Crime rates, Today vs the Early 20th Century

My post is the reality regarding Donald Trumps "Make America Great Again"....
So you went back to the post industrial revolution to the WW2 era to make your case?

Before the Industrial Revolution it was even worse.
We had the wild west, a Civil War, and a lack of Modern Medicine.
The USA wasn't as modern as any country in Europe at the time before the Industrial Revolution, in fact the USA was reliant on Imports.
Somehow I think the big picture is beyond your scope.

I am looking at the big picture...
And the past never was as good as it is today.
What Donald Trump wants, is for people to look at propagandized photographs to create nostalgia for the past, thinking that things were somehow or other better than today.
That simply isn't true.
Never was, never will be.
Better is always forwards, not back.
Backing up is always better than driving forwards off a cliff.

A Hillary presidency will lead to the end of modern civilization via ISIS and the Balkanization of the west.
I think it's more about medicine than anything else. I'm not convinced average people eat better. Since the 50s sure. Plus people smoked like trains then.

We don't eat better now than in the 1950's. We now eat pseudo-food. Everything is processed, prepared and packed with chemicals and preservatives. Fast food restaurants are everywhere.

In the 1950's we didn't even have a supermarket in our town. We bought from a local grocer who bought fresh from local farmers. My parents had a kitchen garden, and fruit trees on our property, and we kept chickens for eggs and meat. We used fewer pesticides and chemicals in food production. Junk food was a rare treat.

Today there is an epidemic of obesity, and it's quite likely our children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, if this isn't dealt with. Junk food is everywhere, and kids spend time at home in front of screens, instead of outside playing.
While I agree it's a problem, what do you propose as a solution? It's not the "gubermint" forcing junk food down kids throats. Sounds like parents need to either do their fucking job or stop having kids.
My post is the reality regarding Donald Trumps "Make America Great Again"....
So you went back to the post industrial revolution to the WW2 era to make your case?

Before the Industrial Revolution it was even worse.
We had the wild west, a Civil War, and a lack of Modern Medicine.
The USA wasn't as modern as any country in Europe at the time before the Industrial Revolution, in fact the USA was reliant on Imports.
Somehow I think the big picture is beyond your scope.

I am looking at the big picture...
And the past never was as good as it is today.
What Donald Trump wants, is for people to look at propagandized photographs to create nostalgia for the past, thinking that things were somehow or other better than today.
That simply isn't true.
Never was, never will be.
Better is always forwards, not back.
Backing up is always better than driving forwards off a cliff.

A Hillary presidency will lead to the end of modern civilization via ISIS and the Balkanization of the west.

The Cliff doesn't exist.
Yes jets are, and should be banned from the regular market.
A typical Nanny Stater position. You never answered the question about being a pilot. What do you know about flying? It appears you know very little.

After John-John dove into the ocean with his wife and friend, several fucking morons wanted to ban private flying or make it a special requirement to fly at night. Were you around then or was that too many years ago for you?
Yes jets are, and should be banned from the regular market.
A typical Nanny Stater position. You never answered the question about being a pilot. What do you know about flying? It appears you know very little.

After John-John dove into the ocean with his wife and friend, several fucking morons wanted to ban private flying or make it a special requirement to fly at night. Were you around then or was that too many years ago for you?

Yes the government has authority.
And does, and should use it.
Thank you.
I think it's more about medicine than anything else. I'm not convinced average people eat better. Since the 50s sure. Plus people smoked like trains then.

We don't eat better now than in the 1950's. We now eat pseudo-food. Everything is processed, prepared and packed with chemicals and preservatives. Fast food restaurants are everywhere.

In the 1950's we didn't even have a supermarket in our town. We bought from a local grocer who bought fresh from local farmers. My parents had a kitchen garden, and fruit trees on our property, and we kept chickens for eggs and meat. We used fewer pesticides and chemicals in food production. Junk food was a rare treat.

Today there is an epidemic of obesity, and it's quite likely our children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, if this isn't dealt with. Junk food is everywhere, and kids spend time at home in front of screens, instead of outside playing.
The 50s was terrible for food unless you lived on a farm or knew what you were doing. Many people were thrilled with Wonder bread, TV dinners, frozen foods, soda pops, etc. You can eat great now if you want. People vote with their pocketbooks. I agree too many make the wrong choice, and we all pay for it.

We played sports outdoors, no TV during the day. There was community interaction and probably the best tools for developing social skills. Now it's the phone, texting and computer games. Almost no social skills to speak of.
The Cliff doesn't exist.
If you truly believed this, then why the OP? Why propose banning jets?
Aircrafts are banned from the regular market.

And it should stay that way because people have the right to not have an epidemic of falling engines and falling aircraft everywhere because the mass public isn't as disciplined as the few who are great pilots.

