters always want to dictate to others how they should live, how they should think and what they should believe.

Why aren't you for banning bungee jumping? Skiing? Racing? All other dangerous activities?

Are you really a pilot? How many hours do you have? Do you have a CFI or Instrument ticket?
...While racism was going down, bigotry against the gays was just as rampant as the racism was before.....
Disagreed. Are you gay? I could understand why you'd feel that way if you were.

If you have data proving your POV, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Are Opponents Of Same-Sex Marriage Bigots?

Just sixteen years ago, nearly 70% of Americans opposed same sex marriage and only 27% said that they supported it. In a very quick period of time we’ve gotten to the point where same-sex marriage is, quite literally, a 50-50 issue....

Link Between Islam And Violence Rejected By Many Americans After Boston Bombings: Pew Survey | Huffington Post
No I'm not gay.....
And just because I'm not gay doesn't mean that I don't give a fuck or that I'm blind to the facts about how people were treated.
The Jet Backpack will never materialize because of how stupidly dangerous that it is to put on the market.
There are lots of things that have happened, that people had ideas for, that could never realistically materialize.

Being a common street person, AND a pilot is one of them.
Electric power isn't one of them.
Nanny Staters always want to dictate to others how they should live, how they should think and what they should believe.

Why aren't you for banning bungee jumping? Skiing? Racing? All other dangerous activities?

Are you really a pilot? How many hours do you have? Do you have a CFI or Instrument ticket?

Its not society's job to have you blow people up with a jet engine.
No I'm not gay.....
And just because I'm not gay doesn't mean that I don't give a fuck or that I'm blind to the facts about how people were treated.
Agreed. I'm just curious why your point of view is so skewed from the truth. Being gay would be one explanation.

Do you have evidence to back your POV as I provided disproving it?
Its not society's job to have you blow people up with a jet engine.
Correct, but you vouched a position to ban it. If someone built a workable jet backpack, do you doubt people would buy it?

EDIT: Jet engines are safe. It's people who are dangerous. The same goes for guns. ;)

Unusual approach to the OP, but, yes, America is far safer than seventy years ago.

What the fuck how is it safer? Nanny state safer? Keep stupid genes alive safer? God only knows fake Jackey how you managed to stay alive so long.
Stay alive safer? Stay alive longer safer? Stay alive longer healthier safer? Yeah, all that, bear.

People back then did not live as long on average, and they were not as healthy, due to the things they were consuming, and the life they had and the pollution, and the violence.
And medical treatment is easily 100 times better now thanks to the discovery of the human genome.
Unusual approach to the OP, but, yes, America is far safer than seventy years ago.

What the fuck how is it safer? Nanny state safer? Keep stupid genes alive safer? God only knows fake Jackey how you managed to stay alive so long.
Stay alive safer? Stay alive longer safer? Stay alive longer healthier safer? Yeah, all that, bear.

People back then did not live as long on average, and they were not as healthy, due to the things they were consuming, and the life they had and the pollution, and the violence.
The far right hates the EPA and the FDA and clean air and clean water and clean food.
The "far right" doesn't actually care about any of those organizations.
I think it's more about medicine than anything else. I'm not convinced average people eat better. Since the 50s sure. Plus people smoked like trains then.

We don't eat better now than in the 1950's. We now eat pseudo-food. Everything is processed, prepared and packed with chemicals and preservatives. Fast food restaurants are everywhere.

In the 1950's we didn't even have a supermarket in our town. We bought from a local grocer who bought fresh from local farmers. My parents had a kitchen garden, and fruit trees on our property, and we kept chickens for eggs and meat. We used fewer pesticides and chemicals in food production. Junk food was a rare treat.

Today there is an epidemic of obesity, and it's quite likely our children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, if this isn't dealt with. Junk food is everywhere, and kids spend time at home in front of screens, instead of outside playing.
Its not society's job to have you blow people up with a jet engine.
Correct, but you vouched a position to ban it. If someone built a workable jet backpack, do you doubt people would buy it?

EDIT: Jet engines are safe. It's people who are dangerous. The same goes for guns. ;)

Yes jets are, and should be banned from the regular market.

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