Crime rates, Today vs the Early 20th Century

The libertarians are not defenders of the USA or the Constitution.
Too much training for the average person to be able to successfully complete.
Flight isn't anywhere near as easy as professionals make it look.
Bullshit. I've taught a lot of people to fly. Even my ex and she was of average intelligence. Obviously it's beyond your mental ability.

Just because you can't do it is no reason to ban it.
Unusual approach to the OP, but, yes, America is far safer than seventy years ago.

What the fuck how is it safer? Nanny state safer? Keep stupid genes alive safer? God only knows fake Jackey how you managed to stay alive so long.
Stay alive safer? Stay alive longer safer? Stay alive longer healthier safer? Yeah, all that, bear.

People back then did not live as long on average, and they were not as healthy, due to the things they were consuming, and the life they had and the pollution, and the violence.
They didn't live as long mostly due to ignorance. In 1910 we didn't know what diabetes was. Doctors just put down deaths from diabetes to "natural causes." We didn't have penicillin or the polio vaccine. Many people died when they were still children from infectious diseases like typhus because people didn't understand the importance of good sanitation. Kids developed rickets and other diet related problems because we didn't have refrigeration and doctors didn't know anything about vitamins. Curing these ills had nothing to do with liberal government. It was the result of the increase in scientific and technical knowledge.
The libertarians are not defenders of the USA or the Constitution.
All Americans should be defenders of both. Why do you disagree with the quotes posted of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution? How do you think they should be changed?
Unusual approach to the OP, but, yes, America is far safer than seventy years ago.

What the fuck how is it safer? Nanny state safer? Keep stupid genes alive safer? God only knows fake Jackey how you managed to stay alive so long.
Stay alive safer? Stay alive longer safer? Stay alive longer healthier safer? Yeah, all that, bear.

People back then did not live as long on average, and they were not as healthy, due to the things they were consuming, and the life they had and the pollution, and the violence.
The far right hates the EPA and the FDA and clean air and clean water and clean food.
The gov can't do anything right. How much evidence do you require???...oh I don't know the truth due to your leftist brainwashing.
The libertarians are not defenders of the USA or the Constitution.
All Americans should be defenders of both. Why do you disagree with the quotes posted of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution? How do you think they should be changed?
Because you are not the defender or the interpreter of either document; because you are their enemy
The Cliff doesn't exist.
If you truly believed this, then why the OP? Why propose banning jets?
Aircrafts are banned from the regular market.

And it should stay that way because people have the right to not have an epidemic of falling engines and falling aircraft everywhere because the mass public isn't as disciplined as the few who are great pilots.

There are things for the few... and flight is one of them.

What the hell is"aircrafts [sic] are banned from the regular market" supposed to mean?

It means that they are banned from being sold outright on the market to civilians with no training.

No they aren't, dumbass, but you can't fly one until you get a pilot's license, just as you can't drive a car until you get a driver's license.
The gov can't do anything right. How much evidence do you require???...oh I don't know the truth due to your leftist brainwashing.
A slight disagreement. While I completely agree with Winston Churchill's quote about democracy being the worst form of government, except for all the others, let's face facts: without our form of government, we'd have lost WWII. We'd have never had the Manhattan Project nor Project Apollo. It's not perfect, but it does have it's good points.
The gov can't do anything right. How much evidence do you require???...oh I don't know the truth due to your leftist brainwashing.
A slight disagreement. While I completely agree with Winston Churchill's quote about democracy being the worst form of government, except for all the others, let's face facts: without our form of government, we'd have lost WWII. We'd have never had the Manhattan Project nor Project Apollo. It's not perfect, but it does have it's good points.

We had a fascist dictatorship during WW II.
What the hell is"aircrafts [sic] are banned from the regular market" supposed to mean?
He's an authoritarian Nanny Stater. They often don't make sense.
The kid sounds like he's about 16 years old.
Could be. Not older than 20 is my guess. He's certainly pissed about flunking out of pilot training!

I'm 30.
And I never went through any flight training...
I'm just not stupid enough to sell jet engines like we do bicycles or cars.
What the hell is"aircrafts [sic] are banned from the regular market" supposed to mean?
He's an authoritarian Nanny Stater. They often don't make sense.
The kid sounds like he's about 16 years old.
Could be. Not older than 20 is my guess. He's certainly pissed about flunking out of pilot training!

I'm 30.
And I never went through any flight training...
I'm just not stupid enough to sell jet engines like we do bicycles or cars.
Why does selling jet engines require stupidity? We do sell them exactly as we sell bicycles and cars.
What the hell is"aircrafts [sic] are banned from the regular market" supposed to mean?
He's an authoritarian Nanny Stater. They often don't make sense.
The kid sounds like he's about 16 years old.
Could be. Not older than 20 is my guess. He's certainly pissed about flunking out of pilot training!

I'm 30.
And I never went through any flight training...
I'm just not stupid enough to sell jet engines like we do bicycles or cars.
I want to sell nuclear bombs.
I'm 30.
And I never went through any flight training...
I'm just not stupid enough to sell jet engines like we do bicycles or cars.
Sorry to hear you are so immature.

So why did you claim to be a pilot?

Jet engines are just engines. Just because you don't understand them is no reason to fear them.
I'm 30.
And I never went through any flight training...
I'm just not stupid enough to sell jet engines like we do bicycles or cars.
Sorry to hear you are so immature.

So why did you claim to be a pilot?

Jet engines are just engines. Just because you don't understand them is no reason to fear them.

Never once did I ever claim to be a pilot, you idiot.
And like I said.
Aircrafts don't belong in the mass market.

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