There are things for the few... and flight is one of them.
Unusual approach to the OP, but, yes, America is far safer than seventy years ago.

What the fuck how is it safer? Nanny state safer? Keep stupid genes alive safer? God only knows fake Jackey how you managed to stay alive so long.
Stay alive safer? Stay alive longer safer? Stay alive longer healthier safer? Yeah, all that, bear.

People back then did not live as long on average, and they were not as healthy, due to the things they were consuming, and the life they had and the pollution, and the violence.
The far right hates the EPA and the FDA and clean air and clean water and clean food.

Hating the EPA doesn't equate to hating clean water and clean food. What's the evidence we didn't have "clean food" before the government created the FDA? Our water has been clean since the 1980s. Everything the EPA has done since then has only been with the intention of destroying capitalism. It has had no tangible benefits to humans.
The Cliff doesn't exist.
If you truly believed this, then why the OP? Why propose banning jets?
Aircrafts are banned from the regular market.

And it should stay that way because people have the right to not have an epidemic of falling engines and falling aircraft everywhere because the mass public isn't as disciplined as the few who are great pilots.

There are things for the few... and flight is one of them.

What the hell is"aircrafts [sic] are banned from the regular market" supposed to mean?
Unusual approach to the OP, but, yes, America is far safer than seventy years ago.

What the fuck how is it safer? Nanny state safer? Keep stupid genes alive safer? God only knows fake Jackey how you managed to stay alive so long.
Stay alive safer? Stay alive longer safer? Stay alive longer healthier safer? Yeah, all that, bear.

People back then did not live as long on average, and they were not as healthy, due to the things they were consuming, and the life they had and the pollution, and the violence.
The far right hates the EPA and the FDA and clean air and clean water and clean food.

Hating the EPA doesn't equate to hating clean water and clean food. What's the evidence we didn't have "clean food" before the government created the FDA? Our water has been clean since the 1980s. Everything the EPA has done since then has only been with the intention of destroying capitalism. It has had no tangible benefits to humans.
You are drinking early. Our governments forced business to clean up. You make a link to destroying capitalism with absolutely no evidence. Drink on, little buddy, drink on.
Yes the government has authority.
And does, and should use it.
Thank you.
From whence does "the government" derive its authority?

No, it should not dominate people. It should only use it's powers to protect individual rights. It's one thing for me to risk my life flying jet backpack. It's another for me to risk your life doing so without your consent.
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The Cliff doesn't exist.
If you truly believed this, then why the OP? Why propose banning jets?
Aircrafts are banned from the regular market.

And it should stay that way because people have the right to not have an epidemic of falling engines and falling aircraft everywhere because the mass public isn't as disciplined as the few who are great pilots.

There are things for the few... and flight is one of them.

What the hell is"aircrafts [sic] are banned from the regular market" supposed to mean?

It means that they are banned from being sold outright on the market to civilians with no training.
So you went back to the post industrial revolution to the WW2 era to make your case?

Before the Industrial Revolution it was even worse.
We had the wild west, a Civil War, and a lack of Modern Medicine.
The USA wasn't as modern as any country in Europe at the time before the Industrial Revolution, in fact the USA was reliant on Imports.
Somehow I think the big picture is beyond your scope.

I am looking at the big picture...
And the past never was as good as it is today.
What Donald Trump wants, is for people to look at propagandized photographs to create nostalgia for the past, thinking that things were somehow or other better than today.
That simply isn't true.
Never was, never will be.
Better is always forwards, not back.
Backing up is always better than driving forwards off a cliff.

A Hillary presidency will lead to the end of modern civilization via ISIS and the Balkanization of the west.

The Cliff doesn't exist.
Capitulation to Islam and its barbaric beliefs is a very visible cliff. Capitulation to 3rd world Mexico and South America is an even more visible cliff.

60 years from now half of the modern, 1st world as we know it today will be decidedly 3rd world unless radical "regression" takes place.

In reality it is the "forwards" that doesn't exist.
Yes the government has authority.
And does, and should use it.
Thank you.
From whence doe "the government" derive its authority?

No, it should not dominate people. It should only use it's powers to protect individual rights. It's one thing for me to risk my life flying jet backpack. It's another for me to risk your life doing so without your consent.

Yes the government should dominate dickheads like you who want to fly without a vast background in flight.
Fuck you.
We're the boss and we said no flight for you.
Yes the government has authority.
And does, and should use it.
Thank you.
From whence doe "the government" derive its authority?

No, it should not dominate people. It should only use it's powers to protect individual rights. It's one thing for me to risk my life flying jet backpack. It's another for me to risk your life doing so without your consent.
Take the libertarian nonsense and stuff it.
Take the libertarian nonsense and stuff it.
Translation: Fuck the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. That's so 18th century.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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